Jennifer Lake's Blog

February 4, 2022

The Great Space Invasion Begins…

The Cellular Phone Task Force reports:

Operating, Approved and Proposed
While the attention of a terrified world has been riveted on a virus, and while concern about radiation has been focused on 5G on the ground, the assault on the heavens has reached astronomical proportions. During the past two years, the number of satellites circling the earth has increased from 2,000 to 4,800, and a flood of new projects has brought the number of operating, approved, and proposed satellites to at least 441,449. And that number only includes low-earth-orbit (LEO)satellites that will reside in the ionosphere…


See the List of satellite companies and


Low earth orbiters, from “operating” to “proposed”, is a one hundred-fold increase!!

Watch this 2019 42minute documentary, (already ‘dated’ in its assessment of only ‘thousands’ of satellites) called ‘Internet from Space’ describing the equipment and skills needed to maintain a single system ‘megaconstellation’ of several hundred orbiters


Satellite system governance and orbiter assignments are under the control of the International Telecommunication Union, the oldest continuing agency of the United Nations

April 17, 2021

Plant Control and Smokin’ Genius




This post is really a ‘side note’ extension of the Planting Viruses series, which I alternatively call “TMV to CoV” (Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Coronavirus), with the intent of emphasizing effects on human spirituality and intelligence—central, and not ‘side’, issues OF COURSE. Plants by all measure have vastly accelerated our human success on this planet. Knowledge of plant use and knowledge from plants define much of our sacred heritage. The hologenomes mediated through plants possibly represent the greatest bounty of living intelligence in the galaxy –and therefore, significantly representing human control and oppression. Plants are at once animal, mineral and vegetable; extraordinary, powerful and dangerous.


To wit, here’s a 1999 documentary about the Pacific Islanders of Bougainville maximizing their use of coconuts to fight for self-rule against the incursions of Rio Tinto Zinc, the Australian and Papua New Guinea governments: The Coconut Revolution

Here are two videos demonstrating our ancient, religious, and sophisticated relationships with plants:

Graham Hancock’s courageous 19 minute TEDx (The War on Consciousness) talk on “Mother Ayahuasca’s” instruction to give up his cannabis habit.

The Pharmacratic Inquisition, from 2007 (2hrs)


The hologenome concept applied to ‘sacred’ tobacco is relevant to previous and future Planting Viruses posts –perhaps necessary to an exposition of the current uptake and applications of tobacco viruses in nano-bio-engineering. The DREADD technology mentioned by Charles Morgan in ‘Project POSSESSION’  is advancing with the use of tobacco viruses and yeast fungi –plant ‘bionts’. Morgan says DREADD and its innovation from J. Craig Venter is equivalent in military and technical impact to Nuclear Bombs. I’m taking him seriously. These techniques apply to COVID vaccines!


Holobiont Theory (Lynn Margulis et al) from Wikipedia:

“A holobiont is an assemblage of a host and the many other species living in or around it, which together form a discrete ecological unit,[1] though there is controversy over this discreteness. The components of a holobiont are individual species or bionts, while the combined genome of all bionts is the hologenome. The concept of the holobiont was initially defined by Dr. Lynn Margulis in her 1991 book Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation,[1] though the concept has subsequently evolved since the original definition.[2] Holobionts include the host, virome, microbiome, and other members, all of which contribute in some way to the function of the whole.[3][4] Well-studied holobionts include reef-building corals and humans.[5][6]


A holobiont is a collection of species that are closely associated and have complex interactions, such as a plant species and the members of its microbiome.[1][7] Each species present in a holobiont is a biont, and the genomes of all bionts taken together are the hologenome, or the “comprehensive gene system” of the holobiont.[8] A holobiont typically includes a eukaryote host and all of the symbiotic viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. that live on or inside it.[7]

Holobionts are distinct from superorganisms; superorganisms consist of many individuals, sometimes of the same species, and the term is commonly applied to eusocial insects.[9][10] An ant colony can be described as a superorganism, whereas an individual ant and its associated bacteria, fungi, etc. are a holobiont.[8] There is no doubt that symbiotic microorganisms are pivotal for the biology and ecology of the host by providing vitamins, energy and inorganic or organic nutrients, participating in defense mechanisms, or by driving the evolution of the host.[11][12] There is still some controversy surrounding these terms, and they have been used interchangeably in some publications.[6]

Holobiont components

Host: The host member of a holobiont is typically a multicellular eukaryote, such as a plant or human.[8] Notable hosts that are well-studied include humans,[13] corals,[5] and pine trees.[14]

Microbiome: The microbiome includes bacteria,[3] archaea,[15] microscopic fungi,[7] and microscopic protists.[3] 

Virome: All of the viruses included in a holobiont are collectively referred to as the virome[16]

Fungi: Multicellular fungi can be included in holobionts, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of plants.[7][4]


Although most work on host-microbe interactions has been focused on animal systems such as corals, sponges, or humans, there is a substantial body of literature on plant holobionts.[19] Plant-associated microbial communities impact both key components of the fitness of plants, growth and survival,[4] and are shaped by nutrient availability and plant defense mechanisms.[7] Several habitats have been described to harbor plant-associated microbes, including the rhizoplane (surface of root tissue), the rhizosphere (periphery of the roots), the endosphere (inside plant tissue), and the phyllosphere (total above-ground surface area).[12] The holobiont concept originally suggested that A significant fraction of the microbiome genome together with the host genome is transmitted from one generation to the next and thus can propagate unique properties of the holobiont”.[20] In this regard, studies have shown that seeds can play such a role. Evidence of this process have been recently proven showing that the majority, up to 95%, of the seed microbiome is mistranslated across generations.[21]

 The plant holobiont is relatively well-studied, with particular focus on agricultural species such as legumes and grains. Bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists, and viruses are all members of the plant holobiont…”

Read more:



‘Smokin’ Genius’

*There’s no doubt to these famous smokers that the Nicotinia species made a contribution. According to a ‘parkdale brass’ article: “Pipes allow people to transcend and connect with realms beyond our own to acquire knowledge and valuable insight… Jean-Paul Sartre seemed to think that smoking was a way of possessing the world and that the universe existed purely as something to be experienced while smoking… Bertrand Russell even said that pipe smoking saved his life…”

Tobacco’s contribution of interest, whether by smoking or not, is this molecule: NAD+, essential to oxygen metabolism (redox), LIFE as we know it and civilization as we built it.  I’m learning the lack of NAD+ is the common denominator among people medically diagnosed with COVID and its oxygen deficient sequelae, called Long Covid. My particular concern is on the bio-nanotech devices that appear to co-opt  NAD+ and interfere with our all-important redox and Kreb’s cycle processes. To my knowledge at this point, tobacco and its derivatives (which may include ‘tobo’ viruses)are the only source of NAD+.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide


Oldest Known Evidence of Tobacco Use in North America Found in Ice Age Hunting Camp

…. “the most interesting part of the discovery is that there is no direct evidence that people used tobacco past 3,000 years ago, but this research proved its use more than 12,000 years ago.”


Egyptian Life after Life

Tobacco leaves and beetle found in the mummy of Rameses II:  “The high levels of nicotine in Egyptian mummies, compared with other sources (Balabanova et al. 1997), have been interpreted as the result of the use of Nicotiana in the embalming process, something which could be supported by the Rameses evidence. Whilst the possibility of sources in plants other than tobacco, or the previous existence of Old World species of Nicotiana is considered (Balabanova et d. 1995), early importation from the New World is the explanation most favoured…”

Can we suppose the tobacco “oxygen battery” (NAD+) was known and thought of  by the Egyptians as a regenerating medicament and escort to the realm of the eternal?


Planting Viruses –From Plants! starts here




April 14, 2021





Originally published by Modern War Institute June 2018


“What’s going on is you’ve co-opted the hand[s] of another human… The really fun part is that you’re taking over somebody else’s physical body with the mind of another human.” [min15]


“What we’re looking at is human [to] human thought transference… the brain-to-brain thought transference between two humans [and] they’ve achieved a success rate of 85% of the time. So you can attach…one human brain to another human brain; you can direct motor activity or you can send communication and information… There’s a whole world out there of biohacking… [min20]

“I think right now…the most direct application [of thought transference] is going to be either covert communication or running [biological and mechanical] drones. The set of experiments I didn’t have videos to show you [are] a series where you can connect a human brain to a rat and control its motor movement and its tail, so you can have nonhuman anima drones. You can have a human brain run a regular drone [already] at this point, but running a nonhuman drone…would be awesome… [min26] The software is now readily available where you could have hordes of creatures that can gain access to facilities or move around in different places all run by a person sitting in a booth. It’s no more logistically technical than learning how to send your signal anywhere in the world and protect that signal. That’s Now –it’s not in the future. As they refine transcranial magnetic stimulation…you can get ‘point’ specificity on the neurons you want to activate… [and] you should be able to do this with just visual stimulation to the retina.”

“Related to [medicine and individualized drugs] is DREADDs; Designer Receptors that can be remotely controlled – You can design a [cell] receptor, create a cell, put it somewhere in the body and you can remotely activate it when the brain is exposed to the right signal. Using this technology, people have been able to transfer memories from one fruit fly to another by signaling through a light stimulus into the retina. Right now [2018],  in most animals it’s done by putting a substance into the body that will actually activate the neurons in the way that you want it. So [with DREADDs] you have the capacity to create any [biologically synthesized] product as long as you know the DNA sequence and insert it into a living system and you can remotely control it.”

“When you create a cell and put it in somebody’s body, you have to figure out where you want it [to go]—what if you want it in their brain, right? don’t want to do surgery to plant it in their brain to affect the way [they] think and act [then the] route to that is through stem cells… They call them God cells –they can turn into anything…unlike other cells in your body to become anything you want them to become and they can go find their home in the body and park there and do the work that you’d ike them to do. [ Power point shown “Mesenchymal stem cells: Infused peripherally can access brain tissue” Linan Liu et. al. 2013] So once you know the technology is [here] to edit, splice and program the cell and the technology currently exists to administer it… you can have things activated in other peoples’ brains. You can have the timed release of information on demand.

“DNA encryption –and it’s quite important– …I’ll just say the short story on this [is] people have figured out how to hide imagery in the DNA of bacteria and when you phosphoresce the bacteria you can discover the information or you can have the information reproduced in string form, the form of a protein. Dr. [George] Church up at Harvard has shown quite well that you can store a lot of information in one gram of DNA… at room temperature…for a very long time. So between CRISPR [developed by Church], storage capacity and programming cells, the new way to hide information is going to be in DNA… Why would you have a digital system when you can have a DNA system to store all the information you’ll ever need –photos, records, everything… You can hide information in bacteria and when the bacteria multiply they can go into spore form and last for a very long time. No one can scan you and find a bacteria. We don’t have anything that can detect that, so if you want to encode information… [in] DNA, and you don’t want it in your own body…[you get it back if] you scrape it [off], put it in a dish and unpack the information. This is all available now. This isn’t science fiction. [min33-37]

“So, what to do with memory. In medicine we think of memory as a potentially harmful thing when people present with post-traumatic stress disorder….   It’s a very active [area of] development in the field if we can erase memory; can we modify memory, can we change memory. The short answer is YES. [The PKMzeta method at Duke Univ.] was the first time anyone ever demonstrated that if you wash an area of the brain that’s crucial for forming memories –spatial memories and facilitating the transfer of short-term memory…to something..more permanent and stable over time—[you] can flood the hippocampus… and the memory will be completely gone…[and] there’s no trace of the memory left…  [min40] The hippocampus sounds impossible to get to [but] not if you program a cell to go there…[and] selectively release PKMzeta… [The] technical challenge right now is how do we get a cell in there to do that in a human. I can assure you they’re working on humans and not primates right now… [to] get it in there close enough to the hippocampus…[to] make enough of [itself] to wipe out a memory.

“Related to this are chemicals that not only wipe out memory but chemicals that enhance it… So, if you want a better human camera…, an individual who can…see and remember everything, that’s the direction…from a security and intelligence point [of view that] is a really unique opportunity… but it seems to be a harder nut to crack on enhancing memory than erasing memory [which] is far easier…

[But] I’ll remind you… [we] can train a fruitfly with an aversive memory and transfer that memory [to one that] never had that experience…and [it] reacts to the [averse memory] stimulus in the same way as the animal that did have the aversive learning experience. It’s been done in mice…[min44]

“In 2009, using light [they] transferred memory. You can turn things ON and OFF using light in animals to activate the hippocampus –turn memory ON and OFF [with a light ‘switch’]… the chemical implanting of memories has now occurred in monkeys. So, in the next two years we should actually see… a memory implanted [chemically] into a human brain…[min51]

…”There’s gonna be a HIVE brain, it’s already been done in rats…link[ing] multiple brains, and as a HIVE they solve…problems much faster than an individual rat. That technology’s here. I’m assuming [DARPA] will link people [so they can] live in virtual reality, move things and problem solve, so in the next few years that’s what I think we’ll see… It’s really no longer science fiction.”




For more (from the past) see ‘Threat Tech –Neuroweapons


January 3, 2021

COVID: Going Down With Polio




COVID-19 vaccinees are going down with polio (tranverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre, AFP paralysis, etc) and its primary form of encephalitis which makes “polio forever” relevant once again.

Today I can say this is the start of polioforever’s last chapter and it all comes down to the simplicity of viral forms –call it Shape Matters Two: The essence of biological currency and the universal foundation of ‘recognition’ from our immune systems and among all creatures. Viruses as we ‘see’ them have three shapes, like primary colors — spheres, rods, and the combined sphere-rod. Everything else is dressing.


The primitive nanotechnology of the 20th century called Virology has come of age with Three Master Keys to the Kingdom: bacteriophage (sphere-rod), poliovirus (sphere) and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (rod). Unmasking the keys and dressing them down will tell the story of viruses in our time, from tobacco mosaic virus to coronavirus, or what some of you know from me as “TMV to CoV”. Breaking down and rearranging these biological master keys for useful purposes was called “metabiology” by Jonas Salk, who coined the term and brought the OPV polio vaccine to fruition as we entered the ‘peak fallout’ period of atmospheric nuclear testing. Polio is caused by radiation and chemical toxins.





poliovirus sphere*                                                                                                                                 icosahedron



*tobacco mosaic virus rod*



Poliovirus by other names and other species:

Tobacco Bushy Stunt Virus* TBSV*



Poliovirus electron micrograph

Aggregation of poliovirus*


………………………………………………………….BMV = Brome Mosaic Virus………………….TBSV = Tobacco Bushy Stunr Virus…………….TYMV=Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus




Cowpea Mosaic Virus*                                                                                          icosahedron, showing pattern of regular pentamer  subunits.



…transitional forms*


Human Rhinovirus*

Rhinovirus infections are the chief cause of the common cold. Thrive in the lower temperature of the nose (33oC) They are transmitted by airborne respiratory droplets or contact with contaminated objects. Figure 15.02: A Rhinovirus. Human rhinovirus 16: Picornaviridae; Rhinovirus; Human rhinovirus A; strain (NA). Hadfield, A.T., Lee, W.M., Zhao, R., Oliveira, M.A., Minor, I., Rueckert, R.R. and Rossmann, M.G. (1997). The refined structure of human rhinovirus 16 at 2.15 A resolution:



Norwalk virus*

Cucumber Mosaic Virus,’negative’ image of Norwalk*


Look again at poliovirus*






If you’re uncertain about what you’re really looking at with the virus images (re: the same thing), see the previous posts: ‘Virus: Shape Matters’ and ‘The Nanoflower Shop’ for clarity. After this, a storyline begins about poliovirus and tobacco mosaic virus investigated by a group of researchers who gathered around Rosalind Franklin and J.D. Bernal at Birkbeck College London.  In 1958, this group made two virus models for the Brussels World Exhibition; poliovirus and tobacco mosaic, the subjects of their study.

1958 World’s Fair poliovirus model*

1958 World’s Fair TMV* displayed at Int’l Science Building, Brussels*




The Virus Structure Research Group at Birkbeck College London, under the direction of J.D. Bernal, a communist and transhumanist since the 1920s, included Rosalind Franklin, Aaron Klug, John Finch, Kenneth Holmes and several others; Nobel Laureate Francis Crick, Americans Don Caspar and, by extension, Barry Commoner, the Fraenkel-Conrats, and more. The Birkbeck researchers focused on polivirus and TMV. Crick told the group that ‘any child could make a virus’. In 1958 Crick was invited to become a lifetime staff scientist at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies, then forming in La Jolla near San Diego. His ‘group’ at Birkbeck deferred to him often. Aaron Klug took over leadership of the group after Rosalind Franklin died of ovarian cancer in ‘58 and Crick accepted his honors and appointments in the U.S.

Klug wrote to Crick on Feb.13, 1959:

“Dear Francis,

… I feel it is now appropriate to draw attention to the occurrence of icosahedral symmetry in 5 viruses (although I haven’t mentioned Bea’s result on SBMV). I am now trying to see whether it is possible to classify the ways in which a large virus like Tipula IV might be built up out of subunits, a problem you suggested some time ago. It seems to me that one must start off with…a small virus and then try to make a ‘crystal’ of it, by adding more subunits to try to achieve close packing. In this way…one can arrive at 3 families of icosahedra, namely : truncated icosahedron, small rhomb-icosadodecahedron and snub dodecahedron.”


“Bea’s SBMV” refers to Beatrice A. Singer, the wife of TMV expert Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat, who worked at the University of California Berkeley ‘Rad Lab’ –the famed ‘Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’ (LBNL, and its affiliate Lawrence Livermore) founded by Ernest O. Lawrence. Singer and her husband were jointly working on Tobacco Mosaic Virus mutants and sharing their samples and knowledge.

“Southern Bean Mosaic Virus (SBMV) .  The virus of our story is Southern Bean Mosaic Virus (SBMV), a humble RNA-containing plant virus that infects bean plants in the South of the United States. Neither SMBV nor its relative TBSV were ever as famous as the animal viruses that are fashionable today as human pathogens (for instance, AIDS virus or common cold -rhino virus-). Small…plant viruses like them were easy to obtain…[and] easy to crystallize and consequently they were the objects of a concerted effort to obtain their atomic structure by X-ray diffraction methods with conventional in-house X-ray sources. Viruses had to be constructed from a few identical subunits. [We call them “virus-like particles”, or VLPs, today—JL]. The icosahedral symmetry of small spherical viruses had been proposed by Watson and Crick in the early fifties[1]… they predicted that the virus envelopes would be highly symmetrical, and most likely icosahedral, containing at least twenty copies of the coat protein in the shell, or capsid.  The detailed arrangement of the proteins in the capsid on the surface, and a preliminary classification of icosahedral viruses was presented by Caspar and Klug in their classic 1962 paper [2].”


Southern Bean Mosaic (SBMV)*



* 1957

…”Electron micrographs showing details of the internal structure of plant virus crystals are presented to demonstrate the values of the procedure. Crystals of purified tobacco ringspot virus and squash mosaic virus and some portions of turnip yellow mosaic virus crystals have been shown to exhibit hexagonal packing…”


At Birkbeck lab, Franklin’s graduate student assistant John Finch’s “second PhD project involved crystals of poliovirus, which were given to Rosalind in 1957 by Drs Schaffer and Schwerdt from Berkeley… The study showed that poliovirus was rather similar to the small, spherical plant viruses also being worked on then, but the analysis was not taken any further.”




*Rosalind Franklin (b1920—d1958) became posthumously famous for failing to be included in the Nobel Prize given to Crick, Watson and Wilkins for discovering the structure of DNA, presumably learned from her crystallography images of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV):

“Although best known for being the British physical chemist whose crucial experimental data enabled James Watson and Frances Crick to solve the structure of DNA as early as 1953, she received no gracious mention from either of them during their Nobel Prize speeches. Indeed, until 1968 when Watson wrote The Double Helix, she had only received vague credit for stimulating their work rather than specific credit for contributing to their original proposal.”



“Tobacco mosaic virus, which causes tobacco leaves to curl and discolor in patches (hence “mosaic”) had been a model for virus studies since the 1880s; it was a simple, stable, and highly infectious organism. Understanding the structure of viruses was the first step in learning how they caused disease. By 1950 it was known that viruses consisted of protein and DNA or RNA (ribonucleic acid). Bernal and Fankuchen had found that TMV was composed of identical protein subunits. James Watson, during his hiatus from DNA modeling in 1952, worked briefly with TMV and established that the protein subunits were arranged in a spiral. Franklin’s challenge was to find out whether the RNA was in the middle of the spiral, like a candle wick, or embedded in the proteins. She was aided in this work by Aaron Klug, then a postdoctoral fellow in theoretical physics and chemistry, and two research assistants, Kenneth Holmes and John Finch. For a time, the team also included Donald Caspar, an American biophysicist. When her Turner and Newall fellowship ended in 1954, Birkbeck arranged three years of support from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) for Franklin’s team…

“…1954 also marked Franklin’s first visit to the United States. Invited to the Gordon Conference to give a paper on coal chemistry that summer, she also scraped together funding for visits to virus researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole (where her visit coincided with the 1954 hurricane), Washington University in St. Louis, the University of California in Berkeley, and California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, among others. She made new contacts and renewed older ones, building a network of colleagues whose work complemented and informed her own. She returned home with virus samples and promises of collaboration from leading American scientists such as Wendell Stanley and Barry Commoner…

“[By] the summer of 1956, she was at the top of her profession. She had assembled a fine research team, and their work produced a steady stream of publications. She had established a wide network of research contacts and collaborators, and was invited to meetings everywhere. (Wendell Stanley would later call her “an international courier of good will and scientific information.”) And though she struggled with the ARC over funding (they disapproved of her working on “second hand material” from other labs, among other things) there was a good chance that a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health would provide alternative funding. While in America she was honored with a request from the Royal Institution for models of helical and spherical viruses, for an exhibit in the International Science Hall of the 1958 Brussels World Fair. (The five foot tall models–modified from early versions constructed from ping pong balls and plastic bicycle handlebar grips–were well received.)

…. “Work continued on plant viruses–the team prepared over a dozen papers for publication in 1956-57–and Franklin had also started planning a project examining polio virus. She applied for and received a three year research grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, ensuring the survival of her research group. In March 1958, the cancer advanced again, and Franklin returned to the hospital. She died on April 16, not quite 38 years old.

“In the obituaries he wrote for the Times and Nature, J. D. Bernal praised her beautifully executed researches, carried out with apparently effortless skill, and her gift for organizing research projects. He noted, “As a scientist Miss Franklin was distinguished by extreme clarity and perfection in everything she undertook. Her photographs are among the most beautiful x-ray photographs of any substance ever taken.” Her life, he concluded, was a perfect example of single-minded devotion to research.”



“The nature of the three-dimensional architecture of viruses and the assembly of viral subunits and nucleic acids have been among the central issues in virology over the past fifty years. Sir Aaron Klug (Medical Research Council Laboratory, Cambridge, UK), President of the Royal Society of London, offered his own historical perspective on the resolution of TMV architecture and its implications for virus self-assembly. Klug began working with R. Franklin in 1954, just two years before the first big picture of TMV quaternary structure emerged (Franklin et al., 1956). This picture was based largely on the high-quality x-ray photographs Franklin obtained from her samples of repolymerized, nucleic acid–free TMV particles (Franklin, 1955). Franklin thus confirmed J.D. Watson’s deduction that the rod-shaped virus was helical (Watson, 1954), but she also provided evidence that the helix was hollow rather than solid and that TMV RNA was embedded in the protein helix (Caspar, 1956; Franklin, 1956). Experimental evidence from these studies on TMV provided the basis for F.C. Crick and Watson’s contention that all viruses must be built up symmetrically from identical protein subunits that surround the nucleic acid (Crick and Watson, 1956). The elegant simplicity of this observation prompted the witticism, attributed to Crick, that “Any child could make a virus.” In listening to the participants at the Edinburgh symposium, one could not help but note that TMV research has been a serious playground (pace Max Delbrück) for some of the most formidable structural biologists of the twentieth century.”





………………………………………………………………………………………………..West Nile Virus*

October 2, 2020

Atomic Agent Oswald Will Return




Like Elvis, he left the building. But if you’re a fan, his imminent presence haunts the premises, maybe now more than ever, and I’ll tell you why. It isn’t easy and it certainly isn’t fast. I’ve been struggling with the Atomic Oswald story for over a decade, wondering if it would take the rest of my natural life –and if it does, I’m willing, if only to make a readable narrative out of plausible theory. Few ‘characters’ who live, breathe, and walk the earth ingratiate themselves into the darkest recesses of history’s matrices so that we would ever hear of them. In this sense, we’re lucky. The signal contribution of Oswald is in becoming known and forever associated to the JFK assassination, a fate he didn’t choose as his defenders maintain.  His fate, however, shines a light on the Big Science of nuclear energy and uncovers a few more characters who had the power to choose his fate when the timing favored it.

What matters is that the persistent secrecy of JFK assassination events, and Oswald’s role in them,  continues to oppressively hold down the vital public discourse on the consequences of Big Science technology. In the ‘50s and ‘60s, the death-dealing spread of nuclear energy was sold as a ‘peaceful’ enterprise, the Free Energy of its time, in support of which a vast medical military industrial complex began to flourish. Nuclear technology, which borrowed language from biology, is transitioning into the Big Science of biotech which is now endeavoring to ‘enhance us’ by displacement and usurpation. For a while, it is ourselves and our cells becoming the new Free Energy of tomorrow. Go to sleep now and wake up in the Hell Scenario of futurists past. The Enlightened Technocracy economy, which promises to pay its citizens not to work, doesn’t need us. Like all Free Energy thus far, it’s going to be very expensive and you will have to earn your right to live and participate with ‘good behavior.’ COVID aims to engineer out all the bugs.




September 24, 2020

COVID, of course, by DARPA



Well, I’m cutting to the chase  –even though I won’t be skipping the BATS, rats and vats in this scenario–  DARPA’s M-O is the essence of speed. They kind of deny it.

“ ‘We have been thinking about and preparing for this a long time’ …said Amy Jenkins, manager of DARPA’s antibody program, which is known as the Pandemic Prevention Platform, or P3 …In that program and other [programs], DARPA has quietly been seeding the ground for…a rapid cure for a pathogen like covid-19 for years…”


This quote above, and all others following, comes from a Washington Post article published back on July 30, found at

A no-brainer, you could say, but a good condensed catch-up story on DARPA’s CoV footprint in vaccine-making.  Unfortunately, there’s not a dot in this piece about delivery tech, test methods or formulas also sponsored by DARPA, suggested by ‘other programs.’ Please do read on to ‘DARPA’s Darkest Agenda’ and the activist post found at ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and ‘DARPA’s Man in Wuhan’ below.

Nonetheless: “ ‘Being at DARPA at this time is exciting…because we get to see the research work that was funded… ten to fifteen years ago now really start to pay off,’ acting director [and current deputy dir.] Peter Highnam said…” speaking of COVID.

Remember this is fun!

Paying Off

“The first company [Moderna]… to enter clinical trials with a vaccine…was funded by DARPA. So was the second company [Inovio]. And the P3 program has already led to the world’s first study in humans of… antibody treatment… In addition to Moderna, two other pharmaceutical companies –Pfizer and CureVac—are pursuing RNA vaccines… CureVac was also funded by DARPA… …  DARPA also funded… companies [unnamed]  that manufacture vaccines…in tobacco-like plants as well as a ‘self-assembling vaccine’ platform at Massachusetts General Hospital…  ”

Something I appreciate is the article asking the natural question about treatment with antibodies:

 “Instead of forcing the body to produce antibodies using a vaccine, why not just inject the best antibody directly? The DARPA team began to pursue that aim in parallel. [Dan] Wattendorf called the rapid delivery of an antibody using RNA ‘the more aspirational dream.’ The idea was to take…the best antibody out of thousands in the bloodstream. Then, the genetic code of that antibody could be injected [into combat troops]…to give…protection…immediately. Protection could range from a few weeks to a few months –enough time for a deployment. In a pandemic, DARPA envisioned using such antibodies as a ‘firebreak’… For example, if one person in a nursing home tests positive, the antibody could be given to all the other residents…  DARPA had funded the development of rapid antibody technologies for years. Then, around 2016, DARPA director Arati Prabhakar [second woman in the chair, after Regina Dugan] wanted to weave [the programs] together into a production line… The result was the Pandemic Prevention Platform, which Prabhakar signed off on before leaving DARPA in January 2017. The goal of [P3]…was to develop an antibody for any virus within 60 days of receiving the blood sample of a survivor.”

Credit for DARPA’s Pandemic program, however, goes to “a brainy Air Force doctor named Dan Wattendorf [who] helped push rapid pandemic response further to the top of DARPA’s priority list… Wattendorf had ideas for a solution. In 2010, he took to a conference room at DARPA…to make a pitch…[and] Regina E. Dugan…greenlight[ed] his proposal. The result was a program called ADEPT, which invested $291 million from 2011 to 2019 in an array of technologies… ‘It may turn out to be the most important program from my time at the agency,’ said Dugan, who ran DARPA from 2009 to 2012. Chief among Wattendorf’s targets for the program: delivering vaccines and antibodies by implanting their genetic code… Wattendorf hoped to short-circuit [conventional methods by] cutting out the manufacturing process… By 2010, scientists had tested the idea using DNA with mixed results. Wattendorf wanted to try its single-stranded sibling RNA. If successful, RNA could be used to develop both vaccines and antibodies… It also offered a one-size-fits-all approach; in the future, scientists would need only the genetic code…   At least initially, the antibodies won’t be delivered using RNA, although Duke University plans to manufacture an RNA version of its antibody, meeting the original DARPA vision for the program.  Wattendorf…left DARPA and now works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”



DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

“DARPA-backed DNA and RNA vaccine companies, including Moderna, Inovio as well as Germany’s CureVac, have been unable to get their products licensed for human use, largely due to the fact that their vaccines have failed to provide sufficient immunity in human trials… Several workarounds for this issue have been proposed, including vaccines where the genetic material (RNA or DNA) ‘self-amplifies’ …[by] incorporation of nanotechnology…as the carriers for the genetic material”…

“[A] long-standing DARPA program, now overseen by BTO, is known as “Living Foundries.” According to DARPA’s website, Living Foundries “aims to enable adaptable, scalable, and on-demand production of [synthetic] molecules by programming the fundamental metabolic processes of biological systems to generate a vast number of complex molecules that are not otherwise accessible… The types of research this “Living Foundries” program supports involves the creation of “artificial life” including the creation of artificial genetic material, including artificial chromosomes, the creation of ‘entirely new organisms’…

“Changing human brain chemistry and functionality at the cellular level is only one of numerous DARPA initiatives aimed at changing how human beings think and perceive reality. Since 2002, DARPA has acknowledged its efforts to create a “Brain-Machine Interface (BMI).” Though first aimed at creating “a wireless brain modem for a freely moving rat,” which would allow the animal’s movements to be remotely controlled, DARPA wasn’t shy about the eventual goal of applying such brain “enhancement” to humans in order to enable soldiers to “communicate by thought alone” or remotely control human beings (on the enemy side only, so they say) for the purposes of war….

“According to one recent report on DARPA’s N3 program, one example of “minimally invasive” technologies would involve: an injection of a virus carrying light-sensitive sensors, or other chemical, biotech, or self-assembled nanobots that can reach individual neurons and control their activity independently without damaging sensitive tissue. The proposed use for these technologies isn’t yet well-specified, but as animal experiments have shown, controlling the activity of single neurons at multiple points is sufficient to program artificial memories of fear, desire, and experiences directly into the brain

“In 2011, DARPA announced its “Rapidly Adaptable Nanotherapeutics” program, which seeks to create a “platform capable of rapidly synthesizing therapeutic nanoparticles” aimed at combating “evolving and even genetically engineered bioweapons.” DARPA’s plan for these nanoparticles, which media reports described merely as “tiny, autonomous drug delivery systems,” was to combine them with “small interfering RNA (siRNA),” which are snippets of RNA that can target and shut down specific genes…

“ [The] current coronavirus crisis appears to be the perfect storm that will allow DARPA’s dystopian vision to take hold and burst forth from the darkest recesses of the Pentagon into full public view. However, DARPA’s transhumanist vision for the military and for humanity presents an unprecedented threat, not just to human freedom, but an existential threat to human existence and the building blocks of biology itself.”

Read it all, by Whitney Webb, at



Dr. Michael Callahan of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Boston

a.k.a.‘DARPA’s Man in Wuhan’ by Raul Diego

“Dr. Michael Callahan was given a leave of absence from his senior executive role at United Therapeutics (UTHR) in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China; sent there to assist colleagues handling mass infections… under his joint appointment at a Chinese sister hospital of the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he has maintained a faculty appointment since 2005 [as a program officer of DARPA]…

“Soon, Callahan would be…briefing U.S. officials on the location of the next likely outbreak… The doctor marveled at the “magnificent infectivity” of the disease, which sits “like a little silent smart bomb in your community”… [Callahan] has dedicated his life to studying these microscopic killers. “Triple boarded”  in internal medicine, infectious diseases and tropical medicine, Callahan, nevertheless also has a strong entrepreneurial streak, that drove him to launch no less than 11 companies and develop 8 patents.

“Callahan’s nose for business came into play early on in the pandemic. After studying data from over 6,000 patient records from Wuhan, he reportedly detected a pattern that could point to a possible treatment using a low-cost and widely available ingredient of an “over-the-counter histamine-2 receptor antagonist called Famotidine”, more commonly known as the brand name Pepcid… Simultaneously in the U.S., it is claimed, an old colleague of Callahan’s, Dr. Robert Malone, had been conducting a study… working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Per their analyses, famotidine turned out to be the “most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics”…

In the ‘90s, Callahan and Massachusetts General Hospital were in the center of the U.S. program to convert the former USSR bioweapons program, and it’s weaponeers, into a ‘peaceful use’ industry making vaccines and drugs for the global marketplace. The conversion of Soviet bioweapons was also the subject of the 2001 book ‘Germs’ by Judith Miller, Stephen Engleberg, and William Broad.

“In 2005, just as he was getting ready to decorate his new office at DARPA, Michael Callahan testified before Congress together with Ken Alibek – former deputy director of the Soviet Biopreparat, who defected to the U.S. and became the darling of the bioterror alarmists in and out of government. In his prepared statement, Callahan concluded with a chilling statement that summarizes the general sentiment shared by many in his circle: “The dark science of biological weapon design and manufacture parallels that of the health sciences and the cross mixed disciplines of modern technology. Potential advances in biological weapon lethality will in part be the byproduct of peaceful scientific progress. So, until the time when there are no more terrorists, the U.S. Government and the American people will depend on the scientific leaders of their field to identify any potential dark side aspect to every achievement…” –Michael Callahan. Callahan would receive DARPA’s highest commendation, the DARPA Achievement Award, for his success with the Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals (AMP) program. But, it would be another program of his creation that would prove prophetic. Prophecy was another program created by Callahan at DARPA. It sought to ‘transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive’ through algorithmic programming techniques. In layman’s terms, the program proposed that ‘viral mutations and outbreaks’ could be predicted in advance to more rapidly counter the unknown disease with preemptive drug and vaccine development.” …………………………

Read it all


The Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition

“According to its website, the Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition was established as “a coordinated public-interest, private-sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic, convening healthcare organizations, technology firms, nonprofits, academia, and startups.” The coalition, which was launched by the intelligence and defense contractor MITRE, also includes tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Palantir, Salesforce, and Amazon and allows its member organizations to “collaborate, collect, analyze, visualize, and share data and insights.” With access to the data from partnered health-care institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic and the Cedars-Sinai Health System, these tech companies are “helping” the coalition “unlock large-scale analytics for Covid-19.” Institutions tied to the US government, and the NSCAI in particular, such as the CIA’s In-Q-Tel, are also members of the Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition. Notably, the recent advances in US-based efforts to “predict” or “automate” Covid-19 diagnoses are all tied to this very coalition. Indeed, all of the companies and institutions mentioned thus far in this report have engaged in developing these tools, as Diagnostic Robotics, Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Mount Sinai Medical Center are all coalition members”….



Q and A

Healthcare? –DARPA

5G and the Internet of Things? –DARPA

Thought control? –DARPA

The future? –DARPA, DARPA, DARPA

Any questions?



Pentagon will coordinate the ‘free’ covid-19 vaccine deployment:

  • *



September 23, 2020

Tobacco Vaccines by DARPA




In 2012, DARPA’s exiting director, Regina Dugan gave a TED talk touting the accomplishments of the  defense agency; among them, hypersonic Mach 20 flying machines, artificial hummingbird drones, and ‘green goo’ tobacco-grown vaccines.  She said, ”This green goo may someday matter to you. This green goo is perhaps the vaccine that could save your life. It was made in tobacco plants. Tobacco plants can make millions of doses of vaccine in weeks instead of months and it might just be the first healthy use of tobacco ever [even] if it seems far-fetched that tobacco plants could make people healthy.” [approx.minute 11]

DARPA is on the front lines of making COVID-19 vaccines, in part, through its Biological Technologies Office (BTO) and the leadership of Dr. Anne Cheever who “led a team focused on COVID-19 vaccine acceleration… in support of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and the Department of Defense.”


Tobacco and its constituent Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), the first ever virus discovery, makes a fascinating array of now-useful substances in synthetic biology and AI microelectronics. One of these materials, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, and its analog vinylpyrrolidone, or VP) became the subject of my 2012 post ‘Morgification’ about the discovery and use of PVP and its compelling property of making vein-like branched hollow tubes. PVP, I suspect, gives rise to some of the very weird physical extrusion phenomena in Morgellon’s sufferers. PVP was used post-WWII as a blood volumizer, and today is a cheap food-additive bulking agent like cellulose. Even “cellulose has received much attention as an emerging smart material, named as electro-active paper (EAPap)…”  Citations predating 2012 and uses of these materials, plus a brief review of biopolymers is at the Morg post.


No crop in the history of America has as rich a history as tobacco. The Pilgrims made a commercial pact to provide tobacco in exchange for their passage and supply. In the early 20th century, the uranium tailings leftover from radium production were spread on tobacco fields as ‘radium fertilizer’ to plump up the poundage of this valuable resource, possibly having a mid-century effect on people like Henrietta Lacks, whose cancerous HeLa cells changed the world of biomedical research during the age of radioactive fallout—and enabled the rapid production of polio vaccine,  More directly, today’s version of tobacco, it appears, is all genetically modified and the ‘green goo’ is a fluorescing protein from jellyfish –perhaps the same basic substance combined with nicotinic acid that ‘lights up’ your brain and makes you smarter. Maybe, as James Watson would have it, the cure for stupidity in a vaccine.


DARPA, of course, is covering the bases:  One early top contender on the way,  Moderna Inc. of Cambridge MA, maker of the mRNA vaccine advocated by the Gates and trialed on computer technology workers in Seattle, is in strategic alliances with…DARPA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” –as expected.  Moderna is the ‘wealthiest’ company in the state of Massachusetts. But in the liberalized wild-west climate of “national” vaccines, the current COVID tobacco contender made by Kentucky BioProcessing (KBP), a subsidiary of British American Tobacco ( B.A.T., or BATS on the London stock exchange), may have its day –expect it!


Coming up, more DARPA, more BATS, tobacco vaccines, such as those for Ebola and tularemia, and the fascinating Tobacco Mosaic Virus and related science of pyrroles and porphyrins.



September 19, 2020

Better Bodies by DARPA



“ The whole point of DARPA is to ‘accelerate the future into being,’ its strategic plan says… and bring them to the near side as quickly as possible” writes  Joel Garreau in his 2005 book Radical Evolution. “Today, DARPA is in the business of creating better humans.” –p22, 24—and if that’s not a definition of eugenics, nothing is.

Readers of 2005’s Radical Evolution who are also familiar with the documentary The Transcendent Man, starring ‘futurist’ Ray Kurzweil’s exposition of The Singularity, can pull the ‘Transcendent’ script right off DARPA’s pages in Garreau’s book.


Radical Evolution informs us that “since the late nineties [DARPA] has increasingly focused on human biology through the Defense Sciences Office [the DSO, whose staff] treasure shirts with the legend ‘DSO, DARPA’s DARPA.’ The notion is that if DARPA is at the cutting edge, DSO is the cutting edge of the cutting edge. In enhancing human performance, the program managers of DSO see a ‘golden age’ of opportunity… (p25) Just to make things clear, ‘DARPA has no laboratory space, [DSO director Michael] Goldblatt says. ‘DARPA does no work which we would consider execution. The actual work products –the milestones, the goals and objectives—are all done by independent investigators. They have the common tie –that they applied for—of funding coming from [DARPA programs].” (p31)

DARPA is by no means the only or even the largest organization in the business of creating the next humans. DARPA’s… annual budget is less than that of the National Science Foundation and is dwarfed by that of the National Institutes of Health, just to name two… [and] its ‘bio-revolution’ program represents only a fraction of DARPA’s overall agenda. The significance of DARPA trying to improve human beings, however, is that few if any institutions in the world are so intentionally devoted to high-risk, high-return, explicitly world-changing research… That’s why DARPA is at the forefront of the engineered evolution of mankind.” (p23).

“DARPA, for example, is very interested in creating human beings who are unstoppable. Three things that slow humans down in combat are pain, wounds and bleeding. So Navy Commander Kurt Henry…is directing researchers who are working on those. He is manager of a program called Persistence in Combat (PIC). In California, there is a biotech company in Silicon Valley called Rinat Neuroscience. Henry is funding its ‘pain vaccine.’ What the substance does is block intense pain in less than 10 seconds [and can] last for thirty days… The product works on the inflammatory response… The commercial implications are formidable… Rinat is a spin-off from Genentech, the world’s first biotech firm. It has attracted venture capital… (p27).

Particularly significant, DARPA creates institutions to support the future it desires. DARPA invests 90 percent of its budget outside the federal government, mainly in universities and industry. Academic centers at MIT, Stanford and Carnegie Mellon that made fundamental contributions to information technology coalesced because of DARPA. If it feels companies need to exist, DARPA helps foster those, including Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics and Cisco Systems.” (p24) And Rinat Neuroscience is but one example here; Garreau gives us many.

Here are a few more of DARPA’s life science DSO projects discussed with author Garreau:

The Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures program :  “The object of the game is to discover the essential part of life common to many of these pathogens –no matter how they might be genetically re-engineered –and interrupt them. An example would be finding an enzyme that appears only in bacteria but is not in us. It might exist only for a brief time in the bacteria, but without it, that life form cannot exist. Then you attack it. Another is ‘genomic glue’ –something that sticks onto the genome… so tightly that it prevents the genome from being read, translated and in any way replicated… There are a half dozen approaches to viruses and bacteria in the works, but one anti-genomic drug is at the last stages of testing in mice. This one seems to work on smallpox, malaria, anthrax and tularemia. It stops the Black Death –the plague—in its tracks. And yes, it also works on the flu. Researchers [in 2005] are ready to go to the FDA for human safety trials.” According to the program director John Carney, “ ‘despite the fact that you’re in the middle of nowhere and you have no way of getting medical help…the drug will work.’ What’s more, as a side benefit, it apparently could cure malaria and probably the common cold. ‘Yes. Anything that can infect you,’ says Carney. …We’re talking about about Pestilence as in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?  ‘Right,’ says Carney.” (p30)

The Metabolically Dominant Soldier program: “Hunger, exhaustion and despondency also slow humans down. Dealing with that is…tinkering with the internal machinery of human cells –controlling cellular metabolism and other activity within the cells… Take mitochondria, for example. They produce the energy to power the cell. [DARPA] is interested in modifying the number of mitochondria…[and] their efficiency at creating energy.”  Program manager Joe Bielitzki “is confident that he can take an individual now formidably trained to perform 80 pull-ups before exhaustion and render him capable of 300… One of the ways Bielitzki would like to do this is by eliminating the need for food… ‘We’ve all got stored calories—we just don’t have access to them [all the time]… Bielitzki acknowledges the potential for spin-off technologies. ‘Forty billion dollars a year goes into the weight loss industry in this country,’ he muses. ‘This will change it‘. (p32).  One of the goals of the Metabolic Engineering program is to allow badly injured soldiers to go into suspended animation or hibernation. It would allow them to survive even without oxygen for…periods of time… This is also the program interested in allowing soldiers to run Olympic-quality sprints for 15 minutes on one breath of air. Turns out humans are very inefficient in the way we process resources. There’s a whole lot of oxygen in one breath, and we waste most of it.” (p40)

The endosymbiont mitochondria in human, and ‘other’ species cells produce ‘the energy molecule’ adenosine triphosphate, ATP, use of which which ranges over any number of DARPA programs. “This brings us to Alan Rudolph…[the]godfather of the telekinetic monkey… He is the program manager for an extraordinarily broad portfolio of DSO’s projects. He jockeys hundreds of principal investigators…[and] has 15 patents in biological self-assembly, biomaterials, tissue engineering and neurosciences. He makes a distinction between DARPA and think tanks such as RAND, Brookings and the Highlands Forum. ‘There are a lot of people who think about the future. [DARPA] is one of those places where you can put money behind those fantasies. You get a vision, and then you start throwing money at it… to roll the ball down the road. It makes it an interesting place, no doubt. (p34) …So now he is working on everything from multi-legged robots to computerized human eye implants to brain-machine interfaces… (p35) ‘Power is a big issue. Our battery technology sucks. Our power problems are huge. I think all these implants will be run off the energy in the body, ATP. There’s low-temperature fuel in the body. The body is amazing in terms of its chemical conversion of energy. So we have a whole program… Biomotors… implantable batteries that work off the natural body constituents. Tissue engineering is going on to give us muscle… Right now we can keep [muscle] alive longer than we can get a battery to work. Yes. Outside the body. Yes. We’ve got a thing called the ‘lox bot.’. It’s a little biorobotic device that resembles a piece of smoked salmon. It uses skeletal muscle from a frog, and the damn thing swims using skeletal muscle. It swims through its energy source. It’s in a bath of glucose and ATP and the thing swims for like 20 hours. That’s the University of Michigan and MIT.’” (p38)

“The Mesoscopic Integrated Conformal Electronics (MICE) program has already succeeded in printing electronic circuits on the frames of eyeglasses and helmets, weaving them into clothes, even putting them on insects. These include electronics, antennas, fuel cells, batteries and solar cells. The Biological Input/Output Systems program is designed to enable plants, microbes and small animals to serve as ‘remote sentinels for reporting the presence of chemical or biological’ particles. They’d do this by changing color [or] lighting up fluorescently… The Brain-Machine Interface program is investigating how you would put wireless modems into people’s skulls. And that’s just the Defense Sciences Office, the department of DARPA most involved with human enhancement.” (p40)


“Among those at DARPA who are working on changing what it means to be human, the word you most commonly hear is fun. Fun comes up all the time. Program managers view what they’re doing as the greatest fun of their lives…  Their tours of duty are usually only three or four years… They know they will never see its like again.” (p42)



August 30, 2020

Postscript From The Herd




Hey, there’s lots to share including how the the vaccinia (cow-derived) virus, alleged to prevent smallpox, became a BW agent and compares to the coronavirus. In fact, both are the ‘largest of viruses’ with the most genetic material –vaccinia under military study in the 1980s was the promising entity to make a “supervaccine” with room in its genome to accommodate as many as 30 or 40 antigens. Maybe vaccinia was dropped in favor of coronavirus. But we’ll get to that in time. Mooving on, “We might mention here that herd immunity theories have been proven wrong time and time again. In fact, evidence suggests that vaccinated children [and animals] are more likely to be reservoirs of disease than their unvaccinated peers.” –p30, The Vaccine Religion, Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human Freedom, by Walene James (founder of Vaccination Liberation), published 2011. “Commercial interests have also transformed the definition of herd immunity. From Dorland’s Medical Dictionary (1944) we find that herd immunity means ‘freedom of a group from some disease…usually brought about by some sanitary measure such as providing pure water or milk, drainage, etc.’ Today freedom of a group from certain diseases is said to be the result of…the…vaccinated. The magic number required to produce this version of herd immunity keeps rising as vaccine failures become more evident.” –p54, ibid.

“Remember that geometric axiom you learned in highschool—the whole is greater than the sum of its parts? The vaccine model turns that one on its head by substituting one part of the immune system for the whole system and one aspect of the immune response for the full immune response to infectious challenges. This is, of course, the antibody.

   “ Most of us think of the nose, mouth and throat as the normal portals of entry for any substance. If we extend this to include the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system as well as the skin whose porosity makes it another portal of entry, we have what are called the primary immune organs, more commonly known as ‘the first line of defense.’ If a foreign substance survives the mucosal lining and secretions of the primary immune system, the lymphatic and circulatory systems take over. These systems contain scavenger cells such as lymphocytes, leukocytes and macrophages which devour bacteria and other elements foreign to the body and, along with serum complement and interferon, are some of the components that create non-specific immunity. These cells and their function are sometimes called ‘the second line of defense,’ or aspects of the secondary immune system.

   “Antibodies and disease-specific immunity are ‘the third line of defense,’ as  an aspect of the tertiary immune function. What does this tell us about the importance of antibodies? They are hardly a major player in the creation of immunity. In fact, studies and even records of epidemics reveal that those with high titer (antibody) count have a high degree of susceptibility to the disease for which they were vaccinated, and those with low titer count have a high degree of immunity. What does this mean? A person whose vital forces are strong will have fully functioning primary immune organs or outer defenses, and foreign proteins such as ‘pathogenic’ bacteria, viruses or other toxins will never reach the bloodstream. This is assuming that infectious challenges enter the body naturally, by way of the primary immune organs. But vaccinations? Vaccines bypass the natural portals of entry by being injected indirectly into the bloodstream. Vaccines are injected into a muscle which then makes its way into tissues and then into the bloodstream—a transport method which the entire immune system is designed to prevent.

…”Researcher Dr. Wendel Belfield said that ‘antibodies are not needed when the primary immunological defense (leukocytes, interferon, etc.) [what we call ‘innate’ immunity] is functioning at…capacity.’ And ‘antibody production appears to occur only when the ascorbate (vitamin C) level of the primary defense components are at low levels, thereby permitting some [pathogens] to survive the primary defense.’ Other researchers have pointed to the naivete of assuming that there is a one to one correspondence between antibody and antigen and that the doctrine of ‘one antibody, one antigen’ is incorrect.

…”The purpose of vaccines, which function as antigens, is to provoke antibody production. High blood antibody count is supposedly indicative of disease-specific immunity. That it is not indicative of immunity and may well indicate immune weakness will be…a price [we pay] for those circulating antibodies

“Did you know that cell receptor sites in the brain are identical to the cell receptor sites in the immune system? This means that any injury to the immune system by foreign substances can be directly transmitted to the brain.” —pp33-35, The Vaccine Religion

C you next time.


PPS — Read ‘Disease Begins in the Brain’



August 28, 2020

The Herd Shot Round The World




This is not a piece for Mad Cow Morning News, the well-circulated post-9/11 journalism of global crime researcher Daniel Hopsicker who used the punning title, but it is about global crime and the promotion of herd shots (“herd immunity”) in the Public Health lexicon of vaccinology. The Herd Shots are coming. Recent news from NPR is that testing for COVID-19, our CoV SARS ‘2’, is being deregulated from U.S. government oversight by FDA and will probably also apply to the vaccines –all hundred-and-something of them—prompting a commentator to remark that we’re entering the ‘wild west’ of public medicine. To my mind, the concepts of ‘herd immunity’ and ‘wild west’ go together. If we’re to have a vast globalized healthcare system, a One Health paradigm for the planetary livestock, a good starter strategy is to circle-the-wagons, take on all comers, and pioneer the way forward. Bring the babies, leave the dead and keep going.


In  COVID posts to come, I hope to take on a few comers; testers, vaccinators, regulators, profiteers, scientists, journalists and other perception managers. Our national propaganda radio is throwing everything-and-the-kitchen-sink in the name of CoV, including how some towns in America (in CA and TX, for example) have been “wiped off the map” by coronavirus –one of those midmorning, side-swiping NPR gems that fails to get replay, gosh darn-it. Do you know of any towns wiped off the map by CoV?  I learned in 2012 after the Sandy Hook CT school shooting that NPR was then, and still is, the principal media partner of the EAS, Emergency Alert System, and coordinator of the communication network which extends itself to organizing ‘media performance evaluation’ symposia for event analyses. In the Sandy Hook case, the 2013 NPR symposium included the Boston Marathon Bombing: “Sandy Hook, Boston and Beyond”.  Are we in the “Beyond” yet or beyond the Beyond? Maybe some pertinent contact-tracing is called for.


The COVID Cassandras

Mass coronavirus outbreaks appear ‘scheduled’, if you will, on the heels of the 2003 SARS evaluations under the management of Jerome Hauer, the emergency operations and Kroll official with a background in Biological Warfare (BW) who became familiar on 9-11-01. The COVID predictions known to me were propagated by journalists in 2004. Naming here only two as examples; John M. Barry, author of The Great Influenza (2004), and Laurie Garrett, author of The Coming Plague (1994), both of these ‘knowledge-based’ journalists attained spokesman-like authority for their efforts. Mr. Barry, as a newly minted historian on the flu in 2004, announced his awareness of CoV as the next big pandemic on CSPAN’s Book TV while promoting The Great Influenza, providing the historic basis of pandemic ‘response’ to a then-unknown set of factors during WWI. We were to see the flu ‘plandemics’ in rapid succession –2005 bird flu, 2007 and 2009 swine-hybrid.   Ms. Garrett, on the other hand, wrote her comprehensive epidemic thesis, The Coming Plague, as a graduate student with Harvard School of Public Health (1992-93), concurrently writing for Newsday magazine. Choosing journalism over a biology PhD, she went on to win a Pulitzer in 1996 covering Ebola in Africa. By 2004 Garrett had joined the Council on Foreign Relations where she created the CFR’s ‘Global Health Program’. Her educational background includes a BS in biology from UCBerkeley and graduate research at Stanford, at the time also becoming a notable radio reporter on HIV/AIDS. According to her website, serving the CFR from 2004-2017 (under CFR president Richard N. Haass, former Middle East advisor to Bushes I&II who contributed ‘Accelerating History’ to the COVID dialogue). Laurie Garrett is receiving acclaim for being a premier coronavirus Cassandra:

“I’m a double Cassandra,”**…. “I’ve been telling everybody that my event horizon is about 36 months, and that’s my best-case scenario… I’m quite certain that this is going to go in waves… It won’t be a tsunami that comes across America all at once and then retreats… It will be micro-waves that shoot up in Des Moines and then in New Orleans and then Houston and so on, and it’s going to affect how people think about all kinds of things…  Did we go back to normal after 9/11? No. We created a whole new normal. We securitized the United States… And it affected everything. We couldn’t go into a building without showing ID… [and] couldn’t get on airplanes the same way ever again. That’s what’s going to happen with this… We need either a cure or a vaccine.”

**“Listed as a twice-ver “Cassandra”, in WARNINGS: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes (2017), Richard A. Clarke and R.P. Eddy, HarperCollins Publishers.”


Herd Immunity

Herd immunity is a theory of community resistance that supposes a majority (70-80%) of acquired immunity to a particular disease among its members is protective of the whole. The concept is of military value and origin.

There is natural immunity and there is acquired immunity but there is no evidence of naturally acquired herd immunity in people unless “childhood diseases” count. The phenomenon would be localized and temporary. In developed countries like the U.S., the public health mandate is to eradicate childhood diseases and thereby eliminate any naturally acquired herd immunity, if it exists as such. The rhetoric of herd immunity as ‘public health’ is purely elitist, and the very concept of herd immunity from novel emerging microbes is a false one. It was Laurie Garrett’s own work in The Coming Plague that convinced me of the nonexistence and unattainability of herd immunity in humans. The Public Health position is that there is one global scourge that interventions have prevented, but just one: smallpox***, the treatment of which became the original sacred “cow” that lent its name to the practice of vaccines –use of the ‘vaccinia’ cowpox virus countermeasure. Smallpox eradication is of recent vintage: “On May 8, 1980, the World Health Assembly formally declared that ‘the World and all its peoples have won freedom from smallpox…which only a decade ago was rampant in Africa, Asia, and South America.’” –p47, The Coming Plague.  Ironically, the history of smallpox epidemics and the vaccines to prevent them argue neither for nor against the concept of herd immunity, but only the for-and-against practice of vaccination. The disease caused by the alleged variola virus, Laurie Garrett maintains, has been around, and around, for two thousand years with variable virulence. We’ve been poised since 9-11 to expect a re-emergence of smallpox, possibly in the form of biological warfare, discounting any notion of acquired herd immunity. I’m not hearing much nowadays about re-vaccinating for smallpox as it would be unseemly to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” at such a time when the hard sell is on for new vaccine technology.  Pre-COVID vaccine success stories, such as smallpox and polio, had a very short run at the beginning of our CoV pandemic, but appear to have been dropped like hot rocks.

***Smallpox, according to Janine Roberts’s book, Fear of the Invisible, notes that, “By 1871 some 97% of the population of the UK were vaccinated or immune from already having suffered smallpox, according to evidence given to a Parliamentary Select Committee. But just as this report was published, a major Europe-wide smallpox epidemic spread, killing some 22,062 in England and Wales and over 124,900 in Germany. Shockingly, this epidemic seemed to mostly target the vaccinated. Other steps clearly had to be taken… The public authorities of Leicester…uniquely combined greatly improving hygiene, water and food supplies…[with] imposing a citywide program of strict quarantine and disinfection. This had startling success… ‘The result is that in every instance the disease has been promptly and completely stamped out at a paltry expense.’ It was not only smallpox that it stopped. They also eliminated most cases of measles and other infectious diseases. Leicester had remarkably achieved this while discarding vaccination completely, for the city authorities said they had found it hazardous and no help. Their [persistent] results seemed to bear this out. ‘Our smallpox death-rate was only 89 per million in 1893, with little vaccination; while [nationwide, with vaccination] it was 3,523 per million in 1872.” –p43

Biological Warfare and Vaccines

UK research journalist Janine Roberts also relates that, “In 1978, John Martin, the Professor of Pathology I [met] at the 1997 workshop [on HIV/AIDS], examined a bulk shipment of polio vaccine. He reported, ‘I worked at the time as Director of the Viral Oncology Laboratory at the Bureau of Biologics… There was a lot of extraneous DNA in the vaccine. I sent electron micrographs to three outside experts to ascertain if these were the the dreaded Type C retroviruses or not. The answers came back no, but there was so much debris and DNA in the vaccine that it was impossible essentially to do a nice clean prep of the viral vaccines, of the viruses. That was my first indication that, in fact, the vaccines were rather crude.’ But when he reported this vaccine contamination, he was most surprised to be told by his employer that ‘vaccine manufacturing was an essential component of industry, this [the U.S.] country’s protection against potential biological warfare… It’s an economically risky business. If one criticizes [the vaccine makers] too much and they stop production, then all the production will go [to other countries and] would then be bought out by the Russians, and then there will be biological warfare.’ “ –p33, Fear of the Invisible, by Janine Roberts, 2008. Dr. Martin got a privileged earful that day. Most medical scientists are kept clueless in line with the secrecy and deniability of BW no matter their awareness, but also as a measure of ‘openness’ in research. The authors of 1988’s Gene Wars, Military Control Over the New Genetic Technologies write that “even the DoD acknowledges that in BW research the difference between offense and defense is purely a matter of intent. Moreover, this largely holds true for development, testing, production, and training. Creating a truly effective weapon from an infectious agent requires intensive work to understand and master the microorganism… A primary goal of this book is to put the U.S. military’s intent and actions into scientific and historical perspective. At issue is the DoD track record on honesty, openness, concern for public health, and commitment to arms control…[which] we will show…is replete with subterfuge, reckless experimentation, and rogue actions and… violations of… legal and moral norms.” –pp26-27, Gene Wars, by Charles Piller and Keith R. Yamamoto, 1988.

With the advent of Big Biotech in the early 1970s, a dramatic change in the emerging global disease patterns became evident in the records of WHO and partners –I discovered those changes perusing their public documents in 2007 when I took up polio research. The push to World Government, it seems, has consistently been inflamed since the ‘70s by devastating outbreaks of killer disease. BW can never be ruled out. Gene Wars uses a then-current U.N. definition of BW as “ ‘living organisms, whatever their nature… which are intended to cause disease or death in man, animals and plants, and which depend for their effects on the ability to multiply in the person, animal or plant attacked.’”  The authors note ,” The major forms of BW –each potentially deadly—are bacteria, viruses, rickettsia and fungi.” –p21, and “viruses are considered the most efficacious BW agents. Because different viruses often cause similar symptons, viral diseases are often difficult to diagnose… Viruses could also be used as effective vectors for one or more powerful tox-genes implanted through rDNA techniques.” –96, ibid. Chemical and Toxin weapons are included in their review but not radiological and electronic weapons which are no less a part of the historical gene-war ‘unconventional’ spectrum.  I’m citing Piller and Yamamoto, however, for presenting a short example of presumptive clandestine BW which compares to an ultra- briefly- mentioned event in Laurie Garrett’s The Coming Plague describing what had been, in the 1980s, a recent die-off of Australian rabbits. The same event, recorded for different purposes, makes for a fine side-by-side comparison. The subject is global crisis due to escalating occurrences of widespread emerging diseases:

From 1994, The Coming Plague [Introduction], p5: “On May 1, 1989, the [top medical] scientists gathered in the Hotel Washington, located across the street from the White House, and began three days of discussions aimed at providing evidence that the disease-causing microbes of the planet, [p6]far from having been defeated, were posing ever-greater threats… For three days scientists presented evidence that validated… viruses were mutating at rapid rates; seals were dying in great plagues as the researchers convened; more than 90 percent of the rabbits of Australia died in a single year following the introduction of a new virus to the land; great influenza pandemics were sweeping through the animal world; the Andromeda strain nearly surfaced in Africa in the form of Ebola virus; megacities were arising in the developing world….[and] rain forests were being destroyed… [and]the very real possibility that lethal, mysterious microbes would, for the first time, infect humanity on a large scale and imperil the survival of the human race.” –pp5-6, ibid.

From 1988, Gene Wars (Ch5):  “An example [of BW] suggested by Rand Corporation analyst Raymond Zilinskas shows how an agent… might work: Rabbits are not native to Australia. After they were carelessly introduced there in 1859, their characteristic explosive proliferation soon spawned a major pest control problem. By the 1940s the voracious creatures were driving scores of farmers to bankruptcy. The Australians attempted many methods of control, including the erection of a 1,100 mile-long ‘rabbitproof’ fence. None of these was successful for long. The rabbits were ultimately defeated, however, through infection by myxoma virus, causative agent for the disease myxomatosis. Myxoma is a model BW agent. The virus is harmless to all species except the rabbit. And for the type of rabbit targeted in Australia it was highly virulent, causing 90 percent fatalities and sterility in many of the survivors. ‘For the purpose of decimating rabbit populations, the agent is stable and easily dispensed,’ Zilinskas said.  Although an effective vaccine exists for the disease, the rabbits, of course, had no access to it.” –pp94-95.

Examples of BW deployment, and the later exploitative use of the result for propaganda, rarely come clearer than this one.


And what about people?

“Many leading scientists now believe that new biotechnologies can develop effective prophylaxis for any individual disease or toxin. Indeed, viral vaccine development is the largest stated goal of the DoD biotechnology program.” –p103, Gene Wars, 1988.



So, are we here yet? –giving a shot to any ‘body’ that has a shot so everybody can take a shot.



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