Jennifer Lake's Blog

April 14, 2021





Originally published by Modern War Institute June 2018


“What’s going on is you’ve co-opted the hand[s] of another human… The really fun part is that you’re taking over somebody else’s physical body with the mind of another human.” [min15]


“What we’re looking at is human [to] human thought transference… the brain-to-brain thought transference between two humans [and] they’ve achieved a success rate of 85% of the time. So you can attach…one human brain to another human brain; you can direct motor activity or you can send communication and information… There’s a whole world out there of biohacking… [min20]

“I think right now…the most direct application [of thought transference] is going to be either covert communication or running [biological and mechanical] drones. The set of experiments I didn’t have videos to show you [are] a series where you can connect a human brain to a rat and control its motor movement and its tail, so you can have nonhuman anima drones. You can have a human brain run a regular drone [already] at this point, but running a nonhuman drone…would be awesome… [min26] The software is now readily available where you could have hordes of creatures that can gain access to facilities or move around in different places all run by a person sitting in a booth. It’s no more logistically technical than learning how to send your signal anywhere in the world and protect that signal. That’s Now –it’s not in the future. As they refine transcranial magnetic stimulation…you can get ‘point’ specificity on the neurons you want to activate… [and] you should be able to do this with just visual stimulation to the retina.”

“Related to [medicine and individualized drugs] is DREADDs; Designer Receptors that can be remotely controlled – You can design a [cell] receptor, create a cell, put it somewhere in the body and you can remotely activate it when the brain is exposed to the right signal. Using this technology, people have been able to transfer memories from one fruit fly to another by signaling through a light stimulus into the retina. Right now [2018],  in most animals it’s done by putting a substance into the body that will actually activate the neurons in the way that you want it. So [with DREADDs] you have the capacity to create any [biologically synthesized] product as long as you know the DNA sequence and insert it into a living system and you can remotely control it.”

“When you create a cell and put it in somebody’s body, you have to figure out where you want it [to go]—what if you want it in their brain, right? don’t want to do surgery to plant it in their brain to affect the way [they] think and act [then the] route to that is through stem cells… They call them God cells –they can turn into anything…unlike other cells in your body to become anything you want them to become and they can go find their home in the body and park there and do the work that you’d ike them to do. [ Power point shown “Mesenchymal stem cells: Infused peripherally can access brain tissue” Linan Liu et. al. 2013] So once you know the technology is [here] to edit, splice and program the cell and the technology currently exists to administer it… you can have things activated in other peoples’ brains. You can have the timed release of information on demand.

“DNA encryption –and it’s quite important– …I’ll just say the short story on this [is] people have figured out how to hide imagery in the DNA of bacteria and when you phosphoresce the bacteria you can discover the information or you can have the information reproduced in string form, the form of a protein. Dr. [George] Church up at Harvard has shown quite well that you can store a lot of information in one gram of DNA… at room temperature…for a very long time. So between CRISPR [developed by Church], storage capacity and programming cells, the new way to hide information is going to be in DNA… Why would you have a digital system when you can have a DNA system to store all the information you’ll ever need –photos, records, everything… You can hide information in bacteria and when the bacteria multiply they can go into spore form and last for a very long time. No one can scan you and find a bacteria. We don’t have anything that can detect that, so if you want to encode information… [in] DNA, and you don’t want it in your own body…[you get it back if] you scrape it [off], put it in a dish and unpack the information. This is all available now. This isn’t science fiction. [min33-37]

“So, what to do with memory. In medicine we think of memory as a potentially harmful thing when people present with post-traumatic stress disorder….   It’s a very active [area of] development in the field if we can erase memory; can we modify memory, can we change memory. The short answer is YES. [The PKMzeta method at Duke Univ.] was the first time anyone ever demonstrated that if you wash an area of the brain that’s crucial for forming memories –spatial memories and facilitating the transfer of short-term memory…to something..more permanent and stable over time—[you] can flood the hippocampus… and the memory will be completely gone…[and] there’s no trace of the memory left…  [min40] The hippocampus sounds impossible to get to [but] not if you program a cell to go there…[and] selectively release PKMzeta… [The] technical challenge right now is how do we get a cell in there to do that in a human. I can assure you they’re working on humans and not primates right now… [to] get it in there close enough to the hippocampus…[to] make enough of [itself] to wipe out a memory.

“Related to this are chemicals that not only wipe out memory but chemicals that enhance it… So, if you want a better human camera…, an individual who can…see and remember everything, that’s the direction…from a security and intelligence point [of view that] is a really unique opportunity… but it seems to be a harder nut to crack on enhancing memory than erasing memory [which] is far easier…

[But] I’ll remind you… [we] can train a fruitfly with an aversive memory and transfer that memory [to one that] never had that experience…and [it] reacts to the [averse memory] stimulus in the same way as the animal that did have the aversive learning experience. It’s been done in mice…[min44]

“In 2009, using light [they] transferred memory. You can turn things ON and OFF using light in animals to activate the hippocampus –turn memory ON and OFF [with a light ‘switch’]… the chemical implanting of memories has now occurred in monkeys. So, in the next two years we should actually see… a memory implanted [chemically] into a human brain…[min51]

…”There’s gonna be a HIVE brain, it’s already been done in rats…link[ing] multiple brains, and as a HIVE they solve…problems much faster than an individual rat. That technology’s here. I’m assuming [DARPA] will link people [so they can] live in virtual reality, move things and problem solve, so in the next few years that’s what I think we’ll see… It’s really no longer science fiction.”




For more (from the past) see ‘Threat Tech –Neuroweapons


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