Jennifer Lake's Blog

October 31, 2009

Eco-Village Under Glass

Meet Will Raap, owner/partner in the ‘green’ communities of the Tierra Verde developments on Costa Rica’s Gold Coast. What makes Raap’s communities ‘green’ appears to be the special status acquired by the partnership in securing official cooperation from the Costa Rican government with supplemental funding and planned infrastructure, like roads. We would have to ask him point-blank if having friends in the Debt-for-Nature program is good for business. Clearly trading in Green is good for Will Raap.,default,pg.html

I wasn’t bothered too much at first by Will Raap as I made my way through his biography and company listings, expecting the usual hyperbole of praises garnered on outstanding citizens; graduate of UCDavis and UCBerkeley who moved to Burlington VT and started an online business –Gardener’s Supply in 1983– and parlayed his successes into environmental politics. From there he organized the purchase of Vermont farmlands in an act of community-spirited preservation which launched him to regional and national fame as a speaker and role-model.

But then, a number of troubling situations appeared as I looked closer. Raap is definitively on-board with Global Warming and Carbon offset trading (which is a multi-faceted ‘credit’ system) and his close partnership with 37-yr-old Matthew Hayden of Hayden Communications International aroused my attention to the gamier side of the Green mountain boys. It occurred to me to check if their mouths were where the money is.

Matthew Hayden,  primary partner in Tierra Verde,  is the owner/founder of HCI, described as “a leading full service investor relations firm exclusively for China based, publicly listed companies”. HCI lists its offices in New York and China… but maintains corporate representation throughout California. Its difficult to tell just how deep HCI goes in the financial and information industries or just how diversified Mr. Hayden is in the numerous business entities he directs. Hayden, on his own behalf, claims an affinity for the beach life, personally signing on to Tierra Verde’s many advertized charms. (catch the video on the homepage). A sampling of HCI’s activity and clients is listed below. (By the way, one of the creepy uses of “HCI” is to designate Human-Computer Interface, DARPA darling) , Armco Metals, PRC, China Green Agriculture, Inc., PRC  , Blue Phoenix Solutions, Inc., Israel, HCI’s own bulletin

Raap’s company, Gardener’s Supply, with a viewable inventory online looks like a veritable import-export clearinghouse for Chinese merchandise. Some environmentalists that I know would object –the Buy Local types. On the “recalled” products page, I found something truly objectionable –a Flame Weeder. Yes, a mini-flame-throwing weed incinerator that attaches to disposable propane canisters –recalled not for being ungreen, but for a faulty attachment coupling that leaks gas and puts the user at risk for flash-over burns.,default,pg.html . For a moment, I enjoyed the joke. This product comes from the UK.

On the loftier side, Will Raap steps out big as the chairman of NGO, The Earth Partners. This is the group that involves itself deeply in the affairs of Costa Rica. One of the Partners, Brinkman and Associates, is in progress converting ‘underutilized’ farmland into teak hardwood plantations. Teak, native to South Asia, is a high-value lumber with natural resistance to weathering making it desirable for flooring and outdoor furniture. The family Raap has developed a teak furniture enterprise to add to the other business ventures in hand. Mrs. Raap comes from Costa Rican coffee-plantation gentility, another huge agricultural growth industry that’s gone green with Fair Trade and niche-market sales, similar to other debt-for-nature nations in the neo-colonial Americas.

The Earth Partners (TEP) “was formed to advance the best forest, wetland, grassland and rangeland EcoSystem Restoration projects in the world”, or more bluntly put, eugenics for Mother Earth. Brinkman is proud to announce that monoculturing teak has replaced the local mismanagement of growing corn and beans. Brinkman operates under the business name of BARCA, S.A. and “its plantations are acknowledged to be some of the best in the world”. The Nature Conservancy is “helping to assemble key land parcels for biofuel production projects” involving TEP and POET, the leading US ethanol producer. TEP’s website explains that “possibilities also exist that these lands being restored for biofuel production may generate multiple entrepreneurial revenue streams (e.g. carbon credits, water credits, wetland credits, biodiversity credits, hunting rights leases, flood damage reduction credits..)” and this is how Green plays on. and

Meanwhile, back at the beach, where the ‘second home’ market is very hot, the 500 acres of Pueblo Verde has something to offer the low-key buyer who prefers a more ‘integrated’ feel than the other sister developments of Tierra Verde. “The area closest to the highway and parallel to the entrance [lot #1]..we are reserving for 2 or 3 families from the area. Our policy at Pueblo Verde is ‘don’t gate, integrate’. In our valley, the imbalance of wealth is making it hard for locals to own land. We want to be good neighbors. The residents on this property will be available for help in the project and offer a form of community security which is ‘built in’, low profile but highly effective.”, (under “Homesites”)

October 29, 2009

The Vaccine-Controlled Population

Spookier words were never spoken, issued during an audio interview with Barbara Loe Fisher by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Listen here:

transcribed and condensed:

JM:..there’s breaking information from CBS News which appears to be a massive disinformation campaign by the US Federal Government…H1N1..figures that don’t line up, absolutely DO NOT line up…

BLF:..yes..excellent investigative piece, a 3-month investigation from CBS News. What CBS found was that the majority of cases tested negative for H1N1, in fact..were negative for influenza of any kind!
..80% is due to other flu-like illness..which is confirmed by analysis. The truth is that the majority of sickness is not influenza of [any] kind. There has been a gross overestimation obviously.

JM: ..some countries like Finland have downgraded this [public health emergency] not being a pandemic at all.

BLF:.[but] we’re still operating under a national public health emergency..when what we’re seeing is a regular year. We need to find out why 87 children died..of what was thought to have been H1N1 flu..

JM: This new piece of information –of investigative journalism from CBS that really highlights this massive disinformation campaign that has been instituted by the federal government– one can only speculate as to the reasons why they did this. How could they possibly do it? Earlier this year, they committed 3 billion dollars to the production of vaccine…

BLF: I think that’s part of it, but there has been a commitment by the public health officials and certainly with the urging of the pharmaceutical industry to make annual influenza vaccination, from the cradle to the grave essentially, part of the experience of all Americans. In other words, they want to have everyone take a flu shot every year..

JM: Several!…several flu shots!

BLF:..this case, this year, several flu shots. This commitment of this strategy, that we must never experience influenza,..this counterproductive to achieving true good health. One of the things I’ve been worried about is that if you try to prevent all experience from childhood..with influenza, you prevent the population from ever having any natural experience..and set up a situation where you become vaccine dependent and become exclusively vulnerable to future pandemics –all potentially more dangerous types of influenza because the population has no natural immunity whatsoever… Whose right is it, really!, to decide..that we should have no natural experience..and become totally vaccine dependent? This is the kind of discussion that needs to be taking place in the public arena…

JM: I couldn’t agree more…You have to wonder why these educated individuals would make these types of recommendations…It appears to be professional scientific, reprehensible misconduct!
..How and why could they do this?…possible conflict of interests…[official inquiries] found massive conflicts of interest..

BLF:..there’s an inappropriate influence by the pharmaceutical the regulation and policy-making process in the federal health agencies. There needs to be a Congressional investigation to limit these conflicts of interest…Vaccination affects everybody in this country..

JM: Part of this process is to educate the public that this is going on…[The public] need[s] to become outraged and express this appointed officials..
but supposedly, in the meantime, we’re left with this “pandemic”…
The further we get into this, the more data is accumulating that the perceived benefits [of vaccination] are going down, down, and down…The safety studies have not been done and the precautionary principle needs to be exercized here.

BLF: I’m concerned about..limiting our right in America to make voluntary decisions…People are going to have to wake up and fight for that right because there’s a huge lobby out there…Hundreds of [different] vaccines are being prepared to enter this vaccine pipeline [and] we need to have that right…

..from the same issue of Dr. Mercola’s online newsletter, “What OTC Drug May Have Killed More People in the 1918 Flu Pandemic than Flu Itself” —aspirin! Dr. Mercola has also warned against overuse of OTC antacids as another cause of influenza. 

Read this repost of a 2005 article about aspirin history,  and as a cause in the 1918 Spanish Flu and other illnesses.


October video testimony from Gary Null, creator of “Vaccine Nation”


Added Nov.3, from Dr. Mercola’s newsletter: “Swine Flu –One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History”, article and interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock

My research leads me to believe that POLIO is the most massive medical cover-up of all time and set the model! –a tragedy that is ongoing today…

October 24, 2009

Climax, Climate and Change in Copenhagen

 The AGENDA goes full-force and ALL OUT !! If you are yet unconvinced about the contrivance of global warming, consider the 2005 documentary “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”, based on a 2003 book by two reporters from Fortune magazine. Among the activities of Enron executives prior to 2001 was the selling of the ‘weather’; technology that not even prospective investors believed existed. The authors of Enron, who gave no clues to the existence of weather technology, nonetheless drew a comparison to the fact that Enron was well ahead of the curve when ‘broadband’ was also believed not to exist. The documentary is available here: For Californians, the engineered downfall of Governor Gray Davis and his replacement with Arnold Schwarzeneggar appears to have been made in the boardroom of Enron.

Americans may not be aware that some of the most progressive environmental legislation ever passed in the US, or in any country, was struck down by the rules of competition from the WTO. Clearly, we have been denied the right to protect ourselves from globalization. The upcoming Copenhagen treaty seeks to levy binding authority by the United Nations on all futher activity of trade and industry; in a nutshell, subordinating the United States Constitution in favor of colonial Maritime Law. States within the US will either have to secede or rally the popular will to uphold the sovereignty of American citizens.  

The Crossroads of Global Government
This December, 2009, world leaders are meeting in Copenhagen to sign on to an international treaty to control climate change. In the words of Lord Christopher Monckton, this will be the end of America’s constitutional republic and there is no turning back. The creators of this document will usurp the rights of every nation on earth and install a world-wide regime that lays claim to every square inch of the planet and every creature that inhabits it. Kiss your freedom goodbye!….or tell your leaders any which you can, NOT TO SIGN on to this tyranny. [posted at]

The documents: 

Brief video of Lord Monckton giving an impassioned and poetic plea for your awareness.

A new film called “Not Evil, Just Wrong” takes a look at the real costs in jobs and quality of life, countering the Warming science with another scientific view. Watch a film trailer   

This is probably the most important story I will ever write about. News coverage will comment here and there about ‘climate protests’, perhaps offering the same quality of accuracy as the Swine Flu Pandemic in the days ahead, but nothing in our history compares to the depth and scope of what is happening now –and what is about to happen. It ties up all the threads of world control in the hands of the Rothschilds and their legions of executors. My objective is to continue this post and demonstrate how it works and who is behind it.  But first, ripples must go out across the media to get your favorable attention about an issue that is desirous of popular support. Don’t you want to Save The Planet? Of course you do….


 from today’s news, “Thousands Gather Worldwide on Day of Climate Protests”:  
AFP – Climate activists form the number ‘350’, representing the atmospheric carbon target of a cut …
    *  Play Video Climate Change Video:Protesters ‘dying’ to save the planet AP
    *  Play Video Climate Change Video:BART Draws Fire For Background Of New Contractor CBS 5 San Francisco
    *  Play Video Climate Change Video:Obama Makes Stops At MIT, Democratic Fundraiser WBZ Boston

Sat Oct 24, 3:45 pm ET
PARIS (AFP) – Kicking off with thousands gathering on the steps of Sydney’s iconic Opera House, global warming protests took place around the world Saturday to mark 50 days before the UN climate summit.
From Asia to Europe via the Middle East, activists staged lively events addressing world leaders and to mobilise public opinion around climate issues.
Many waved placards bearing the logo 350, referring to 350 parts per million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere which scientists say must not be exceeded to avoid runaway global warming.
France’s politicians received a “wake up” call from several hundred Parisians who chose clocks as their symbol.
Protesters who met in a central square had set their alarm clocks and mobile phones to ring at 12:18 pm (1018 GMT) in reference to the closing date of the summit, which lasts from December 7-18.
The summit is considered crucial as world leaders will try to thrash out a new treaty to curb greenhouse gas emissions in place of the Kyoto Protocol which will expire in 2012.
However, Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said Saturday that preliminary discussions are not moving fast enough for an international decision to be concluded in Copenhagen.
“It is time to give full speed to the negotiations,” Rasmussen said, adding that he wanted a legally binding international agreement to be in place by January.
There is growing concern that a treaty deal in Copenhagen could be hampered by issues including US domestic politics and the problems of securing agreement between developed and developing countries.
Rasmussen underlined that progress had been made on climate issues but that these “key political questions” still had to be resolved ahead of the December meeting.


The Science of global warming has a beginning with the discovery of the ‘greenhouse effect’ , described and published between 1824 and 1827 by Joseph Fourier  and adopted into a carbon emissions theory almost one hundred years later by Svante Arrhenius. The Swede Arrhenius (1859-1927) is considered one of the founders of ‘physical chemistry’ and co-founders of the Nobel Institutes and Prize, which he then accordingly “[used] his positions to arrange prizes for his friends attempt to deny them to his enemies”. Among Arrhenius’s dubious accomplishments was supporting the creation of The State Institute for Racial Biology in Stockholm which lent scientific aire to the practice of compulsory sterilization in Sweden, lawful to 1975. Fourier’s legacy, however, was to note that “Earth primarily gets energy from solar radiation, to which the atmosphere is largely transparent, and that geothermal heat doesn’t contribute much to the energy balance.”  The current discussions address this disparity between CO2 levels and solar energy inputs, reframing the argument in accordance with the properties of gases and heat transfer, quoting from this website that “Adding CO2 actually will cause trivial global cooling at the surface..” 

Arrhenius apparently was not the first to publicize a link between global warming and CO2. That distinction goes to the American Thomas Sterry Hunt, who delivered his conclusions to the British Royal Society in 1878.

The uptake of CO2 levels as a demonstration of climate change resurged in 1958 under the watch of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and its director, Roger Revelle. Scripps is a research institution within a partnership complex of the University of California that supports a large medical services system in San Diego county. Readers who’ve followed my blog stories of ‘polio’ and ‘fallout’ are familiar with Scripps as a key facility of the military-industrial-medical cartel, which includes the Salk Institute and (historically) Los Alamos, N.Mex, weapons lab. Revelle, who married Ellen Scripps, participated in the first peacetime A-bomb tests (in 1946) called Operation Crossroads and in ’58 he supported Charles ‘Dave’ Keeling at the Mauna Loa (Hawaii) observatory as the ‘evidence’ of CO2 emissions was plotted. 1958 became the first International Geophysical Year (IGY) under Revelle’s guidance and it even appears that the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) was founded to develop global warming science. Near the end of Revelle’s official leadership of the Scripps Institute, in 1963, he established the Center for Population Studies at Harvard which took on the academic challenge of ‘World Hunger’, a central issue of global climate change. Revelle returned to UCSD as a professor of climate change, energy development and marine policy and remained a central figure in the Pugwash Conferences and IGY activity until his death in 1991. Dave Keeling also remained active until his death in 2005, in spite of nearly having his funding pulled early on by the National Science Foundation on account of the CO2 fluctuation/increase being perceived as ‘routine’.

Climate Change science as we know it now was (likely) hatched by the Big Energy consortium that heard the airing of a report in 1956 by Shell Oil geologist Marion King Hubbert –the Peak Oil report– confirmed as true in 1971, convenient to the first Club of Rome publication “Limits To Growth”. Hubbert, who died in 1989, remained the only source of “factual proof about the case”, according to , and did not live to see his revised prediction of catastrophic oil shortages by 1995. But ‘shortage’ of the natural-raw-material kind, has never been a problem in the oil industry according to “The Age of Oil” author Leonardo Maugeri.

This is truly about corporate and political hegemony exploiting and ‘witholding’ one set of resources until another becomes available to rival it. Well… those days are here. And in the words of the Club of Rome 1993 report “The First Global Revolution”, those resources are the grassroots. The bottom line on climate science looks to be a pillow fight, lacking hard evidence, for some long time to come. Review some of the controversies here, and read about the scientific publishing malfeasance going on here Globalization has already occurred over the last two decades and integrated information systems are now merging into a Global Brain, we must understand, but the barriers of constitutional nations are the last hold-out for acquiring Consent of the governed. Climate Change is just such a design for your consent. 

Todd Stern, US Special Envoy for Climate Change, says “you will not hear anyone in this [Obama] Administration question the science” 

An “Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations”, written by 100 prominent scientists , declares “..the current UN approach of CO2 reduction is likely to increase human suffering from future climate change rather than decrease it….In stark contrast to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate change is ‘settled’  significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming…IPCC working groups were generally consider work published only through May, 2005 [and] these important findings are not included..” ,Dec.2007

Todd Stern represents the think tank ‘Center for American Progress’ as a Senior Fellow of the institution,  founded in part by the Sandler family of California and sustained by the funding of George Soros (Gyorgy Schwartz) . The “left-leaning” CAP was established in 1994 during the Clinton Administration to act as a base for political transition to the Obama Administration. Soros, in so many ways, is the visible hand of the Rothschilds at work in the world, exposed as “Your Enemy” here in the ‘dossier’ compiled through the auspices of Lyndon LaRouche:


Watch this 1990 film as a primer for the climate science debate (approx. 55 minutes) . At minute 50,near to the last words of the film ” People hate each other about this issue…have you ever seen a nastier scientific issue? Would you march down the road toward a policy which, people have rightfully said, requires an economic restructuring of the world knowing that the world was behaving opposite to what the basis for that policy said?”

                                                              Greenhouse Conspiracy   


November 2009

ClimateGate !! More than 10 years worth of hacked email reveals scientific Fraud over climate change: for news, videos and more, also included in this thread is an interesting perspective on the Hegelian use of this ‘hacker’ story found at the anti-communitarian blog of Niki Raapana

President Obama’s Science Advisor, John P. Holdren, has some choice ideas about Climate Change solutions; “One option raised by Holdren and proposed by a Nobel Prize-winning scientist includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays…Holdren said ‘It’s got to be looked at…We don’t have the luxury..of ruling any approach off the table…We’re talking about all these issues in the White House.’ Holdren, a 1981 winner of a MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant, outlined these possible geoengineering options: Shooting sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere..proposed by Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen in 2006; creating “artificial trees” –giant towers that suck up carbon dioxide out of the air and store it– to ‘try to produce a cooling effect to offset the heating effect..’ said Holdren. But he said there could be grave side effects [such as droughts and irrepairable ozone holes]…’It would be preferable by far’ he said ‘to solve this problem by reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses’..” , described here as dangerously out-of-touch [insane]


Jesse Ventura takes on Global Warming:

The entire episode of “Conspiracy Theory” on Global Warming is here (in 6 consecutive parts from youtube) And what does Jesse say about climate change fraud –“It’s about the money” [oh really?]…that fits in well with the views of Copenhagen demonstrators who would like to end Capitalism now



October 22, 2009

Modern War, 1968

Excerpt from *”The Biological Time Bomb”, author Gordon Rattray Taylor, copyright 1968
[page 184]

“In current thinking, the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening. If, for example, you can control the weather so as to ensure poor crops for your enemy and good ones for yourself, in the course of years you will gradually improve the position of your country relative to his. Then perhaps you could quietly introduce a few crop diseases –nothing dramatic which would lead to suspicion, just a slight rise here and there apparently from some natural cause. And why stop at plant or stock diseases? Some minor human epidemics might help. Even the common cold keeps people away from work. It might be ten years or more before it dawned on the health authorities that they were really being too unlucky with minor illnesses. Meanwhile you inflate your own statistics a little, to avoid odious comparisons. And, of course, this is merely the biological side. Industrial disputes, insurance losses, the draining away of brain-power, and a thousand other things will help to undermine the strength of a country. Even a narrow-minded regime, an obfuscating religion, can prevent a country’s progress. And who knows whether this is just a speculation? Perhaps there are nations consciously waging this kind of warfare now.”

..”Or perhaps actual gene warfare. If viruses can be used to carry new genetic material into cells, perhaps one could tamper with the genes of another nation without their ever realizing the fact. History would simply record, as it has so often in the past, that such-an-such a nation rose to power while certain other countries entered a decline.”

*published by the New American Library, Inc. in association with The World Publishing Co., originally published in Great Britain


from my 1961-1980 Timeline:

–Jan., the North Vietnamese VC launch the Tet Offensive
–Robert S. MacNamara, who says US cannot ‘win’ war in Vietnam is replaced as Sec. of Defense by Clark M. Clifford, MacNamara becomes president of the World Bank
–My Lai Massacre of Vietnamese village residents by US troops is reported in a letter to Nixon by ‘Charlie Company’ trooper Ronald Ridenhour
–March, first successful human heart transplant
–April 4, Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, TN
–US military dumps obsolete weapons stores off  US coastal waters
Marburg virus infects ‘monkey handlers’ in Germany; monkeys used in vaccine production
–June 6, Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in California
Hong Kong Flu goes pandemic, strains H3N2 (brought from Vietnam) and H2N2 (Japan strain)
–Drs John Gofman and A. Tamplin say ionizing radiation is cause in all cancers
–July 16, Apollo 11 moon landing, 5 more complete crewed landings occur through Dec. 1972 Apollo 17
–major sheep kill from biowar release outside the Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah
–hurricane Camille, category 5
–creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
–launch of the first “Ecology Day” (Earth Day) by Gaylord Nelson
–May 4, students shot and killed at Kent State University, Ohio, by National Guardsmen
–the World Bank initiates a Third World lending program
–George Soros and Jim Rogers co-found the Quantum Fund N.V., offshore banking

In 1968 the Club of Rome was created as a policy think-tank of international science and businessmen that counted heads of State among its supporting members. Two very influential publications define the objectives of the Club; “Limits To Growth” distributed in 1972 and “The First Global Revolution” in 1993. The Club came to define the “new enemy” in its ’93 report prepared by (co-founder) Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider,
[page 75]
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.
                                                    …The real enemy then is humanity itself

Excerpts from “The First Global Revolution” offered in context:

“1968 was the year of the Great Divide. It marked the zenith as well as the end of the long post-war period of rapid economic growth in the industrial countries. But it was also a year of social unrest with the eruption of student uprisings in many countries and other manifestations of alienation and counter-culture protest..”–“Limits To Growth was never intended as a prophecy, but rather as a warning..” 

“The topic of recent [late 80s] Club of Rome meetings has been the ‘Great Transition’: we are convinced that we are in the early stages of the formation of a new type of world society which will be as different from..the Industrial Revolution [was] from the society of the long agrarian period that preceded it.”

[page 29] “The New Plagues”…”that of crime, violence and coercion organized for monetary gain or political power..[like] the well-organized drug trade.”

[concerning the spiral of national debts enhanced by the WB/IMF lending programs of the 1970s, pp.57-58] “The cost of debt service each year is influenced by interest rates and the value of the dollar. This dangerously unstable situation..if unattended, may well undermine the future prospects of the world economy..
   On its own, the debtedness of the developing countries constitutes a serious and growing threat…New resources will also be needed on a substantial scale.
   Developing a viable approach to the debt and development problem will require a far more coherent linkage of policies and institutions concerned with financial management (IMF), with investment and development (the Word Bank), and trade (UNCTAD, CATP)…In spite of institutional reluctance, policy objectives and actions in such interlinked fields as finance, debt management, investment, development policy, human resource development, trade, and environment must be made more coherent.”

[page64] “In general, non-governmental activity has achieved a new order of importance..”
“The Asian Dragons, otherwise known as NICs (Newly Industrialized Countries..Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea) have achieved great prosperity which is based to a large extent on exploitation of the new technologies. There is a lesson here…”
   “(Some of the poorer countries are also showing the results of creative inititative –for example, the recent progress in Botswana and consistent development in Zimbabwe)”

“Through numerous multilateral or bilateral conferences, meetings and telephone calls, personal relationships are being established which enable a better understanding among the human beings behind the official masks.”

[page66] ..”the end of the ‘American Dream’ which lost its credibility with the painful Vietnam War,..Hispanic migration,..poverty within plenty, drugs, violence and AIDS, and the fact that the ‘melting pot’ no longer worked were..factors in its demise.”
   “The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself –when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.”

..”the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined and new weapons devised. The new enemies..threaten the whole human race, and their names are pollution, water shortage, famine, malnutrition, illiteracy and unemployment. However it appears as yet insufficient for bringing about world cohesion and solidarity for the fight. Also the failure of many ideologies has removed some of the necessary points of reference.”

[page71]..”f’reedom’ alone cannot reorganize a state, write a constitution, create a market  and establish economic growth, rebuild industry and agriculture, or build a new social structure…This is why the concept of human rights simply ‘initiates’ but cannot implement the process of democratization…The old democracies have functioned reasonably well over the last two hundred years, but they appear now to be in a phase of complacent stagnation”
..”It is hoped..that people will not reproduce slavish copies of existing models that are unable to meet contemporary needs. Democracy is not a panacea… It is unaware of its own limits”..

“In its present form, democracy is no longer well suited for use [in the] tasks ahead…”

“Winston Churchill was right when he quipped ‘Democracy is the worst of all systems, except for the rest’. “..we must be aware of its erosion, its fragility and its limitations…a democracy is particularly damaging at the international level. policing is required, delays on taking decisions can mortally affect the lives of thousands of people.”

[page73] “The problem then is to invent instruments of governance capable of coping with change…we also have to determine the characteristics of the capacity to govern. ‘Global Governance’ in our vocabulary does not imply a global ‘government’ but rather the institutions set up for cooperation, coordination and common action”..
[page74]..”large bureaucracies that spread their tentacles around the centers of power..slow down or paralyze both decision-making and implementation.”

..”a dynamic world needs an effective nervous system at the grassroots make the identification of every citizen with the common process of governance possible.
   In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.
…The real enemy then, is humanity itself…thus sparing no region, no society.”..”[social] phenomena are setting the stage, on many different levels, for a new upsetting environment where deviant behavior is in general..perceived as being commonplace”..

[page77] “Parents and teachers, the point of reference in most societies, have not been prepared by their education to adjust to the new situation imposed upon them today. As the late sociologist Margaret Mead remarked, “Young people are the native population of the new world in which we adults are immigrants”. Some of us would even go along with her observation that “nowhere in the world do there exist adults who know what their children know…In the past, there were always some elders who knew more..than any child. Today there are no longer any.”

“Thanks to modern information technology, young people are being exposed rapidly to more and more tacts that give them reason to believe that their elders lack responsibility and are unaware of enormous dangers,..shocks that lead to the feeling of generalized disorder.”
..”Children watch television and learn about all aspects of human life. They learn to be persons with individual choices, inclinations and freedom. The conflict between inherited and acquired values is such that if a young person wants to think and act for himself, he must have lots of courage or he will break down. Not having been given the means to distinguish the fundamental meaning…the younger generation is rejecting traditions and values as a whole and sketching out new trends: today, adolescents are the ones who know about and contribute to the major transnational trends, and try to stand firm against the dangers. Their parents now have to seek their consent and negotiate their own former unquestioned authority.”
…”there is only one way out..[for parents to] truly listen to and learn from their children..”

[page79] “Signs of discord have gradually appeared in the global society, inducing fear and bringing young people together despite differences of class, culture and country.”
..”another aspect of this great transition is the felt need to go back to the ancient spiritual principles..or to find solace in cults and pseudo religions..”
..”the Western model of modernization, consumption, economic growth and social progress..has not kept its promise”

“The three worlds –the Industrialized one, the second one mainly constituted by the Communist countries..and the underdeveloped Third World– are no more.”

[page83]”Never in the course of history has humanity been faced with so many threats and dangers…man is sucked into a global cyclone of confusion, swirling with seemingly unrelated factors, the causes of which form an inextricable maze…”
..”mankind is overwhelmed by the range of the difficulties confronting it from all sides; overwhelmed –and the word is not too strong– because the traditional structures, governments and institutions can no longer manage the problems…To make things worse, the archaic and unsuitable structures are themselves in the midst of a true moral crisis. The disappearance of value systems,..traditions,..collapse of ideologies,..absence of a global vision,..practices of democracy — all contribute to the void confronting societies.”

“States with constitutional laws and rights violate international law whenever the matter is solely one of national interest…Religions often serve as an excuse for fraticidal strife…”

“What we observe today is a general malaise which strikes men with stupor, paralysis and unnamed fears…This is the formidable challenge..”
“A global challenge requires a global approach.”

[End of Part I; Part II of this report begins on page 85]

One might ask if the purpose of the Vietnam War was to wake the sleepy “Asian Dragons” and draw out the industrial might of the East. The multi-use objectives of the 60s, 1968 in particular, set American society (and elsewhere) into a fever of dissarray that hastened the Youth culture repudiation of tradition and values that would later ensnare them in mass-media subversion and drugs. In a continuation of the race riots, rechanneled and expanded, the 60s war protests offered the seeding of ‘hope and peace’ in the birth of the Ecology movement.

Two of Hollywood’s blockbusters that year: ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ (remember the Embryonic Child?) and ‘Planet of the Apes’.. 

October 18, 2009

Cheeseburger In Paradise

“In vitro meat” is coming! Not an imitation ‘mock meat’, but real meat grown in the lab that will hopefully appeal to vegans and vegetarians as well as die-hard carnivores. The purveyors of in-vitro-meat are working hard to overcome the obstacles of scale-production, cost and the biological requirements of animal-like texture and taste. wow…The idea of Dutchman Willem van Eelen, who thought it up languishing in a WWII Japanese POW camp, is now a “dream coming true” with the help of the In Vitro Meat Consortium and the U.S. non-profit ‘New Harvest’ organization. All they need are stem cells and support for the research, and by the looks of it, a lot of research help is going to be needed. It’s not only expensive to re-invent nature, it’s tricky.

Jimmy Buffett surely won’t mind me borrowing the title of one of his most famous songs since he is a dedicated fundraiser for ecological causes. And when Utopia comes, well, we’re all hoping for a luscious menu, aren’t we? Nobody I know is very turned on by the the thought of Soylent Green, but eerily, the problems of in-vitro-meat are more Soylent Green-like than we’re being led to expect. According to this article in Scientific American, critics and skeptics within the science community note that “in the past three decades, scientists have only succeeded in deriving embryonic stem cell lines from two animal species: the mouse in 1981 and the human in 1998.”  Controllable stem cells, because of their rapid growth, are essential to making an industry out of this vision.

Making an industry with in-vitro-meat, however, is a primary and compatible goal of One-Worldism. They know you can’t live on fruit so they’re busily working to solve the problems. “In 2005 the Dutch government granted three universities and a Dutch meat processor owned by Smithfield Foods two million euros over four years to develop Eelen’s idea”, but the leading researcher, Bernard Roelen, has “so far..only produced fat and cartilage” and the only workable nutrient culture-medium is “derived from cow blood” although “alternatives exist but they are far too costly for food production”. So, if the world crises get too pressing and the in-vitro-meat technical problems are solved, but the damned pork/bovine stem cell thing just isn’t happening, what are the chances they’ll choose either ‘mouse’ or ‘human’ and go with a winner?…um, I’d call that an executive business expedient on a need-to-know basis.

In case we forget from day-to-day just how much trouble we’re in, the Scientific American reiterates the U.N.’s position on global warming, “The methane burps of 56 billion farm animals..are a significant contributor to climate change..”

Meet the Consortium,

In the mid-1960s, a popular science writer named Gordon Rattray Taylor published a book called “The Biological Time Bomb” aimed at posing the social questions on behalf of the public that advances in science and technology were inevitably to present. If one was suspended in time, the issues appear  contemporary. In other words, the public comprehension is at least forty years behind the technology. This time-gap seems nearly about right in other areas of concern besides biology, like weather control and high-energy physics. Things like in-vitro-meat sound like solution-oriented applications of benevolently motivated activists, but this is last-stage accomplishment in the creation of genuine cyborg and synthetic lifeforms and the public discussion has completely missed the proper communication of micobial intelligence.

Mr. Taylor saw Transhumanism coming, and so did the biologists even decades before him. Knowledge about our general intelligence and the mechanisms of memory and learning have a structure encoded in the genetic matrix. Taylor highlighted the ‘chemical’ nature of memory and the promising researches done up to his publication indicating that RNA is the repository of memory, or its facilitator. Memory, in these terms, is described as a characteristic quality dependent on protein synthesis. RNA injection and interference experiments bore out significant impacts on memory and learning. How this relates to human diet is not directly addressed but he does not skip the issues of cannibalism that were part of this experimental milieu, stating that in a lower species “sensational” results of enhanced learning were displayed by cannibalistic feeding. Ohhh….ecologically responsible Smart Burgers. I can see it now, after the culling of course.


October 17, 2009

Every Silver Lining Has A Black Cloud

There is no longer any doubt in my mind that Colloidal Silver ingestion is an insidious plot against American patriots who are being set up to die: and by their own hands!  Use of pandemic fear and the many fakeries of  ‘alternative health’ which front for large multi-national corporate interests are actively engaged in the illusion of ‘health freedom’ to peddle this poison to the ‘informed’. Nano-silver is probably on its way to be restricted shortly as an environmental hazard for very good reasons. Should such (EPA) restrictions or bans on metal-colloid pesticides become law, only the colloidal silver peddlars will lose –you, on the other hand, can still make it at home if you choose. It’s so cheap once you get started, the bottles to store it in are far more expensive than the liquid, BUT the direction of research on people intentionally drinking CS is so alarming you may decide to stop immediately and get on a detox/anabolic/probiotic regimen to protect having a future life. If you’re a young man, drinking colloidal silver may impair your ability to have healthy children, or any children.

If you drink colloidal silver, please read this:


Prerequisite to understanding the context of this post is the introductory piece:

The current title is inspired by this document on silver-resistant bacteria: “A note of warning: colonies of bacteria exposed to Ag(l) show black pigmentation that is likely to be reduced metallic Ag(0)...”; from the same document:

After the 2001 anthrax scare in the USA, the Mayor of Tampa Florida publicly  called for adding Ag(I) to municipal drinking water as protection against  anthrax and HIV (unlikely to be effective, but equally unlikely to do harm)… In essentially all  situations, open public testing to demonstrate efficacy or harm is not available… What is needed for research? With the availability of the genes for silver  resistance, we have identified closely related genes in bacteria from  environmental and clinical environments and from diverse geographical locations  (A. Gupta et al., in preparation). These findings should eliminate recent  skepticism about the existence of silver-resistant bacteria. Now that the means  for identifying silver resistance determinants in Enterobacteriaceae is  available, similar efforts are needed with other common pathogens… The wide and uncontrolled use of silver products may result in more bacteria  developing resistance, analogous to the world-wide emergence of antibiotic- and  other biocide-resistant bacteria. Such resistant  microbes would be detrimental to clinical and hygienic uses that depend on the  microcidal properties of silver.” [section4]
   Bacterial silver-resistance and the threat of superbugs which is rapidly narrowing the “window of opportunity” for microcidal/antibiotic usage is the understandable looming concern in official health policy circles for having colloidal silver use restricted as an unregulated product. I don’t doubt it’s  also the ‘joke’ in American Biotech Labs’ naming of their popular product “ASAP”.

After writing an initial article on colloidal silver, I met with a barrage of biting retorts here at this blog. It piqued my curiosity. The editor of “Educate Yourself” website, Ken Adachi, launched an attack not only on me but on Dr. Joseph Mercola ( suggesting that Dr. Mercola was ignorantly uninformed for warning his readers that CS could provoke “a severe cytokine storm”. Adachi takes credit for a retraction of that statement by Dr. Mercola –a situation of even greater concern and curiosity. The “cytokine storm”, which is an overreaction of the inflammatory response of the immune system is considered the cause of death in the 1918 Spanish Flu of the “healthy adult” population between 20-40. Mr. Adachi did not simply sqeal like a man getting his pockets picked. He invented an accusation that I’m a “pharmaceutical shill”, that Dr. Mercola is uninformed and under his influence, and that numerous “followers” of his loyally littered my blog with propaganda, to the point of opening false email accounts in my name. I figure I must be ‘over the target’, and that was the first salvo.

But if YOU don’t DIE, then WE can’t have a PANDEMIC, eh?

Since the time of publishing my ‘Colloidal Silver’ article here on the blog and the subsequent reaction, I’ve been following the trail of some of the CS peddlars. The corridors advance down paperless pathways to areas of ‘guilt by association’, and the implications are potentially enormous and dangerous to follow but more than that, the layers of deception are preventively daunting and confusing as is ever the case. Such is the war upon you. “All war is deception” –Sun Tzu.


Excerpts from the link above, regarding ingested colloidal silver:

..”silver nanoparticles can make adhesive interactions with cellular membranes and produce highly reactive and toxic radicals like reactive oxygen species which will cause inflammation and destroy cells like mitochondria..”

..”Silver affects denitrification bacteria such strongly that, in reality, disrupts the bacterium driven environmental denitrification processes..” [necessary in balancing microbial mitigation of the ecosystem; no real ecologist could support silver microbecides in the environment, and no real doctor/healer or health authority could support it in You beyond a critical life-saving measure]

..[nanosilver] can enter through the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in large motorneurones in the brain stem and spinal cord, neurons in cerebellar nuclei and glia…it is now known that the biological half-life of silver in the CNS is longer than in other organs..”

“It is known and acknowledged that long-term use of colloidal silver or silver salts..deposit metallic silver under the skin and abdominal viscera…manic depressive psychosis will develop at about the same time if not a short time after cutaneous argyria has been diagnosed. It leads to a ruptured aortic aneurysm and finally death.”

..”It shows toxic effects on human-friendly microbes..[in the environment]. These organisms deliver many crucial nutrients which are most essential in soil formation..”

Making “silver proteins
The fungus, Apergillus flavus when challenged with silver nitrate solution accumulated silver nanoparticles on the surface of its cell wall in 72 h. These nanoparticles [were] dislodged by ultrasonication… X-ray diffraction spectrum of the nanoparticles confirmed the formation of metallic silver… The spectroscopy..confirmed the presence of protein as the stabilizing agent surrounding the silver nanoparticles… The use of fungus for silver nanoparticle synthesis offers the benefits of eco-friendliness and amenability for large-scale production… such microorganisms are recently found as possible..nanofactories…”


For more of my research on colloidal silver, read ‘Colloidal Silver’ and ‘Imposters and Hell-hounds’ (right margin BLOG index) and as to where this is going…read The Debt-For-Nature Scheme.

October 10, 2009

The Debt-For-Nature Scheme

“Debt-for-nature” is ‘conservation’ policy of the World Bank and affiliated NGOs around the world who are leveraging individual land-holders and governments to swap their debt with real estate, often prime ecological jewels that then come under NGO management. It’s an amazing ‘protection’ racket taking place under the auspices of global environmentalism, funded by national tax monies and private financial/philanthropic institutions. I started looking into this over a controversy generated by the ‘safety’ of ingesting colloidal silver, believe it or not, when an article I posted here garnered some vehement reactions.

It appears that at least some of the promoters of medicinal colloids are fronting Big Money operations that participate and profit from the debt-for-nature schemes. I was already aware that ‘alternative health’ circulars, particularly on the internet, were a pipeline for disinformation about coming catastrophes like the Bird Flu/Swine Flu Pandemic now upon us. One online magazine in particular that represents this activity is ‘the Natural News’ edited by ‘the Health Ranger’, Mike Adams. Mr. Adams lives in Vilcabamba Ecuador in a paradisical conservation zone that is part of the Andean corridor, an international use-limited area that is quickly maximizing its capacity for private ownership. Adams arranges ‘real estate’ tour trips around Vilcabamba in addition to major eco-tourism enterprises, but if you’re a buyer you’d better hurry up.

The Natural News is owned by Truth Publishing International, Ltd, a corporation chartered from Taichung, Taiwan, that also owns the News Target Network and a radio web, viewable here The material from ‘Truth’ is indicative of interlocking relationships with Agora Publishing (or Agora Group) from Baltimore, Md., a large enterprise for international travel, real estate, investment, and health. Subsidiary, Health Sciences Institute ( markets products from Northstar Nutritionals ( that has a few items to sell –like ‘Soothanol X2’ a DMSO/herbal tincture for pain relief, 1 fluid oz. at $49.95– but this appears to be mostly a business of information.  Agora, a name taken from the Greek for ‘marketplace’, is first and foremost about making money with money. The owner/founders of Agora have invested deeply to profit from general and specific disasters like economic collapse and the Swine Flu Pandemic. One associate of Agora founder Bill Bonner, a Mr. Addison Wiggin who heads the multi-million dollar financial research, wrote “The Demise of the Dollar..and Why It’s Even Better for Your Investments” and issues special-reports to its membership like the “Single Best Way to Make Sure You’ll Never Run Out of Money” which appears to be a financial mechanism he calls “The Endless Paycheck Portfolio”.

I’ve a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg in comprehending the business nature of Agora (see ); doubtlessly so in the scope of the debt-for-nature activity. According to the wikipedia, Vilcabamba Ecuador became a haven for international expatriates beginning in the 1960s as a community slowly took root there. By the 1990s, the native Ecuadorans themselves were forced to emigrate for lack of work (or finances), many resettling in Madrid Spain and No. America. Were these engineered real estate turnovers? Vilcabamba is a truly incredible location, poised below the reach of the Podocarpus National Park, one of the most bio-diverse and precious places on earth.,_Ecuador (site of The Nature Conservancy, $5.42 billion in assets for 2007)

Bill Bonner, noted from the wiki link above, wrote in his book “Mobs, Messiahs and Markets” that “mass delusions are part of the human condition”. Capitalizing on them, after all, must be good business.

…and if you’re considering some Vilcabamba real estate, Mike Adams wants you to “get it”  first by reading this, “Guiding Principles for People Looking for Vilcabamba, Ecuador Real Estate” If you ‘pass go’ here are some of the neighbors you’ll have in Vilcabamba with their own contact info. Btw, I have no problem with ex-pats, I wish them blessed and happy lives. What interests me are the larger forces at work that make these situations appealing in the first place. It’s in everyone’s purview to have a high-quality life wherever and however they choose to live.

Agora Financial publishes a journal called The Daily Reckoning, editor Addison Wiggin, featuring contributions from ‘staff’ such as Lew Rockwell (, Gerald Celente (Trends Research) and Dr. Ron Paul (US Congress) This group, and the extended arms of Agora, advocate nation-building investments in developing countries that often include international projects funded by US taxpayers. Non-profit Agora Partnerships USA, for example, uses ‘micro’ venture capital and US tax-paid grants to seed entrepreneurial programs abroad and build ‘sustainable economies’ for other countries. Agora Partnerships USA shares an office in Washington DC with USAID, United States Agency for International Development, and it’s TechnoServe program.
The same building hosts the Economic Research Services of the US Dept of Agriculture, it’s primary policy, financing and forecasting service for domestic and global planning. Agora appears to be well within the loop, so this is about far more than hiring a Health Ranger to gatekeep for Shangri-la.

USAID: “August 20, 2003 The Department of State and Agency for International Development (USAID) Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2004 to 2009 sets forth the Secretary of State’s direction and priorities for both organizations in the coming years. The Strategic Plan supports the policy positions set forth by President Bush in the 2002 National Security Strategy and presents how the Department and USAID will implement U.S. foreign policy and development assistance.”….


[document excerpt]
“Debt for Nature was developed by Dr. Thomas Lovejoy in 1987 during his work with the World Wildlife Fund. Environmental groups would purchase shaky foreign debt in the secondary market at the market rate, which would be considerably discounted, and then convert this debt at its face value into the local currency to purchase biologically sensitive tracts of land in the debtor nation for purposes of environmental protection. Most of the world’s largest rainforests are located in poor states such as Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia and Madagascar. ‘The first swap that happened was in 1987 between the Bolivian government and Conservation International’.
   There are three main parties involved with a Debt for Nature swap: an international conservation organization, a domestic conservation organization, and a developing country’s government….The three most active international organizations, which are all based in the U.S., are Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund. The steps needed don’t vary much from state to state. The conservation organizations provide a proposal to the developing countries government, seeking an agreement. Once an agreement has been reached, they have the World Bank convert the state’s debt into the local currency. The currency is converted into bonds which go into an environmental trust…
   The biggest thing once the agreement’s been reached is then their enforcement. The UN has the United Nations Environment Programme for Environmental Development. Their purpose is to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring..informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. They are not an enforcement body, which means there is no international body enforcing the terms of the agreement. No one is there to ensure the developing states will keep their end of the agreement made. And even if there was, once the debt has been paid, the developing country can cut down the rainforests and not have to pay back the conservation organization that paid a portion of their debt…”   It should be made very clear that despite this last comment about a country cutting down the rainforests, the conservation organization owns the land, and it is they who may cut down trees or sell the property, depending on whatever discretionary agreements are arranged in the acquisition process.

Conservation International, founded 1987
According to , ‘CI’ is engaging in eco-imperialism, as are the other NGOs, noting that “In 1997, CI signed a comprehensive bioprospecting agreement with California-based company Hyseq which specializes in genomic sequencing. CI agreed to pre-screen drug candidates derived from flora and fauna samples, and provide regular reports on its research findings to Hyseq. As well as an initial contribution, Hyseq would pay CI on a country basis, and an annual fee. Hyseq is free to pursue intellectual property claims over any results.”

“In Panama, CI worked with Novartis, Monsanto, and others, in ‘ecologically guided bioprospecting’ seeking pharmaceutical and agricultural products….In Surinam it cooperated with Bristol Meyers Squibb with its ethnobotanists collecting plant samples”….”A June 2003 report by Chiapas-based [social activism org] dubbed CI a Trojan Horse of the U.S. government and transnational corporations. It revealed that CI’s program of flyovers –part of their USAID-supported ‘environmental monitoring’ program– flew over areas occupied by Zapatista communities in planes which bore USAID markings…”

Three of CI’s main personalities:
*Peter A. Seligmann, co-founder, CEO and chairman, merging ecology, banking and philanthropy
*Mr. Seligmann’s uncle, Henry H. Arnhold, international banker, CFR member, 1937 German emigre who transferred his business to New York City –history of his banking firm here, Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder, Inc. which is a principal holder of George Soros’s Quantum Fund 
*Russell A. Mittermeier, president, scientist, World Bank Task Force leader

World Wildlife Fund, founded Sep.11, 1961 in Switzerland
WWF is the world’s largest independent conservation organization, founded by Julian Huxley, Max Nicholson, Peter Scott and Guy Mountfort, who had decades of “experience linking progressive intellectuals with business interests..” In 1986 it changed its name to World Wildlife Fund for Nature and issues two yearly publications of the “Living Planet Report”.
Listed at :
*Chairman, Bruce Babbitt, president of *Raintree Ventures, former US Secretary of the Interior (Clinton Admin) and prior Governor of Arizona. [ “Raintree Ventures and Raintree Strategic Consultancy are subsidiaries within the Westcomb Group which focus on private equity transactions”, founded in 2000 by Mr. Pang Seng Tuong as “one of the first boutique investment banks in Singapore” and incorporated in Bermuda.] As of June, 2009, Babbitt took a seat on the Board of the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy which concerns itself with “use, regulation, and taxation of land” [press release
*CEO/president (since 2005) Carter Roberts, formerly worked for The Nature Conservancy
*Vice-Chair, Jared M. Diamond, biologist at UCLA, educated at Cambridge (UK) and Harvard, principal spokesman for the Long Now Foundation which is a San Francisco based NGO in the process of ambitiously cataloging everything on the planet and integrating information systems ( former*Vice-Chair, Lawrence H. Linden of Goldman Sachs ) Treasurer, Roger W. Sant, co-founder and Chair of AES Corp/utilities…..and on the Board of Directors, Thomas Lovejoy mentioned above, who was a former US Asst. Secretary for External and Environmental Affairs and ‘Science Advisor’ under the Clinton Admin. to (Sec. of the Interior) Bruce Babbitt. Lovejoy was also the Chief Advisor to the President of the World Bank as well as the World Bank ‘Specialist for the Environment for Latin America and the Carribean’.

The Nature Conservancy, founded 1951
Oldest of the three here, TNC was reformed out of the Ecologists Union by founder Bob Marshall, the son of well-known zionist Louis B. Marshall. It chartered it first chapter in New York in 1954 and made its first acquisition of the Arthur W. Butler Memorial Sanctuary. In 1988 TNC performed a debt-for-nature swap in Costa Rica for $240,000 worth of debt, and in the same year contracted with the US Dept of Defense (DOD) to manage 25 million acres of military lands. The new CEO and president of TNC is Goldman Sach’s Mark Tercek, who took his place in June 2008, following an appointment from The Nature Conservancy’s Chairman of the Board, Hank Paulson, to Goldman Sach’s Center for Environmental Markets in 2006. Tercek joined Goldman Sachs in 1984.

“The Nature Conservancy job puts [Tercek] in a position to have a big impact. The Conservancy is by far the world’s biggest conservation group, with an operating budget of nearly $500 million, about 3,600 employees including hundreds of scientists, and chapters in all 50 states and 36 countries…Tercek is looking to build alliances with other NGOs –the Nature Conservancy has joined the US Climate Action Partnership, for example– as well as with business.”

Dubious activities of the The Nature Conservancy are reviewed by author Ron Arnold in his book “Undue Influence”, using year 2000 figures which reckoned the assets of TNC worth $2.8 billion –2007 figures show double that amount, and according to “On average, 1000 acres a day are added to its system of nature preserves, the world’s largest. When TNC cannot buy desired property, it sometimes attains conservation easements restricting use of the land for tax benefits.”


How Does It Really Work?

These swaps appear to have complex arrangements involved concerning ownership and stewardship. Though I have a whole lot yet to learn and documents to find, for example, the USAID website here describing recent debt-for-nature swaps looks like an incredibly good deal for the conservation NGOs, another stick-it-to-the-US-taxpayer and an Agenda 21 social experiment in affected people who must relocate.

 A deal made with Costa Rica in September of 2007 has “the U.S. government, Costa Rican government, Central Bank of Costa Rica, Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy agree[ing] to reduce Costa Rica’s debt payments to the US by $26 million over the next 16 years. In return, the Central Bank of Costa Rica committed to pay these funds into a debt-for-nature program to support grants to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups to protect and restore the country’s important tropical resources”.

According to this article, the United States Treasury paid $12.6 million “appropriated by the Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA), with Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy providing an additional $1.26 million each to the purchase of the debt at a discounted rate..” So the US actually paid a total of $38.6 million for the deal. IC and TNC bought themselves 16 years of privileged ‘work’ at a combined cost of $2.5 million to run an eco-concession out of Costa Rica. And then what? We have yet to see the conclusion of any one of these debt-for-nature swaps. If you think that’s a bargain for restoration, consider that the ‘prweb’ article assesses the progress already made in Costa Rica without the swap, which had reforested more than 30% of lands previously cleared. The amount of land actually coming under NGO management through the swap is not named; 6 areas are
broadly referred to, however, in this blog item of the Tierra Pacifica community, which appears to reference a reputable media source, the acreage involved is noted to be 1000 acres. Is this possible, or just a local piece? Tierra Pacifica is a newly developed master-plan enclave on 220 acres poised between a protected mangrove estuary and the Pacific –fully gated with a guard house, modern amenities, new public paved road that runs directly to the Liberia International Airport– .  Is this the kind of ‘sustainable’ development that USAID and the TFCA approve in determining a mandate that “developing countries with critically important tropical forests meet certain political and economic requirements to be eligible for debt-for-nature swaps.”?

Guatemala 2006 – the U.S.’s first swap

“In, the United States government contributed about $15 million toward the cancellation of [$24 million of] Guatemalas’s debt, said Clay Lowery, assistant secretary of the Treasury…” (that’s a $39 million start-up cost )…”The bulk of the money generated by the debt forgiveness will go to private organizations…  Eligible countries must have democratically elected governments and a suitable economic reform program in place and they must cooperate with the United States on drug enforcement and counterterrorism efforts.”

Guatemalans in the way:  “Since the Maya Biosphere Reserve..was created in 1990, people have steadily moved in… To stem this flow,..The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Guatemalan government, and [a Guatemalan NGO], experimented with a new strategy in see if [people] were open to the idea of small-scale voluntary resettlement. While resettlement is common in the develop realm, it is not we encounter much in conservation. In fact, we generally shy away from it..due to the social stigma it carries. Most resettlement projects..continue to be non-voluntary. The voluntary..Guatemala initiative maes it fundamentally different..and it may be the key to resettlement finding its place among conservation strategies.

“..The idea was to move families to areas more appropriate for development [where non-voluntary relocations tend to occur].. closer to public services. Most of the families..never truly settled down because they were unable to buy land and, therefore, were always squatting and living with..uncertainty… As such, land title is crucial for resettlement.

   “..The thinking behind the plans goes like this. If a community agrees to move, the government and collaborating NGOs find it a piece of legal land.. physically move the community.. give them access to a long-term low-interest loan, and provide technical assistance to help them adapt to the new area… If the families are not satisfied or cannot adapt to the new area, they will return to the protected areas, thus defeating the biological and social objectives of the resettlement… Resettlement is not easy… Ideally, an entire small-to-medium-sized community is resttled as a whole. But that’s not always possible. Land is scarce [which is why people took residence in reserves in the first place].
   “..The typical solution is to settle a smaller community into an already existing community. But predictably, combining different social structures and power relationships can lead to conflict.
   “..Because Guatemala is just coming out of a brutal, 36-year civil war, many people remain cautious about engaging in any type of relationship with the government. Trust is essential…[and] the Guatemalan organizations have made several important changes. For example, in some of the first resettlements, an adequate water supply was provided after the resettlement. Now, knowing that the initial adjustment period is crucial, the agencies look for a natural water source when choosing land for the resettlement… [U]nder the right conditions, people will indeed voluntarily move themselves out of a situation that we..refer to as ‘people versus parks’.”  

October 7, 2009

What’s Your BQ?

“BQ” is your Biological Quotient. It’s closely related to your IQ and EQ. I don’t know if anyone else has coined the term yet, but I happily know that the concept is well illustrated in the body-mind-spirit gestalt (IQ,EQ,BQ) where a tangible proof of wholeness has real life values. A body temple would simply be a flimsy facade without a generous BQ. How do you know if your BQ is low? You would probably feel chronically depressed and run-down, irritable, unsociable, or worse; fearful and unloved.

The concept of BQ emerged from a personal experience of making simple but significant changes to my diet –I went raw; meat, milk, eggs, everything– and the impact was immediate. Previously, my diet was about 50% raw (mainly fruits and vegetables) and for a time I struggled with the challenge of undoing preconditioned aversions to foods like raw meat. The “power of food” took on such a profound meaning that I started a quest for information seeking support and comfort for these ‘new’ ideas –not new at all! In fact, the scientific literature is loaded with studies and experiments that few people have dared to publicize against the prevailing food conventions of our time.

A high BQ is a true measure of health, and no one can tell you how to measure it –you will just know. The word ‘health’ means ‘whole’ and it also means ‘holy’. Your BQ is the natural intelligence that integrates the living substance of the earth with the body-mind of your animal creature. It is 90% of your physical material and mediates the quality of your existence. It’s your ‘in-forming principle’. Raising my own BQ has resulted in a deep sense of groundedness and satisfaction that has stabilized and empowered my ‘other’ intelligences. All I can say is TRY IT!

Getting started:
…is a willingness to improve and eliminate the refined, processed and toxic additives from your diet, choosing instead to eat foods the way nature provides and do your own ‘processing’.
This wonderful essay from the Weston A. Price foundation highlights the gifts of health from the lessons of ‘traditional primitives’.

“Price took photograph after photograph of beautiful smiles and noted that the natives were invariably cheerful and optimistic. Such people were characterized by ‘splendid physical development’ and an almost complete absence of disease, even those living in physical environments that were extremely harsh”.

..”groups that had come into contact with traders or missionaries and had abandoned their traditional diet for foodstuffs [like]..sugar, refined grains, canned foods, pasteurized milk and devitalized fats and oils…[had] rampant tooth decay, infectious illness and degenerative conditions. Children born to parents who had adopted the so-called civilized diet had crowded and crooked teeth, narrowed faces, deformities of bone structure and reduced immunity to disease. Price concluded that race had nothing to do with these changes..”

“In the Swiss village where Price began his investigations, the inhabitants lived on rich dairy products –unpasteurized milk, butter, cream and cheese– dense rye bread, meat occasionally, bone broth soups and the few vegetables they could cultivate during the short summer months…The children went barefoot in frigid streams during weather that forced Dr. Price and his wife to wear heavy wool coats; nevertheless childhood illnesses were virtually nonexistent and there had never been a single case of TB in the village.”

“African cattle-keeping tribes like the Masai consumed no plant foods at all; just meat, blood and milk….Southsea islanders..ate seafood of every sort..along with pork meat and fat and a variety of plant foods including coconut, manioc and fruit. Insects were another common food in all regions except the Arctic…”

“Price discovered ‘The diets of healthy native groups contained at least 10 times more vitamin A and vitamin D than the American diet of his day. These vitamins are found only in animal fats –butter, lard, egg yolks, fish oils and foods with fat-rich cellular membranes like liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and shell fish. Price referred to the fat soluble vitamins as ‘catalysts’ or ‘activators’ upon which the assimilation of all the other nutrients depended..”

“..researchers used such foods very successfully for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as TB, asthma, allergies and emphysema. One of these was Francis Pottenger whose sanirorium in Monrovia California served liberal amounts of liver, butter, cream and eggs to convalescing patients….Dr. Price consistently found that healthy ‘primitives’ whose diets contained adequate nutrients from animal protein and fat had a cheerful, positive attitude to life.”

…more to come

October 4, 2009


Filed under: influenza,Modern History,police state — jenniferlake @ 6:10 am
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Quarantine is “old medicine” reinvigorated for our times because “novel pathogens, both deliberate and newly emerging, may not be amenable to existing modern countermeasures..” . According to this policy report created by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, Homeland Security), we live in “a time that has witnessed almost twenty new diseases in two decades [1980-2000] and the deliberate release of Bacillus anthracis through the mail”.

In the history of the United States, public health measures were matters for individual states with the federal government adopting a support role by a formal request for assistance, codified in 1824 by a landmark Supreme Court case, Gibbons v. Ogden. “The Court held that ‘the completely internal commerce of a State..may be considered as reserved for the State itself’ [and] that under the Constitution ‘states are [therefore] able to pass inspection laws, quarantine laws, health laws of every description, as well as laws for regulating the internal commerce of a state’.” In the decades that followed, however, new diseases like yellow fever and cholera strained at the meager resources of pioneer towns and unprepared officials.

In 1878, during a major spread of yellow fever up the Mississippi Valley that claimed 20,000 lives, Congress passed the National Quarantine Act that empowered the Marine Hospital Service (MHS) to dispatch health officers and materiel to any needed area. The Surgeon General of the time, John Maynard Woodworth, is described as having “ambitious goals for the provide health services to the entire nation”. The Marine Hospital Service had been chartered 80 years previously in 1798 as the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen, funded by a tax on sailors’ salaries, long noted as vectors for the spread of illness dating back to the Black Plague of 1347 when the first quarantine was imposed on ships in Venice, Italy.

The National Quarantine Act of 1878 strengthened US government power to regulate immigration, granted in 1875, which was formerly a right of the states. (US Supreme Court, California case ‘Chy Lung v. Freeman et. al’). Over the next 22 years federal authority was bolstered by a series of legislation designed to exclude undesirable immigrants and impose interstate quarantines until a turning point was reached for the consolidation of federal public health powers in 1900 with a return of the Black Death. It was far from the first time that plague had circulated in America, but the difference was in newly acquired facilities and agencies developed in the intervening years since 1878.

During an outbreak of smallpox in 1895 in Eagle Pass, Texas, MHS physician Milton J. Rosenau was appointed by the Surgeon General to manage a ‘sanitary cordon’ with 20 guardsmen to prevent a group of 300 itinerants from infecting the townspeople. Milton Rosenau was soon appointed as the chief of the new U.S. Hygienic Laboratory, becoming its second director in 1899. The initial director appointed in 1898, Joseph Kinyoun, was the first responder to an outbreak of plague in San Francisco’s Chinatown. He called upon his associate Milton Rosenau*, to bring a 2-man team to manage the crisis; Simon Flexner** and Llewelys Barker. The entire event was fiercely controversial and lasted for several years. The city of S.F. was undergoing intense political turmoil at the onset and the threat of plague, spread widely by stories in national newspapers, dealt a devastating blow to the state’s economy, eventually unseating its governor who claimed all along that the proofs of plague were unfounded.

Two years before the outbreak in 1898, the Marine Hospital Service and its reigning Surgeon General Wyman, had lost a major bid for federalization at the hands of states-rights defenders, but from 1901 onward the federal government had the power to “enforce quarantines without deference to state health laws”. The record of dissent against this power remains in the arguments raised in 1878: “that such power would interfere with fundamental states’ rights…the power to control quarantine is, in essence, the ability to control the threats visited upon one’s own body…[and] would remove from cities and states the ability to protect they saw fit and give the MHS [todays NIH] undue power: Is the General Government preparing for the mustering and maintenance of an expensive local health police –an army of sanitarians that, like locusts in the field, eat up our substance and usurp our liberties?”

*Milton J. Rosenau
-served the MHS as SanFrancisco’s quarantine officer from 1895-1898 and would have been well familiar with the socio-political climate in the years before the plague outbreak! Prior to his service in San Francisco, Rosenau was in Europe attending courses in Berlin and Vienna and advising the US consulars in Hamburg and Antwerp. During his years as the chief of the Hygienic Laboratory (1899-1909) he transformed the agency from a ‘one-man-show’ into a campus-based research facility, and continued his career (1909-1935) at Harvard where he became the chair of the new Dept. of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Harvard’s School of Public Health.
   During the Spanish Flu of 1918, Rosenau was a Navy chief supervising Boston’s Chelsea Naval Hospital, where he famously attempted to infect ‘volunteer’ sailors, released from detention, with the mucous of flu victims. Despite direct spraying in the face/nose/throat and subjecting the men to continual exposure in the sick wards, they did not contract the Spanish Flu. Boston was a notorious hotspot for the contagion, and the most frightful accounts emanate from the Army’s Fort Devens.
   In addition to his quarantine and Naval duites, Milton Rosenau became an expert on polio and milk-pasteurization, writing “The Milk Question” in 1912. He served the Massachusetts State Board of Health from 1913 to 1922, after which he traveled to Russia and Palestine on fact-finding missions. After 1935 and his term at Harvard, Rosenau moved to the University of North Carolina where he established the School of Public Health,  its dean until his death in 1946.

**Simon Flexner
-previously at Johns Hopkins working with William Welch (1895-1898) and also traveling abroad on investigative medical missions, accepted a post at the University of Pennsylvania until his appointment as Director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR) in 1903, where he served until his retirement in 1936. His most enduring medical legacy is the development of a meningitis vaccine, presumed to have been the test vaccine given to soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1918 by Rockefeller administrator Frederick Gates. 

On page 11 of the CSIS/bird flu manual linked above, the claim is made that “The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19..infected a fifth of the world’s population, killing an estimated 675,000 Americans…Many of those suffering from the Spanish Flu were subjected to quarantine and isolation,…existing local quarantine stations were gradually turned over to federal control. By 1921, all quarantine stations were transferred to the federal government.” What had been a national ‘stealth’ power of public health in 1901 was functionally manifest in the aftermath of the Great Influenza and defined again in 1944 with the passage of the Public Health Services Act, passed in wartime under the administration of FDR. The US Army documents that the greatest number of influenza cases ever on record occurred in 1943-44, albeit less fatal.

But, for modern purposes, health authorities look to tuberculosis in bringing definition of the challenges inherent in disease control. “TB was once the leading cause of death in the United States…Globally, in 2003, an estimated 8.8 million people were infected and 1.75 million deaths occurred due to all forms of the disease.” Why choose TB for an example and not HIV/AIDS? The true answer may be a complex confrontation between the ‘overlapping’ definitions of “contagious” and “infectious”. TB is an aerosolized pathogen like influenza with the property of having developed multi-drug-resistant forms (MDR-TB) which “requires a minimum regimen of six months of daily drugs..[if] treatment is completed”. It has a long history of being fearful and fatal to the public resulting in quarantines, and the creation of an early NGO, the National Tuberculosis Association, which changed its name to the American Lung Association and came under the political control of the Laskers***. Modern TB patients who do not finish the entire course of drug treatment as prescribed are considered “noncompliant” and “In 1992, the US CDC found that 25 percent of all TB patients were noncompliant [and] recommended the use of quarantines to ensure treatment”.

The CDC’s euphemistic ‘guidelines’ were applied in New York City to “detained noninfectious TB patients in the Goldwater Hospital until they were cured…median length of confinement was 168 days; one patient was detained for an unprecedented 654 days [22 months]. Patients in other hospitals were only held an average for half that time” [10 or 11 months?]. Somehow and at some time, quarantine has become synonymous with forced treatment in lieu of a public perception to the contrary. Seemingly, forced treatment was not the case in the recent SARS outbreak of 2003, but forced quarantine with accompanying violence was a part of the larger picture of SARS.

Albert D. Lasker (1880-1952), considered the founder of modern advertising, was the CEO of ‘Lord and Thomas’ company for 40 years, specializing in the promotion of liquor, tobacco and food products. Lasker’s family roots in Galveston,TX and Germany generated wealth through the cotton exchange and flour-milling. Albert got a jump on a political career as well in 1917 as an assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture. Under FDR, he became an Asst. Sec. of the Navy. His friends, William ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan (OSS) and Lewis L. Strauss (Navy Admiral and chief of the Atomic Energy Commission), introduced him to his future wife Mary Woodard, a daughter of a banker who worked as a New York art buyer. The Laskers are noted for taking control of the American Cancer Society in 1944 and using a power base that included the American Heart Assoc., the American Lung Assoc. and the American Public Health Assoc. to drive national health policy. The 1946 National Mental Health Act was a key piece of legislation for the Lasker agenda, enabled by high-powered friends and insiders like Clark M. Clifford and Paul G. Hoffman. Mary Lasker worked together with Florence Mahoney and Anna Rosenberg lobbying privately in Wash,DC. The Lasker Award in medicine is presented by the foundation they established in 1942.

In the section “Quarantines Post 9/11” on page 12 (birdflumanual/CSIS) it’s stated that “most US states are ill prepared to undertake a large-scale quarantine…no large-scale quarantine has been implemented within US borders in modern day”. This is one of the many reasons, along with uncontrollable international travel and commerce, that the federal government has instead funded “international disease prevention”. Federal authority at home, however, is poised to override the actions of any state “if it is believed that a state’s actions are inadequate” and the CSIS evidently found this to be so, writing “most –if not all– states today lack operational plans”.

“Through a combination of vigilance and pure luck, the United States was able to elude a large-scale SARS outbreak” notes CSIS. What happened with SARS? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was an emerging infection that started in November of 2002 in Guangdong Province, China –the same region that saw China’s first influenza over a century ago. What began as a local outbreak was ‘carried’ to Hong Kong by a medical doctor who reportedly infected 12 people in his hotel who then further carried the infection into Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and Toronto, Canada. The outbreak spread to Taiwan where the highest recorded number of people were affected; 150,000 ordered into quarantine, bringing the global total near to 200,000. The undeniable element in the SARS outbreak was that medical personnel became the VECTOR.

“In Hong Kong, over 22% of those hospitalized for SARS were medical workers; in areas of Taiwan the number reached 33%; and in Toronto, 46%”!! Only in an upside-down, inside-out reality does it seem as if exposed medical workers were victims of the public, and yet sick medical workers were allowed to continue and interact with “proper equipment”. Is it not curious, with known and documented associations of vaccines causing illness, that 46% of the Toronto health workers who were hospitalized corresponds very closely to western statistics of health workers who receive regular vaccinations? Sick medical workers who were able to perform did so because “almost all response teams were severely overburdened and understaffed”, an echo of the state of stress in US Public Health labs during the 2009 spring H1N1 episode. Field tactics used during the SARS epidemic included “phone calls, house visits, electronic picture monitoring and electronic tagging of noncompliant detainees” in a variety of settings from family homes to detention camps; the same techniques being broadcast as applicable to today’s pandemic, minus other measures forecast to ensure compliance such as road-block dragnets. What is the likelihood that these measures will be used? On a return to this subject, I’ll post some examples from the news.

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