Jennifer Lake's Blog

May 16, 2021

Severe Aging Response Syndrome


SARS, as in SARS-CoV2, and the invented vaccines inducing it should stand for Severe Aging Response Syndrome, in that all sequelae appear to relate to a rapid depletion of a most necessary nutrient: NAD+, a metabolic ‘redox’ driver that makes 500 or more essential enzymes. In the previous post ‘Grab Your NADS,’ I quote the ‘longevity’ researcher David A. Sinclair as saying “Without any NAD we’d be dead in thirty seconds.”


An example of vaccine-induced ”aging meltdown” in a young person:

“Whatsherface” posts the morbid adverse reaction of a 12-year-old to Morderna’s mRNA –caught by Max Igan at the Crowhouse, April 29


Covid, which I’m not suggesting is a virus disease, is an accelerator, like your gas pedal, driving the speed of your vehicle from 10mph (or your current age in mph)to over 100 and getting stuck there! –‘Gone in Thirty Seconds’, huh?!

The biological havoc causes  the regulators called sirtuins (which are ‘silent information regulators’) to rally to the damage areas, which is normally a different and temporary ‘repair’ job for sirtuins, which are designed to go back and ‘silence’ the genes they came from—if they ever make it back.

Cutting to the chase, I’ll re-post a three paragraph quote from Sinclair where he comments on the epigenomic, or gene expression, ‘information theory” of aging:

   “If the information theory is correct –that aging is caused by overworked epigenetic signalers responding to cellular insult and damage—it doesn’t so much matter where the damage occurs. What matters is that it is being damaged and that sirtuins are rushing all over the place to address that damage, leaving their typical responsibilities and sometimes returning [after repairs] to other places along the genome where they are silencing genes that aren’t supposed to be silenced…

   “It’s not hard to intentionally break DNA [to prove it]… You can do it with chemotherapy. You can do it with X-rays. (p48).” 

 [They can do it with vaccines!]

…”[In mice] we’d simply broken the mice’s DNA…and forced the cell to paste, or ‘ligate,’ them back together… Those breaks had induced a sirtuin response…[and] their absence from their normal duties and presence on other parts of the genome altered the ways in which lots of genes were being expressed at the wrong time… The digital [DNA] code…was the same as it has always been. But the analog [epigenetic] machine built to read that code was able to pick up only bits and pieces of the data. (p50).

…”Here’s the vital takeaway: we could age mice without affecting any of the most commonly assumed causes of aging. We hadn’t made their cells mutate. We hadn’t touched their telomeres. We hadn’t messed with their mitochondria…[or] exhausted their stem cells…[A]ll the symptoms of aging…were being caused…by the epigenetic changes that come as a result of DNA damage signals. We hadn’t given the mice all of those ailments. We had given them aging. And if you can give something, you can take it away.” –p52, Lifespan, by David A. Sinclair, 2019, Thorsons/HarperCollins publisher.


Here’s a paper from David Sinclair about sirtuins:

“Mammalian sirtuins are NAD+-dependent deacylases with a huge range of roles in transcription regulation, energy metabolism modulation, cell survival, DNA repair, inflammation, and circadian rhythm regulation…”

 I’m skipping all the biochemistry details in this post, but you can find just about every accelerated ailment in covid/vaccine reactions mentioned as sirtuin regulated; blood flow, pressure, immune surveillance, T-and-B cell activity, etc., etc., ETC.

Survival may be dependent on how well you grab your NADs.



Extra-terrestrial Curiosity

Around 1960 or so, the United States launched its first global spy satellite system and called it ARS for Advanced Reconnaissance System, a name changed soon after to ‘Corona’  –you can call it a (S)atellite Advanced Recon.System/Corona or “SARS-Corona” ‘fyou like and read about it in Atomic Oswald Three. Later on, in 2009, I heard about the satellite-based GEIS program, for Global Emerging Infections Surveillance which I speculate was not a space-based ‘watcher’ but a ‘driver’. These articles are listed in the Blog Index.

The ARS ‘name’ can be reckoned to Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which was the illness that came along in 2003 when they added ‘Severe’.

The significance of  “name-tracking,” I believe, is not just symbolic but may be a unifying thread no matter where-in-time the name comes. The program ‘name’ can appear even decades before the ‘event’ which connects them. For example, the new 5G ‘StarLink’ satellite has a naming forebear applied to GMO corn –the ‘StarLink’ Bt corn that was recalled some 20 years ago. Pretty weird name for corn, dontcha think?

In chronological order of underrated bio-catastrophes, the StarLink fiasco was followed by SARS.

StarLink Corn: What Happened | Center for Consumer Research › biotechnology › starlink-corn-what

“Jun 28, 2017 · The controversy began when traces of DNA from StarLink corn were found in taco shells and other corn related products. Although there are several varieties of Bt corns in the market, StarLink was illegal in human food. It was only approved for animal feed…”


On the face of it, StarLink  Bt genes in human food products, some 300 of them, were loudly ‘recalled’ in 2000, but like other transgenes, they persist by expanding their environment and jumping species. According to Wikipedia, StarLink was found in Saudi Arabia in 2013 and surely needs an update. Today, the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria (Bt) among others that carry it are known to cause sub-chronic lung infection and leaky gut syndrome: “ Bt’s aggressive mechanism harms the digestive system by effectively attacking normal gut cells thereby burning holes in the intestines.”

Bt toxins are a particular burden in foods that kids enjoy: milk, ice cream, cereal, pasta, potatoes and more. Claire Hope Cummings wrote in her 2008 book Uncertain Peril, “Worse, the National Research Council says that ‘the evolution of resistance to Bt crops is inevitable’…In itself, gene flow is not necessarily harmful. What matters is the kind of molecule that’s moving around, where it goes, and how it behaves once it gets there. When transgenes used to modify one plant move into another plant, they can become unstable and behave unpredictably. When natural genes do this, they are governed by biological rules that …developed over millennia to deal with gene flow and to keep species separate… Genetic engineering by definition overcomes these rules…[and] is the very essence of invasiveness, by design.” –pp31-34, Uncertain Peril

UnSIRTain perils, if you like my spelling, are rapid aging and disease, long known to be caused by radiation/RF/EMF. Look at the two agencies that funded SARS research: NIAID (Fauci’s fiefdom) and the National Institute of Aging.

I’m going to unwind some of this “gain-of-function” information about the spike protein mentioned by Dr. Fleming in his interview –so stand by and come back in a few days if you care to. The doctors Fleming mentions, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak, are in my ‘virus’ wheelhouse with their research ‘interests’ such as Norwalk Virus (Baric’s specialty–“the most common cause of gastroenteritis” with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea), and Daszak’s West Nile and Foot and Mouth Viruses. These are all poliovirus-like pathogens found in the gut, which instinct tells me have everything to do with enterotoxins like the Bt ‘insecticide’genes, the frequency signals coming off systems like GEIS and StarLink, and the epidemic occurrence of flu (polio).



Shocker: Why is this substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport

May 19, 2021

…” It’s called SM-102… [The] data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: ‘For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.’ …Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: ‘Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.’ “


Added May 22:

Now, this SM-102 substance is relevant in any amount placed in the context of this “water memory” video from 2014 showing Dr. Luc Montagnier following through on earlier experiments about the ability of water molecules to carry and transmit DNA signals into the surrounding environment –literally to transmit specific frequencies of unique DNA and other molecules through the fluid substrate. Montagnier was a Nobel Prize winner for ‘discovering’ HIV –and the documentation presented by Dr.Fleming is proof of the claim having HIV inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 spike. HIV/AIDS we all remember, induced wasting and ‘rapid aging’ on the sufferer. Dr. Nancy Banks discussed the ‘oxidative’ and ‘nitrosative’ stress disorder in AIDS patients as a ‘redox’ dysfunction and we witnessed in AIDS a kind of ‘aging meltdown’.

“Water Memory” transmission theory, video featuring Luc Montagnier


In this program, Montagnier recreates a 2005 HIV water ‘dilution’ experiment where the very fine-tune signals of HIV are detectable after multiple dilutions in water to the point of no DNA being present in the water samples. A second laboratory, far away in Italy, receives the digital signal ‘file’ of the samples, sent by internet, and exposes fresh water to the signal “music” of HIV in order to reconstitute the genetic structure of the HIV –they succeed to 98% accuracy. “This is a turning point in biology” says an Italian colleague. “Unbelievable” says another. At minute 46, Montagnier recaps with “Everything started with the measure of the electromagnetic signals as we found at the beginning [and] contrary to many other diseases, [there were] two types of signals coming from HIV-infected patients. We know the virus is there but now [2014] we’re conducting research on the bacteria—we’re trying to identify the origin of these [other] signals…as we could possibly get rid of the bacteria more easily than the HIV virus itself. That could be a means of stopping the epidemic [of AIDS]”…  [He] has found a bacteria that he thinks is the co-factor [in ‘red’ cells– blood]… [and if he could cure someone of AIDS, says Montagnier], “I would be in heaven, swimming with angels.”


Dr. Fleming’s expertise as a cardiologist would be the body’s fluid systems (water, blood, electrolytes, cytosol, secretions, etc) and the NAD-dependent angiotensin hormone that regulates them with the angiotensin-converting enzymes –the ACE(2)—receptor domains in this COVID-infiltration crime. His specialty as an MD is cofactoring the virus and bacteria in our fluids.

“The water [memory] theory…talks about signals” says the Montagnier video narration [min 31] and so does longevity researcher David Sinclair [“DNA damage signals”] and we are are very close to admission of treatment by signals alone. The CIA crossed this bridge around the time of ARS-Corona satellites, finding similitude of frequencies to mind-altering drugs.

I would urge you to read ‘EMF Killing Fields’ on the blog –it’s never been more applicable than now. We have the Corona satellites in place in 1964 when along came a ‘new’ virus– though everyone said it was influenza– which was given the name ‘coronavirus’ by David Tyrrell from the UK head of the “Common Cold” unit out of the University of London. Peter Daszak, zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance, hails from the same alma mater and so did the core of ‘crystallographers’ who discovered the structure of viral DNA (from tobacco mosaic virus) in the ’50s (Rosalind Franklin’s group, in Planting Viruses). EcoHealth Alliance, says Dr. Feming, “is NIH and the CIA.”

Biology practice went ‘quantum’ in the early 1960s.



The DNA-busters are all around you, transmitting the signals of damage—the ‘blueprints’ are signals. It explains the cellular mayhem which occurs on contact, like misfolding proteins and  ‘arrested development’ from sirtuin displacement, causing among other problems, senescent [‘old’] cells which stop replicating to avoid passing on mutations. This is cell ‘protection’ mode which Bruce Lipton teaches is the counterbalance to ‘growth’, the two modes that can’t occur at the same time. Chemical and radiation exposures in utero can result in babies born old (or not born at all) and, as David Sinclair might say, with the disease of aging.

Welcome to the Telecosm.

   In this one minute video transcribed here, Dr. Pierre Gilbert was filmed in 1995 making the statement that ,”In biological destruction there are organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. And [the] vaccines will make [it] possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think—you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as an hypothesis… this has been done. Think of Ruanda.”


The Last Mile

In telecom-speak, ‘the last mile’ is the hard-to-reach but ultimate goal of transmitting signal to every surface and person on the planet. Having entered our public technical phraseology sometime in the 1990s, I suggested on this blog after reading George Gilder’s 2000 book ‘Telecosm,’ that the last mile is you. Now, with COVID upon us, I think I can describe it—the ‘comment’ section will be used to further this exploratory definition. Meanwhile, some intriguing questions arise from possibilities in ‘water memory’, like using the fluid medium to create and manufacture ‘de novo’ genes and proteins by “playing the music” of digital microbes.


UPDATES to the timeline below should include the 1996 establishment of GEIS, the Global Emerging Infections Surveillance program. More updates will go in the rolling comments.

From EMF Killing Fields:

This snip out of the timeline is beginning to tell a story:


–Mad Cow disease is identified, caused by ‘prions’, farmer/scientist Mark Purdey files suit in the UK; originally called “bovine AIDS”

–Feb., US Congress passes the Telecommunications Act of 1996; prohibits local gov’ts and citizens from siting cell towers based on health and environment concerns

–May, Alzheimer’s world expert, Dr. Tsunao Saitoh, is murdered in La Jolla, California during broad daylight by ‘men in black’

–May-Oct, largest outbreak of E.coli in history; Japan; 17,877 cases, 12 deaths (peak in July)

WAR in the Congo (initiated as ‘first Congo war’), ongoing… Hostilities estimated to have killed 10 million

–July, The US Dept. of Defense issues the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directive featuring Active Denial acoustic frequency systems

–US Food and Drug Administration “revised 50-year-old regulations to allow medical researchers to enroll patients.. without their consent” [see Jay Katz obit]

–Aug., U.S. Air Force reveals techniques on “Owning the Weather”…………..

And let’s not forget:

“New York City’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was created in 1996 by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to manage the city’s response to catastrophes, including terrorist attacks (see 1996). In the years preceding 9/11, it holds regular interagency training exercises… One exercise, which takes place in May 2001, is based on terrorists attacking New York with bubonic plague (see May 11, 2001)… OEM will be preparing for a bioterrorism exercise the morning of 9/11… ( a blog about the anthrax attacks)


Part of that story is told in “Blood Coltan…the precious metal in the heart of every mobile [phone] from the Congo”

   Another part of the story has roots in the late 60s with the development of genetic recombination and the successful achievements of Paul Berg combining E.coli with the SV40 monkey virus “transgene”. SV40, an ingredient in mass-produced vaccines of the 50s and 60s along with HeLa cells, readily ‘expresses’ its genes under the influence of radiofrequency. The rapidly proliferating, gene-swapping E.coli are the most natural bacteria vector in the mammalian life-cycle.

   In 1974, the Director of the NIH was one of the top “health physicists” in the country, Dr. Robert S. Stone of UCLA. Stone participated in the secret human plutonium injection experiments for the Manhattan Project (Atomic Energy Commission). In the early 70s, as the mobile-phone/cellular rollout was underway, NIH Director Stone penned this official note to a colleague: “…a year ago [1973] our concern was limited to only a few [genetically recombined] agents of importance to man, such as the infectious adenovirus 2-SV40 hybrids. In the past year, the technology for the production of autonomously replicating DNA recombinants has burgeoned, and we will have to be concerned not only with possible pathogens of human beings, but also..agents of agricultural and industrial importance…”

*(end of snip from EMF Killing Fields)



April 17, 2021

Plant Control and Smokin’ Genius




This post is really a ‘side note’ extension of the Planting Viruses series, which I alternatively call “TMV to CoV” (Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Coronavirus), with the intent of emphasizing effects on human spirituality and intelligence—central, and not ‘side’, issues OF COURSE. Plants by all measure have vastly accelerated our human success on this planet. Knowledge of plant use and knowledge from plants define much of our sacred heritage. The hologenomes mediated through plants possibly represent the greatest bounty of living intelligence in the galaxy –and therefore, significantly representing human control and oppression. Plants are at once animal, mineral and vegetable; extraordinary, powerful and dangerous.


To wit, here’s a 1999 documentary about the Pacific Islanders of Bougainville maximizing their use of coconuts to fight for self-rule against the incursions of Rio Tinto Zinc, the Australian and Papua New Guinea governments: The Coconut Revolution

Here are two videos demonstrating our ancient, religious, and sophisticated relationships with plants:

Graham Hancock’s courageous 19 minute TEDx (The War on Consciousness) talk on “Mother Ayahuasca’s” instruction to give up his cannabis habit.

The Pharmacratic Inquisition, from 2007 (2hrs)


The hologenome concept applied to ‘sacred’ tobacco is relevant to previous and future Planting Viruses posts –perhaps necessary to an exposition of the current uptake and applications of tobacco viruses in nano-bio-engineering. The DREADD technology mentioned by Charles Morgan in ‘Project POSSESSION’  is advancing with the use of tobacco viruses and yeast fungi –plant ‘bionts’. Morgan says DREADD and its innovation from J. Craig Venter is equivalent in military and technical impact to Nuclear Bombs. I’m taking him seriously. These techniques apply to COVID vaccines!


Holobiont Theory (Lynn Margulis et al) from Wikipedia:

“A holobiont is an assemblage of a host and the many other species living in or around it, which together form a discrete ecological unit,[1] though there is controversy over this discreteness. The components of a holobiont are individual species or bionts, while the combined genome of all bionts is the hologenome. The concept of the holobiont was initially defined by Dr. Lynn Margulis in her 1991 book Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation,[1] though the concept has subsequently evolved since the original definition.[2] Holobionts include the host, virome, microbiome, and other members, all of which contribute in some way to the function of the whole.[3][4] Well-studied holobionts include reef-building corals and humans.[5][6]


A holobiont is a collection of species that are closely associated and have complex interactions, such as a plant species and the members of its microbiome.[1][7] Each species present in a holobiont is a biont, and the genomes of all bionts taken together are the hologenome, or the “comprehensive gene system” of the holobiont.[8] A holobiont typically includes a eukaryote host and all of the symbiotic viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. that live on or inside it.[7]

Holobionts are distinct from superorganisms; superorganisms consist of many individuals, sometimes of the same species, and the term is commonly applied to eusocial insects.[9][10] An ant colony can be described as a superorganism, whereas an individual ant and its associated bacteria, fungi, etc. are a holobiont.[8] There is no doubt that symbiotic microorganisms are pivotal for the biology and ecology of the host by providing vitamins, energy and inorganic or organic nutrients, participating in defense mechanisms, or by driving the evolution of the host.[11][12] There is still some controversy surrounding these terms, and they have been used interchangeably in some publications.[6]

Holobiont components

Host: The host member of a holobiont is typically a multicellular eukaryote, such as a plant or human.[8] Notable hosts that are well-studied include humans,[13] corals,[5] and pine trees.[14]

Microbiome: The microbiome includes bacteria,[3] archaea,[15] microscopic fungi,[7] and microscopic protists.[3] 

Virome: All of the viruses included in a holobiont are collectively referred to as the virome[16]

Fungi: Multicellular fungi can be included in holobionts, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of plants.[7][4]


Although most work on host-microbe interactions has been focused on animal systems such as corals, sponges, or humans, there is a substantial body of literature on plant holobionts.[19] Plant-associated microbial communities impact both key components of the fitness of plants, growth and survival,[4] and are shaped by nutrient availability and plant defense mechanisms.[7] Several habitats have been described to harbor plant-associated microbes, including the rhizoplane (surface of root tissue), the rhizosphere (periphery of the roots), the endosphere (inside plant tissue), and the phyllosphere (total above-ground surface area).[12] The holobiont concept originally suggested that A significant fraction of the microbiome genome together with the host genome is transmitted from one generation to the next and thus can propagate unique properties of the holobiont”.[20] In this regard, studies have shown that seeds can play such a role. Evidence of this process have been recently proven showing that the majority, up to 95%, of the seed microbiome is mistranslated across generations.[21]

 The plant holobiont is relatively well-studied, with particular focus on agricultural species such as legumes and grains. Bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists, and viruses are all members of the plant holobiont…”

Read more:



‘Smokin’ Genius’

*There’s no doubt to these famous smokers that the Nicotinia species made a contribution. According to a ‘parkdale brass’ article: “Pipes allow people to transcend and connect with realms beyond our own to acquire knowledge and valuable insight… Jean-Paul Sartre seemed to think that smoking was a way of possessing the world and that the universe existed purely as something to be experienced while smoking… Bertrand Russell even said that pipe smoking saved his life…”

Tobacco’s contribution of interest, whether by smoking or not, is this molecule: NAD+, essential to oxygen metabolism (redox), LIFE as we know it and civilization as we built it.  I’m learning the lack of NAD+ is the common denominator among people medically diagnosed with COVID and its oxygen deficient sequelae, called Long Covid. My particular concern is on the bio-nanotech devices that appear to co-opt  NAD+ and interfere with our all-important redox and Kreb’s cycle processes. To my knowledge at this point, tobacco and its derivatives (which may include ‘tobo’ viruses)are the only source of NAD+.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide


Oldest Known Evidence of Tobacco Use in North America Found in Ice Age Hunting Camp

…. “the most interesting part of the discovery is that there is no direct evidence that people used tobacco past 3,000 years ago, but this research proved its use more than 12,000 years ago.”


Egyptian Life after Life

Tobacco leaves and beetle found in the mummy of Rameses II:  “The high levels of nicotine in Egyptian mummies, compared with other sources (Balabanova et al. 1997), have been interpreted as the result of the use of Nicotiana in the embalming process, something which could be supported by the Rameses evidence. Whilst the possibility of sources in plants other than tobacco, or the previous existence of Old World species of Nicotiana is considered (Balabanova et d. 1995), early importation from the New World is the explanation most favoured…”

Can we suppose the tobacco “oxygen battery” (NAD+) was known and thought of  by the Egyptians as a regenerating medicament and escort to the realm of the eternal?


Planting Viruses –From Plants! starts here




February 3, 2021

Making and Faking Viruses


*image of ‘viruses’ in seawater sample


This post is a “cut to the chase” about the War Upon You – the uncomplicated version of context—drawn forward from the Big Science coup d’etat of World War Two and our cultural entry into the Nuclear/Space Age. The Big Science of biology and genetics goes from “Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Coronavirus” in my review Planting Viruses, as an intertwining parallel to the high-energy technology that brought nuclear missiles, satellites and global communications to the planet.  Radiation, whatever its source, is a biological weapon outside of the limited compatibility range in which we evolved. Radiation co-factored with chemistry –specifically biochemistry— is the basis of Life as we know it. Radiation and chemicals together makes, unmakes, and remakes the living world. Edward Teller, “father of the hydrogen bomb”, remarked that his weapons would “change mankind’s relationship with the universe”. Despite his own chronic health problems related to his work, Teller maintained that “radiation is good for you.”

The very “fine forces” that hold us together as living beings are electro-chemical bonds (not ‘flesh and blood’ per se) under constant over-riding assault from ‘technology’, be it frequencies, gmo foods, medicines, pollutants and the rest. That said, Planting Viruses is following the trail of documentation from TMV to CoV to show how public attention has been diverted away from the real causes of modern epidemics to the pseudoscientific Germ Theory of disease by way of planting viruses from plants! It’s a big, slow story in need of a Teller, you could say, to give it impact —  but a great deal of the evidence is straightforward at the laboratory level. Scientific “maker” culture reduces all to its smallest irreducible parts and “rebuilds” –  “build back better” as we hear it said today, applied to everything that defines us.  Planting Viruses is just one more Lost Chapter in the theft of our humanity, demonstrated here by the breaking of species barriers. Among the questions raised and addressed is the proposition that ‘universal’ polio vaccines of the 1950s were loaded with plant genes and propagated on substrates bearing plant genes, like Hela cells harboring Tobacco Mosaic Virus. The poliovirus, for all the world, is a plant.


Keep this in mind:

“It’s raining viruses, but don’t panic” (published 2018)

[article excerpt]

“Viruses and the organisms they infect are extremely highly coevolved,” Suttle explains, “and as part of that process, viruses are really, really good at moving genetic information around. In fact, the field of biotechnology originated [with the discovery] that you could use a virus to move genetic information from one organism to another. The original genetic engineering, if you like, was using viruses to actually move genes around among organisms.”

A large percentage of human nucleic acids — our DNA — is actually viruses that are “still stuck in our genome,” Suttle points out. The placenta of mammals contains a protein that was donated by viruses; major components of our nervous system are the result of genetic information donated from viruses. “Viruses are masters at moving genetic information around and, as a result of that, they’ve been absolutely crucial to the evolution of all organisms,” he says. [end except]


“Synthetic viruses: a new opportunity…” (published Dec.2009)

“Rapid progress in DNA synthesis and sequencing is spearheading the deliberate, large-scale genetic alteration of organisms. These new advances in DNA manipulation have been extended to the level of whole-genome synthesis, as evident from the synthesis of poliovirus, from the resurrection of the extinct 1918 strain of influenza virus and of human endogenous retroviruses…”


Polioviruses are “Members of the family Picornaviridae (genus Enterovirus) and of the family Secoviridae (genus Comovirus) were the first characterized members of the order and infect vertebrates and plants, respectively. The order also includes viruses infecting invertebrates (families Dicistroviridae and Iflaviridae) or algae (family Marnaviridae). Large-scale environmental genomic studies suggest the presence of a large number of uncharacterized picorna-like viruses in the ocean.”

“The poliovirus is capable of producing an encephalitis, with or without symptoms, in the absence of any damage to the spinal cord. As far as the pathologist is concerned all cases of polio are encephalitic”.[p21] It’s amazing that something so small can do so much damage…But the poliovirus doesn’t attach to and damage just any cell. It is a ‘guided missile’ that does one thing: seek out, damage, and destroy the neurons that “activate” you –the ones that activate your brain and muscles. The poliovirus is the perfect human “Off switch”…

The author of those words, Richard L. Bruno in The Polio Paradox, appears to sincerely believe in the vaccine prevention of polio and writes nothing about the radiation and chemical cause of polio-like disease, a newly immanent crisis in the United States as the country emerged from World War II and catapulted into the Nuclear Age. Doctors in the 1940s attempting to ‘isolate’ poliovirus (serum) from polio patients were overwhelmingly unable to find the infectious agents.  The mandate to prevent polio with a ‘cure’ in the era of radioactive fallout seems incentive enough to “plant” a virus and use the vaccine in a new kind of “vaccine diplomacy” among nuclear-armed nations.

* Mahoney Type 1 poliovirus


The “wild” Mahoney type 1 poliovirus was collected and filtered into solution “virus” in 1941 by Dr. Thomas Francis of the Rockefeller Hospital. Personal physician to the Rockefeller family, Dr. Francis at the time had been newly set up at the University of Michigan on U.S. Army business in the capacity of  a public health laboratory. The Mahoney sample came from the pooled feces of three Cleveland area siblings who were asymptomatic –healthy!—and became the “type species” (first to be discovered) of the picornaviruses, or “prototype” as Eckard Wimmer noted in his 2002 created-from-scratch documents. The Mahoney strain procured in the lab, it turned out, was the deadliest of the recent polio filtrates. Work on another new polio vaccine, ongoing since the 1930s, however, was delayed;  Thomas Francis and his collaborator Jonas Salk were set on the task of making an influenza vaccine during the war. Clinically observed as sickness, there was no difference between polio and flu, but polio was to retain its distinctively special character as “infantile paralysis”—by then, a political definition of great value. All “influenza-like” disease, we now know, can be produced from exposure to radiation and chemicals.

Down Under in Australia’s city of Melbourne, Frank McFarlane Burnet was set on the same task of making an influenza vaccine for his government in WWII, to which he had also recommended the making of bioweapons in the form of intestinal agents. Burnet favorably selected influenza virus over the poliovirus for influenza’s quality of stability in lab experiments –having a larger genome it was less likely to mutate out of existence as poliovirus would were it not for vaccination and revaccination.

Contemporary  investigations reveal that plant viruses are normal commensals of the human gut, as they should be, able to be collected and reconstituted from newborn, exclusively breast-fed infants. In a very small but significant study, modern observers noted that 17 plant viruses were collected from newborn human feces, including tobacco mosaic virus, the “type species” of the helical rod, filamentous group. None of the parents of these newborns used or worked with tobacco, although it is known that TMV ‘infects’ many hundreds of plant species, including the most valuable food crops and flowers. Tobacco Mosaic Virus is the first virus, the prototypical “filtrate” substance obtained and ‘confirmed’ as a disease agent in 1892.  With this tobacco virus “tool”, I propose to demonstrate how TMV mutants and by-products became the “vaccine” viruses of modern allopathic practice.


Eckard Wimmer, the elderly researcher who created poliovirus from scratch: …”My favorite virus is poliovirus… and in 2002 we published a paper that we had recreated the virus from information on the internet and no virus was necessary…. This was an enormous shock…[because] the parent of this virus…was the computer.”


“Originally trained as an organic chemist, Wimmer developed a deep understanding and fascination for viruses as replicating (living) biological entities as well as (non-living) aggregates of organic compounds, or, “as chemicals with a life cycle”.[2][3] After working on the structure of tRNAs and the structure of a plant RNA virus (satellite tobacco necrosis virus), Wimmer chose to study poliovirus in 1968. Poliovirus is the cause of the horrific disease poliomyelitis, which can cause irreversible flaccid paralysis and even death. Neither the molecular biology of poliovirus proliferation nor the mechanism of its pathogenesis was understood in the nineteen sixties…  Using the nucleotide sequence of the genome deciphered in 1981, Wimmer followed up on the work published in 1991 by synthesizing chemically the genome in the form of double stranded DNA (“cDNA”), which was then transcribed enzymatically[16] into genome RNA and “booted to life” in the cell free system.[3] This work, published in 2002 by Cello, Paul and Wimmer, was the first test-tube synthesis of an organism in the absence of a natural template achieved outside living cells.[3] The poliovirus synthesis caught global attention, high praise, ridicule and fierce condemnation…”

Wimmer’s company : CODAGENICS, is shopping its corona vaccine

“Starting from only viral sequence data (no physical virus), Codagenix can routinely design, construct, and grow multiple live-attenuated vaccine candidates ready for animal safety and efficacy testing in less than one month, and faster if needed as new outbreak strains are identified… We seek to upend the current approach to making live-attenuated vaccines”…


In reality… “Except for a few cases, viruses are not surrounded by a membrane. If present, the membrane around a virus particle – as seen in electron microscopic images – stems usually from the host cell. Viruses have no energy metabolism of their own. Consequently, they cannot perform syntheses and are thus unable to replicate themselves…  With plant viruses, the term specificity (or host-specificity) has a very narrow meaning, since no plant virus as such exists….”


“All viruses are good viruses”…”they are solvents”….”[and] the only way [people] can get a swine flu or a bird flu is if [it] is injected in them” –Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD


From Stefan Lanka: Pathogenic, disease-causing “Viruses Don’t Exist”




Planting Viruses is a series-in-progress. So far, part three is currently under construction out of a probable five or six. When I finish it, I’ll be back to this spot to post a summary of each segment.

It starts here:



September 23, 2020

Tobacco Vaccines by DARPA




In 2012, DARPA’s exiting director, Regina Dugan gave a TED talk touting the accomplishments of the  defense agency; among them, hypersonic Mach 20 flying machines, artificial hummingbird drones, and ‘green goo’ tobacco-grown vaccines.  She said, ”This green goo may someday matter to you. This green goo is perhaps the vaccine that could save your life. It was made in tobacco plants. Tobacco plants can make millions of doses of vaccine in weeks instead of months and it might just be the first healthy use of tobacco ever [even] if it seems far-fetched that tobacco plants could make people healthy.” [approx.minute 11]

DARPA is on the front lines of making COVID-19 vaccines, in part, through its Biological Technologies Office (BTO) and the leadership of Dr. Anne Cheever who “led a team focused on COVID-19 vaccine acceleration… in support of Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and the Department of Defense.”


Tobacco and its constituent Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), the first ever virus discovery, makes a fascinating array of now-useful substances in synthetic biology and AI microelectronics. One of these materials, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, and its analog vinylpyrrolidone, or VP) became the subject of my 2012 post ‘Morgification’ about the discovery and use of PVP and its compelling property of making vein-like branched hollow tubes. PVP, I suspect, gives rise to some of the very weird physical extrusion phenomena in Morgellon’s sufferers. PVP was used post-WWII as a blood volumizer, and today is a cheap food-additive bulking agent like cellulose. Even “cellulose has received much attention as an emerging smart material, named as electro-active paper (EAPap)…”  Citations predating 2012 and uses of these materials, plus a brief review of biopolymers is at the Morg post.


No crop in the history of America has as rich a history as tobacco. The Pilgrims made a commercial pact to provide tobacco in exchange for their passage and supply. In the early 20th century, the uranium tailings leftover from radium production were spread on tobacco fields as ‘radium fertilizer’ to plump up the poundage of this valuable resource, possibly having a mid-century effect on people like Henrietta Lacks, whose cancerous HeLa cells changed the world of biomedical research during the age of radioactive fallout—and enabled the rapid production of polio vaccine,  More directly, today’s version of tobacco, it appears, is all genetically modified and the ‘green goo’ is a fluorescing protein from jellyfish –perhaps the same basic substance combined with nicotinic acid that ‘lights up’ your brain and makes you smarter. Maybe, as James Watson would have it, the cure for stupidity in a vaccine.


DARPA, of course, is covering the bases:  One early top contender on the way,  Moderna Inc. of Cambridge MA, maker of the mRNA vaccine advocated by the Gates and trialed on computer technology workers in Seattle, is in strategic alliances with…DARPA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” –as expected.  Moderna is the ‘wealthiest’ company in the state of Massachusetts. But in the liberalized wild-west climate of “national” vaccines, the current COVID tobacco contender made by Kentucky BioProcessing (KBP), a subsidiary of British American Tobacco ( B.A.T., or BATS on the London stock exchange), may have its day –expect it!


Coming up, more DARPA, more BATS, tobacco vaccines, such as those for Ebola and tularemia, and the fascinating Tobacco Mosaic Virus and related science of pyrroles and porphyrins.



September 19, 2020

Better Bodies by DARPA



“ The whole point of DARPA is to ‘accelerate the future into being,’ its strategic plan says… and bring them to the near side as quickly as possible” writes  Joel Garreau in his 2005 book Radical Evolution. “Today, DARPA is in the business of creating better humans.” –p22, 24—and if that’s not a definition of eugenics, nothing is.

Readers of 2005’s Radical Evolution who are also familiar with the documentary The Transcendent Man, starring ‘futurist’ Ray Kurzweil’s exposition of The Singularity, can pull the ‘Transcendent’ script right off DARPA’s pages in Garreau’s book.


Radical Evolution informs us that “since the late nineties [DARPA] has increasingly focused on human biology through the Defense Sciences Office [the DSO, whose staff] treasure shirts with the legend ‘DSO, DARPA’s DARPA.’ The notion is that if DARPA is at the cutting edge, DSO is the cutting edge of the cutting edge. In enhancing human performance, the program managers of DSO see a ‘golden age’ of opportunity… (p25) Just to make things clear, ‘DARPA has no laboratory space, [DSO director Michael] Goldblatt says. ‘DARPA does no work which we would consider execution. The actual work products –the milestones, the goals and objectives—are all done by independent investigators. They have the common tie –that they applied for—of funding coming from [DARPA programs].” (p31)

DARPA is by no means the only or even the largest organization in the business of creating the next humans. DARPA’s… annual budget is less than that of the National Science Foundation and is dwarfed by that of the National Institutes of Health, just to name two… [and] its ‘bio-revolution’ program represents only a fraction of DARPA’s overall agenda. The significance of DARPA trying to improve human beings, however, is that few if any institutions in the world are so intentionally devoted to high-risk, high-return, explicitly world-changing research… That’s why DARPA is at the forefront of the engineered evolution of mankind.” (p23).

“DARPA, for example, is very interested in creating human beings who are unstoppable. Three things that slow humans down in combat are pain, wounds and bleeding. So Navy Commander Kurt Henry…is directing researchers who are working on those. He is manager of a program called Persistence in Combat (PIC). In California, there is a biotech company in Silicon Valley called Rinat Neuroscience. Henry is funding its ‘pain vaccine.’ What the substance does is block intense pain in less than 10 seconds [and can] last for thirty days… The product works on the inflammatory response… The commercial implications are formidable… Rinat is a spin-off from Genentech, the world’s first biotech firm. It has attracted venture capital… (p27).

Particularly significant, DARPA creates institutions to support the future it desires. DARPA invests 90 percent of its budget outside the federal government, mainly in universities and industry. Academic centers at MIT, Stanford and Carnegie Mellon that made fundamental contributions to information technology coalesced because of DARPA. If it feels companies need to exist, DARPA helps foster those, including Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics and Cisco Systems.” (p24) And Rinat Neuroscience is but one example here; Garreau gives us many.

Here are a few more of DARPA’s life science DSO projects discussed with author Garreau:

The Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures program :  “The object of the game is to discover the essential part of life common to many of these pathogens –no matter how they might be genetically re-engineered –and interrupt them. An example would be finding an enzyme that appears only in bacteria but is not in us. It might exist only for a brief time in the bacteria, but without it, that life form cannot exist. Then you attack it. Another is ‘genomic glue’ –something that sticks onto the genome… so tightly that it prevents the genome from being read, translated and in any way replicated… There are a half dozen approaches to viruses and bacteria in the works, but one anti-genomic drug is at the last stages of testing in mice. This one seems to work on smallpox, malaria, anthrax and tularemia. It stops the Black Death –the plague—in its tracks. And yes, it also works on the flu. Researchers [in 2005] are ready to go to the FDA for human safety trials.” According to the program director John Carney, “ ‘despite the fact that you’re in the middle of nowhere and you have no way of getting medical help…the drug will work.’ What’s more, as a side benefit, it apparently could cure malaria and probably the common cold. ‘Yes. Anything that can infect you,’ says Carney. …We’re talking about about Pestilence as in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?  ‘Right,’ says Carney.” (p30)

The Metabolically Dominant Soldier program: “Hunger, exhaustion and despondency also slow humans down. Dealing with that is…tinkering with the internal machinery of human cells –controlling cellular metabolism and other activity within the cells… Take mitochondria, for example. They produce the energy to power the cell. [DARPA] is interested in modifying the number of mitochondria…[and] their efficiency at creating energy.”  Program manager Joe Bielitzki “is confident that he can take an individual now formidably trained to perform 80 pull-ups before exhaustion and render him capable of 300… One of the ways Bielitzki would like to do this is by eliminating the need for food… ‘We’ve all got stored calories—we just don’t have access to them [all the time]… Bielitzki acknowledges the potential for spin-off technologies. ‘Forty billion dollars a year goes into the weight loss industry in this country,’ he muses. ‘This will change it‘. (p32).  One of the goals of the Metabolic Engineering program is to allow badly injured soldiers to go into suspended animation or hibernation. It would allow them to survive even without oxygen for…periods of time… This is also the program interested in allowing soldiers to run Olympic-quality sprints for 15 minutes on one breath of air. Turns out humans are very inefficient in the way we process resources. There’s a whole lot of oxygen in one breath, and we waste most of it.” (p40)

The endosymbiont mitochondria in human, and ‘other’ species cells produce ‘the energy molecule’ adenosine triphosphate, ATP, use of which which ranges over any number of DARPA programs. “This brings us to Alan Rudolph…[the]godfather of the telekinetic monkey… He is the program manager for an extraordinarily broad portfolio of DSO’s projects. He jockeys hundreds of principal investigators…[and] has 15 patents in biological self-assembly, biomaterials, tissue engineering and neurosciences. He makes a distinction between DARPA and think tanks such as RAND, Brookings and the Highlands Forum. ‘There are a lot of people who think about the future. [DARPA] is one of those places where you can put money behind those fantasies. You get a vision, and then you start throwing money at it… to roll the ball down the road. It makes it an interesting place, no doubt. (p34) …So now he is working on everything from multi-legged robots to computerized human eye implants to brain-machine interfaces… (p35) ‘Power is a big issue. Our battery technology sucks. Our power problems are huge. I think all these implants will be run off the energy in the body, ATP. There’s low-temperature fuel in the body. The body is amazing in terms of its chemical conversion of energy. So we have a whole program… Biomotors… implantable batteries that work off the natural body constituents. Tissue engineering is going on to give us muscle… Right now we can keep [muscle] alive longer than we can get a battery to work. Yes. Outside the body. Yes. We’ve got a thing called the ‘lox bot.’. It’s a little biorobotic device that resembles a piece of smoked salmon. It uses skeletal muscle from a frog, and the damn thing swims using skeletal muscle. It swims through its energy source. It’s in a bath of glucose and ATP and the thing swims for like 20 hours. That’s the University of Michigan and MIT.’” (p38)

“The Mesoscopic Integrated Conformal Electronics (MICE) program has already succeeded in printing electronic circuits on the frames of eyeglasses and helmets, weaving them into clothes, even putting them on insects. These include electronics, antennas, fuel cells, batteries and solar cells. The Biological Input/Output Systems program is designed to enable plants, microbes and small animals to serve as ‘remote sentinels for reporting the presence of chemical or biological’ particles. They’d do this by changing color [or] lighting up fluorescently… The Brain-Machine Interface program is investigating how you would put wireless modems into people’s skulls. And that’s just the Defense Sciences Office, the department of DARPA most involved with human enhancement.” (p40)


“Among those at DARPA who are working on changing what it means to be human, the word you most commonly hear is fun. Fun comes up all the time. Program managers view what they’re doing as the greatest fun of their lives…  Their tours of duty are usually only three or four years… They know they will never see its like again.” (p42)



September 13, 2020

Eugenics and Vaccines


Turn back the clock a hundred years to a Supreme Court decision that upheld a case of involuntary sterilization in Buck v. Bell (1927), the most famous legal ruling in the American eugenics crusade against the ‘unfit’. The majority decision, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., sanctioned the practice of sterilization surgery by public health authorities with these words:

“It is better for all the world if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles is enough.”  Holmes was referring to Carrie Buck, her mother Emma, and her young daughter, Vivian, born in March of 1924 while Carrie was institutionalized by the State of Virginia. (source ref. p121, War Against the Weak, by Edwin Black, 2003)

The broad principle of compulsory vaccination, we infer from Holmes, is the preeminent exercise of the state to dispense with any perceived biological threat to society for the common good, established in 1905 (Jacobson v. Massaschusetts) as the right to “vaccinate and revaccinate” according to the dictates of the state. War Against the Weak further informs readers that the influential Holmes “asserted that the idea of inherent rights [of individuals] was ‘intrinsically absurd’,“  and taught as a matter of course in his 1881 lecture series, The Common Law. Citing statistics kept until the end of 1940, Edwin Black reported that in sum “no fewer than 35,878 men and women had been sterilized or castrated—almost 30,000 of them after Buck v. Bell.” (p123) What is not reported by Mr. Black’s statistics is whether and how many of the numbers of sterilized were committed to institutional life sentences as were Carrie Buck and her mother. Carrie’s daughter Vivian was adopted and assessed to be ‘normal’ in every way and eugenical standards shortly fell out of favor.

Rise of the New Biology, or ‘newgenics,’ rapidly followed: “A concerted physicochemical attack on the gene was initiated at the moment in history when it became unacceptable to advocate social control based on crude eugenic principles.” –p9, The Molecular Vision of Life,[sub-head] Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology by Lily E. Kay, 1993. “During the 1930s a new biology came into being that by the late 1950s was to endow scientists with unprecedented power over life. These three decades culminated in the elucidation of the self-replicating mechanisms of DNA and an explanation of its action in terms of information coding, representations that laid the cognitive foundations for genetic engineering. Scientists could now manipulate genes on the most fundamental level and attempt to control the course of biological and social evolution…[p3]… By defining life in terms of fundamental physicochemical mechanisms, molecular biology ultimately narrowed its principal focus…based on the protein paradigm, the premise that the salient features of life—reproduction, growth, neural function, immunity—could be explained through the structures and functions of proteins. In fact, guided by the protein paradigm, research on antibodies occupied a key position with the new biology. This important chapter, however, has been written out of the history of molecular biology.” –p5, ibid.

Let’s write the antibody chapter back in.


War Against the Weak concludes with “Eugenics Becomes Genetics” and “Newgenics” chapters [pp411-444]] and a statement from James D. Watson, co-discoverer with Francis Crick of double-helix DNA structure, who “told a British film crew in 2003, ‘If you are really stupid, I would call that a disease. The lower 10 percent who really have difficulty, even in elementary school, what’s the cause of it? A lot of people would like to say, ‘Well, poverty, things like that.’ It probably isn’t. So, I’d like to get rid of that, to help the lower 10 percent.” –p442, War Against the Weak

…….more to come……

April 11, 2020

Genetically Modified: Tag, You’re IT



“The history of biotechnology is not well known. It comes as a surprise to most people to find out that it was not a scientific discovery. Genetic engineering technology was deliberately devised by a small group of people who were looking for a way to manipulate life according to their own designs and for their own purposes. Once they identified genes as a material basis for life, they figured out how to manipulate them, using recombinant DNA technology, and they immediately found commercial uses for their products.

   “The underlying conceit is what MIT science historian Lily Kay calls the “molecular vision of life.” It came about, she says, as the result of the effort of a few scientists, along with their academic and philanthropic sponsors, who had a shared vision about how they could use genes to reshape science and society. Kay says this small group of people laid claim to DNA as a means to an end, once they decided that it was ‘the secret of life.’

   “This new ‘protein paradigm’ reduced the enormous complexity of life down to a few component parts and provided a biological basis for the idea that microorganisms could be engineered. This was the ‘new biology.’  …And it offered those who adopted it a previously unimagined mastery over both nature and society.” –pp8-9, Uncertain Peril, by Clare Hope Cummings, 2008


“The desire for patents and profits sweetened the prospects for all concerned. Kay says the long-standing boundaries between what was ‘public’ and what was ‘private’ were erased as corporate and government interests merged… [And] what emerged was a matrix of control. Biotechnology began to dominate scientific research… In the end, it’s been the triumph of what Kay calls the ‘technocratic approach to life.’ …Whether it was intended or not, the way biotechnology was developed has resulted in a relatively small number of players achieving an unprecedented and overarching level of control over life on earth. It brings to mind the words of Justice William O. Douglas, who warned that ‘ as nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there’s a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.’ “ –pp10-11, ibid.


“Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There’s actual discussion about that. You will rule on that –mark my words—before your tenure is over.”U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden, asked during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of John Roberts to be chief justice of the Supreme Court.


“We can take proteins, real biological machines, and make them part of a working microelectronic circuit.” –Aleksandr Noy, scientist at Univ. of California Merced, co-author of ACS Nano Letters


The source of the two quotes above is from the book “Forbidden Gates” by Tom and Nita Horn, published in 2010. The subject and subheading is “How genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and human enhancement herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare and includes this scenario from Nita: “She asked if the biblical mark of the Beast might be a conspiracy employing specific implantable technology only now available. Her theory was gripping. An occult elite operating behind the U.S. government devises a virus that is a crossover between human and animal disease –let’s say, an entirely new and highly contagious influenza mutation [supposing the 2010 publication was directly referencing the H5N1/H1N1 ‘event’ over years 2005-2009] –and intentionally releases it into the public. A pandemic ensues, and the period between when a person contracts the virus and death is something like like ten days. With tens of thousands dead in a few weeks and the rate of death increasing hourly around the globe, a universal cry for a cure goes out. Seemingly miraculously, the government then steps forward with a vaccine. The only catch…given the nature of the animal-human flu, the ‘cure’…rewrites one’s genetics so that the person is no longer entirely human…[and by] receiv[ing] this antidote would become part ‘beast’…thus…’Mark of the Beast’

At the time of reading Forbidden Gates, shortly after publication, it was with full awareness that a bioinformatics database called BEAST already existed. It’s in the flu notes, posted on this blog. Biblical ‘scripting’ is, to me, the ominous and perversely-expressed harbinger of the spiritual warfare reality.

As far as I’m concerned, a mass of human tagging began with the 1950s polio vaccines and the introduction of the monkey virus ‘contaminant’ SV40, simian virus #40, in the Salk and Sabin formulas. It’s not a gift of altruism that ongoing worldwide polio vaccination has been the goal of Bill Gates and the foundation, though current vaccines are SV40 free. The theory is basically this: Post-Hiroshima biological surveillance and data collection was mandated to the medical team of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) on the suggestion of 100 years duration. A multigenerational biological tag was the only means then available, lacking nano-device alternatives, and its expected implementation was imminent after 1950 when the ABCC organized for its longterm assignments. Nuclear testing, which began in Nevada in 1951, expanded the mandate to the U.S. population and beyond. Polio-vaxxed Boomers and their descendents are a potentially trackable demographic. Some military-use nonpolio vaccines of the era also contained SV40. Adding to this view is code for the infective SV40 particle, the T-antigen short form –T-ag.  Tag, really. Is that nerd humor?, an ominous and perversely-expressed harbinger?— or just in-your-face who-doo for future surveillance in ABCC’s project management? The ABCC, of course, is long defunct, but SV40 rages on, fascinating as a subject in the development of  biotech. For now, as a model of tagging derived entirely by my own thoughts on it, I’m going with ‘in your face’ and on the hook. The journey of SV40 through research labs as a ‘recombinant’ gene factor parallels the growth of the biotech industry.


Who owns your DNA? According to Claire Cummings 2008 book, Uncertain Peril, “Twenty percent of the DNA in the human body is now patented. Many of the genes in your body are already owned by someone else, most likely a pharmaceutical company or an institution. The Regents of the University of California, for instance, own eighty-nine human genes.” –p75, ibid.  Little doubt attends my speculation that an increase in holdings over the last decade put aggregate institutional ownership of human DNA at or near a  majority of stock—live stock. Somehow, between the first successful 1980 “patent on life” case for a genetically-engineered bacterium and the present, ownership of your essential constituents have been transferred to private parties. Quantitatively speaking, only about 10% of ‘you’ is human anyway, long provoking the question of “what is human?” and, by extension, “what is ‘yours’ and ‘not yours’?,” and “when does ‘yours’ become ‘not yours’?”

So far, every time I check into it, the human DNA legal trend is “not yours” and when applied to medical treatment definitely “not yours.” The immune system wrestles with this every day, tasking “self” and “not self,” so I’ll try to work out a parallel here.


In the meantime, an example of “not yours”:  “…when the Supreme Court ruled on the [patent] case of Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, a scientist working at General Electric who’d created a bacterium genetically engineered to consume oil and help clean up oil spills…[his] lawyers argued that since normal bacteria don’t consume oil, Chakrabarty’s bacteria weren’t naturally occurring –they only existed because he’d altered them using ‘human ingenuity.’ Chakrabarty’s victory opened up the possibility of patenting other living things, including genetically modified animals and cell lines, which didn’t occur naturally outside the body. And patenting cell lines didn’t require informing or getting permission from the ‘cell donors.’ “   The bold-type emphasis is my addition to the words of Rebecca Skloot from the book ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ whose cervical cancer tumor specimens became the famous ‘immortal’ HeLa cell line in 1951.  Skloot mentions another cell line called ‘Mo,’ harvested by a UCLA doctor in 1976 from the abnormal spleen of a patient named John Moore who suffered from hairy-cell leukemia. “A normal spleen weighs less than a pound; Moore’s weighed twenty-two.” –p199  Some years later, during his ongoing medical follow-up which involved long distance travel to UCLA, Moore’s suspicion was aroused when he attempted to change the arrangements of his medical visits to be closer to home. Accompanying offers of plane tickets and a stay at the Beverly Wiltshire hotel, was  “a  new consent form that said: ‘ I (do, do not) voluntarily grant to the University of California all rights I, or my heirs, may have in any cell line or any other potential product… developed from the blood and/or bone marrow obtained from me.’ “   He circled ‘do’ but at his next visit when the consent form was presented again he circled ‘do not’ and soon learned that ‘Mo’ was reaping a windfall. In 1984 Moore filed suit against the physician and UCLA. His doctor, patent in hand, stood to personally gain $3.5 million from the cell line which “at that point [had] its market value estimated to be $3 billion…  Scientists are quick to point out that John Moore’s cells were exceptional, and few cell lines are actually worth patenting. Moore’s cells produced rare proteins that pharmaceutical companies could use to treat infections and cancer. They also carried a rare virus called HTLV…which researchers hoped to use to create a vaccine that could stop the AIDS epidemic. Because of this, drug companies were willing to pay enormous sums to work with his cells.” –pp201-202, ibid.

Moore lost on the first round, then appealed in 1988 and won. His doctor subsequently appealed and won the ‘right to use patient tissues’ and finally “Nearly seven years after Moore originally filed suit, the Supreme Court of California ruled against him in what became the definitive statement on this issue: When tissues are removed from your body, with or without your consent, any claim you might have had to owning them vanishes… [The court] said that ruling in Moore’s favor might ‘destroy the economic incentive to conduct important medical research,’ and that giving patients property rights in their tissues might ‘hinder research by restricting access to the necessary raw materials’…” –p205, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, 2010


The roots of this blog are mentioned in a post called “A Few Words About the Agenda” from November 2009:

“….I started this blog in July09 in the midst of a “pandemic” that is not happening because of a deep foreboding that the Controls being sought are nearly in hand. There is no rational/logical explanation for things like mandatory vaccines, forced healthcare, carbon-footprint permits and the like when it flies in the face of experiential science. What else can it be but the consolidation of the Plan? Every article here in my blog is telling an aspect of this story; One story about One World, where everything coalesces under…the oligarchy…[until] they own you… In ‘their’ future.. ‘we’ are to be made less than fully human to eliminate their competition…  today achievable in physical fact.  How will we be ‘less than human’ –perhaps by becoming programmable DNA computers. Take a look:

…. The impetus in DNA computing, according to Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institute speaking in 2003, is to find a “molecule that can recognize, cut and join DNA sequences in specific ways”, what he suggests will be “designer enzymes…that can do things and go to places that silicon can’t –such as inside our cells to make and control drugs.” . Phage and virus already do this naturally –enter our cells and install a program– so the question is begging about the ability of virus-like ‘nano-machines’ harnessed for the activity of synthesizing specific enzymes to run an assembly program. If you were going to ‘assemble’ a DNA computer capable of replicating and replacing its own parts, wouldn’t the ideal machine have an immortal and unlimited source of those parts? Cancer cells are just such an immortal cellular anomaly. A pharmaceutical-generating program that can control cancer cells in the self-performance of chemotherapy has the capacity I would think of becoming an immortal DNA computer, capable of [reproducing] itself with endless ‘perfect copies’ while keeping the overproduction of those cells in check…  Cancer cells may become the needed raw material for constructing immortal bio-bot computers. The staggering potential of DNA computing forecast by Leonard Adleman is that “One gram of DNA can store as much information as a trillion compact discs”. “What’s more”, states the text of the USC webpages above, “myriad DNA molecules can examine every possible [pathway] at once, rather than one at a time as in a conventional computer”. With this much incredible promise, is it likely that the DNA computing science would take a backseat? If I’m on the right track with this projection, a lot of agendas appear to be satisfied. I’m over my head here…  Explanations for the presence of sophisticated and nano-sized materials in food, vaccines and chemtrails are not forthcoming and yet they are turning up in products of every description. At the atomic level, organic, inorganic and cellular materials have new and different properties, most informative of which comes from electrochemical experiments.  As in the past, this new technical platform will be maximally spun-off and exploited in some ultimate pursuit of global mastery… Our bodies will become factories for their bio-bots.

2004– “Recently, simple molecular-scale autonomous programmable computers were demonstrated… allowing both input and output… Such computers, using biological molecules as input data and biologically active molecules as output, could produce a system for ‘logical’ control of biological processes… As proof of principle, we programmed the computer to identify and analyze mRNA of disease-related genes associated with models of…cancer, and to produce a single-stranded DNA molecule modelled after an anticancer drug.”

(end of self-quote from A Few Words About the Agenda)


”The goal of the government should be one level of health for all the people” —Florence Mahoney, 1965, reference on p209 of Noble Conspirator, Florence S. Mahoney and the Rise of the National Institutes of Health, by Judith Robinson, 2001

This quote is but one of the select bolshevist utterances of the incomparable ‘health’ lobbyist Mrs. Mahoney. Her principal endeavors focused on population control, mental health treatment and social engineering. The span of her nationally influential activity ranged from the 1940s to the ‘90s and “by the year 2000, the National Institutes of Health had become indisputably the world’s leading research entity across the spectrum of biomedicine.” –271, ibid.

The 2009 H1N1 pandemic-that-wasn’t brought in the government initiative called One Medicine, a cooperative paramilitary organization enlisting MDs and DVMs to jointly respond to public health issues. In essence, the One Medicine goal is to devise common protocols of treatment for humans and animals –symbolically, if not actually, leveling the livestock. In biotechnology this is possible because of  genetic ‘homology’, the cross-species similitude of gene chemistry. In natural settings, homology in viruses, viral vectors and host receptors leads to transmission –and in the case of infectious transmission from animals to humans, known as ‘zoonosis’ (zoh-ahn’-nah-sis). I’ll have to check if ‘humanosis’ or ‘homonosis’ is in the lexicon yet. We’re certainly making the animals we love and depend on very sick with ‘public health’ protocols.

Any government that determines the nature of my human physical matter, whether inside or outside the body, to be “raw material” for “important” economic exploit represents neither myself nor the authority to which I submit.



Industrial GMOs have a running track record in agriculture, the subject of Uncertain Peril, sufficiently parallel in models of business and ethics to apply to human engineering. I put in the bracketed [noun] substitutions to make a point:

“There are five solid reasons that genetic engineering is not right for agriculture [medicine]. One: it’s bad science. It was developed on the basis of flawed assumptions which have since been discredited by the scientific community. Two: it’s bad biology. It was deployed without regard for its potential for genetic contamination and risks to human health. Three: it’s bad social policy. It puts control over seeds [medical treatment] and the fundamentals of our food and farms [healthcare] into the hands of a few corporations who have their own, not our, best interests in mind. Four: it’s bad economics. After billions of dollars and thirty [now forty and more] years, only a few products have been commercialized, and they offer nothing new. No one asked for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and given a choice, consumers would reject them. Five: it’s bad farming [healthcare]. GMOs don’t address the real issues plaguing agriculture [humans]; they’re designed to substitute for or increase the use of proprietary weed and pest [drug] control chemicals. Patented and genetically altered seeds [pharmaceuticals] perpetuate the very worst problems of the industrial food [health] system, and they are undermining the autonomy of the farmers [doctors] who use them.”


Underlying Causes and Coronavirus


‘You Are What You Eat’ was a government information campaign of the 1970s when biotech was gaining ground in agriculture. The learning program put an emphasis on the benefits of whole grain –certain of which are the gluten/gliadin containing wheat, rye, and barley which we now know compromise the blood-brain barrier, as the glyphosate (Round-up, Agent Orange) herbicide then being introduced compromises the gut by inducing lesions. (That’s subject for another post). The point here is that my earlier influenza research demonstrated that the microbiologists of the last century discovered toxic gut bacteria in the lungs of flu patients, determining it to be the cause of respiratory infection.

Plus this: “…In this account of the discovery of influenza [virus, c1933], researchers at ”Mill Hill” near London accidently infected their lab ferrets with their own flu. [humanosis?] At the time they were experimenting with ‘distemper’, developing a vaccine for the flu-like illness in dogs.”   –see the margin list for “Influenza Special”. If there’s a relationship of gut bacteria to respiratory infection in dogs, I didn’t look for it then, but the common viral agent of contagious gastroenteritis in dogs is coronavirus.  From the Merck Veterinary Manual, 1991 edition: “Coronaviral Gastroenteritis, A highly contagious GI disease of dogs of any age… Canine Coronavirus (CCV) is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus antigenically related to the feline coronaviruses (feline infectious peritonitis virus and feline enteric coronavirus) and to transmissible gastroenteritis virus of pigs… Lesions in experimental infections usually are not severe…[but] Naturally occurring cases, especially those with mixed infections, can have severe lesions with frank hemorrhage in the intestinal mucosa…” The 1991 Merck Vet. lists only four species with economically significant coronavirus problems: dogs, cats, pigs and turkeys, but if there are clues in microbe-hunting about CoV transmission, mixed-infections, and treatment, the recommended treatment for Kennel Cough in dogs is vaccines for distemper and parainfluenza (or paramyxovirus infection, PMV) –respiratory infection in turkeys, “which suggests the respiratory tract may be the initial site of infection.” –p1564, ibid.  Bird flu? Do turkeys cough? “The transmission between turkeys is unclear,” so I’ll let that go for the time being. However, turkeys take a wallop with coronavirus! “Coronaviral Enteritis of Turkeys: An acute, highly contagious disease of turkeys characterized by sudden onset… Mortality may be high… The causative agent is a coronavirus, but the clinical disease is complicated by other intestinal viral and bacterial infections… Cold weather, especially freezing, increases survival of the virus.” –p1554.  We’re being told that too, yes? Must be One Medicine on the job. No vaccine for turkeys, says Merck…just quarantine, social distancing, disinfection…  A little global warming would be handy.

A  very different outcome of coronavirus in pigs is the ‘causal agent’ of a frightful disease called ‘vomiting and wasting disease’ (VWD), otherwise known as Coronaviral  hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV) –a brain infection—where “Neonatal pigs become dehydrated, cyanotic, comatose and die…[If] the virus enters a susceptible herd with neonatal piglets, morbidity and mortality may be high… Replication first takes place in the nasal mucosa, tonsils, lungs, and to a very limited extent, in the small intestine [after spread by aerosol]. From these sites of entry, the virus invades…the peripheral nervous system and subsequently spreads to the entire brain stem…” –pp388-389, ibid. I’m posting this not to scare you but to show a greater range of coronavirus. In North America, western Europe, and Australia, where HEV occurs, “Pigs are the only natural host.” This is the kind of information that provokes my attention for bioweapon potential –but ‘bioweapon’ within the meme of low-intensity conflict scenarios. Our ‘common cold’ coronavirus is everywhere.


Turn back the clock for a minute on the official U.S. response to SARS in May 2003:

…”Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee. I am Jerome M. Hauer*, Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness. I appreciate this opportunity to share our Department’s response to the SARS virus within the context of public health emergency preparedness… we have reason to be encouraged by the response to SARS for several reasons. First, the identification of the agent that causes the disease was completed in record time. CDC identified the coronavirus within a few short weeks of receiving the first specimens… We are partnering with industry to organize a full-court press on vaccine development… The Command Center maps the distribution of SARS cases across the globe with geographic information system software for use during our planning discussions. The Command Center did not exist a year ago – it became operational last November [2002]… I recently co-chaired a meeting of the Council of Governments with Mike Byrne of the Department of Homeland Security to bring together health professionals from across the national capital region to aggressively prepare for an outbreak of the SARS virus here… the Department is implementing an aggressive research and development program to develop and acquire biological, chemical, nuclear and radiological countermeasures… The most exciting news in the R&D arena is, of course, Project BioShield, announced by the President on February 3, 2003.”

*Jerome Hauer, you may remember, was on hand for commentary to major NYC TV media the morning of 9-11, providing the tip that ‘Osama bin Laden’ did it. Hauer was then an officer of New York’s emergency operations center and pKroll security, but his earlier career was in bioweaponry. He directed the neighborhood pesticide-spraying campaign against West Nile Virus when it emerged in NYC in 1999.


To our sorrow, the legal decoupling of “healthcare” from the biotech industry never happened. It could have, should have, happened long ago in the 1950s and ‘60s amidst the Cold War when advancing biotechnology was pressing countermeasures (like Hauer’s B-C-R protocols) into military operations. The subsequent infiltration and takeover of biotech in medicine forces the euphemism of “healthcare” with the still added integration of I.T. –Information Technology. As I see it, all a very advanced and comprehensive outcome of radiation biology, the mother of modern genetics.


In June of 2013, Justice Clarence Thomas (former Monsanto lawyer) wrote the decision on human DNA for the US Supreme Court that, “We hold that a naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated,” following more than forty years of neglect while the industry flourished. At stake was the monopolization of a natural gene by one patent holder, able to control its use in research and medicine. The decision opened the pool and, interpreted by the industry, “also said that synthetic genetic material could be patented” –synthetic human DNA. Four years before this decision, August 2009, I posted “Fabricating DNA Evidence” quoting “Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence…if they have access to a DNA profile in a database… without obtaining any tissue from [a] person. ‘You can just engineer a crime scene,’ said [Dr.] Dan Frumkin… ’Any biology undergraduate could perform this.”


“Synthetic biology is unregulated and self-governing. No one knows what could occur when synthetic organisms are intentionally and unintentionally let loose into the environment. Creating genes that don’t exist in nature is a dangerous business and there is no way to predict how they will behave in living systems.” –p266, Foodopoly, 2012, by Wenonah Hauter (Food & Water Watch)


So, while I’m ‘CoVing-in’ with extra spare time, I’m dwelling on the tagging, tracking, and surveillance milieu of our present situation juxtaposed with notions of human rights because biotechnology is rewriting the genes of our Constitution and incapacitating the judgements therefrom:


FYI, The Human Rights which we extend around the globe, and teach to students of ‘public health’, “include but transcend the conventional classes of human rights…in a remarkable variety of international human rights and humanitarian laws… Never before…has there been such universal recognition of the claim that everyone…is entitled to rights—in particular, what have been aptly called ‘life integrity rights.’ These include the right to life, the right to personal inviolability—not to be hurt; the right to be free of arbitrary seizure, detention, and punishment; the freedom to own one’s body and labor; the right to free movement without discrimination; and the right to create and cohabit with family.” –p39, War and Public Health, 2000 updated ed., editors Levy and Sidel.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [mankind] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights… [and] that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it… Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms of government to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. The history of the present… is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny… To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world…” A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America… July 4, 1776



…part two coming soon…




October 28, 2013

School Days

Filed under: education,Eugenics,Rockefeller Science — jenniferlake @ 12:38 am
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“From the beginning, there was purpose behind forced schooling…forged out of what a highly centralized corporate economy and system of finance bent on internationalizing itself was thought to need… School was looked a branch of industry and a tool of governance…  By 1917, the major administrative jobs in American schooling were under control of a group referred to in the press of that day as ‘the Education Trust.’ The first meeting of this trust included representatives of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harvard, Stanford, the University of Chicago, and the National Education Association. The chief end, wrote the British evolutionist Benjamin Kidd in 1918, was to ‘impose on the young the ideal of subordination.’

…”Arthur Calhoun’s 1919 Social History of the Family notified the nation’s academics what was happening. Calhoun declared that the fondest wish of utopian writers was coming true: The child was passing from its family ‘into the custody of community experts.’ He offered a significant forecast, that in time we could expect to see public education ‘designed to check the mating of the unfit.’

…”The 1920s were a boom period for forced schooling… William Kirkpatrick boasted in Education and the Social Crisis that the whole tradition of rearing the young was being made over by experts.”

   “Meanwhile, at the project offices of an important employer of experts, the Rockefeller Foundation, friends were hearing from president Max Mason that a comprehensive national program was underway to allow, in Mason’s words, ‘the control of human behavior.’ This dazzling ambition was announced on April 11, 1933. Schooling figured prominently in the design.

   “Rockefeller had been inspired by the work of Eastern European scientist Hermann Muller to invest heavily in genetics. Muller had used X-rays to override genetic law, inducing mutations in fruit flies. This seemed to open the door to the scientific control of life itself. Muller preached that planned breeding would bring mankind to paradise faster than God… Muller would win the Nobel Prize, reduce his proposal to a 1,500-word Geneticists’ Manifesto, and watch with satisfaction as 22 distinguished American and British biologists of the day signed it. The State must prepare to consciously guide human sexual selection, said Muller. School would have to separate worthwhile breeders from those slated for termination…”

   “Thirty-odd years later, between 1967 and 1974, teacher training in the US was covertly revamped through coordinated..key state education departments..which in time, impacted every school in America… The Behavioral Science Teacher Education Project identified the future as one ‘in which a small elite’ will control all important matters, one where participatory democracy will largely disappear. Children are made to see through school experiences that their classmates are so cruel and irresponsible, so inadequate..and so ignorant that they need to be controlled and regulated for society’s good. Under such a logical regime, school terror can only be regarded as good advertising…”

–John Taylor Gatto, “Some Lessons From The Underground History of American Education” [pp274-287, Everything You Know Is Wrong, 2002]

   Using falling literacy statistics dating from 1840 and 1940, J.T. Gatto makes his point about the success of educational failure:   “…abundant data exist from states like Connecticut and Massachusetts to show that by 1840 the incidence of complex literacy in the United States was between 93 and 100 percent… According to the Connecticut census of 1840, only one citizen out of every 579 was illiterate… By 1940, the literacy figure for all states stood at 96 percent for whites [and] 80 percent for blacks… Six decades later..the National Adult Literacy Survey..say[s] 40 percent of blacks and 17 percent of whites can’t read at all. Put another way [since 1940], black illiteracy doubled and white illiteracy quadrupled… think of this: We spend three to four times as much real money on schooling as we did 60 years ago, but 60 years ago virtually everyone..could read…
   “If you have a hard time believing this…meet William Torrey Harris, US Commissioner of Education from 1889 to 1906… Harris standardized our schools and Germanized them… Listen as he speaks in 1906: “Ninety-nine [students] out of a hundred are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual… The great purpose of school can be realized better in dark, airless, ugly places… It is to master the physical self, to transcend the beauty of nature. School should develop the power to withdraw from the external world.’
…”Since Aristotle, thinkers have understood that work is the vital theater of self-knowledge. Schooling in concert with a controlled workplaceis the most effective way ever devised to foreclose the development of imagination… Hegel was sold to America in large measure by William Torrey Harris who made Hegelianism [the provoking of crises] his lifelong project, and forced schooling its principal instrument in its role as a peerless agent provocateur.
   “Harris was inspired by the notion that correctly managed mass schooling would result in a population so dependent on leaders that schism and revolution would be things of the past… The psychological tool was [is] alienation. The trick was to alienate children from themselves so they couldn’t turn inside for strength, to alienate them from their families, religions, cultures, etc. so no countervailing force could intervene…
   “Alexander Inglis, author of Principles of Secondary Education..wrote that the new schools were being expressly created to serve a command economy and command society, one in which the controlling coalition would be drawn from important institutional stakeholders in the future. According to Inglis, the first function of schooling is adjustive, establishing fixed habits of reaction to authority. This prepares the young to accept whatever management dictates when they are grown. Second is the diagnostic function. School determines each student’s ‘proper’ social role…to justify the next function, sorting. Individuals are to be trained only so far as their likely destination in the social machine, not one step beyond.

   “Conformity is the fourth function. Kids are to be made alike…so future behavior will be predictable, in service to market and political research. Next is the hygenic function…the health of the ‘race’… and last is the propaedutic function, a fancy word meaning that a small fraction of kids will slowly be trained to take over management of the system…
    “And there you have the formula: adjustment, diagnosis, sorting, conformity, racial hygiene, and continuity…”
“The Ultimate History Lesson”, 2011 interview
Hermann Joseph Muller (or H. J. Muller) (December 21, 1890 – April 5, 1967) was an American geneticist, educator, and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation (X-ray mutagenesis) as well as his outspoken political beliefs… In 1914, Julian Huxley offered Muller a position at the recently founded William Marsh Rice Institute, now Rice University; he hurried to complete his Ph.D. degree and moved to Houston for the beginning of the 1915-1916 academic year…
…1926 marked the beginning of a series of major breakthroughs. Beginning in November, Muller carried out two experiments with varied doses of X-rays, the second of which used the crossing over suppressor stock (“ClB”) he had found in 1919. A clear, quantitative connection between radiation and lethal mutations quickly emerged. Muller’s discovery created a media sensation after he delivered a paper entitled “The Problem of Genetic Modification” at the Fifth International Congress of Genetics in Berlin; it would make him one of the better known public intellectuals of the early 20th century. By 1928, others had replicated his dramatic results, expanding them to other model organisms such as wasps and maize. In the following years, he began publicizing the likely dangers of radiation exposure in humans…
In September 1932, Muller moved to Berlin to work with the Russian expatriate geneticist Nikolay Timofeeff-Ressovsky, a trip intended as a limited sabbatical stretched into an eight-year, five-country journey. In Berlin, he met two physicists who would later be significant to the biology community: Niels Bohr and Max Delbrück…  In 1933, Muller Leningrad…  In the USSR, Muller supervised a large and productive lab, and organized work on medical genetics. Most of his work involved further explorations of genetics and radiation. There he completed his eugenics book, Out of the Night, the main ideas of which dated to 1910… ”
The ideas Muller laid out for the development of a practical eugenics program differed from those of the American Eugenics Society, particularly his emphasis on ‘positive eugenics’ and the importance of a classless society as a precursor to a eugenics program. ‘Positive eugenics’ was Muller’s theory which promoted the perpetuation of good genes rather than the removal of bad genes from society (‘negative eugenics’).” [Galtonian eugenics was of this ‘positive’ type] Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory archives

August 8, 2011

Vaccine Diplomacy

Filed under: Eugenics,Human Experimentation,vaccines — jenniferlake @ 2:20 am
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  Jonas Salk, c.1955
Polio Diplomacy describes the complex activities of building a modern global medical infrastructure in the twentieth century; activities that intensified in the 1930s as radiation-assisted genetic science expanded and then virtually exploded alongside the Atomic Bomb. The spread of polio is a means of tracking nuclear proliferation and as we shall see, especially during the Cold War, nuclear intentions.  The ‘year 2000′ redoubled effort to eradicate polio by vaccination has become a tyranny of the first order. More than any other aspect of the Polio Story, polio diplomacy reveals the depth of covert globalization and humanity’s present “genetic crisis”.
Polio vaccinations should have been stopped. They were going to be in 2000. Most of world’s circulating disease-associated polioviruses are acknowleged to be vaccine-derived, but there never was a really “wild type” of natural poliovirus. The artifice begun in the first decade of the 20th century is now the artifice of the 21st. Polio, cancer, AIDS, vaccines, transgenics and ”equalized” populations have ended the domain of the once free-living species known as ourselves.
“Vaccines as Instruments of Foreign Policy” — Peter J. Hotez, Sabin Vaccine Institute: “the notion that vaccines may function as agents of conflict resolution is one that has deep historical roots… The modern era of American vaccine diplomacy followed on the heels of the Marshall Plan… In the 1950s, when polio epidemics occurred every summer in North America, Europe, and the USSR, Albert Sabin began to work closely with Soviet virologists… It is not widely known that the attenuated polio strains developed in Sabin’s laboratory at the University of Cincinnati were transformed into a clinically useful oral vaccine with the help of Soviet virologists… What followed was a remarkable example of Cold War diplomacy, in which Soviet children were among the first to receive test doses of the oral polio vaccine… Like polio, the control..of smallpox was the product of Cold War vaccine diplomacy.”
 “Vaccines are the most powerful tool available to equalize the health of human beings in every corner of the world,”  said H.R. Shepherd, first chair of the Sabin Vaccine Institute. “Enlightened leaders understand the power of vaccines to help bring peace and opportunity to the most troubled places in our world. Vaccines are the microchip that will revolutionize healthcare”
  Albert Sabin
                                                         Get the story…
…”Since 1880, immunity against bacterial diseases has been systematically studied. In that year, Pasteur discovered by accident that Bacillus anthracis, cultivated at a temperature of 42 to 43 [degrees]C (108-110 degreesF), lost its virulence after a few generations. Later it was found that animals inoculated with these enfeebled bacteria showed resistance to the virulent bacilli. From this beginning dates the prevention, modification, and treatment of disease by immunization… The notion of a weak form of a disease causing immunity to the virulent version was not new; this had been known for a long time for smallpox… The difference with chicken cholera and anthrax was that the weakened form of the disease organism had been generated artificially, and so a naturally weak form of the disease organism did not need to be found.  This discovery revolutionized work in infectious diseases, and Pasteur gave these artificially weakened diseases the generic name of vaccines, to honor Jenner’s discovery.”
The legal power of forced vaccination was decided in the United States in 1905

“Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism” –Lenin

June 8, 2011

Mysterious Meltdowns

“…reactor 4 appears to have been blown to pieces as seen in this classified photo The yellow dome which should be sitting on top of reactor 4 can be clearly seen on the wrong side of the containment building. This type of destruction is is indicative of hard weaponry in use; a hydrogen air mix will not do that. Reactors are not made out of tinfoil. On top of this, there was no potential for
an explosion at reactor 4 at all, it had been defueled. SO WHAT, PRAY TELL, BLEW
IT APART? That’s the dirty question no one is asking – how did that happen?”

–just to clear something up, the yellow lid was not blown sideways into place. I expect, if it is a reactor lid,  it’s in its normal position for defueling from other pictures I’ve seen of this reactor type.  There has to be a limit on how much sabotage could have occurred at Fukushima given the major psy-op taking place which must include the radiation releases. At the moment I don’t have any good information about that, just a word: perception.

There are some people finding cause to celebrate:

Message from Barbara Marx Hubbard
“Dearly Beloved Conscious Evolutionaries,
   “As we suffer through the mounting crises in Japan, Libya, the Middle East, and the whole world, it is vital that we place the crises in the context of evolutionary drivers toward what is being born through us. For example, members of the Goi Peace Foundation in Japan sent out a letter to many of us saying that they have decided to invite visionaries, scientists, artists and environmentalists from all over the world to help build a New City that represents a New Civilization. As you know, we have known that ‘Our Crisis is a Birth’. Now I feel the hour of birth is near… I am really thrilled to invite you to enroll in my Agents of Conscious Evolution Training (ACE).. or those who want to embody the principles and practices of conscious evolution and to help form global teams to catalyze the Birth Day celebration on December 22, 2012. Never before..could such an opportunity be offered to us.”
Marx Hubbard had a years-long collaborative partnership with Jonas Salk, ‘spiritualizing’ his concepts of metabiology which carries on as a variety of organizations and projects such as the “Good Ancestor Principle” conference that includes other Salk collaborators and futurists. Vernor Vinge, recently mentioned in TIME magazine, is one of those people.
Quoting TIME: “The word singularity is borrowed from astrophysics: it refers to a point in space-time –for example, inside a black hole– at which the rules of ordinary physics do not apply. In the 1980s the science-fiction novelist Vernor Vinge attached it to Good’s intelligence-explosion scenario. At a NASA symposium in 1993, Vinge announced that ‘within 30 years, we will have the technological means to create super-human intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”,8599,2048138,00.html
Time Cover

Feb.21, 2011, Cover “2045, The Year Man Becomes Immortal” : 2012 to 2045 is 33 years of symbolic fruition (maturity, mastery, etc). What I suppose from playing around with dates and numbers is a heavy cryptic relationship with the meltdown scenario and the Singularity expressed by the Time article, or put in other words, this is the trigger for total bioremediation which will take a full generational course of maturation to complete –a techno-generation. In principle, we’re being served an eviction notice with a grace period, perhaps, to squat in our own flesh until the robocops come.
   Going back to the roots, atomic weapons were conceived to be the greatest global threat to humanity –the World War II  “race for the bomb” was a hoax, begun in the 1920s– forcing One Worldism through the ultimate fear of nuclear annihilation. There is virtually no limit to the number of examples that can be drawn to illustrate this reality.  Each step on the way is instructive to comprehending the means of nuclear blackmail. But the component of bioterror, and the medical programs that co-operated with nuclear proliferation, have passed us by. We conveniently believe that flu, polio, AIDS, cancers and many more diseases are viral contagions that can be blamed on social behaviors. It goes unadvertized that flu and polio (renamed and relabeled) are historic radiation illnesses and the vaccines and viruses created in their name have been the means by which the military-medical complex is altering the human genetic code. I believe that “species transformation” is the most precious goal of one-worlders on whatever level their members function, be they “right”, “left”, “libertarian”, “anti-nuclear”, “green”, “peace and justice” or any major politicized movement that involves interacting platforms. The great deception has been to steadily march us toward the same end –our own– no matter which humanitarian efforts we individually support. These are not vague notions but the relentless application of modern economics that pits states (governments and corporations) against people. When such entities are imbued with super-intelligence, or rapacious super-self-interest, they’ll be having us for breakfast as we circulate to the margins of their systems (much as they do now) only with an added peculiar quality of auto-incarceration. Sickness, or the pursuit of wellness, is a proven economic stimulus for the exchange of products and services among the entities.
   It’s not possible to reckon the radiation threat from Fukushima due to obstructions of information, but if I had to guess on the trend, I’d say that the northern hemisphere has doubled its “background” without accounting for regional hotspots. Whole-body irradiation translates directly to immunosuppression.
..”TEPCO Finally Admits Stabilizing Reactors by 2012 Impossible”
“Fukushima escalates to worse-case possibility — Japan says that nuclear fuel in three reactors has possibly melted through the pressure vessels and accumulated in the outer containment vessels… this melt-through is far worse than a core meltdown and the worst possibility in a nuclear accident…”

“The pressure vessel of the No. 1 reactor is now believed to have suffered damage just five hours after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, contrary to an estimation released by Tepco, which estimated the failure at 15 hours later.  Melt-downs of the fuel in the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors followed over the following days with the molten fuel collecting at the bottom of the pressur vessels before burning through and into the external steel containment vessels.”

Yoichi Shimatsu: “On the first day of the Fukushima disaster, Tepco reported that reactors 1, 2 and 6 were operating at the time of the quake and tsunami, and that the other 3 reactors were empty of fuel rods for periodic maintenance… Then reactor 3 blows and burns, and without any correction to the first report, Tepco then says 1, 2 and 3 were operating and the others were down… Then reactor 4 building catches on fire… The fire is so extreme (for depleted uranium) that the reactor is damaged… Next, reactors 4 and 5 are found to be generating hydrogen gas… The presence of a gas build-up indicates that these two reactors contain fuel rods, contrary to Tepco claims. This means reactors 4 and 5 had recently conducted runs or were being prepared for operations of an undetermined (and unreported) nature.
   The other technical mystery is that Tepco engineers suggested that the electric power inside the plant was knocked out by something other than the tsunami. I have pointed to this possibility early on, that the quake and control disruptions could have made the control computers vulnerable to the Stuxnet virus.
   The other possibility to consider is that a high-power electromagnetic event (for example a sudden burst of energy from the release of ionized gases from the de-magnetized laser-plasma process) could have knocked out all electrical systems, similar to how a neutron bomb would incapacitate [a] power system. Very little of this information was recorded in..reports…”
…”The bloom of irradiated seawater across the Pacific comprises another piece of the puzzle because its underground source is untraceable (or, perhaps, unmentionable)”
 In spite of this news, there are locals in Japan who are not leaving the evacuation zone. Soma is about 20 miles up the coast from the Daiichi plant, and at least one family is staying: “There is not a lot of petrol in the town and many people don’t have enough food, but our house has electricity and water and my grandmother grows rice and vegetables, so we are not worried… I actually think the government has said too much about the danger…”
…”radiation leaks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant have forced 80,000 people  living within a 12-mile (20-kilometer) radius of the facility to leave their  homes”
August 2011: Disturbing updates from the AP newswire say the Japanese government said far too little. A school in Namie, 6 miles from the Daiichi plant, was used as an evacuation center during an intentional release at Fukushima, prior to the explosions. No one warned the 8,000 residents of Namie that TEPCO was venting; “transcripts indicate.. communication breakdowns… The evacuees at shelters.. were not told to move further away until March 16, five days into the crisis… Health officials say they have no plans to prioritize radiation tests of those who were at the school… Most of Namie..has since been declared too dangerous for habitation.”
Thousands of people within the evacuation zones were exposed to lethal doses of radioactivity for days on end. Where are those people today?
“Physician and Epidemiologist Say 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown Might be the Result of Fallout from Fukushima… eight cities in the northwest U.S. (Boise ID,  Seattle WA, Portland OR, plus the northern California cities of Santa Cruz, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and Berkeley) reported the following data on deaths among those younger than one year of age: 4 weeks ending March 19, 2011 – 37 deaths (avg. 9.25 per week) [and] 10 weeks ending May 28, 2011 – 125 deaths (avg. 12.50 per week)…” The CDC additionally informs a rate increase from the approx. 7 deaths per 1000, its 2001 figure, as “All years from 2002 to 2007 were higher than the 2001 rate.”

The mortality rate covering ‘4 weeks to March 19’, obviously doesn’t include Fukushima fallout. Local radioactive environments, which could have been spiking independently, may be getting lost-in-the-stream following March 19:

Idaho, 50 radiation sites:

Washington, 65 radiation sites:

Oregon, 14 radiation sites:

California, 163 radiation sites:

1999-2001, rate of fetal-infant mortality deaths in the Bay Area:
“Alameda had the highest fetal-infant mortaliy rate of 9.1 per 1000 births (still and live)”
“San Francisco was near the regional mean of 7.7 [infant deaths per 1000 births]
“African Americans..[had] a fetal-infant mortality rate of 16.2 per 1000 –twice as high as all other race categories. The CDC has found similar statistics nationwide..”
Ten year (1992-2001) infant mortality survey, California counties, showing a trending decrease to a low of avg. 7 deaths per 1000.
2002, Seattle and King County infant mortality:
“…all time low rate of 4.5 deaths per 1000…dropped 56 percent since it peaked 20 years ago [10 per 1000]. For the first time, in 2002 Seattle’s infant mortality rate dropped below..the rest of the county… Washington State as a whole reported 5.2 deaths per 1000 births. All of these were well below the United States average of  7 deaths per 1000 births.”…but, “African-Americans [rate of 9.16] and American Indian/Alaska Native mothers reported significantly more ‘stressful life events’..[‘associated with adverse health outcomes’ such as]..racism,..changed residence, had bills they couldn’t pay, lost their job or became homeless, for example.”
Washington State has not maintained its infant survival. In 2008, the state Nurses Association championed a plea for awareness: “Our pubic health system is at a crisis point…We simply cannot afford any more cuts funding… Washington’ system is in jeopardy due to [lack of] funding..[and] deterioration..[i.e] Increased..vaccine preventable disease…Increased rates of communicable disease…increased newborn and infant mortality… the system is grossly inadequate…”
   The gutting of public health funding also became acute for state laboratories begining in 2005 as Bird Flu fear and preparedness became a major issue. The systematic unfunding of state health departments is part of the Pandemic Unfolding/GEIS articles in this blog. In 2007 it was widely reported that life expectancy (which includes infant death) in the U.S. dropped from 11th place in the world to 42.
  We can’t rule out local-regional radiation effects until (if, when, if ever) there’s a lot more information. The medical establishment on the whole is geared to disregard radiation damage and there’s no indication of changing its tune.  A traditional indicator of fallout, monitored since the 1950s, is the accumulation in dairy milk. ;
Listen to Dr. Chris Busby describe his Chernobyl data, including the correspondence of infant mortality (due to mostly radiation-induced heart defects) and the environmental concentration of radionuclides in milk :
The nuclear crisis in Japan has laid bare an ever-growing problem for the United States –the enormous amounts of still-hot radioactive waste accumulating at..nuclear reactors… the nation has no place to permanently store the material… Three-quarters of the waste sits in water-filled cooling pools like those at the Fukushima Dai-ichi..complex… The rest of the..fuel..has been put into dry cask storage… While the U.S. Department of Energy previously reported figures on overall spent fuel storage, it no longer has updated information available… kept confidential for security reasons.”
Where to put the mounting U.S. rad waste is a problem that’s been held off since 1957 when deep underground entombment was first proposed. Over the past year, the final motions to nix the repository at Yucca Mountain were concluded just a few months before the Daiichi meltdowns. The decision was rife with machinations: “The head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission witheld and manipulated information in an effort to stop work on..Yucca Mountain in Nevada, according to an internal investigation… The report ‘paints an embarassing picture of a bully whose use of deceit and manipulation is ruining the integrity of a..regulatory agency’… Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid..vowed to do everything in his power to kill [the Yucca Mtn project]. President Barack Obama..has moved consistently to kill it since taking office in 2009. [Gregory] Jaczko, who has chaired the NRC since May 2009, worked as a science adviser to Reid before joining the NRC in 2005.”
Harry Reid: “I stand with Israel and America stands with Israel because the values that have cast our histories are one and the same. And our futures will be intertwined even more than our history has been.”
June 14, 2011 — Italy — “More than 94% of voters opposed the government’s plan to resume nuclear power generation… The high turnout showed ‘a will on the part of citizens to participate in decisions about our future that cannot be ignored,’ Mr. Berlusconi said… Anti-nuclear campaigners say Japan’s Fukushima disaster in March helped sway public opinion against nuclear power, which Italians rejected in a referemdum soon after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster… Germany and Switzerland have both recently announced that they will phase out nuclear power in the coming decades, while in other countries, like Britain and France, support remains strong. Italians were also asked..[to vote] on whether government ministers could be exempted from court cases… Mr. currently facing four separate trials. The special immunity granted to him by parliament has recently been struck down in the courts, and Mr. Berlusconi has agreed to attend court when not engaged on important business. But he has missed several hearings and did so again on Monday meeting Israeli Prime Minister..Netanyahu instead.”
“Germany’s atomic exit has been the biggest move, so far. It..announced that all of its nuclear power plants will be phased out by 2022.”; “Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced the decision by the centre-right the early hours of Monday morning [May  30], describing it as ‘irreversible’… Germany has 17 nuclear reactors on its territory, eight of which are currently off the electricity grid. Seven..are the country’s oldest… But it also means that [Germany] will have to find 22 percent of its electricity needs..from another source… Monday’s decision is effectively a return to the timetable set by the previous Social Democrat–Green coalition government a decade ago.”
— noticing the disempowerment of the old WWII Axis powers? Is this conservation of what has previously been gained?
“Decomissioning Reactors: A Growth Industry”
“Tepco’s Reactors May Take 30 Years, $12 Billion to Scrap”
“According to the EPA website, the agency reviews RadNet data before making it public. ‘Radiation emergency response experts can request access to a restricted RadNet data site, where all RadNet data is housed before being released for public access.’ ”
Volunteers who log and blog about radiation in northern California ask “why is there a spike registered in San Francisco around March 2?”…”my blue cobalt cloud was 3/26 and no data is on radnet for that day in Sacramento or S.F.”…”The EPA did say in a press release at some point that the monitors are taken offline when they read levels that are considered more than background radiation”…”The EPA stations for Fresno and Bakersfield have been notorious for wild swings”
“…there are no sensors along the coast between San Francisco and Los Angeles… ‘The fundamental concern is that we’re being offered bland assurances that everything is ok but much of the monitoring system was broken,’ [Daniel]Hirsch said.” [i.e.San Diego monitor was nonfunctional since November 2010]
June 6 —  At this moment, there’s a “Level 4 emergency“due to flooding and fire at the Fort Calhoun, Nebraska Nuclear station:  ..”the [electrical] fire resulted in the loss of cooling for the reactor’s spent fuel pool” [2 of 4 pumps failed for a period of time]
“Radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of U.S. commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping…according to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission records… Tritium..often indicates the presence of more powerful radioactive isotopes that are..spilled at the same time…”
“OAK RIDGE, Tenn.– Federal authorities have approved licenses allowing up to 1,000 tons of low-level radioactive waste from Germany to be brought to Oak Ridge..for incineration… With German waste now permitted to enter the U.S. and come to Oak Ridge, [Don] Safer expects Tennessee to become ‘the destination for processing radioactive waste from all over the world.’ ”
“The President’s fiscal year 2011 budget request eliminates funding for the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. The Office of Nuclear Energy [ONE] will lead used fuel activities previously performed by OCRWM.”; and, no, they don’t actually call the agency “ONE” –for a logo, they put an “NE” inside a circle inside orbits of electrons, and call themselves the Office of “NE”, being the first agency I know of to drop the “O”.
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