Jennifer Lake's Blog

October 29, 2009

The Vaccine-Controlled Population

Spookier words were never spoken, issued during an audio interview with Barbara Loe Fisher by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Listen here:

transcribed and condensed:

JM:..there’s breaking information from CBS News which appears to be a massive disinformation campaign by the US Federal Government…H1N1..figures that don’t line up, absolutely DO NOT line up…

BLF:..yes..excellent investigative piece, a 3-month investigation from CBS News. What CBS found was that the majority of cases tested negative for H1N1, in fact..were negative for influenza of any kind!
..80% is due to other flu-like illness..which is confirmed by analysis. The truth is that the majority of sickness is not influenza of [any] kind. There has been a gross overestimation obviously.

JM: ..some countries like Finland have downgraded this [public health emergency] not being a pandemic at all.

BLF:.[but] we’re still operating under a national public health emergency..when what we’re seeing is a regular year. We need to find out why 87 children died..of what was thought to have been H1N1 flu..

JM: This new piece of information –of investigative journalism from CBS that really highlights this massive disinformation campaign that has been instituted by the federal government– one can only speculate as to the reasons why they did this. How could they possibly do it? Earlier this year, they committed 3 billion dollars to the production of vaccine…

BLF: I think that’s part of it, but there has been a commitment by the public health officials and certainly with the urging of the pharmaceutical industry to make annual influenza vaccination, from the cradle to the grave essentially, part of the experience of all Americans. In other words, they want to have everyone take a flu shot every year..

JM: Several!…several flu shots!

BLF:..this case, this year, several flu shots. This commitment of this strategy, that we must never experience influenza,..this counterproductive to achieving true good health. One of the things I’ve been worried about is that if you try to prevent all experience from childhood..with influenza, you prevent the population from ever having any natural experience..and set up a situation where you become vaccine dependent and become exclusively vulnerable to future pandemics –all potentially more dangerous types of influenza because the population has no natural immunity whatsoever… Whose right is it, really!, to decide..that we should have no natural experience..and become totally vaccine dependent? This is the kind of discussion that needs to be taking place in the public arena…

JM: I couldn’t agree more…You have to wonder why these educated individuals would make these types of recommendations…It appears to be professional scientific, reprehensible misconduct!
..How and why could they do this?…possible conflict of interests…[official inquiries] found massive conflicts of interest..

BLF:..there’s an inappropriate influence by the pharmaceutical the regulation and policy-making process in the federal health agencies. There needs to be a Congressional investigation to limit these conflicts of interest…Vaccination affects everybody in this country..

JM: Part of this process is to educate the public that this is going on…[The public] need[s] to become outraged and express this appointed officials..
but supposedly, in the meantime, we’re left with this “pandemic”…
The further we get into this, the more data is accumulating that the perceived benefits [of vaccination] are going down, down, and down…The safety studies have not been done and the precautionary principle needs to be exercized here.

BLF: I’m concerned about..limiting our right in America to make voluntary decisions…People are going to have to wake up and fight for that right because there’s a huge lobby out there…Hundreds of [different] vaccines are being prepared to enter this vaccine pipeline [and] we need to have that right…

..from the same issue of Dr. Mercola’s online newsletter, “What OTC Drug May Have Killed More People in the 1918 Flu Pandemic than Flu Itself” —aspirin! Dr. Mercola has also warned against overuse of OTC antacids as another cause of influenza. 

Read this repost of a 2005 article about aspirin history,  and as a cause in the 1918 Spanish Flu and other illnesses.


October video testimony from Gary Null, creator of “Vaccine Nation”


Added Nov.3, from Dr. Mercola’s newsletter: “Swine Flu –One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History”, article and interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock

My research leads me to believe that POLIO is the most massive medical cover-up of all time and set the model! –a tragedy that is ongoing today…


  1. Jennifer,

    Thank you for your vigilance and honest info on this corporate scam.

    I’m waiting for the puzzle palace in Washington to demand that we be
    required to pay a tax for our exhaling of CO2! Billions of needed dollars
    for our families lost for con games while Rome burns?

    The Corporate Internationals inoculations of anti logic snake oil, illegal
    wars, rigged voting, Wall St. destruction of the Republic, voodoo economics,
    Federal Reserve Monopoly money and complete indifference to our laws, have
    exposed the insincerity of our government and its indifference toward the plight of our nation and its obvious contempt for its citizens.

    This all has to be a part of a major plan to bring us to our knees.

    Comment by Don — October 30, 2009 @ 5:59 am | Reply

  2. Get a load of this outright, in-your-face propaganda aimed straight at children, complete with a sly gaffaw from the “nurse” character after singing “it might hurt a little bit, but it’s gonna help a whole lot!”

    Comment by Kolnidre — November 1, 2009 @ 8:38 am | Reply

  3. I have no doubt vaccines are part of the re-engineering of humanity. To wit, here’s the wonderful wizard of modern social engineering’s candid statement:

    “All that is essential in our hypothesis is the belief that physiology will in time find ways of controlling emotion, which it is scarcely possible to doubt. When that day comes we shall have the emotions desired by our rulers, and the chief business of elementary education will be to produce the desired disposition, no longer by punishment or moral precept, but by the far surer method of injection or diet.”
    -Bertrand Russell
    The Future of Science, 1924

    Comment by Kolnidre — November 2, 2009 @ 1:22 pm | Reply

    • ..”the far surer method of injection or diet”..
      Indeed!, as such, covering all the bases so that even ‘health’ food is part of this Orwellian inversion. Reading through ‘lab rat’ studies has been very eye-opening to me. Every substance known to chemistry has been induced in these creatures. Evoking psychological Passivity is the great anti-social goal and we must see it in this light. A poisoned animal, whether by diet, injection or infection, will cease to be curious.

      Comment by jenniferlake — November 2, 2009 @ 6:02 pm | Reply

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