Jennifer Lake's Blog

February 19, 2022

Virus on Trial

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February 7, 2022

Plandemic On Trial

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…in the court of public opinion…

Tap into the sessions:

#90, The Virus of Power

February 5, 2022

Four Supreme Human Freedoms

UNESCO Courier, issue 1951

Article by Sir Robert Watson Watt. “Four Supreme Human Freedoms”

[edited]  …”the Articles of the Universal Declaration [of Human Rights] primarily delineate a solid foundation of bodily and material securities on which must rest the supreme freedoms of Articles 18, 19, 26 and 27…  I go so far as to select from within those Articles which I regard as the keystones of its arch. Article 18 declares that ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought –to change his belief—to manifest his belief in teaching, practice—‘, [and] Article 19 declares that ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression –to hold opinions without interferences –to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers’… Article 26 declares that ‘Everyone has the right to education –directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms—to promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship.’  Article 27 [is declared as] freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.’  Article 26 is, in fact, the radical antidote to this disease of restrictive practices…”

Source, the UNESCO Courier


U.N. Taking Down Private Websites

For the record, UNCTED, the counter-terrorism directorate, was initiated by a series of resolutions begun in 1998 following the bombing of two US embassies on August 7 (1998) in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. The UN has a third operating headquarters in Nairobi Kenya, in addition to New York and Geneva.

The CTEDirectorate was put in place as a working committee (CTC) on September 28, 2001 in response to 9-11, following a 5-minute convention to ratify Resolution 1373 and ‘recertified’ on March 26, 2004 which is two weeks after the Madrid train bombings (March 11, 2004)


“The United Nations Office at Nairobi, the UN headquarters in Africa, was established by the General Assembly in 1996…”


“On August 7, 1998, nearly simultaneous bombs blew up in front of the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Two hundred and twenty-four people died in the blasts …” There’s a handy toggle at this FBI site to compare the damages to Oklahoma City if you’re inclined.

…”The FBI was able to quickly link the attacks to bin Laden’s al Qaida organization.  In retaliation, President Clinton ordered airstrikes against sites linked to bin Laden in Sudan and Afghanistan. However, this action failed to kill bin Laden or neutralize al Qaida. In November 1998, the United States indicted bin Ladin and 21 other accomplices for the attacks…  [The Clinton Library has] materials regarding Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder and spiritual leader of the Taliban, and Osama bin Laden. Under Omar’s direction, the Taliban provided sanctuary to al Qaida and its leader Osama bin Laden despite demands by the United Nations Security Council that he be handed over for trial for his involvement in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings… “

Here’s Clinton’s August 1998 address to the country

From here, sniff out the mission creeps… It may have something to do with the US Congress rejecting United Nations control over the internet in 2012. The UN has governance over LEO satellites and Tucows (yes, “two cows”, formerly Infonautics) was going big and wireless in 2012. According to wikipedia, Tucows, operating out of Toronto, is “the second-largest domain registrar worldwide”

About the same time in 2012, UN was ratifying its Berlin Space Protocol

*In 2012, the “PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS IN MOBILE EQUIPMENT ON MATTERS SPECIFIC TO SPACE ASSETS” or Berlin Space Protocol, aiming at helping bring much-needed financial resources to the New Space community, namely those small start-up companies that have emerged as a result of the booming commercial space sector, was concluded. It constitutes the third protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment…”

UNIDROIT –for harmonization and unification of private law—is an independent intergovernmental organization  that prepares and convenes contractual agreements. Originally established in Rome 1926 as an advisory group to the League of Nations, UNIDROIT was reorganized in 1940 to continue its work in the present. This ‘group’ will likely prepare agreements and contracts governing satellites.

In December (2-4) 2019, the UN convened to prepare cybersecurity documents as a function of its disarmament protocols, a “first ever” convention of its type, according to this Microsoft doc however, Microsoft notes that, “Discussions about the role of international law have been part of UN cybersecurity discussions since 1998. In the 2013 GGE (Group of Governmental Experts) report, 15 states’ representatives agreed that (a) international law, including the UN Charter, applies to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); and (b) applying that law is ‘essential’ to maintaining peace and stability…”

Microsoft, a nongovernmental participant in the Group of Governmental Experts, claims its experience of the ‘threat landscape’ is one in which “We see this firsthand every day where our Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and other security teams work to analyze trillions of signals to identify…and protect our customers… Our security researchers have been able to observe trends in tactics, techniques, and processes…”


Background on automated AI surveillance begins in 1971: › index › aimagazine 

“DARPA’s pioneering research on automatic transcription, translation, and content analysis were major artificial intelligence success stories that changed science fiction into social fact. During a 40 year period, 10 seminal DARPA programs produced breakthrough capabilities that were further improved and widely deployed in popular consumer products…  [Those] programs from 1971 through 2011… demonstrate[d] systems that could recognize unrehearsed spontaneous speech from an open population, a task many of us believed was impossible in our lifetime.”

–It began with the research plan known as ‘SUR’  (Speech Understanding Research), leading to a text analysis program in 1991 called TIPSTER.

   “Since its beginning in 1991, the TIPSTER Program has sponsored multiple efforts to advance text handling technologies and deploy the resulting advanced capabilities into the workplace. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have jointly funded and managed the program, in close collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Naval Command Control Ocean Surveillance Center (NCCOSC). A TIPSTER advisory Board was recently formed with members representing users from other Government agencies interested in automated text processing, such as Department of Energy (DOE), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Science Foundation (NSF), Treasury Department and other Government agencies.

   “The Architecture has been designed to meet a large number of text handling requirements for CIA, DIA, and NSA… However, it meets only those requirements having to do with Document Detection and Information Extraction functions. Requirements for other functions, such as Machine Translation or Optical Character Recognition must be met outside the TIPSTER Architecture.

    “As of 1996 several TIPSTER applications were either underway or in the planning process. The most significant of these included PRIDES, ADEPT, NDIC Pilot, and Hookah. The TIPSTER User Interface Toolkit, or TUIT, is a toolkit for producing multilingual text.”

…So, this is a taste of automated AI design overriding and undermining ideas like our noble freedoms.

February 4, 2022

The Great Space Invasion Begins…

The Cellular Phone Task Force reports:

Operating, Approved and Proposed
While the attention of a terrified world has been riveted on a virus, and while concern about radiation has been focused on 5G on the ground, the assault on the heavens has reached astronomical proportions. During the past two years, the number of satellites circling the earth has increased from 2,000 to 4,800, and a flood of new projects has brought the number of operating, approved, and proposed satellites to at least 441,449. And that number only includes low-earth-orbit (LEO)satellites that will reside in the ionosphere…


See the List of satellite companies and


Low earth orbiters, from “operating” to “proposed”, is a one hundred-fold increase!!

Watch this 2019 42minute documentary, (already ‘dated’ in its assessment of only ‘thousands’ of satellites) called ‘Internet from Space’ describing the equipment and skills needed to maintain a single system ‘megaconstellation’ of several hundred orbiters


Satellite system governance and orbiter assignments are under the control of the International Telecommunication Union, the oldest continuing agency of the United Nations


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The Bare Truth

Documentarian Bart Sibrel has spent 20 years and more unraveling the Moon Landing hoax like nobody else. Listen and watch his latest from this February 2022 SGT Report interview:

Here’s some of Sibrel’s historic encounters with astronauts in a film called ‘Astronauts Gone Wild’  

NASA’s most famous Apollo 11 photo

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