Jennifer Lake's Blog

August 21, 2009

Protocol No. 5

Filed under: Protocols of Zion,Zionism — jenniferlake @ 4:05 pm


Protocol No. 5, point 7


Protocol No. 3

Filed under: Protocols of Zion,Zionism — jenniferlake @ 3:54 pm


Protocol No. 3, point 14


from Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

August 20, 2009

Alarming Prognostications…

Filed under: 1 — jenniferlake @ 5:26 pm


Being an autodidact on many of the subjects concerning chemistry and physics makes the research kinda slow but has unusual rewards. The intersection of these sciences with biology has clearly brought the FUTURE into the Crossroads. A haunting thought about the direction of state-of-the-art biology is that the FUTURE is known –the experimentalists have carried through with exploring the variations of Lifeforms and the present manipulations are designed to hurtle and hasten us toward these ‘ends’. Alternate Systems have been a major focus in the work of NASA astrobiologists and others who see a controllable living technology looming on planet earth. I bear in mind the idea of A.I. (avian influenza) as an information system of Adapted Intelligence. This is one more layer of probabilty in the pandemic vaccination campaign.

Ingestion of certain substances like colloidal metals and silica are likely transitional ‘aids’ in the Transhumanist agenda. They’re turning up in abundance in food and personal care products and can hardly be avoided. Frequency ‘weapons’ are common objects like cell-phones and digital TVs….we are apparently living a science fiction from which a ‘remnant’ will survive and continue the experiment…perhaps. Or maybe our handlers and deciders are just gathering new knowledge. Every once in a while, I sit back in wonderment and go ‘whew’….
…thought I’d share.

but while I’m on the subject of living in science fiction, the buzz about ‘truth’ and why some people see it while the majority do not is an interesting twist in the scheme of Adapted Intelligence. It seems to boil down to a contest between ‘earthy’ and ‘alien’, a struggle as old as civilization, subject of the Rig Veda epic Mahabharata between the sons of the gods and the sons of man. Later near a civilization mid-point, more than 2000 years ago, this similar conflict is reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls as “Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness”. Earthy people have always been the sons of men and darkness in these expositions.
So what is it that opens some to “Light”?
Something’s a’brewing in the stew, folks….recent news about swine-flu vaccines suggest a ‘delay’. Delay? Is that ominous? An ABC report mentions that ‘more adjuvant’ will be needed to stretch vaccine supplies. Is the ‘mandatory vaccine’ scare a way of testing the public resistance and now they know that we know and won’t be lining up for our shots? Who is it that needs more time?
The deadly adjuvanted vaccines appear reserved for adults, they say. Is this another harvest of children?

August 19, 2009

The Constant Gardeners

There is well-founded speculation and evidence to support the idea that familiar human illnesses began when humans began tilling the soil and ceased ranging over the earth in the blossoming epoch of Civilization. Agriculture changed the diet of human beings and the animals they kept, causing theorists to point to zoonosis as the primary culprit in human diseases.
   In the book “Food of the Gods”, Terence McKenna suggests the discovery of fermented grains supplanted the ancient wild ‘sacred ritual’ mushrooms of the nomads who followed grazing cattle and in time changed religious practice and beliefs as well as the dietary customs of people and their animals.
In Genesis 3, God curses the ground for the transgression of Adam and Eve and declares “in pain you will eat of its produce…and you must eat the vegetation of the field”… “Cain became a cultivator of the ground” and [God] “did not look with any favor upon Cain”……
Modern biological science is founded upon the processes of fermentation, or harnessing the activity of microbes for specific applications. The arts of fermentation have evolved ‘cultural’ distinctions and undergird the development of perhaps the most ancient of human sciences, all within the religious context of defining humanity’s relationships to the ‘gods’. Joseph Campbell has pointed out that ‘religion’ means “linking back” to attain communion with one’s god, a process that has always involved a special sacramental substance. Not by accident, fermented alcohol is called ‘spirits’. The prominence of alcohol above ‘other’ sacraments is the story of the conquest of cilvilization and the imposition of one religion over another as grain-based culture came to dominate the landscape. 
From a biological perspective, the selection of crops has introduced various complex chemistries into human societies and altered genetic expression. Arno Karlen in his book “Man and Microbes” is one of many voices to identify grain-based agriculture as the beginning of human diminishment and the universalizing of mammalian disease. This biological shift is the determining factor in our ‘collectivity’ and arguably the basis of all contagion. In the modern era, the secrets of fermentation have unlocked the real Pandora’s Box.
In 2005, the film industry released a movie called “The Constant Gardener” about the murder of a young British woman in Africa who pursued the trail of an experimental vaccine to a conclusion…her death. The provocative title of the film strikes a deep chord. Civilization, or the civilizing of societies, has invited an unending tampering with the ‘human condition‘ giving rise to eugenics and a tacitly accepted environment of experimentation in the guise of ‘science’. The great irony for the world’s population is that we actually, at long last, adapted well to being civilized a couple of centuries ago. Before Germ Theory, before Louis Pasteur and Justus von Liebig, humanity had gained its equilibrium in the civilized environment. We were on our way to becoming a healthier species after many thousands of years of setbacks.
Today, in a climate of change, the goal of biological science appears to be ‘mutation’. We will be altered whether we like it or not, and the imposition of  “constant adaptive pressure” to “select” in evolutionary terms is in the hands of the Constant Gardeners.  

Fabricating DNA Evidence

Filed under: DNA - RNA,police state,Zionism — jenniferlake @ 1:25 am
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from the New York Times:

DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show

Article Tools Sponsored By
Published: August 17, 2009

Scientists in Israel have demonstrated that it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, undermining the credibility of what has been considered the gold standard of proof in criminal cases.

The scientists fabricated blood and saliva samples containing DNA from a person other than the donor of the blood and saliva. They also showed that if they had access to a DNA profile in a database, they could construct a sample of DNA to match that profile without obtaining any tissue from that person.

“You can just engineer a crime scene,” said Dan Frumkin, lead author of the paper, which has been published online by the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics. “Any biology undergraduate could perform this.”

Dr. Frumkin is a founder of Nucleix, a company based in Tel Aviv that has developed a test to distinguish real DNA samples from fake ones that it hopes to sell to forensics laboratories.

(read the rest of the story)

August 17, 2009

Colloidal Silver

“We shall have a World Government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent”
–James Paul Warburg, banker
What do the Weaponized Bird Flu Hoaxers all seem to have in common? –they want you to take colloidal silver; buy it from them, drink it, wash with it, put it in the atomizer and breathe it in…..
The poisoning ‘risks’ are easily knowable, but what about other purposes? The only biological use for silver (Ag) is as a drug. It is neither an essential nutrient nor trace mineral . It’s a heavy metal, a known toxin, and “the exact mechanism of Ag toxicity is unclear“.  It is common to find ‘dose’ recommendations on product sales websites equivalent to 10 to 30 ppm. At this dilution, a silver solution is conductive for electro-chemical applications. Is it odd, d’ya think, that the people promoting the pandemic and selling colloidal silver are also trying to warn you about ‘frequency weapons’? Silver is one of the most electrically conductive materials known, used in microcircuitry and ‘wave guide’ technology for its ability to control and transmit radiofrequencies.
>>>a more recent post has information on electromagnetic fields and the mention of a nano-biology technique for using metallic particles for transgene uptake
    Colloidal metals are artificially created ‘nano-particles’, ultramicroscopic, and their purveyors wish you to know that this is what makes them effective. Effective to do what?
According to, “This advanced molecular technology allows us to engineer Microbecide with higher stability and create a molecular bond that makes the silver ions more bioavailable, dramatically increasing their antimicrobial action…(Uptake): the organism is attracted to the organic acid base [citric acid component] of Microbecide as a carbon or food source, taking up the silver ions. Silver ions readily bind with electron donor groups (enzymes) blocking the cell respiration pathway and interfering with components of the microbial transport system. Silver ions disrupt the metabolic and/or structural proteins on the organism’s cell membrane causing lysing (bursting of the cell wall). Silver ions denature the cells DNA or RNA halting metabolic and reproductive functions.” This product claims to be “effective even against resistant strains of microbes.” Microbecide was not designed to be ingested, however, “In the case of young children’s toys or equipment, it is recommended that Microbecide be applied before and after each use.”…..”safe, nontoxic,…to people, plants, and animals.” But very deadly to microbes.
According to microbiologist Bonnie Bassler in her TED Talk, “..You have an amazing interaction with these [bacterial] critters… [There are] ten times more bacterial cells than human cells in or on a human being… you have a hundred times more bacterial genes playing a role in you or on you…  I think of you as 99 percent bacterial… These are incredibly important. They keep us alive. They cover us in an invisible body armor that keeps environmental insults out. They digest our food. They make vitamins. They actually educate your immune system on how to keep bad microbes out.”
We are 90 percent microbes. Killing them is killing ourselves.
“Argyria” (pictured) is just one effect…..
The FDA has a clear position on colloidal silver:
Colloidal silver products can have serious side effects”…”there is no scientific evidence to support their safety or effectiveness”….”manufacturers of dietary supplements, unlike manufacturers of drugs, do not have to prove their products safety and effectiveness to the FDA before it is marketed…The FDA issued a ruling in 1999 that no products containing colloidal silver are generally recognized as safe and effective.”
“Animal studies have shown that silver builds up in the tissues of the body…side effects from using colloidal silver products may include neurologic problems (such as seizures), kidney damage, stomach distress, headache, fatigue and skin irritation.”
How did colloidal silver ever gain a classification as a “dietary supplement”? The wikipedia says that “dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms…The term ‘mineral’ is archaic since the intent of the definition is to describe ions, not chemical compounds or actual minerals.” ‘Ions’ in this context refers to “free electrons” or atoms with an electron imbalance which can also be described as free radicals. Free radicals, in turn, can be corrosively damaging to cells if they are not usefully neutralized by antioxidants (electron donors).
Bottom line….
   There is NO nutritional need for silver –zero–, although many, many websites make the claim that there is, such as this one:
which claims…” silver is also a nutrient that the body needs for healthy growth and repair“. This website also says that “individual needs will vary…” and goes on to recommend a dosage protocol:
Start on 15ml under the tongue….3-4 days, then increase to 15ml morning and night for 30 days…this will give a general cleansing to the system. After this a maintenance dose of 10ml daily.”
And here’s a catch, do not start this program if you do not intend to drink a minimum of one to two litres of water a day…”. In order to appear scientific, this webpage cites a study from a toxicology report which is citing another toxicology report summary out of context, conducted by one Dr. Altman who writes: (3) “Furthermore, upon terminating CS intake, it appears that as much as half the silver residing in body tissue will be purged through urine and feces (but more through feces as time goes on) in less than a month. Even this relatively short residence time could be reduced substantially if several litres of water were consumed daily.” 
‘Altered-states’ does give a paragraph for “Side Effects”:
Some people may feel achy, sluggish or may experience headaches the first few days after beginning Colloidal Silver. Do not worry, this is a normal ‘healing crisis’. When the body sloughs off a great many toxins at once, the elementary organs can become overloaded. Simply drinking lots of extra water [and laying down] should lessen the symptoms dramatically.”
Does this sound “safe” to you? Does it sound “non-toxic”?
   Information on metal toxicity states: “Virtually all metals are toxic if they are ingested in large enough quantities…Metals previously unrecognized as hazards or at lower concentrations than previously recognized as harmful, and unrecognized accidents continue to be described….biological effects of exposure..are difficult to assess, as individuals differ in their response to similar exposure. Metals generally produce their toxicity by forming complexes (called ‘ligands’) with organic compounds. The modified molecules lose their ability to function properly, which leads to the malfunction or death of the affected cells. Metals commonly bind to biological compounds containing oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen, which may inactivate certain enzyme systems or affect protein structure. In addition to this, light toxic metals may compete with or replace similar metals, for example lithium competes with the similar metal sodium. In acute poisoning, large excesses of metal ions can cause disruption of membrane and mitochondrial function and the generation of free radicals. Due to this, generalized clinical effects, including weakness and malaise, feature in most cases.”
The makers of “MesoSilver” ( want you to think that “silver particles are non-toxic to humans” and that you will be “Feeling Worse Before Feeling Better” –what they call a ‘Herxheimer reaction‘– and that their superior product is “true silver colloid…not silver ions” because “Many products are advertised as being colloidal silver, but in fact are mostly ionic silver solutions“.
The colloid is actual metal particles suspended in solution.
The reference site given above contains the information that “microminerals contribute to good health if they originate from an organic source because they have essentially been processed. Plants take up minerals from the ground, digest them, making them ionic so that when consumed by humans, assimilation into the body occurs much more easily, and toxicity by accumulation does not occur. However, microminerals from inorganic sources, such as heavy metals can not be used by the body as they tend to build up in the tissues.”
–but silver is not is a nutrient micromineral, established by every known encyclopedic reference on nutitional minerals, AND it is mechanically processed from mined-and-refined ore.
   The wikipedia entry for colloidal silver claims “a colloid is technically defined as particles which remain suspended without forming an ionic, or dissolved, solution. The broader commercial definition  of ‘colloidal silver’ includes products that contain various concentrations of ionic silver, silver colloids, ionic silver compounds or silver proteins in purified water..typically manufactured using electrolysis (in concentrations of 30ppm or less) whereas concentrations of 50ppm or more are usually silver compounds that have been bound with a protein.”
Guess what, it’s still a heavy metal and it’s still a poison: “Ag+ ions are highly toxic to all micro-organisms, perhaps due to poisoning of the respiratory electron transport chains…”
The same entry from the wiki notes an interesting use of silver in horticulture; “Silver in ionic solutions like silver thiosulfate and silver nitrate (not suspended elemental silver) has been shown to be an ethylene inhibitor by competing with ethylene for binding sites by the plant receptors…. Since ethylene is also involved in the ‘sexing’ of plants, this property of blocking ethylene synthesis is also used for forcing male flowers on female plants. As a result, the use of ionic silver solutions has become popular in cannabis cultivation.”
In addition, wiki includes, “In 2002, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) found that there were no legitimate medical uses for colloidal silver and no evidence to support its marketing claims. Given the associated safety risks, the TGA concluded that “efforts should be made to curb the illegal activity availability of colloidal silver products, which is a significant public health issue.”
Why would the Australians consider colloidal silver use “a significant public health issue”? The answer in part is an emerging array of silver-resistance in common bacteria.

“The sil-gene”: bacterial resistance to silver

Just like other antibiotics, silver usage is promoting the general emergence of “superbug” strains: Citing lab studies that date back to the 1970s, this article identifies “Evidence of silver resistance in wound bacteria..provided from the [United States] (McHugh, 1975)…[showing] persistant Salmonella typhimurium infections..clinically resistant to silver nitrate. Silver resistance was transmissible to susceptible strains of Escherichia coli… A stable silver-resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii has been identified… [in] a strain of Enterobacter cloacae..genetic analysis..and the presence of the sil-gene complex was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction [PCR, analysis of DNA]…”

>>>Enterobacter cloacae, for example, is a pervasive problem in hospitals, inducing common infections of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, soft-tissue, etc. ;  the common E.coli laboratory “workhorse” strain K-12 and the deadly 0157:H7 are known to be silver-resistant [2001]

Overuse and abuse of antibiotics, such as the daily drinking of silver disinfectant, creates a population of users in which superbug strains can be expected to emerge and put the entire population at risk. There is a begging question here. If bacteria can develop silver resistance and pass on the sil-gene, are there other metals from which this genetic mutation will protect the bacteria? Will sil-genes become useful pieces of DNA in the creation of biological metamaterials for nanomachines?

…”Plasmid pMG101 is a..silver-resistant plasmid that also confers resistance to mercury and tellurite and to several [other] antibiotics…” ; “Bacterial plasmids encode resistance systems for toxic metal ions including Ag+, AsO2-, AsO4(3-), Cd2+, CO2+, CrO4(2-), Cu2+, Hg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sb3+, TeO3(2-), Tl+, and Zn2+.; possibly sil gene mutants confer these additional genetic heavy metal resistances, more than just mercury (Hg) and tellurite, to become desirable bioengineered agents for toxic remediation in the environment. The pMG101 and its siblings are “broad host” plasmids, carried by many species of bacteria, plant and animal and currently employed in genetic recombination applications for bioremediation, such as this: “Biodegradation of Aromatic Compounds by Escherichia coli”

Nanomachines made of silver nanoparticles and “nano-silicate platelets” (AgNP/NSP) have been recently made as an antidote to silver-resistant bacteria, moving us all along a step in the direction of post-human biological control.


There has been a continuing battle between advocates of uses of Ag(I)  preparations for health and medical benefits and government agencies regulating claims and products for more than 100 years. The American government view is that potential legitimate benefits have decreased  dramatically over time and that what remains is a lack of established effectiveness for marketed silver products plus a potential (if not remarkable) toxicity of the products. The U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a ‘final rule’ on silver drugs that appears in the Federal Register…  Nevertheless, the ardent touting of such products continuesand wherever such human uses occur, there is a real potential for selection of  silver-resistant microbes.” [‘onlinelibrary.wiley’ link above, section 3.6 “Other uses…’snake oil'” ]
And, the last, unanswerable question remains about the electronic properties of absorbed silver. Silver-ion selective electrode technology is used in electro-chemical sensors and computer-based instrumentation. At this website a formula for electrode solution is determined by “serial dilutions of the 1000ppm standard solution” citing those (implied) dilutions at 10 to 30ppm, then mixed with a buffer. 10-30ppm are precisely the ‘dose’ recommendations for ingestion. Is this seriously dangerous?
In another silver ion applications search, I came across this:, from the University of Arizona, apparently a leader in colloidal metals research:
“Electrodeposition of a noble metal such as silver will produce localized persitant but reversible changes to materials parameters and these changes can be used to control system behavior.”
…but they’re not talking about “cells that burst”, of course, are they? –those would not be reversible…
Food storage material silver nanoparticles interfere with DNA replication fidelity and bind with DNA

Wenjuan Yang et al 2009 Nanotechnology 20 085102 (7pp)   doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/8/085102

 Abstract. Nanosilver is increasingly used in the food industry and biomedical applications. A lot of studies have been done to investigate the potential toxicity of nanosilver. But information on whether or how nanosilver particles bring changes in genetic materials remains scant. In this study, the replication fidelity of the rpsL gene was quantified when nanosilver particles were present in polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) or cell cultures of E. coli transformed with the wild-type rpsL gene. Three types of nanosilver (silver nanopowder, SN; silver–copper nanopowder, SCN; and colloidal silver, CS) were tested. The results showed that the replication fidelity of the rpsL gene was differentially compromised by all three kinds of nanosilver particle compared with that without nanosilver. This assay could be expanded and applied to any other materials to preliminarily assess their potential long-term toxicity as a food additive or biomedical reagent. Moreover, we found that nanosilver materials bind with genomic DNA under atomic force microscopy, and this might be an explanation for the compromised DNA replication fidelity.
ADDENDUM 10/11/09
After posting ‘Colloidal Silver’, a barrage of flak came my way which I wrote about in the post “Imposters and Hell-hounds” (see Quick links, blog index). I’m pursuing this subject further and the people behind the people…so far, very intriguing. Researchers of ‘NWO’ will recognize “paid opposition” –there’s a lot of money here with ‘alternative’ health (not necessarily ‘natural’ health as they would like you to believe) fronting international business consortiums who are controlling world conservation areas and implementing “debt-for-nature” schemes of the World Bank, One of the more eye-opening discoveries about CS is that the major manufacturer/distributor of bottled CS known as American Biotech Labs has a chain of ownership to former executives of Homeland Security…  go figure.
In the meantime, the article below is an example of what happens, as is my response post. In the deception of the ‘natural’ label which is used to promote things like colloidal metals, remember what Einstein said, “atomic energy is natural, harnessing the power of nature..”

September 7, 2009

Colloidal Silver & Swine Flu: Dr. Mercola’s Tacit Retreat (& A Short Tutorial) by Ken Adachi (Sep. 7, 2009)
On Sep. 4, I posted a Letter to the Editor from Ed responding to his inquiry about an unusual and alarming statement made by Dr Joseph Mercola concerning colloidal silver in an article Dr. Mercola posted to his web site dated Sep. 1, 2009 1 titled “Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease.” In that article, Dr Mercola said that:
“there may be significant problems in using it [colloidla silver] for swine flu” and that”in many healthy individuals it is likely to elicit a severe cytokine storm reaction. This is basically a severe allergic inflammatory reaction that can occur in your lungs, and could be fatal. ”
That’s a very serious statement to make if it were true, but if it were not true, then it would be a highly erroneous and reckless thing to say, as it plays directly into the hands of the current crop of colloidal silver debunkers (aka pharmaceutical shills) who are flooding the internet with wholesale hokum about the many “dangers” and “toxicities” associated with colloidal silver. One such pharmaceutical shill is someone who calls herself Jennifer Lake of Her August 17, 2009 blog posting is a virtual tour de force of condemnatory statements that would scare off even the most commited supporters of Nature-based medicine–if her statements were true–but since her highly deceptive rant is riddled with FALSEHOODS and contrived “scientific studies” paid for by the hidden hand of Big Pharma, it stands to reason that a physician, like Dr Joseph Mercola, who postures himself as a champion of natural medicne, needs to exercise far greater caution in making such alarmist statements about a subject of which he is obviously uninformed.
And since I came upon Jennifer Lake’s blog as a result of a Google search linking to Dr Mercola’s site, somehow I’m wondering if maybe Jennifer herself wasn’t the advisory source of the “new” information which caused Dr Mercola to “change his mind” about colloidal silver in his first posted version of that article? [I wasn’t] Oh, yes, I forget to mention that the Sep. 7, 2009 version of the “Warning: Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease.” article was changed from the Sep. 4 version that Ed referred to in his letter to me. The Sep. 7 version had now deleted all references to the “severe cytokine storm reaction” that colloidal silver was “likely” to elicit (see below)….[continues article]


Another warning from Dr. Mercola

Look at the technology of  metal “nano bar codes” (Nanoplex Technologies Inc) in the food chain In addition to that, I’ve been reading up on nanocomposite ‘edible’ plastics and micro-silica (self-assembling polymer) additives  — sounds like the ingredients of semiconductors being passed in food!


“Silver Sol” (made by the sol-gel process) is another CS product in the marketplace:

From the Wikipedia: ” Metalorganic compounds area class of chemical compounds that contain metals and organic ligands. Metalorganic compounds are used extensively in materials science in applications such as metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE or MOCVD) or sol-gel processing using alkoxides… Applications include the manufacture of compound semiconductors and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) in silicon-based semiconductors. Ultrapure metalorganics are required for many optoelectronic and microelectronic applications…”

Next Colloidal Silver article:


Before you consider any advice from the “Educate Yourself” website, be apprised that Mr. Ken Adachi is pushing the idea that “negative aliens” from outer space are behind the New World Order. He has “Insights on Zeta Reticulans” to help you sort out the good aliens from the bad ones so that you’ll know who your enemies are when the galactic space war comes to your hometown.

This is not unlike many colloidal marketers who advertize that their silver products target only the bad bacteria, which makes about as much sense as bullets that kill only bad guys and pass through the good guys without harm.

Mr. Adachi has been required to remove his health claims about CS from his website, and he has apparently also removed ready-to-use CS products, but, although no longer engaging in direct marketing, “for a donation” equivalent to the purchase price and shipping cost, he offers a “premium gift” of a CS home generator:

[Educate Yourself webpage below]

We are not engaged in commerce.

To Obtain Premium Gifts

1. Within the USA

Send a donation as a US postal money order within the USA.
Leave all spaces BLANK on the U.S. postal money order you send as a donation. Do not write my name, your name, or any other information on the postal money order and leave the stub attached. Make a copy of the entire money order and keep it in a safe place. I immediately mark the amount of the donation as well as the premium gift items requested on your envelope when I first open the mail, so you can be sure that I have a record of the amount you sent. For your protection, I never enter names, addresses, E-mail addresses or telephone numbers into my computer. I only write your contact information on your envelope itself and nowhere else. As a backup, you can always stick a Post It note on the postal money order (or paper clip a piece of paper) with the your name, address, date, and amount sent as a secondary paper trail, but leave the money order itself BLANK. I am no longer in the banking business and now use U.S. postal money orders as a safe way to pay bills, etc. I hope you can understand.

It’s a good idea to wrap your money order in a single layer of aluminum foil to make it invisible to X-ray machines or human eyes and place inside a folded sheet of paper, which can be your itemized list for premium gifts or the body of our e-mail exchange, etc. If you feel comfortable about it, include a phone number. If there’s a problem, it’s much faster to just call you on the phone rather than go through the e-mail rigamaroll. .

Failure to follow these instructions will result in the return of your donation for correction.

Mail to:

K. Adachi
PO Box 3046
Costa Mesa, CA 92628

2. From Outside the USA

For orders outside of the USA, send me an e-mailwith your request and I can provide information for making donations.

Itemize Your E-mail Order
When you send me your e-mail to confrim postage, list the items you desire in a numbered sequence-listing the specific name of the desired item, the suggested donation, and the subtotal for the entire order . E.g.

1. Deluxe Colloidal Sivler generator with AC adapter..$155
2. Orgone Protector pendant ..$75, etc

Subtotal of $230 + shipping

Tell me what state you live in and the ZIP code or what country you live in so I can calculate the postage. Outside the USA, I just need to know the name of the country.

Delivery Time
If I have the item on the shelf and ready to go, I can usually send within a few days of receipt. Please note that I mark the date on all mail when I pick it up from the post office. The “delivery clock” starts for me from the pick up date, not from the date that you sent the mail. On average, it takes 4-7 days for First Class mail to be delivered to my post office box from within the USA, and a little longer for overseas mail, unless it was sent by Express or Priority delivery.

If I have to construct the item from scratch, please allow at least 3-6 weeks on average to fill your request, but sometimes it takes longer due to the quantity of orders coming in for handmade items and the quantity of hand made items requested within that order…


The Colloidal Silver subject is ongoing in the blog ; remarkably, through the heavy promotion on ‘Patriot’, ‘conspiracy’, ‘truther’ and ‘alternative health’ websites, urging self-medication with CS, I’ve determined its a ploy –a plot– to destroy the health of an active and outspoken segment of dissenting citizenry who protest the elimination of our constitutionally protected civil rights.

August 15, 2009

News: global plantation, good bacteria, down the rabbit hole…

Filed under: 1 — jenniferlake @ 5:56 pm
Congressional staffers have been telling people that HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, does not authorize the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). Many organic groups have agreed with them. However, this is misleading. Though HR 2749 does not name “the” National Animal Identification System, it still authorizes the program. It also does not state that it legally authorizes Good Agricultural Practices, or GAP, partially comprising Codex guidelines on traceability and food safety, and the OIE’s Guide to Good Farming Practices including auditing, certification and inspections, disincentives for not participating in the form of fines, penalties, and loss of access to market, but it does. Is it possible that Congress was not aware of what it voted on? The bill was changed three times in a 24-hour period before passing the House 283-142 on July 30, 2009………….
read this article by Doreen Hannes at 
says “Eighty percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, so –it makes perfect sense that probiotics would be very effective at warding off cold and flu viruses…..
Probiotics are one of only two supplements that are recommended to all new patients who come to the Natural Health Center that I started in 1985…..It’s also one of the few supplements that I personally take…
 …In many cultures, probiotic-rich food and drinks..are an integral part of the daily diet…”
read more at 
invites you down the rabbit hole with thoughtful, questioning commentary, news and videos
listen to our audios together, 2 of 4 from 2008 on RBN, listed in “Lake Articles and Audios”
In a science journal abstract entitled “Evidence for emergence of diverse polioviruses from C-cluster coxsackie A viruses and implications for global poliovirus eradication”, submitted April 12, 2007 here
is the following quote:
“In a poliovirus (PV) free world without PV neutralizing antibodies, contemporary C-CAV (coxsackie A viruses), like their ancestor(s), could be fertile ground for a PV-like agent to emerge by mutation.”
Polio vaccine causing half of new cases of Lymphoma
POLIO IN THE NEWS (date appears to be typo)

Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng,   August 14, 2008


LONDON – Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, it’s caused by the vaccine used to fight it.


In July, the World Health Organization issued a warning that this vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year — about twice those afflicted in 2008.


The polio problem is just the latest challenge to global health authorities trying to convince wary citizens that vaccines can save them from dreaded disease. For years, myths have abounded about vaccines — that they were the Western world’s plan to sterilize Africans or give them AIDS. The sad polio reality fuels misguided fears and underscores the challenges authorities face using a flawed vaccine.  

Nigeria and most other poor nations use an oral polio vaccine because it’s cheaper, easier, and protects entire communities.  

But it is made from a live polio virus — albeit weakened — which carries a small risk of causing polio for every million or so doses given. In even rarer instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks.  

The vaccine used in the United States and other Western nations is given in shots, which use a killed virus that cannot cause polio.  

So when WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself, they assumed it would be easier to stop than a natural “wild” virus. They were wrong.  

In 2007, health experts reported that amid Nigeria’s ongoing outbreak of wild polio viruses, 69 children had also been paralyzed in a new outbreak caused by the mutation of a vaccine’s virus.  

Back then, WHO said the vaccine-linked outbreak would be swiftly overcome — yet two years later, cases continue to mount. They have since identified polio cases linked to the vaccine dating back as far as 2005.  

It is a worrying development for officials who hope to end polio epidemics in India and Africa by the end of this year, after missing several earlier deadlines. “It’s very disturbing,” said Dr. Bruce Aylward, who heads the polio department at the World Health Organization.  

This year, the number of polio cases caused by the vaccine has doubled: 124 children have so far been paralyzed, compared to 62 in 2008, out of about 42 million children vaccinated. For every case of paralysis, there are hundreds of other children who don’t develop symptoms, but pass on the disease.  

When Nigerian leaders suspended polio vaccination in 2003, believing the vaccine would sterilize their children and infect them with HIV, Nigeria exported polio to nearly two dozen countries worldwide, making it as far away as Indonesia.  

Nigeria resumed vaccinations in 2004 after tests showed the vaccine was not contaminated with estrogen, anti-fertility agents or HIV.  

Experts have long believed epidemics unleashed by a vaccine’s mutated virus would not last, since the vaccine only contains a weakened virus strain — but that assumption is coming under pressure. Some experts now say that once viruses from vaccines start circulating they can become just as dangerous as wild viruses.  

“The only difference is that this virus was originally in a vaccine vial,” said Olen Kew, a virologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

The oral polio vaccine used in Nigeria and elsewhere contains a mild version of the live virus. Children who have been vaccinated pass the virus into the water supply through urine or feces. Other children who then play in or drink that water pick up the vaccine’s virus, which gives them some protection against polio.  But in rare instances, as the virus passes through unimmunized children, it can mutate into a strain dangerous enough to ignite new outbreaks, particularly if immunization rates in the rest of the population are low.


Kew said genetic analysis proves mutated viruses from the vaccine have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria. Though Nigeria’s coverage rates have improved, up to 15 percent of children in the north still haven’t been vaccinated against polio. To eradicate the disease, officials need to reach about 95 percent of the population.  

Nigeria’s vaccine-linked outbreak underlines the need to stop using the oral polio vaccine as soon as possible, since it can create the very epidemics it was designed to stop, experts say. WHO is researching other vaccines that might work better, but none is on the horizon.  

Until a better vaccine is ready, WHO and U.S. CDC officials say the oral vaccine is the best available tool to eradicate polio and that when inoculation rates are nearly 100 percent it works fine.  

“Nigeria is almost a case study in what happens when you don’t follow the recommendations,” Kew said.  

Since WHO and partners began their attempt to rid the world of polio in 1988, officials have slashed the disease’s incidence by more than 99 percent.  

But numerous deadlines have been missed and the number of cases has been at a virtual standstill since 2000. Critics have also wondered whether it is time to give up, and donors may be sick of continuing to fund a program with no clear endgame.  

“Eradication is a gamble,” said Scott Barrett, an economist at Columbia University who has studied polio policies. “It’s all or nothing …. and there is a very real risk this whole thing may fall apart.”  

Aside from Nigeria, polio persists in a handful of other countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Chad, Angola and Sudan.  

Aylward agreed the Nigeria situation was another unwelcome hurdle, but was confident eradication was possible. “We still have a shot,” he said. “We’re throwing everything at it including the kitchen sink.”

August 14, 2009

Understanding Virus and the Flu III

All three parts to this article are now collated in the side margin Pages as “Influenza, special”, and if the page will allow, updates and additions will be posted there.

August 13, 2009

Taking Vitamins

Filed under: Eugenics,Green Agenda,Human Experimentation — jenniferlake @ 6:11 pm
If you wouldn’t allow a vaccine in your bloodstream because you “don’t know what’s in it”, is any pre-prepared and processed “pill” or “potion” different?….think about it.
Journalist Dan Hurley wrote a book, published in 2006, called “NATURAL CAUSES: Death, Lies, and Politics in America’s Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry”. I consider the book ‘a good start’.
Hurley reckoned the U.S. vitamin market in 2006 as worth $22billion and growing –fast. He identified UCBerkeley, the hub of the University of California, as the premier insitution for vitamin and nutrition research. On page 51, Hurley quotes Dr. Sidney Wolfe of Public Citizen, “This is a drug industry…The difference between large doses of vitamins..and over-the-counter [drugs] are nonexistent as far as I’m concerned”. On page 159, Hurley writes, “Incredibly, no government agency is presently responsible for testing dietary supplements to assure their purity and potency. One hundred years after Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, supplement manufacturers continue to enjoy a free pass to operate outside the bedrock principle that all drugs should be, at the very least, pure and of reliable potency”. Wait a minute, isn’t the FDA supposed to be assuring vitamin safety?…Well, the government’s position is “Nutrient supplements cannot replace a healthful diet…in some cases, supplements and fortified foods may cause intakes to exceed the safe levels of nutrients” (p.166).
If you’re going to take vitamins anyway, please learn about them. Dr. Mercola’s newsletter is one source to learn about supplements (he sells them, too, so bear it in mind), and always proceed with caution. I’ve encountered a network of Cold Warriors in my studies who invested deeply in the ‘natural’ foods and vitamins industry which has moved me beyond suspicion into the web of bioweaponry.

August 11, 2009


Scientists sometimes say the scariest things, especially if one parallels the descriptions of one system (bacterial populations) to another (human populations). In a document about genetic mutation in bacterial populations, Joshua Lederberg wrote, straightforwardly enough in 1951:
“…mutation is the fundamental source of genetic variation, but in view of the smallness of spontaneous mutation rates, it is obvious that the occasional change of a cell from one genetic condition to another can make little impression upon the composition of bacterial populations. The forces that determine which genetic types will predominate in bacterial cultures are the subject of population dynamics. In diploid sexual organisms, population genetics is greatly complicated by recombination and by the concealment of genetic variation in the heterozygous condition, so that the most drastic culling may have to be carried out for a great many generations to have marked effect on the relative frequency of different gene forms.”
Here are excerpts from the link:
“The physiological study of mutant characters is known as phenogenetics, in contrast to formal or cryptogenetics which deals directly with the mechanism of hereditary transmission. One would resonably expect that a gene mutation would require a period of time to work its effects on the phenotype or outward behavior of the organism. This lag in bacterial mutation effects (phenotypic or phenomic lag) was first noticed directly with phage-resistance mutations induced by radiations….Phage resistant mutations play such a large part in genetic study because of the ease with which they can be selected out of large populations, simply by adding suspensions of the virus under appropriate conditions. This facility is shared by antibiotics…”
“Current interest in drug-resistance mutations is largely motivated by their importance in limiting the effectiveness of chemotherapy….In most cases, resistance may be developed in a series of individually small steps…evidence for this comes primarily from kinetic studies of increasing resistance under selection…”
“A more striking oddity is the mutation which over-adapts the cell to streptomycin so that the resistant mutant is dependent upon streptomycin for growth. The function of streptomycin is possibly to regulate an over-expanded enzyme system….Amino acids and vitamins are not commonly thought of as antibiotics but it has long been known that they sometimes interfere with, rather than promote, bacterial growth. The very ubiquity of these compounds imparts a special interest to them as possible natural regulators. Of equal interest is the correlation between sensitivity to amino acids and virulence in Salmonella and Brucella which may reflect a hitherto unsuspected general principle.”
“Auxotrophs have been used for the exploration of many biosynthetic pathways which are remarkably similar in bacteria, molds, and mammals….Mutations leading to catabolic defects have been especially useful in bacterial work, both as genetic markers and in the analysis of fermentation pathways….Most mutation rates are so low (of the order of one per million or billion cell divisions) that mutational equilibria would take too long for human observation, even if the necessary constancy of the environment were possible.”
“Induced mutations –Since Mullers announcement [Hermann J. Muller] in 1928 that X-rays would induce mutations in fruitflies an extensive segment of genetic research has concerned the discovery of mutagenic agents and the conditions of their effects. Higher organisms like Drosophila [fruitfly] and maize are indispensible in the finer analysis of the cytological
basis of induced genetic alterations, but microorganisms are very useful tools in the screening of new agents for mutagenic activity and in the study of the gross quantitative aspects of such activity….Dose-response data have been published for mutations induced by X-rays and by UV but their interpretation, especially for UV, is far from simple.
   It has been thought that radiations induced mutations by direct photo-chemical processes, i.e. that the gene itself might be activated by the absorption of a quantum of UV, or by collision with a secondary electron following an X-ray quantum absorption. Some revision of this concept is now necessary on the basis of recent research. The effectiveness of X-rays is potentiated by the presence of oxygen, and there may be a ten fold difference between the doses required for a given effect in oxygen, as against an inert atmosphere. This argues for a radiochemical intermediate, possibly some free radical (peroxide?) which depends upon oxygen for its production under the influence of X-radiation.
   Owing to the powerful penetrability of X-radiation, it has been used in Drosophila studies more extensively than UV which penetrates through living material so poorly that there are serious experimental difficulties in its application in the genetics of plants and animals…[but] UV is probably the most convenient and widely used mutagenic treatment in microbial experiments. The analysis of UV effects has been stimulated by the discovery of photoreactivation.”
“Chemical mutagens –A byproduct of research on chemical warfare agents during WWII [is] the realization of the possibility of mutagenic activity of chemicals. The nitrogen and sulfur “mustards” (p-chloro-alkylamines and sulfides) have been studied especially extensively and found to be potent mutagens for all organisms studied. In general their effects are similar to those of X-rays and UV….There is a wealth of further literature on this subject and it is likely to remain an active field….substances as diverse as formaldehyde, acriflavine, urethane, caffeine, hydrogen peroxide, and manganous ion are credibly reported as active in one or another system….and in general, the results of ,i.e., X-ray treatment would not be readily distinguishable from that of formaldehyde.”
“Spontaneous mutation– Evidence…is especially paradoxical….One interpretation is that spontaneous mutations are due not to intramolecular accidents or reproductive errors, but rather to the action of intracellular chemical mutagens formed by metabolic processes….but in view of the smallness of spontaneous mutation rates, it is obvious that the occasional change of a cell from one genetic condition to another can make little impression upon the composition of bacterial populations. In diploid sexual organisms, population genetics is greatly complicated by the recombination and by concealment of genetic variation in the heterozygous condition, so that the most drastic culling may have to be carried out for a great many generations to have a marked effect on the relative frequency of different gene forms.”
“Marker” mutant cells increased in proportion as mutations accumulated, but instead of increasing indefinitely, their ratio was subject to sporadic downward shifts. The same interpretation was independently formulated for each case: an adaptive mutation increasing the fit of the bacteria to their rather artificial in vitro environment. Owing to the overwhelming preponderance of the cells not carrying the marker, the adaptive mutation will usually occur in an unmarked cell, the descendents of which will then displace the rest of the population, markers and all. After the changeover, marker mutations accumulate again until a possible second changeover takes place to complete another cycle….genetic adaptations are often quite specific for the immediate environment….”
[2004] “Mutation is the ultimate source of genetic novelty. As such, the rate at which new mutations arise is a central issue in genetics, with profound implications for both evolution and human health… The chief difficulty confronting experimentalists was the fact that [natural] mutations occur at a very low rate.
…”Haldane (1927) was the first to develop the formal theory for equilibrium frequencies of alleles in mutation-selection balance… This provided a straightforward way to estimate the mutation rate for deleterious alleles… In subsequent work, Haldane (1947) suggested that more mutations may come from the male germ line than from the female germ line, a result that has since been well supported by molecular studies.
…”single nucleotide substitutions are at least one order of magnitude more common than other types of mutations, such as insertions or deletions.
…”With the completion of the human genome sequence (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium 2001) we can now estimate..that each individual harbours roughly 100-200 new mutations… most of these mutations will not occur in genes. However, one of the surprises of genomics has been the large numbers of noncoding sites that are conserved between species and therefore presumably have important functions… The mutations that occur in genes may therefore represent only a subset of the important mutations in humans.”
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