Jennifer Lake's Blog

August 8, 2011

Vaccine Diplomacy

Filed under: Eugenics,Human Experimentation,vaccines — jenniferlake @ 2:20 am
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  Jonas Salk, c.1955
Polio Diplomacy describes the complex activities of building a modern global medical infrastructure in the twentieth century; activities that intensified in the 1930s as radiation-assisted genetic science expanded and then virtually exploded alongside the Atomic Bomb. The spread of polio is a means of tracking nuclear proliferation and as we shall see, especially during the Cold War, nuclear intentions.  The ‘year 2000′ redoubled effort to eradicate polio by vaccination has become a tyranny of the first order. More than any other aspect of the Polio Story, polio diplomacy reveals the depth of covert globalization and humanity’s present “genetic crisis”.
Polio vaccinations should have been stopped. They were going to be in 2000. Most of world’s circulating disease-associated polioviruses are acknowleged to be vaccine-derived, but there never was a really “wild type” of natural poliovirus. The artifice begun in the first decade of the 20th century is now the artifice of the 21st. Polio, cancer, AIDS, vaccines, transgenics and ”equalized” populations have ended the domain of the once free-living species known as ourselves.
“Vaccines as Instruments of Foreign Policy” — Peter J. Hotez, Sabin Vaccine Institute: “the notion that vaccines may function as agents of conflict resolution is one that has deep historical roots… The modern era of American vaccine diplomacy followed on the heels of the Marshall Plan… In the 1950s, when polio epidemics occurred every summer in North America, Europe, and the USSR, Albert Sabin began to work closely with Soviet virologists… It is not widely known that the attenuated polio strains developed in Sabin’s laboratory at the University of Cincinnati were transformed into a clinically useful oral vaccine with the help of Soviet virologists… What followed was a remarkable example of Cold War diplomacy, in which Soviet children were among the first to receive test doses of the oral polio vaccine… Like polio, the control..of smallpox was the product of Cold War vaccine diplomacy.”
 “Vaccines are the most powerful tool available to equalize the health of human beings in every corner of the world,”  said H.R. Shepherd, first chair of the Sabin Vaccine Institute. “Enlightened leaders understand the power of vaccines to help bring peace and opportunity to the most troubled places in our world. Vaccines are the microchip that will revolutionize healthcare”
  Albert Sabin
                                                         Get the story…
…”Since 1880, immunity against bacterial diseases has been systematically studied. In that year, Pasteur discovered by accident that Bacillus anthracis, cultivated at a temperature of 42 to 43 [degrees]C (108-110 degreesF), lost its virulence after a few generations. Later it was found that animals inoculated with these enfeebled bacteria showed resistance to the virulent bacilli. From this beginning dates the prevention, modification, and treatment of disease by immunization… The notion of a weak form of a disease causing immunity to the virulent version was not new; this had been known for a long time for smallpox… The difference with chicken cholera and anthrax was that the weakened form of the disease organism had been generated artificially, and so a naturally weak form of the disease organism did not need to be found.  This discovery revolutionized work in infectious diseases, and Pasteur gave these artificially weakened diseases the generic name of vaccines, to honor Jenner’s discovery.”
The legal power of forced vaccination was decided in the United States in 1905

“Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism” –Lenin


  1. Happy New Year Jennifer. A quote from Eustice Mullins that I found memorable:

    pg 239 ‘The World Order’ [Norman Dodd interview talking of H. Rowan Gaither, president of the Ford Foundation]: Gaither complained about the “bad press” the Ford Foundation was receiving, and explained to Dodd, “Most of us here were, at one time or another, active in either the OSS or the state Dept., or the European Administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House, the substance of which was to the effect that we should make every effort to alter life in the U.S. as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.” This is still the goal of the foundation movement.

    Comment by Ren — January 11, 2012 @ 2:02 am | Reply

    • HNY Ren! Thanks for that.
      Gaither, incidentally, engineered the first public sale of Ford Motor Co stock in May of 1955 –just as the polio vaccine was also going public– called “the largest stock offering ever to hit Wall Street”. The Foundation owned 3,089,908 shares, or 88% of all Ford Motor stock. The family owned 12%. Ford Motors was the fourth largest U.S. company after General Motors, Standard Oil and AT&T. The first round of selling sold off 22% of the total stock, managed by John J. McCloy, and brought in $640,725,445. More was sold piecemeal which eventually “secured for the Ford Foundation a financial legacy unmatched by any other philanthropic institution in the world.” [reference pages 436-440, The Chairman: John J. McCloy, by Kai Bird] McCloy’s biographer makes numerous references to Ford Foundation projects as co-creations with the CIA. The FF paid for things like “conference grants..for the Bilderberg Group gatherings.”[p519]

      Comment by jenniferlake — January 11, 2012 @ 11:30 pm | Reply

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