Jennifer Lake's Blog

February 15, 2012

JFK Conspiracy Con V

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four


Surely five posts on a blog should be adequate to making a couple of points, even if the material it represents weighs in at many thousands of pages. Somebody I know picked up on a major theme here and responded with a letter that makes a beautiful illustration of it on five 8-and-a-half-by-11s. (And this after Part Three). Somehow, reduction to a tenth (5 posts at a rate of 50 pages reduced to 5), anticipated halfway, bears something of a Divine Proportion. If there’s a Cosmic meaning to it, the least effect is of offering me encouragement. I’ll have to think twice about making a Part Six and messing around with the Divine.
   And you, still hanging in there, take some encouragement too. Part Five is going to sprint to the Finish.  Real-Timers, you all know it’s not about speed. Everybody else, this is the third month of a little project begun near the 48th anniversary of JFK’s death. Collectively, I’d say we’re maximizing air time –breathing maybe– inhaling the ponderables.
   A year and a half from now, in honor of the 50th, I expect to see a lot of closure-seeking media attention. Our national tolerance for secrets seems to break around 50 years and the whetting of an appetite seems well underway –the “Jackie tapes”, another JFK mistress, etc– and then there’s Judyth and Ed. The SV40-cancer-AIDS story may not be ready for primetime, but their song-and-story is probably the last round of Oswald’s Legend the public will ever know. But it’s also possible that Jim Garrison’s legacy may yet get a hearing and pick up where he left off –somewhere in space, I believe, closing in on NASA. And the mystery will continue…
In a phonecall to Warren Hinckle of Ramparts magazine on November 5, 1968 Garrison told Hinckle, “This is risky [calling], but I have little choice. It is imperative that I get this information to you now… Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy’s murder in the way we first thought. It was the Military-Industrial Complex…but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I’ve got the names of three companies…” Hinckle wrote them down –Lockheed, Boeing, General Dynamics. Garrison presumably shared the names of executives with those companies and then told Hinckle, “I wanted you to have this, in case something happens.”
   This researcher doesn’t know what, if any, progress Garrison’s investigators might have made in securing solid leads in aerospace, but there’s no shortage of involvement for this industry in nuclear materials, “metamaterials”, particle accelerators and human experimentation. General Dynamics, as the subsidiary General Atomics Company, participated in an experimental nuclear-powered ‘interplanetary’ spacecraft called Project Orion in 1957. Orion never got off the ground but its visionaries had hoped to set a traveling city into space as the largest craft ever conceived. The General Atomics division was founded by Frederic deHoffmann, headquartered on the northern side of coastal San Diego, precisely in a nest of advanced military research that included the Scripps and Salk Institutes, orbiting the campus of the University of California San Diego. DeHoffmann had worked as a special assistant at Los Alamos to Edward Teller contributing the exact calculations needed by Teller to make the first H-bombs. DeHoffmann was a senior VP of General Dynamics and became the administrative president of the Salk Institute in 1970 until sickness from AIDS caused him to retire in 1988.

   In his book, On The Trail Of The Assassins, Garrison detailed how a half-dozen men who worked alongside Oswald at the Reily Coffee Company in New Orleans moved on to jobs with NASA in the days and weeks after the assassination. He wrote, “One name jumped out at me immediately: Dante Marachini. He had begun work at the  Reily Coffee Company on exactly the same day as Oswald. Several weeks after  Oswald’s departure, Marachini also left the coffee company and began life anew  at the Chrysler Aerospace Division at the National Aeronautics and Space  Administration (NASA), on the eastern side of New Orleans. I then noticed  that Alfred Claude, who hired Oswald for Reily, had also gone to work for the  Chrysler Aerospace Division. Then I saw that John Branyon, who had worked with Oswald.. had left for a job at NASA…At just about the same time, Emmett Barbee, Oswald’s immediate boss at Reily,  left the coffee company and also inaugurated a new career with NASA… Perhaps it was mere coincidence that all these men associated with David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, and Lee Oswald ended up working for NASA, but I doubted it. I knew by now that when a group of individuals gravitated toward one another for  no apparent reason, or a group of individuals inexplicably headed in the same direction as if drawn by a magnetic field, or coincidence piled on coincidence  too many times, as often as not the shadowy outlines of a covert intelligence operation were somehow becoming visible.” [pp98-99]
>>NASA’s Michoud facility was coincidently installing a special materials lab in 1963, which looks like an ideal housing for a particle accelerator –was this the type of expertise contributed by Reily employees?
After the April 12, 1961 announcement that the Soviets beat the Americans again by putting Yuri Gagarin in orbit, Richard Reeves describes JFK as asking LBJ “to give him something to do on his own: “Is there any place where we can catch them? What can we do? Are we working twenty-four hours a day? Can we go around the moon before them? Can we put a man on the moon before them?…If somebody can just tell me how to catch up!” [p85, President Kennedy] On May 5, “Unlike the Soviets’ secret ninety-minute orbit of Yuri Gagarin twenty-three days before, Kennedy had decided to let the world watch the launch of Captain Alan Shepard, a Navy pilot. Shepard would be in space only fifteen minutes, if he got there, riding an arc like a cannon shot, 115 miles up and then a drop into the ocean 302 miles from where he blasted off.” [p118] Less than three weeks later on the 25th of May, in a State of the Union address, Kennedy declared, “ ‘I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind.’ …The pledge represented a total reversal in Kennedy’s thinking. As a senator, he had been ready to vote to kill the space program. He had agreed with Eisenhower that it was a waste of money. As President, he had been ready to dismantle the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)… The only thing that had prevented Kennedy from trying to push space off the American agenda early in his term was the enthusiasm of Vice President Johnson –which had something to do with the fact that NASA was headquartered in Houston. On March 22, three weeks before Gagarin’s flight, Kennedy had told James Webb, the director of NASA, that he had decided against giving new funding to Project Apollo. The American moon project was to be put on indefinite hold. But the Gagarin flight, or perhaps world reaction to the flight, had shaken Kennedy badly… he was ready to deal with space as a political contest… Lyndon Johnson sent Kennedy a memo saying:…’other nations..will tend to align themselves with the country which they believe will be the world leader –the winner in the long run. Dramatic accomplishments in space are being increasingly identified as a major indicator of world leadership.’ Kennedy had gotten the message.” [pp138-139, President Kennedy]
   Amazingly, at the opening of this window, with Kennedy less than three months into his presidency, the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion jolted to infamous ruin and played no small part in the politicking of space. There is little short of ‘amazing’ to describe the rapid-fire sequence of crises that Kennedy faced in those first few months; set one within another, like wheels within wheels spinning on contact, a distant observer –you, me, Garrison– discerns the operation of an intelligent machine, armed and dangerous. A normal person would Duck and Cover. The Kennedys, on the other hand, threw a saddle on the beast and rode it into the whirlwind.  Whatever their flaws, we admire them for that. “ ‘There is no reason to believe that the President was outclassed in nerve, self-confidence or candor..’ wrote Richard The New Yorker..” [speaking of his stand-off with Khrushchev, page 177, President Kennedy]  “These were the worst of times in the Kennedy White House. Much of the world simply believed that he was not tough enough..” [p182]  “Ordinary Americans began digging holes behind their houses..” [p204] and by the end of August 1961, the nuclear flatlining was over and the Russian Golem rumbled back to life.
   “That weekend, Kennedy invited James Reston of the New York Times to Hyannis Port for an interview, after which they were walking the beach, talking less formally. Reston asked him about his vision of the future, what kind of world he would like to help make. Kennedy looked at Reston for a long moment, seeming a little sad. ‘I haven’t had time to think about that yet,’ he answered.” [p225, President Kennedy, Richard Reeves]
Nuclear annihilation was apparently getting in the way of almost everybody’s ‘vision of the future’. Both Kennedy and Khrushchev had come away from their June summit in Vienna believing that “What they should do now was agree that neither side would try to upset the complicated balances of power around the world. Their responsibility was to find a way… ‘We have a common task,’ said the President, saying that about the only thing they agreed on..was that nuclear war could destroy all civilization.” [p163, President Kennedy]
   In the spring and summer of 1961, Kennedy’s commitment to non-proliferation through diplomatic channels led to his authorization of “special emissaries” for the common task. What we don’t know are how many other channels were enlisting to the cause, but during that summer the young defector who had left the U.S. in September of 1959 for the USSR, swearing never to return, changed his mind. Lee Harvey Oswald, who was living in Minsk and working for a radio-tv factory, petitioned the American embassy with the request to go home.
                                                             * photo, 1959
According to Legend, the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (by Edward Jay Epstein, 1978), exactly two weeks after JFK first took a seat in the Oval Office, Oswald, who called himself ‘Alik’ in Minsk, postmarked the first of several letters initiating his redefection back to the States. By April, the embassy was soliciting his physical appearance in Moscow to pick up his passport and submit to questioning. Oswald wrote and demanded assurances from both US and Soviet authorities that he would be cleared of any legal charges and free of persecution, and incidently he was now married (on May Day) and required exit papers for his wife. Finally, in July of ’61, one month after the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting, Oswald flew to Moscow and the set the basic requisites in motion. He was going to leave a “comfortable Life” with a free stylish apartment and a supplemental salary from the Red Cross but it took most of the coming year to get the Oswalds processed and on their way. On June 13 1962, they arrived by ship in Hoboken New Jersey and boarded a flight for Dallas late the next day.  Lee’s older brother Robert was there to greet them. “Robert had last seen his brother in September 1959, a few days after he had been discharged from the Marine Corps. He had then looked remarkably happy and fit… Now he appeared..gaunt and weary. His fair complexion had turned ruddy and sallow. The most marked change, however, was his hair. Not only had it thinned almost to the point of baldness on top, but the texture had changed from soft to kinky. Struck by this loss of hair, Robert couldn’t help wondering what happened to his brother during the intervening years in the Soviet Union.” [pp157-158, Legend] The FBI in Fort Worth wanted to know too but “No matter how many pointed questions were put to him about his contacts with Soviet authority, he would discuss little more than his job as a metalworker in a television factory..and his trip back to the United States.” [p163] Oswald was 22 years old.
Jim Garrison wrote: “For 25 years the American people have been bombarded by propaganda  pointing insistently to a variety of irrelevant “false sponsors” as the supposed  instigators of the Kennedy assassination. (False sponsor is a term used in  covert intelligence actions which describes the individual or organization to be  publicly blamed after the action, thus diverting attention away from the  intelligence community). Americans have been so thoroughly brainwashed by such  disinformation, paid for by their own taxes, that many of them today are only  able to sigh mournfully to one another that they “probably never will know the  truth.”      
   “Meanwhile, an unending stream of news service releases, newspaper  articles, television “documentaries,” magazine features, and books repetitively  reinforce this bewilderment and continue to point the public’s attention in the  wrong direction. The incredible accumulation of false sponsors laid upon the  American people includes Lee Harvey Oswald, the K.G.B., Howard Hughes, Texas oil  barons, organized crime, and Fidel Castro.      
   “The original false sponsor was  the scapegoat himself, Lee Harvey Oswald. Nominated for the role by the  intelligence community, he was formally endorsed by the Warren Commission and  others at the highest levels of the United States government. However, over time  it became increasingly apparent that the lone assassin fairy tale had fallen  apart, and most of its supporters simply fell silent.”
   Oswald’s physical ‘aging’ in so short a time during the Russia years is strongly suggestive that he had a covert assignment as a nuclear detection specialist, or was otherwise ‘exposed’ in a high-energy environment. Nothing in his Legend conflicts with the idea that this was his personal mission. Television, radio, radar, and photo-optics are all technologies under the nuclear umbrella specifically developed with particle accelerators. The illicit use of potential bomb fuel, in fact, was far less a concern than sophisticated instrumentation and metamaterials, however, the recycling of spent reactor-grade fuel into high-energy product suitable for weapons is one of the many applications for accelerators. During the moratorium which perfectly coincided with Oswald’s time in Russia, reprocessing with accelerators may have been the most attractive option for procuring warhead fuel in budding atomic weapons programs and therefore a legitimate target of espionage.  On the basis of this technological feat, another story besides DMM enters the picture: Final Judgement, by Michael Collins Piper.
   Piper draws the diverse elements of assassination conspirators together and embraces nuclear traffick as the means of Israeli acquisition. It appears as if Haslam constructed the rebranded DMM in order to allude to Piper’s book in a mutually validating way. Haslam’s audio record unquestionably makes an association to the key property in Final Judgement –the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) by highlighting an achievement of NUMEC’s founder (Zalman Shapiro) without ever naming the man or the company. (Shapiro could strip the impurities from diamonds with an accelerator)
     “Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice.
“Dissemination of disinformation is the last element necessary for a successful coup d’etat, and it also happens to be one of the specialties of the C.I.A.” –Jim Garrison
The “covert-overt” coupling of DMM to Final Judgement, which I must suppose means that the nuclear trafficking subject is ripe-and-ready for general dissemination, can be explained by quoting another guy with a book, Russ Baker and Family of Secrets, who tends to the Bush family participation:  “In the art of propaganda, and in the daily business of public relations, a cardinal rule is that if a problem emerges, it must be managed immediately. The trick is to quickly acknowledge and gain control of the new material, mitigating the damage by redirecting it in a beneficial way. This is known in tradecraft as ‘block and bridge’.” [p52, Family of Secrets]
   I have no special insight into tradecraft with the exception of my experience encountering Ed Haslam and Doctor Mary’s Monkey. The long-range view on nuclear history and medicine has been the one standard put to Ed’s case, followed up with the provision that the story (or any story) present a “rabbit hole” (where there are lots of places to go) or, as the drillers call it, a “rat hole” (which is a dead end, but one soon to be widened in preparation for heavy drilling). DMM is a rat hole and Mary Sherman is the dead end. The heavy drilling –well– when will that start? When they make the movie?
   The insight I gained from DMM came straight from the horse’s mouth. Although professing a personal remembrance of Dr. Mary’s strange death as a boy in New Orleans, Ed Haslam had to “discover” both the timing and details from scurrilous autopsy documents planted in the New Orleans public library. Ed wrote this, to me and to the “jfkmurdersolved” forum: “..I called the NOPD Homocide Unit and got the Item Number on the Mary Sherman murder. (The NOPD item number (G-12994-64) is listed on p. 125 of DR. MARY’S MONKEY.) Once I had the police reports, I discovered that the date was not in March 1967, but was July 21, 1964, on the same day that the Warren Commission summoned Lee Oswald’s attorney Dean Andrews for testimony in New Orleans. Having the correct date, enabled me to locate the newspaper articles, and I got a copy of the autopsy report which indicated that the cause of death was a stab wound to the heart. Comparing the newspaper articles with the autopsy, I noted that the public was never told the most important forensic fact in the case – that Dr. Sherman’s right arm and a portion of her rib cage had been “disintegrated” by heat..”   I responded to the forum by querulously emphasizing “discovered” and pointed out the contradiction of Ed’s memory version and hastily got myself disinvited from discussion by a backdoor threat of “dire consequences”.  About then, Ed’s sincerity passed into permanent doubt.
    Russ Baker (Family of Secrets) had something to say about the library too: “The extended Bush family, which had helped Poppy write history, now was closing ranks to prevent disclosure of what they had done– and were still doing. The term ‘library’ was turned upside down, and became not a way to make information available but rather a way to bury it. It became about disinformation instead of information.” [p468]  But, hey!, turns out there’s a little rabbit hole here.
   Several of the executive governors of the N.O.P.L., at the time (c.1992) when the Mary Sherman documents showed up for Ed’s perusal, have unique ties to the unelaborated elements of Ed’s story –in other words, a vested interest in helping a cover up. And we can choose which cover up that might be; the Mary Sherman death, the fictitious “cancer vaccine project” to counteract monkey viruses, the JFK assassination, or if you like all of the above! Among those library governors was the chief executive of Freeport McMoRan, the former Freeport Sulphur of Texas, still overseen by its chairman Benno Schmidt.
Benno C. Schmidt, one of the architects of the National Cancer Program, Benno helped lay the foundation for the National Cancer Act and the nation’s extraordinary investment in biomedical research. Through nearly four decades of commitment to Memorial Sloan-Kettering –including a lengthy tenure as Chairman– he shaped and strengthened [the] institution.”; Schmidt was Chairman of the President’s Cancer Panel, 1971-1980; Chairman of Memorial Hospital, 1971-1982; Chairman of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1982-1990; native Texan, lawyer Schmidt “worked for the general counsel of the War Production Board 1941-1942″, became a partner in J.H. Whitney & Co. and chaired the Ford Foundation’s Fund for the City of New York
   A relationship between Benno Schmidt and Lewis L. Strauss is one of the givens. In fact, Lewis Strauss is only one or two degrees of separation away from any named person in this article-set other than our book authors, of which I have no connecting information. Did Strauss know Ed Haslam’s dad? –odds are good that the men were at least acquaintances and known to each other in their capacity as Naval officers. I doubt there’s a point in speculating whether Admiral Strauss had ‘tips’ for Commander Haslam on how to run a polio hospital… but somebody’s got some explaining to do on why the New Orleans Crippled Childrens’ hospital opened in 1955, the very year the Salk vaccine went public and conquered polio. hmm? Cdr. Haslam was appointed to New Orleans/Tulane in 1952, in synchronous motion with the arrival of Mary Sherman and other events mentioned in Part I.
>>>The tight relationship of Lewis L. Strauss to Harry Byrd of Virginia is another not to be overlooked in JFK assassination events; Strauss ran Byrd’s Virginia political machine. Harry Byrd’s cousin, Texas oilman D.H. Byrd, was the owner of the Texas Schoolbook Depository building and according to Russ Baker’s book, D.H.Byrd had formerly employed Oswald’s handler, George DeMohrenschildt. DeMohrenschildt is noted to have been a dealer in uranium. [Family of Secrets, pp 97-111]  Refer to Eustace Mullins on the Byrd Machine from “The Day Virginia Died”; Even greater significance falls on the fact that DeMohrenschildt’s brother-in-law, Sergei Fomenko, was a Manhattan Project physicist. [ref. last post by Linda Minor]
Freeport McMoRan, (Freeport Sulphur) based in New Orleans in the 1990s (since moved to Phoenix, AZ), had the #3 claim in value for the Moa Bay Mining operation after the revolucion.  According to the author, “Castro’s confiscations –provoked partly by the Kennedy administration’s decision to stop purchasing most of the Cuban sugar crop– is at the root of the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba. (Cuban sugar involves the Loeb-Bronfmans, Part Three)
1968Memo from Andrew Sciambra to Jim Garrison: “..the Guy Banister file indicates ..that Dick [Wight], a high official of Freeport Sulphur, and Clay Shaw were flown to Cuba.. in a Freeport Sulphur plane piloted by David Ferrie. The purpose of the trip was to set up import of Cuba’s nickel ore to a Canadian front company… apparently WIGHT [is] Vice President of Freeport… this lead keeps growing stronger… David Ferrie flew Shaw and his two partners to Canada in an attempt to receive the ore from Cuba but through Canada”… “Probe [magazine] is not going to state that Freeport Sulphur was in any way involved in the planning or execution of the Kennedy assassination. But this is a company that connects the CIA, the Rockefellers, Clay Shaw and David Phillips. The company had serious clashes with Castro over an expensive project, and with the Kennedy administration over matters of great monetary significance to Freeport. Allegations of a Canadian connection with New Orleans, and Cuban nickel mining and processing operations fit neatly into Shaw’s reported activities. And this is a company which had at least one director reportedly talking about killing Castro.
Umm, “David Ferrie flew Shaw and his two partners to Canada in an attempt to receive the [nickel] ore from Cuba but through Canada” …during an embargo…with flying wheelbarrows?..nickel… can you believe it?
>>> 30% of the world’s nickel comes from Ontario Canada. In 2007, the global price of refined nickel surged to its highest-ever value at $1.47 per oz. and then fell dramatically.
DMM-related rabbit hole results, like the couple of paragraphs above, are ongoing>>>here and the rest of the space in Part Five will stick to the knitting.
The Deep Vein of Power
“Largely unknown to the public is the many and varied sites that made up the Manhattan Project.  The University of Chicago’s Metallurgical Lab (Met Lab) included a location inside the Museum of Science and Industry [MSI], created at the urging of Rosenwald patriarch, Julius Rosenwald, who proposed the museum project in 1921 and provided $7 million for its development. The MSI took over the standing Fine Arts building in Chicago…  in 1940..the board of directors lured Major Lenox R. Lohr (1891-1968), the head of the National Broadcasting its presidency.” “Lohr earned his stripes in the Army Corps of Engineers, edited the ACE journal ‘The Military Engineer’ until 1929, resigned the Army and joined the Naval Reserves as a Lt. Commander (1929-1941)..[and] was NBC president from 1934 to 1940, under RCA parent David Sarnoff… ‘During his twenty-eight years as head of the Museum, Lohr also organized.. the Military-Industry Conferences in 1955-1957.’  Rosenwald’s museum, and its subsequent use for the Manhattan Project, is one more enterprise that gives evidence of early atomic weapons development.. ”
>>>Lewis Strauss described David Sarnoff as “a steadfast friend” who “invited me to return to the boards of companies on which I had served many years” after Strauss was rejected as Secretary of Commerce. [p399, Men and Decisions] The chief of the Office of Naval Research, Dr. Emanuel Piore (in Part Four) launched his career with RCA… and Meyer Lansky owned some of their stock.
   Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932) was a native to Illinois who was apprenticed to his uncles’ clothier business in New York as a teenager. While there, he made close lifetime friendships with Henry Goldman and Henry Morgenthau Sr. Goldman later handled the IPO for Sears Roebuck &Co. after Rosenwald gained full control of the company (between 1906-1908). Rosenwald’s avid interest in the Jewish settlement of Palestine led to his championing and presidency of the Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station in Athlit at its founding in 1911. Through friendship with Paul J. Sachs and his own “interest in African Americans”, Rosenwald became a major benefactor to the Tuskegee Institute in 1912, and the next year he signed on as a governing director of the new Rockefeller Foundation.
(The Rockefeller nutshell, from Standard Oil, the RIMR,  I.G.Farben, the World Trade Center and more:
>>>During the 1920s, Henry Goldman (Goldman Sachs) personally traveled to Germany and supplied cash to the physicists Max Born and Albert Einstein
>>> Tuskegee Institute, besides its reputation for criminal human experiments, became a HeLa cancer cell “factory” , specifically for use in polio “research” and vaccine “testing”, and of course, the growing of polioviruses for those vaccines.
   The Rosenwald legacy passed to Julius’s five children: Lessing, Adele, Edith, Marion and William who were contemporaries of Lewis Strauss. The two brothers served on the executive of the American Jewish Committee concurrently with Strauss. Lessing took the lead at Sears Roebuck. Adele Rosenwald Deutsch Levy consigned her longtime private secretary, Ann C. Whitman, to Dwight D. Eisenhower as his presidential assistant –Whitman later performed her services for Nelson Rockefeller after Eisenhower. Edith married Edgar Bloom Stern and relocated to New Orleans where the Sterns owned and operated WDSU radio and TV, which provided the media handling of Oswald’s legend. Marion married Max Ascoli, a Jewish-Italian intellectual member of the “Mazzini Society” who became the dean of the New School for Social Research. William Rosenwald took the most active role of his siblings in the relocation of ‘displaced persons’ and the expansion of international Jewish philanthropies.
   During World War Two, Sears Roebuck VP, Donald Marr Nelson, ran the War Production Board as its chairman and Lessing Rosenwald took charge of domestic commodities –both men charged with routing the nation’s materiel for the military.  Lessing and another Sear’s VP, Robert Elkington Wood, co-founded the “America First” committee, the short-lived isolationist group that attracted Charles Lindbergh to its ranks. At the same time, Lessing served his local Selective Service draft board. Again, Lessing Rosenwald would master “leading the opposition” in creating the American Council for Judaism, an anti-Zionist coalition of Reform Jews. Personally and corporately, Rosenwalds were controlling shareholders in the United Fruit Company.
>>>the War Production Board, so-named in 1942, was the central agency overseeing all munitions manufacture, acquisition and control of strategic material…”At the very top of this effort was the War Production Board… Under Chairman Donald Nelson, the board..instituted a Production Requirements Plan through which his board bypassed the armed services and allocated materials directly to producers. In November 1942, this plan was superceded by the Controlled Critical Materials Plan.. [only for]..the three most important industrial materials: steel, copper, and aluminum.” [p17 ]
United Fruit Company, owned by Samuel Zemurray, was an original member of the RCA  “Radio City” consortium (with General Electric, Westinghouse and AT&T) that signed up to occupy the yet unbuilt Rockefeller Center in early 1929. [see Rockefeller Institute page] Common history has it that United Fruit’s potential loss of its banana plantations in Guatemala was the cause of a coup and civil war, staged by the CIA, in 1954. A ‘friendlier’ Guatemala provided staging for the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 and much later in 2006 became the first country to arrange a debt-for-nature swap with the U.S.
>>>Tuskegee also ran their syphilis experiments in Guatemala
>>>Zemurrays and Sterns were among the largest landholders on the east side of New Orleans bordering the South Industrial Canal and the NASA Michoud facility (to the east), sandwiching the Lower 9th Ward which flooded out during Hurricane Katrina. The Zemurray tracts were sold to Las Vegas casino operator Joe Brown in 1967  (The Horseshoe, Fremont St.) and resold to Marvin Kratta.
   Judyth Baker says that Lee Oswald frequented the waterfront at the South Industrial Canal, where the Navy maintained military operations, not only passing out his Fair Play for Cuba leaflets but taking pictures. She thinks he may have been working for the ONI (Naval Intelligence)–a guess– she doesn’t know or else we probably never would have heard from Judyth. Her major contribution outside of the secret laboratory information is to confirm Oswald’s contact with Customs agents, the trafficking of small arms in crates of bananas and furniture, and the relationship among Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, and Lee Oswald that Garrison could not confirm.
   Small arms traffick appears to be the main activity outside of lab work for Baker and Oswald, but its illicit nature as a ‘pardonable sin’ had long since evolved into a protected trade. On October 18, 1961, John F. Kennedy used his power of Presidential Pardon to exempt at least one high-profile trafficker who met his match in Joseph McCarthy.  “In late 1947, [Hank] Greenspun was recruited by Haganah… His autobiography describes clandestine expeditions to buy artillery and rifles in Latin America, and airplane engines and machine guns from a surplus yard in Hawaii. Greenspun got caught and in 1950 pleaded guilty..[and] was fined $10,000, but the judge, attributing the crime to noble motives, refused to sentence him to prison.” JFK pardoned the fine.  Harry Milton Greenspunspent most of WWII in the ordnance corps” and afterwards drove out to Las Vegas from New York in 1946 with a buddy who hoped to open a racetrack. But after losing money, Greenspun went to work for Benjamin Siegel as the new publicity agent for the Flamingo. “When Siegel was murdered, Greenspun quit the Flamingo..[and] invested in a rival casino, The Desert Inn… but his substantial interest would be reduced to 1 percent when Cleveland racketeers Morris ‘Moe’ Dalitz, Sam Tucker and Morris Kleinman won control.” Greenspun then bought himself a newspaper in 1950: “The Las Vegas Sun once came within striking distance of becoming the dominant daily  in Las Vegas, but never did. One reason was a fire that destroyed the Sun’s offices and production plant in November 1963… Greenspun suspected arson…” But as his star was rising with the Sun, Greenspun partnered in a new radio station, KRAM “and still later he founded the CBS affiliate station KLAS-TV, channel 8, which he sold to Howard Hughes… When Benny Binion came [to Las Vegas]…Hank helped him get a license. And then he had a friend of his own.” (Binion opened the Eldorado on the streetfront of the Apache Hotel and hired Joe Brown to help run it –and while Binion was away doing prison time, Joe changed the name to the Horseshoe)
   Ya know, it’s a small world out there and those deep veins pull their substance from the millions of capillaries drawing from the surface. It’s nature’s law of return. Sometimes it pays to think small. Microbiology, nanotechnology, upward causation –all small. Let me pitch you an idea: what if “critical” raw metals that could be transformed into fuel isotopes in particle accelerators came packed in bullets and shipped out the same way? They could be smuggled to anywhere.
    nuclear fuel pellets

In 1960, physicist Luis Alvarez patented a particular type of particle accelerator called an “electronuclear produce an artificially produced material in commercial quantities by nuclear transformations.” [patent # US2,933,442] The machine was a version of the giant Materials Testing Accelerator (M.T.A.) that Alvarez built with Ernest Lawrence in Livermore, CA after the war. The new machine was made for the purpose of recycling depleted uranium and converting it to plutonium though most accelerators in use at this time had that capability. It’s merely a convenience in the documents that a dedicated machine shows up in the literature during the 1959-1961 moratorium. It would also be possible with such a machine to make it appear as though one had nuclear weapons even if one did not. The next year, 1961,  Alvarez won the Albert Einstein Award which was created and endowed by the Lewis and Rosa Strauss Memorial Fund –dedicated to Admiral Strauss’s parents on the occasion of Albert Einstein’s 70th birthday in 1949. Throughout his career, Luis Alvarez was a much-lauded scientist. In fact, the “lineac” (or linac) accelerators are alternatively called “Alvarez” accelerators.

   Luis Alvarez finished his graduate work at the University of Chicago under Arthur Compton and then joined the UCBerkeley Rad Lab in 1936, becoming assistant director. During the war, Luis went to MIT’s Rad Lab where his vital genius went into creating Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) and Microwave Early Warning System (MEW) phased-array and transponder-identifying radar. In 1943 Alvarez took a team to England and installed his systems there and returned to the US to join the Manhattan Project. By his invention of special optical lenses, the Fat Man implosion bomb used on Nagasaki acquired a precision firing system, key to its detonation. Optics remained a life-long interest for Alvarez and he contributed a number of inventions for cameras, binoculars and stabilized zoom lenses. One of his most memorable contributions to history, however, was the “Melon” demonstration for the Warren Commission which ‘proved’ how a high-velocity bullet from behind created a back jet (retrorecoil), explaining the rear-exiting brain matter and back-leaning motion of JFK. Alvarez’s relationship to Strauss is also a given, not only as Lawrence’s first officer at Berkeley but for the services he continually rendered to Strauss’s special projects, which includes creating instrumentation for fallout detection and testifying in 1949 for construction of the “Super” bombs against the general tide of opinion that saw no military value in bigger nukes but well-perceived the threat in terms of terror. To stand in the way of Lewis Strauss was to go down, figuratively and perhaps literally.

There is a strange trail of dashed careers and defenestrations (out the window) in the wake of associating with Mr. Strauss.  The best known of these are the suicide deaths of Henry Frauenthal (polio hospital, 1927) and James Forrestal (1949) and the revoked security clearance of Robert Oppenheimer (1954) in which Strauss had a direct role as the Chairman of Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study (as well as chief of the AEC!). [See also the comment section of Part Two and the case of Father Drought and Bishop Walsh who sought to prevent war with Japan in 1940]. In all cases, deteriorating mental health of the subject was blamed. In all cases, Strauss knew them well and he knew their families. In all cases, Strauss’s personal involvement ended 2 or 3 years prior.  John Kennedy was no exception. While still a senator on the campaign trail, Arthur Schlesinger recalled a dinner that he arranged for JFK in May of 1959: “What stands out from the evening..was a discussion of the confirmation of Lewis Secretary of Commerce. It was politically essential for Kennedy, as a liberal Democratic presidential aspirant, to vote against Strauss…though..his father, an old friend of Strauss’s, strongly advocated confirmation. My impression was that Kennedy was looking for a respectable reason to oppose Strauss. At this point, Mac Bundy..spoke up for rejecting the nomination. The backing of Harvard’s Dean of the Faculty may have somewhat reassured Kennedy, who voted against Strauss a few days later.” [p16, A Thousand Days, A. Schlesinger] In the game of politics, this is understood as a necessity of business. I should add that in all cases, no personal malice from Strauss appears in his or anyone else’s memoirs or correspondence. They say he was an ‘old school’ Southern gentleman. As he told it himself, “a plain man doing his best”.

* Hawkeye Works, Rochester New York (the modern buildings above the bridge; aerial view

“[Doug] Horne..demonstrates conclusively that the Zapruder film was tampered with, constituting clear obstruction of justice for tampering with evidence. Unlike previous attempts to brand the Z-film a fake by unexplained anomalies, Horne takes a different approach, and utilizing the recollections of honorable and reputable CIA officials whose reputations should not be impeached, he demonstrates how the chain of possession was lost and the film altered. While he doesn’t know exactly who did it, Horne tells you when and where it was done (KODAK’s Hawkeye Works, Rochester, New York) and how and why they did it.”  Hawkeye photo source:

..”The story of Kodachrome..began in 1917 [with] two teenagers, Leopold Godowsky Jr. and Leopold Mannes… on his way to perform [music] in Europe in 1922, Mannes happened to meet a partner in the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.. [who] sent a young associate, Lewis Strauss, to the Mannes apartment to view the progress. Strauss was convinced, and Kuhn, Loeb invested.”  Strauss wrote of it:  “In 1922, Everett Somers, who as an army sargeant had been assigned to our office in France, introduced two young musicians, [Godowsky and Mannes]. They were in their teens when..they conceived a method of making photographs in color with one exposure on a single film..using an ordinary camera..uncomplicated enough for amateur use. I was persuaded to go to the laboratory of Mannes and Godowsky, which was the kitchen in an apartment…  Convinced, I arranged for the necessary money to pay for patent applications and attorney fees and to rent and staff a small laboratory. The Eastman-Kodak Company co-operated by furnishing required sensitizers, dyes, and other material, but brushed the process itself aside as of no practical interest. Some years later the results were so outstanding that I decided to go over the heads of the officers with whom we had been dealing unsuccessfully and traveled to Rochester with Sir William Wiseman, one of my associates, to show examples of the George Eastman himself. The upshot of that and subsequent meetings.. was an agreement which resulted in marketing the product called Kodachrome. Annually it earns many millions for the Kodak Company and until the patents finally expired in 1952 was highly profitable to the young inventors and to all concerned.” [p98, Men and Decisions] Thereafter a Kodak stockholder, Strauss’s long relationship to the company bears an imprint on its participation with his projects; radiation detection (i.e. dosimeter film badges for the troops), special optics for weapons, U2 and satellite surveillance, and not least of all, the manufacture of cigarette filters, pharmaceuticals and ‘vitamins’.

>>>William Wiseman was the head of British Intelligence in the U.S. (New York) during World War One. He gained a full partnership in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. at the same time as Strauss.”[President]Wilson continued to be deeply involved in the Bolshevik Revolution, as were  [Col.Edward] House and [Sir William]Wiseman. Vol. 3, p. 421 of House Intimate Papers records a cable from  Sir William Wiseman to House from London, May 1, 1918, suggesting allied  intervention at the invitation of the Bolsheviki to help organize the Bolshevik forces.”  [see Chart VI, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, E. Mullins;]

Kodak, it should be known, was in the nuclear business early, building its base on sales of X-ray plates. In 1920, George Eastman pledged himself to the medical cabal by partnering with Rockefeller money through the person of Abraham Flexner to co-found the University of Rochester Dental and Medical School. (Flexner, who was running the General Education Board, later founded Princeton’s Institute of Advanced Study in 1930). Rochester was to become an important site to the Manhattan Project for secret human experiments with radiation and fluoride.  As early as the mid-1930s, medical research symposiums at Cold Spring Harbor (NY) were teaching that physiological damage from fluorides mimicked damage from radiation.    The bone doctors in our story (Ochsner, Sherman, Haslam) would all have certain knowledge of this phenomenon. On the subject of fluoride, I’ll quote myself from the polioforever site: “Most inquiries into public water fluoridation lead to the year 1945 as the starting point of fluoride promotion, pointing to the infamous “Project F”*, but ‘test’ fluoridation began at least 3 decades earlier and wide national testing was underway by the mid-1930s. The Newburgh-Kingston [NY] Fluorine Caries Trial* (1945-1955) was more likely a ‘combined effects’ study to secretly analyze the synergy of fluoride and radioactive fallout. Dr. Frederick McKay, who began his career as a dentist in Colorado about 1901, later said of the “F” program, “Newburgh has become another ‘biological experiment station’ in which the rationale is applied directly to humans without previous laboratory experiments on animals”. Even so, no laboratory was likely to recreate the real world effects of combined fallout. Fluoride was already, perhaps by WWII, the most caustic of toxic air pollutants.”


JFK: (June 10, 1963) “ the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our childrens’ futures and we are all mortal…”

September 20, 1963:  “…Never before has man had such capacity to control his own environment, to end thirst and hunger, to conquer poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy and massive human misery. We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world–or to make it the last… The peacekeeping record of the United Nations has been a proud one, though its tasks are always formidable… But what the United Nations has done in the past is less important than the tasks for the future. We cannot take its peacekeeping machinery for granted. That machinery must be soundly financed–which it cannot be if some members are allowed to prevent it from meeting its obligations by failing to meet their own. The United Nations must be supported by all those who exercise their franchise here. And its operations must be backed to the end… But peace does not rest in charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people. And if it is cast out there, then no act, no pact, no treaty, no organization can hope to preserve it without the support and the wholehearted commitment of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper; let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness to work for peace, in the hearts and minds of all our people. I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human beings.”

Lewis L. Strauss: “Often, as in certain events related in these chapters…destiny seems to have seized the wheel, the decision-makers mere passengers on a vehicle careening too fast to control. Appearing to reinforce this concept is the doctrine that, since the Creator of all things must know the future as well as the past, events which are foreknown are, in effect, foreordained. From this it would follow that action which is foreordained cannot come from free choice… The conflict between the assurance of the independence of human decision and the seemingly incompatible doctrine of predetermination has divided theologians from the earliest days. Flavius Josephus..recorded that the Sadducees denied predestination, regarding good and evil as entirely a matter of man’s decision; the Pharisees, while recognizing free choice, laid greater emphasis on fate; the Essenes insisting on absolute predestiny… The problem of reconciling divine foreknowledge with man’s freedom of decision troubled the Hebrew philosophers of the Middle Ages. Most learned and revered among them was..Maimonides… In his monumental work Guide For The Perplexed.. Maimonides reasoned that, while man cannot know a future event, it is an arrogance of man to assume that God cannot do so, for man’s knowledge and God’s knowledge are not comparable…   Now, we are told, we stand at the threshold of an era when it will be possible for man to abdicate both the right and responsibility of free decision and to delegate it to the machine… They will be decisions for which no man will bear responsibility..” [p429, Men and Decisions]


                Continued reading: Part I; Lewis L. Strauss the Maccabee; Herbert Hoover’s Belgian Relief; Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; other Strauses; relations with Kodak, U.Rochester and Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study; ‘The Strange Career of Hoover’ and the death of Walter Liggett; the Byrd Machine; Radium Trade; Joe Kennedy Sr.; Albert Lasker; Julius Rosenwald, Father Coughlin, Navy Bureau of Ordnance; the death of James V. Forrestal

Part II, Lewis Strauss and JFK; death of Joe Kennedy Jr., the Guns of Japan, Yamashita treasure, the ALSOS Mission, the Pond (secret intelligence),  American Security Council, Atomic Energy Commission, Col. Boris Pash; Congressman JFK; the H-bomb; fallout; timelines 1946-1953

Part III– ;  Israel gets the bomb, Radiation effects, AEC-stacking the Commission, death of Brien McMahon, Prescott Bush, Abraham Feinberg, U-2, fallout and weather control, Dimona

                                                               JFK Conspiracy Con Propositions:

1) The ongoing management of the JFK assassination is covering the secret history of nuclear traffick —not over yet.

2) Early atomic development (e.i. 1920s and ’30s) was promoted through “medical uses” and principally spread by Jewish agencies. The Kennedys (particularly RFK) were favorable to Jewish nationalism and viewed the state of Israel as an asset against Communism.

3) Kennedy was pre-selected for the presidency as early as 1952 for his future anti-Cold War policy and global peacemaking role by the very internationalists who created nuclear weapons to force world unity.

4) The Cold War was a wholly necessary stage in superpower posturing to proliferate nuclear weapons and dependence; both the bombs and the ‘biologicals’ precipitating mass fear.  The brink of annihilation represented by the Cuban Missile Crisis was a psy-op to prepare the general public will for global policing and the surrender of national sovereignty in favor of world peace.

5) ‘Biologicals’ and ‘low-energy’ technologies are better weapons.

6) Admiral Lewis L. Strauss was a major operative for Jewish world power, responsible for building up the U.S. Military-Medical-Industrial Complex and likewise for its oversight, management and control. The JFK presidency and assassination was an unequaled opportunity to  rein in ‘out-of-control’ elements in the military, paramilitary and intelligence sectors and present the appearance of an “inside job”. Oswald and his handlers may have all been working for L.L. Strauss.

>>> Strauss’s late-life obsession, after the JFK murder, became the concept of martyrdom. His biographer, Richard Pfau, chose for his subject the title “No Sacrifice Too Great“. Strauss (1896-1974) died of cancer at his farm near Brandy Rock Station, Virginia.

>>> Chrysler built the Redstone Rockets, the first nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, named for the Redstone Arsenal (the Ordnance Guided Missile Center) near Huntsville AL; the New Orleans Michoud ordnance facility was acquired on the recommendation of Wernher von Braun and opened by NASA in September 1961 with Chrysler and Boeing as prime contracters for the Saturn V. Chrysler also built radar systems during WWII. Von Braun was a “Project Paperclip” import.

>>>General Dynamics, in addition to its General Atomics division, owned Electric Boat, builders of the USS Nautilus nuclear submarine. In 1959, Henry Crown (a.k.a. Krinsky) of Chicago gained a controlling share in General Dynamics. “In December 1963, Chief Justice Earl Warren.. suggested that Henry Crown’s attorney, Albert E. Jenner, Jr., who also, at that time employed Crown’s son, John at Jenner’s Chicago law firm, be appointed as a senior assistant Warren Commission counsel.”   “Every Israeli prime minister, every Israeli president knows the Crown family,” said Steven Nasatir, president of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

AND THEN, more currently, General Dynamics mixed it up with Galaxy Aerospace, the Pritzker Group, Israeli Aerospace Industries and the executive board of American Media Inc., the “ground zero” of the post-September 11 ANTHRAX ATTACK, which involved biomedical investigators from the Salk Institute….

>>> Lockheed won a $22.5 million contract to build the U-2 spyplane after photo-optics inventor Edwin Land “proposed to CIA director Allen Dulles that his agency should fund and operate the aircraft” designed by ‘Kelly’ [Clarence] Johnson. ; “In the 1950s, Edwin Land and his team helped design the optics of the revolutionary Lockheed U-2..” ; Lewis Strauss wrote, “Another decision was to back a young inventor, Edwin H. Land, who was introduced to his camp counselor, Julius Silver. Land had made a radical discovery..[to] incorporate certain crystals of microscopic size in a transparent medium..that would then transmit light waves in one plane only… the true genius of Land impressed me at once, a fact of which I am proud… Land has many inventions to his credit… some of them of a classified character… He is best known, perhaps for the Polaroid Land Camera..” [pp98-100, Men and Decisions] Edwin Land was a noted dinner guest at Strauss’s home on the occasion of welcoming Enrico Fermi and his wife Laura to the U.S. along with “Lawrence, Wigner, Szilard and Brasch” [p239]


  1. Some other info on Freeport McMoRan and N.O.

    Comment by andie531 — February 21, 2012 @ 3:14 pm | Reply

    • from andie:
      PT Freeport Indonesia is an affiliate of Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold. J. Bennett Johnston is listed as Director of Freeport-McMoRan. Henry Kissinger has been the company’s main lobbyist for dealings with Indonesia.”
      Kissinger was on Freeport’s executive board when Ed Haslam found his library documents. During it great growth years “John Hay(Jock) Whitney,was the largest stockholder of Freeport Sulpher (later Freeport McMoRan) and business partner of Benno Schmidt and Nelson Rockefeller
      The N.O. Library Commissioner was Jim-Bob Moffett, a native New Orleanian I believe, under whom the company moved to Phoenix.
      I have this posted at
      [third person of interest on the Library Commission]
      (3) –James R. Moffett (‘Jim Bob’), Chairman/CEO of Freeport-McMoRan Corp., oil/gas/copper/gold/fertilizer,etc.; world’s largest producer of gold. Henry Kissinger was a board director (1988-1995) when Jim Bob was a New Orleans Library Commissioner The Austin Chronicle called Moffett “one of the worst environmental desperadoes of the modern era” . Incidentally, James Andrew Moffett, a vice president of Standard Oil and FDR Housing bureaucrat (FHA Secretary) in the 1930s was a trustee of the original Warms Springs polio foundation (see The Treatment page). Are these men related?
      James R. Moffett on the NOPL(pre-1994)

      One of Freeport-McMoRan’s recent Board appointments is Stephen J. Green of Greenstreet Partners real estate, Miami. Greenstreet manages the finances of the Knowledge Learning Corporation, a global ‘kinder care’ provider founded by Michael Milken and (Oracle’s) Larry Ellison. Milken’s good friend, Leon Black, owns the Apollo Group, which is corporatizing adult education (University of Phoenix) in partnership with Carlyle Group. Apollo bought out Nalco, makers of Corexit oil dispersant used in the April ’10 Gulf spill, with co-investors Goldman Sachs and Blackstone back in 2003 (these owners divested before the BP spill). Leon Black’s father, rabbi Eli Black, was the largest shareholder of United Fruit Co. (United Brands) at the time of his suicide in 1975, plunging from the Pan Am building in NYC. (Pan Am was founded by the Whitneys as a Florida-to-Havana postal freight service)

      Incidentally, Family of Secrets adds that Freeport Mining, “a huge Rockefeller-dominated company…is closely identified with the CIA-backed coup that brought the [Indonesian] dictator Suharto to power in 1965. Efforts to topple his predecessor..were the province of Alfred C. Ulmer, the Allen Dulles confidant who..visited Poppy Bush in Texas the week of the JFK assassination… JFK, just prior to his death, was taking policy stances on Indonesia inimical to the interests of Freeport.” [pp343-344] The continuing story is that “[t]he Phillipines were chock full of gold.. and rumor had it, there was gold being hoarded…seized by the Japanese…this so-called Yamashita treasure. Several journalists..assert that the cache was actually seized by American forces under MacArthur and that its very existence is a sensitive secret.” [p346]
      “Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. is engaged in exploring, mining, producing, processing, and marketing metals. It is one of the world’s largest and lowest-cost producers of copper, and it controls the single largest gold reserve in the world…”
      —technically, the Katanga mines of Union Miniere presented their business as ‘copper’. Uranium is found in conjunction with gold, silver and copper.

      Comment by jenniferlake — February 21, 2012 @ 8:08 pm | Reply

  2. In December 1948, Menachem Begin came to the US as an official Israeli political representative. That visit provoked a letter to the New York Times, published Dec. 4, written by Hannah Arendt and signed by e.g. Albert Einstein:
    “Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties… The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit… Within the Jewish community they [Begin’s party] have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority… It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.”
    BUT NOT JFK, who as a congressional House member sent this message to the Truman White House:
    “Belatedly and for the record I wish to withdraw my name from the reception committee for Menachem Begin, the former Irgun Commander. When accepting your invitation, I was ignorant of the true nature of his activities, and I wish to be disassociated from them completely.”
    (reference page 25, Stranger Than Fiction, Albert D. Pastore)

    Comment by jenniferlake — March 5, 2012 @ 2:29 pm | Reply

    • Evidence of Oswald’s early selection as spy, patsy, special agent or whatever, may be in the meeting of Kerry Thornley in 1959 at El Toro:
      “In the spring of 1959, Thornley served for a short time in the same radar operator unit as Lee Harvey Oswald at MCAS El Toro in Santa Ana, California. Both men had shared a common interest in society, culture, literature and politics, and whenever duty placed them together, had discussed such topics as George Orwell’s famous novel..and the philosophy of Marxism…”
      “Thornley believed, among other things, that he was involved with MK-ULTRA’s LSD-soaked assassin-conditioning program… In rare prophetic form, he wrote a fictionalized account of his experiences with the heretofore unknown Oswald and the Marine Corps called The Idle Warriors. Although unpublished until 1991, the manuscript was finished fully one year before the Kennedy assassination. It has the peculiar distinction of being the only book written about Lee Harvey Oswald before President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Due primarily to the serendipitous nature of his choice of subject matter, Thornley was called to testify before the Warren Commission on May 18, 1964. The work was subpoenaed by the commission and stored in the National archives.”;
      Thornley “created and promoted the tongue-in-cheek Discordian Religion with Greg Hill.. Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson and others.”
      “Released from Marine Corps’ active duty in September 1960, Thornley relocated with Greg Hill to New Orleans in early 1961. Here he began to write about his experiences as a peacetime a book which used Lee Harvey Oswald as the template for its main character, Johnny Shellburn. The aspiring novelist viewed Oswald as the metaphorical embodiment of an intelligent peacetime GI: deeply dissatisfied with the monolithic, totalitarian structure of military life..In February 1962 , Thornley completed The Idle Warriors which has the historical distinction of being the only book written about Lee Harvey Oswald before Kennedy’s assassination .. In 1965, Thornley published another book titled Oswald, generally defending the “Oswald-as-lone-assassin” conclusion of the Warren Commission..”
      Discordianism is a religion based on the worship of Eris (also known as Discordia), the Greco-Roman goddess of chaos… Discordianism can be interpreted as a belief that disharmony and chaos are equally valid aspects of reality”
      –without a doubt, Discordianism is an aspect of Nihilism, described here by F. Seraphim: Nihilism: “War against God, issuing in the proclamation of the reign of nothingness, which means the triumph of incoherence and absurdity, the whole plan presided over by Satan: this, in brief, is the theology and the meaning of Nihilism.”
      Thornley fell in with counterculture conspiracy promotion and contributed to publications such as Jim Keith’s 1992 ‘Gemstone File’:
      ” Gemstone File (1992): Bruce Porter Roberts (born New York State, October 27, 1919; died San Francisco, California, July 16, 1976) was an American writer best known as the creator of the Gemstone File; [Book]The Gemstone File, Jim Keith, ed. (1992, IllumiNet Press. 214 pages) Includes the Skeleton Key; an interview with Stephanie Caruana; excerpts from Mae Brussell’s 2 1977-8 KLRB radio broadcasts on the Skeleton Key and Bruce Roberts’ Gemstone File; Kiwi Gemstone; and articles by Jonathan Vankin, Robert Anton Wilson, Kerry Wendall Thornley, Ben G. Price and others.”
      Speaking of chaos:

      Peter Lavenda writes, “You may remember my long series of articles (or a series of long articles, mejor dicho) concerning New Orleans, Lee Harvey Oswald, and a veritable apostolic succession of wandering bishops who operated out of Guy Banister’s office in the Big Easy. You may recall such names as David Ferrie, Jack Martin, Carl Stanley … and Thomas Jude Baumler. Well, you’ll never believe it, but Tommy Baumler’s name came up again in the most bizarre place of all these bizarre places. He was the lawyer who incorporated the Process Church of the Final Judgment… In addition, according to my informant, Baumler was also a Mason and belonged to the same lodge – the Etoile Polair Lodge of the French Grand Orient – as Mafia don Carlos Marcello, the man for whom David Ferrie was working on the day of the assassination… Readers may remember the hysteria surrounding the Process from its earliest days. There were accusations that it was a mind-control cult, that they were devil-worshipers, that they were involved with ritual murder, etc etc. The fact that they were involved to a degree with Charles Manson didn’t help; the fact that Charlie once famously proclaimed that he was Robert Moore (the co-founder of the Process)..”
      The Process Church of the Final Judgement was a Scientology spin-off.

      Comment by jenniferlake — May 1, 2012 @ 8:41 pm | Reply

  3. Spying for a nuclear Israel:
    by Grant Smith
    [edited excerpt]
    “In October of 1992 military personnel at the Yuma Proving Ground, which tests nearly every significant US ground combat weapons system, detected a University of Buffalo computer system user penetrating their secure computer network via New Mexico State University. A senior majoring in Chemical Engineering hacked the UB system to obtain high-level graduate student access codes. Soon after the BU hacking incident “computers from the Weizmann Institute for Science accessed computers from NM SU to penetrate computers at YPG” using the stolen access codes. FBI investigators suspected the BU student… The FBI began to research the student’s connection to other hackers in Texas and Hawaii and his “possible contact/association with the Weizmann Institute of Rehovot, Israel.” …BU college officials were not “overly anxious” to have their student charged of an actual crime, including possible espionage with Weizmann, rather than a mere campus computer access violation. The FBI continued its Weizmann Institute spy network investigation, obtaining a Grand Jury subpoena on March 19, 1993 served on an unnamed suspect at his place of business. The Counter Intelligence Division obtained logs of Yuma Proving Ground data that may have been passed to Weizmann. Late in 1994 the investigation was closed due to the “rudimentary” level of the “computer cracker” intrusion, which had already been successfully prosecuted. The “Weizmann Espionage” case officially closed.

    In hindsight, what the FBI uncovered in the 1990′s about the Weizmann Institute clearly documents that it was both involved in nuclear weapons development and fundraising through a US non-profit charity. That pile of evidence has only deepened in intervening years…

    But Weizmann was no easy target. Since its very beginning, the Weizmann Institute invested significant resources courting elite collaborators and allies spread across US government and scientific communities. Isidor Rabi worked on the Manhattan Project providing key leadership developing America’s first atomic bombs alongside Robert Oppenheimer at Los Alamos. When dispatched by a nervous JFK to visit Dimona in 1961, Rabi stated unequivocally he had found “no evidence of weapons related activity.” The 2009 book Nuclear Express authors Thomas C. Reed and Danny B. Stillman skeptically noted “Rabi was already a member of the board of governors (and presumably on the payroll) of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, the incubator of most nuclear weapons work in Israel.” Rabi’s misleading testimony took some heat off Israel as it raced to finalize the Dimona reactor and build an arsenal.

    Abraham Feinberg, a big-time Democratic Party operative and David Ben-Gurion’s designated North American nuclear fund-raising coordinator, began courting Nobel laureate Glenn T. Seaborg on behalf of the Weizmann Institute in the early 1950′s. After becoming head of the Atomic Energy Commission during the Kennedy administration, Seaborg played a key role in derailing effective AEC and FBI criminal investigations into the Israeli theft of AEC bomb-grade U-235 from the NUMEC facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania. Upon leaving the AEC in 1971, Seaborg accepted Weizmann Institute chairman Abraham Feinberg’s invitation (and an honorarium equivalent to nearly 10% of his annual salary) to keynote the annual Waldorf Astoria event. Seaborg affirmed a newly hatched US policy of covering-up Israel’s arsenal. “During my tenure as Chairman of the AEC I was asked on numerous occasions whether I thought Israel was a nuclear power — or less euphemistically — did she have the bomb?…Now in retrospect, I often wished I had said, ‘Yes, she is a nuclear power, the kind that knows of, and makes use of, the atom’s power for peace.’” When the NUMEC uranium theft diversion investigation was rejuvenated by Attorney General Edward Levi in 1976, Seaborg refused to talk to FBI agents after DOE officials confirmed (PDF) to him that traces of NUMEC U-235 had been recovered in Israel. But who actually hatched the US presidential policy of covering up for Israel’s nukes?

    During the Nixon administration, Henry Kissinger played a key role in crafting the US policy of “nuclear ambiguity” designed to keep Israel’s nuclear arsenal from ever becoming an “established international fact.” In 1969 Kissinger penned a classified strategy document(PDF), even noting the NUMEC uranium diversion. “There is circumstantial evidence that some fissionable material available for Israel’s weapons development was illegally obtained from the United States by about 1965.” But while Kissinger and Nixon had many good policy options that could have reversed the Israeli nuclear program — especially by withholding US military equipment — they chose none of them. Instead they mandated that the US government would never officially acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons, if Israel never tested them or made their existence public. Shortly after stepping down as US Secretary of State in 1977, Henry Kissinger graciously received a Weizmann Institute of Science honorary degree as a “messenger of peace” and “principal architect of international conciliation.”

    Comment by jenniferlake — May 22, 2012 @ 3:36 pm | Reply

  4. You overwhelm me with so many obscure details but you seem very shy about stating your thesis. There is a summary of your main points at the end. This should have been put at the beginning and then referred to throughout your blog.

    Are you saying that JFK was killed not because he posed a particular threat, but to terrorise the rest of us into embracing world government? Right or wrong, you never make this clear.

    Why is it such a big deal that radiation causes polio? We know radiation causes cancer. Do you think anyone would be shocked by the revelation that it also causes polio? Is this the Big Secret that Ed Haslam is trying to cover up? What’s his worry?

    What does the Kennedy assassination have to do with polio vaccines?

    You give us a very, very, very detailed biography of Lewis Strauss, but as far as I can tell you never make the case that he put a hit on Kennedy. In ten words or less, why do you think Strauss was responsible? OK, twenty words then.

    I am generally very fascinated by the JFK assassination and other conspiracies, but this is a very frustrating read. There are lots of little details, but its very difficult to ascertain the narrative you’re trying to support. My gut feeling is that that you have something important to say but I don’t know what it is.

    Comment by Steve Comer — December 30, 2014 @ 11:50 pm | Reply

    • Hey Steve,
      I suggest going back to Part 1 –read a few nonfrustrating paragraphs and your questions will be addressed, especially from the first point in bold type that appears “Nuclear Traffick–is that what Ed Haslam/DMM is trying to bury?” You’ll pick up the gist of the thesis immediately.
      As a “ten words or less” guy, I doubt you’d be satisfied with nuanced “proofs” about Strauss’s involvement, based on the premise here. Proving that Strauss called a hit on JFK is way beyond the scope of this set of posts. The companion piece, Lewis Strauss and JFK, is meant to be a demonstration of Strauss’s capacity to function as a central assassination planner. If I self-critique, I’d agree there’s need for more narrative —there will be! The resources to make the kind of case you suggest are already out there published.

      Comment by jenniferlake — January 14, 2015 @ 11:11 pm | Reply

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