Jennifer Lake's Blog

November 6, 2011

JFK Conspiracy Con

It all started for me a couple years back with this crazy little book called Dr. Mary’s Monkey. Crazy because people who read it seem to lose control of their fragile higher faculties –the kind of people that George Dubya Bush suggested need special attention: “You can fool some of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time and those are the ones we wanna concentrate on.” The author, Ed Haslam, must be taking this to heart. He wouldn’t like it if I told you “don’t buy this book!”. But it’s okay (he already doesn’t like me for poking around his territory) and really, the book’s a GAS. Slightly nauseating but trippy enough to upchuck a few wows. Ed says he spent fifteen years on his “research”. wow.
   And if you haven’t read Dr. Mary’s Monkey (or ‘DMM’ from here on) I’ve posted the basics at . Some of the comments from people who have read the book emphasize how important they think it is, feelings that are, I’m certain, genuine. DMM is about injecting people (everybody!) with cancer.
…and if that’s not enough to unnerve you, the people in New Orleans who knew about it also plotted to murder John Kennedy, or at least it looks that way. Lee Oswald –yup– Oswald was there, making injectable cancer in a secret lab at David Ferrie’s place, destined for Fidel Castro’s bloodstream and the end of Communist dictatorship in the Americas.  Dr. Mary Sherman was (allegedly) supervising Ferrie’s project until the end of her days which happened abruptly in July of 1964, the same day that the Warren Commission opened its New Orleans inquiry. Ed says Mary’s murder is his original contribution to the larger JFK thing, something he first wrote about in 1995 with a self-published book that sold a thousand copies. Then another thousand copies and after that Ed needed to be a regular guy again and focus on making a living. He was doing that rather successfully in commercial promotion (managing an ad campaign for Chrysler and such) until Oswald’s old girlfriend from 1963 turned herself in to CBS’s 60 Minutes in 1999.  Seems like she’d heard about Ed’s first book and the secret cancer lab and thought maybe she could own up to participating in the lab work. At last, huh?, relief and recognition. It must be alright now, Ed’s living. He says he was born to tell this story. Never argue about the fruition of one’s congenital burden.
So… you probably guess (from my tone) that I don’t like Ed. Actually, I love Ed. Later, I’ll tell you all the things I love about Ed –but for starters, it got me going on the JFK assassination. Ed provided a shortcut with DMM that slices through to the grander motivations of JFK’s murder by simply following up on things not said and contrasting them with his claims. And there was a lot of “Ed” besides the book to choose from –one of the especially endearing aspects being the verbal record. Audio excerpts are part of the review on the polioforever link above, so I’ll skip most of it here and get on with my alternative JFK/DMM scenario.
According to biographer Richard Reeves, Kennedy was always concerned about distinguishing his administration’s inherited problems from those self-inflicted. Whoever followed Eisenhower was destined to be the unprecedented de facto nuclear brinksman. Some time after the Cuban Missile Crisis [Oct.1962] Kennedy said to the press, “I am haunted by the feeling that by 1970, unless we are successful [at negotiating a nuclear treaty], there may be ten nuclear powers instead of four, and by 1975, fifteen or twenty… I see the possibility in the 1970s of the President of the United States having to face a world in which fifteen or twenty or twenty-five nations may have these weapons. I regard that as the greatest possible danger…” [p477, President Kennedy, Profile of Power, R.Reeves]
   A year earlier, in September of ’61, after the Soviets had disregarded a voluntary moratorium and detonated the largest ground-based ‘atmospheric’ nuke ever designed “in meetings with scientists, he asked..about radioactive fallout. ‘Where would we be if testing had continued at the 1958 rate?’ he asked Dr. Charles Dunham, director of the Atomic Energy Commission’s Division of Biology and Medicine. ‘Civilized man would have been in trouble,’ Dunham said. ‘How does the radioactive fallout get to the earth?’ he asked his science advisor, Jerome Wiesner. ‘The clouds are washed out by rain,’ answered Wiesner. Kennedy looked out..into the garden. It was a rainy day and he asked: ‘You mean it’s in the rain out there?’ ‘Yes’ Wiesner said… Kennedy did not speak for a long time.” [pp226-227]…”Nevertheless, Kennedy had initiated and was presiding over one of the greatest military build-ups of all time… In 1961, he had explicitly challenged the Soviets into an escalating arms race, doubling the production of Polaris missile submarines…[and] signing off on one thousand new U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles, each one with a charge eighty times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped at Hiroshima..” [pp230-231] Domestically, Kennedy expected Civil Defense to prepare U.S. citizens for retaliation. “In letters to the governors of the fifty states, Kennedy wrote: ‘In simple terms, the goal is to reach for fallout protection for every American as rapidly as possible.” [p233] …”He thought that nuclear proliferation was the greatest single problem of the world in the 1960s…” [p311]
   “The United States had approximately five thousand deliverable nuclear weapons [c.1962]. U.S. intelligence estimated that the Soviets had three hundred deliverable weapons” [p375]…and Reeves’ footnote on page 376 states “As U.S. and Soviet records were released over the years…General Dimitri Volkogonov said the number of Soviet ICBMs aimed at the United States in late 1962 was actually only twenty…[and] Sergei Khrushchev, son of the late premier, also stated there were warheads on the island [of Cuba] during the 1962 crisis –a claim U.S. intelligence never could verify because aerial photography never clearly revealed storage bunkers.
   Does it raise an eyebrow on you to think that with Cuba’s history and intimacy with Americans as a Caribbean neighbor, all that U.S. intelligence had to go on were sketchy aerial photographs? Americans continued coming and going from Cuba after Castro’s coup, in fact, medical teams came several times during 1962 to administer polio vaccines, starting in February. The Cubans were getting medical help from the U.S. at the time to build up state-of-the-art infectious disease facilities. Ed Haslam’s followers might think that this is beginning to sound a bit familiar; government infectious disease labs, polio vaccines, particle accelerators and Mary Sherman’s connections to U Chicago and the Manhattan Project. The “self-evident” cause of polio and the dedicated theme of the polioforever blog is that the disease is a consequence of nuclear radiation. I passed the self-evident stage on those facts long before I read Dr. Mary’s Monkey. The professional medical characters in the book would have known it too, including Navy Commander Ed Haslam Sr. who ran the polio hospital in New Orleans.
NUCLEAR TRAFFICK –is that what Ed Haslam/DMM is trying to bury? And what about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Did the politicians on the Hill know that sending polio vaccines to Cuba might be a signal of a nuclear operation in progress? –or were they getting psyched, and by whom?
There are other reasons for a book like DMM to exist besides Haslam’s favorite –making an Oliver Stone-type Hollywood movie– and two of them ‘sing’ to me: 1) flushing out Oswald’s girl, Judyth Vary Baker, and bringing her existence under control and 2) perpetuating the medical frauds that support the disease continuum.
   Reality is that just about everything from the Cold War era that carries over to our time is obsolete. The big Strangelove bombs of yesteryear –gone.  Polio vaccines –unnecessary. In fact, polioviruses should have mutated out of existence. Today, the circulating polioviruses are all vaccine-derived with a possible exception of a new “wild” poliovirus on the border of Pakistan and China (to be explained). And even our ideas of the cancer-causing monkey virus (SV40) in the polio vaccines –obsolete! What we all need to know about Simian Virus 40 is that it functions as a DNA “switch” and cargo-carrier for foreign genes. Its known property as a potential off-switch for natural cellular tumor suppression is a problem of the past. The one question left to have answered is if the scientists who grew the polio vaccine viruses on monkey tissue before the distribution of Salk and Sabin vaccines knew of the transgenic value of SV40. Then, of course, one can ask if Kennedy knew about any of this….
Pellets in your pockets; CIA diverting plutonium to foreign countries– read more:
NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION started as an unregulated business of medicine with X-ray machines and radium, from the  introduction of efficient x-rays in 1895 and the precipitation of radium by the Curies from 1898-1903. X-ray machines served as prototypes for the next generation technology of particle accelerators, widely introduced in the 1920s. Before the existence of nuclear reactors, particle accelerators were capable of transforming stable minerals into radioactive isotopes. A specialized design of particle accelerator created by Ernest Lawrence called the ‘cyclotron’ (developed 1928-1931), for example, was used to make the first plutonium, later to become the bomb-fuel of choice as warheads were miniturized and concentrated. Any large particle accelerator of sufficiently high voltage can make bomb fuel. Between 1947 and 1950, Lawrence engineered the building of a giant linear accelerator (called a linac) near San Francisco, in Livermore, dubbed the Materials Testing Accelerator (MTA) for the express purpose of making plutonium and the hydrogen isotope tritium for thermonuclear weapons, demonstrating the capability of particle accelerators. At the center of the action in Haslam’s story is a secretly-built particle accelerator that was hidden in a government-run Infectious Disease Laboratory near downtown New Orleans. The infectious disease lab ‘front’ is one that’s been used before –the Nazis hid their nuclear reactor project in a “Virus House” too– and not because it’s a disguise, but because it’s a natural fit and had been going on in hospital and research labs for decades.
The alternative JFK/DMM conspiracy theory accepts the premise of the of the New Orleans particle accelerator. Its existence satisfies a huge body of evidence related to the JFK assassination that would otherwise ramble homeless over the historical landscape, as it seems to have done these many long years. And appropriately crazy enough is that Ed Haslam offers no credible proof that the accelerator was even plausibly there. Ain’t it rich? Haslam trots out the anonymous witnesses, Misters “X”, “Y”, and “Z” (“X” didn’t know anything except what he heard as a rumor from “Y”, and “Z” didn’t know either Mr.”X” or Mr.”Y”). So the first thing a critic would say is, “Ed! That’s no proof of a particle accelerator in New Orleans!”. uh-huh. Exactly. No proof at all.
   But, the presence of a New Orleans accelerator is so predictable, logical, and perfectly patterned that an historian of America’s nuclear technology would demand to know why there wasn’t one if such were the case.  Hence, perhaps the secrecy, the real secrecy, that draws us into the mystery of 1963 New Orleans.
NELSON ROCKEFELLER was the man Kennedy expected to be running against in the 1964 presidential campaign. Privately, he was having Rockefeller and the family’s foundation investigated. It’s likely that the Kennedy men learned what Ernest Lawrence knew: “if it hadn’t been for the Rockefeller Foundation, there would have been no atomic bomb.” [p219, The Molecular Vision of Life, by Lily E. Kay]   They would have learned that the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (RIMR) had an iron grip on polio research from its inception in 1901. They would have known all about Rockefeller’s role as the acting head of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1953 when the Salk vaccine field trials were authorized. Of course, they would have known about the Quantico sessions in 1955 when Rockefeller sponsored his ‘brain trust’ to design an offer on arms limitations that the Soviets would never accept, provoking an escalation that came to be called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Rockefeller was Special Chief of Psychological Operations then. At the same time, in the 1950s, “Rockefeller took it as his mission to breathe new life into the moribund Atoms for Peace initiative. In that regard, it certainly did not hurt that he had a long-standing relationship with [Lewis] Strauss, who as a Kuhn, Loeb partner, had been one of the Rockefeller brothers’ financial advisers..”
LEWIS STRAUSS, now there’s a man to watch. As a young neophyte (born 1896) he became Herbert Hoover’s assistant during World War I, operating as a liason for the U.S. Food Administration with the Joint Jewish Distribution Committee. In 1921, at age  25, he ran the busiest, and perhaps the only, polio hospital at that time in the country as its president –the Jewish Hospital for Joint Diseases (HJD)–which had been founded by the New York Rothschild family and used the labs at the RIMR. Strauss resigned the hospital in 1925 and moved on to United States Navy intelligence work and a full partnership in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The Navy later made him a Rear Admiral and Strauss made the Navy a new department, the Office of Naval Research. President Truman gave Strauss a job as commissioner on the charter Atomic Engergy Commission (AEC) in 1946 under the leadership of former Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) governor David Lilienthal. Strauss and Lilienthal had a restless power struggle in those early years of the AEC. Behind the scenes, a “Super”, thermonuclear hydrogen bomb, was on the table –there since the beginning of the Manhattan Project, which was the assumed responsibility of the Atomic Energy Commission, which was the ongoing Manhattan Engineer District (MED) by another name.
   The two men, Chief Lilienthal and Commissioner Strauss, both resigned their AEC positions in 1950 over the authorization of the Super but for opposite reasons. Lilienthal moved on to global energy consulting and Strauss resumed a private life as the Rockefeller Brothers financier. The impeccable timing of Strauss’s resignation as a commissioner, in January of 1950 on the day that the Super was official, freed him for action on his other pursuits. He had been the Super’s most ardent champion aside from the physicists Ernest Lawrence and Edward Teller.  Interests that were ostensibly ‘life-long’ for Strauss were his devotion to Israel, Judaism and “curing cancer”. In 1945, before he was an AEC commissioner, Strauss got in on the ground-floor of a few other charter institutions as a lifetime trustee  –Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research and the (renamed) American Cancer Society.
   Some time in 1952, Eisenhower proffered Strauss a dream job; Chief of the Atomic Energy Commission. 1952 was the most significant year for the future of America’s nuclear weapons program. It was the year of committed thermonuclear tests in the South Pacific. It also happened to be the year of the greatest number of U.S. polio cases on record. Jonas Salk told his sponsors that he thought he finally had the ‘right’ formula for a polio vaccine, as it turned out, made from viruses grown on human cancer cells (HeLa cells) that were later proliferated in a slurry of monkey parts. Israel decided to start its nuclear program in ’52 and maybe Admiral Strauss was helping them “make the desert bloom”, as Ben Gurion would later say. A pet project of the new AEC chief was nuclear-powered water desalination and that had “Atoms for Peace” written all over it.
   Private citizen Strauss had arranged for nuclear technology transfers before: back in 1934, he got a business broker from Havana Cuba named Isbert Adam to set up a deal for a particle accelerator built by a relative of Adam’s named Arno Brasch. Brasch called his accelerator a ‘capacitron’, and by the looks of it, Brasch came over with the machine. Or maybe Brasch came after the machine but, as a researcher, it’s been very hard to get a good handle on how many physicists made it to the U.S.  in those years, 1933-1941.  For soon-to-be refugees, escaping Nazi persecution, it’s surprising how many of them moved around freely, crossing and recrossing the ocean, in and out of Germany and other places. There’s no particular public record (yet found) of where or how Strauss picked up his capacitron, but the man was very rich and had his own yacht or two. Word is, yachting was how Strauss liked to do his private business.

 “During the 1930s, business in the Cuban capital was run directly by mafiosi with Sicilian, Corsican, Jewish or U.S. origins… Without a doubt, the most important of all the mafiosi in Cuba was.. Meyer Lansky… Originally named Maier Suchowijansky… from the 1930s until the end of 1958, no significant political event or big business deal occurred in Cuba without his involvement…

   “Firstly, at the start of the 1930s, there was an accelerated penetration of the Cuban economy by financial groups controlled by the Rockefeller family (in its two branches, headed by John and William). The Rockefellers used a banking and commercial complex of great magnitude (Citibank, Chase National Bank, and the later Chase Manhattan) to reinforce imperial domination… Other groups included the Americanized German Schroeder Bank and the Sullivan & Cromwell financial complex, in which brothers John and Allen Dulles were prominent. All had sinister origins… Cuba had become one of the most important centers of international crime.” [quoting Enrique Cirules, here ]
THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS, or H-bombs, and the arms race were a foregone conclusion, probably determined back in the 1920s. The fission bombs made for the original MED were just a stage, a stage in the development of a fission-triggered fusion process that scientists hoped to makeover into controllable “free energy”.  As far as anybody who knew anything about it was concerned, the Russians were technically way ahead. Only six people in the U.S. were in on the Top Secret knowledge that the Soviets had blown off a thermonuclear device in 1950. Robert LeBaron, the Pentagon liason with the AEC, told the authors of Energy and Conflict (1976) that he wasn’t sure if it was 1950 or 1951, but the polio statistics in Canada support the claim of 1950. Canadian polio statistics are not the only thing –the Western Shoshone who watch over the Nevada Test Site also say that thermonuclear fallout streamed over the northwest in 1950. They believe an accidental detonation off British Columbia was the cause. Whatever the cause or source, just a handful of people ever knew it; President Truman, Dean Acheson, Robert LeBaron and the rest go unnamed. It would be hard to believe that Lewis Strauss was not among them. Fallout detection was his professional specialty.
KENNEDY TOOK OFFICE knowing where the future nuclear trouble spots would be. On the cusp of his January ’61 inauguration an Eisenhower transition team answered a question “about atomic weapons in other countries. ‘Israel and India,’ [Christian] Herter replied. The Israelis had a nuclear reactor capable of producing ninety kilograms of weapons-quality plutonium by 1963. [Herter] advised Kennedy to demand inspection and control before there were atomic bombs in the Middle East.” [p32, President Kennedy, R.Reeves] But  Kennedy’s presidential inheritance was already a full plate and piling up fast. Eisenhower told him, “..’there is one point on which I would oppose you strongly– the seating of Communist China in the U.N. and bilateral recognition.’ That took care of that. Kennedy thought it was stupid not to have diplomatic relations with the Communist government in China. But relations with Eisenhower were a more compelling concern.” [p33] Eisenhower was a popular president and “the new President was determined never to cross his predecessor…[Eisenhower’s] public disapproval would be devastating.” [p33]
   “The CIA and America’s other intelligence agencies…knew little of what the Chinese were doing or had done in the atomic field. China was, former OSI chief Karl Weber recalled, ‘a real mystery…big, really foreign, hard to get a handle on.’…and by 1960 China was actively engaged, without Soviet assistance, in constructing its first generation of atomic facilities.” [p143, Spying On The Bomb, Jeffrey Richelson] “A June 1961 report produced for the Joint Chiefs of Staff concluded that Chinese ‘attainmment of a nuclear capability will have a marked impact on the security posture of the United States and the Free World, particularly in Asia.’ A few months later, George McGhee, the State Department’s director of policy planning..suggested to secretary of state Dean Rusk that one way to reduce the psychological impact of a Chinese bomb was to encourage, and perhaps even assist, India to develop a bomb. India’s atomic energy program, McGhee informed his boss, was sufficiently advanced so that within a few months it could produce enough fissionable material for an atomic device… McGhee’s scheme found uneven support at the State Department…” [pp144-145, Richelson]
   Without saying too much more about the spread of nuclear weapons, the India example should make it clear that by Kennedy’s time the nuclear paradigm had shifted, metamorphically turning (bad) global proliferation into (good) global politics. And at politics, Kennedy was an ace. Richard Reeves summed up JFK this way: “John Kennedy was considered a pretty cool fellow, the most detached and rational of politicians.” [p33, President Kennedy] From a lifetime of political preparedness, fourteen years in Congress and an ease that came with an insider’s position, Kennedy’s supporters and enemies alike knew him. He was reliably attached to projecting a public image of presidential strength and power equal to the prestige of the United States.
Cutting to the chase, ‘good’ proliferation was going to rebalance the world according to the rules of diplomacy. The bad kind, spectacularly demonstrated by the Cuban Missile Crisis, was a desperate invitation for formal prohibition (and very good politics). “Most Americans had forgotten, the most knowledgeable among them choosing to forget, that it was Khrushchev who had first proposed negotiations on a test ban, in February 1955. This was after the discovery that the fallout from an American test in March 1954– not the bomb but the radioactive debris carried in the atmosphere– had killed or maimed Japanese fishermen and islanders hundreds of miles from the test site…” [p121, President Kennedy] No one writing library books mentions that the prophylactic for fallout –the polio vaccine– was then in its final phase of predetermined evaluation, about to be publicly administered during Operation Teapot (Nevada Test Site, Feb-May 1955). For once, it looked like the Americans really were ahead with an antidote in hand, and for a while at least, vaccine diplomacy was the new face of  ‘good’ proliferation. After the calculated and failed arms negotiations of ’55, an olive branch went out to the Soviets to co-develop a polio vaccine with Albert Sabin.
Now this is where Dr. Mary’s Monkey and I seriously start parting company.
POLIO HISTORY GIVES AWAY THE NUCLEAR GAME, which is why there really isn’t any in DMM.  I’d compare the content of polio history in DMM to anchovies on a pizza– you can see it there and the whole thing tastes fishy but if you take it out and put it in a bowl there’s not enough to satisfy a kitty-cat. The complaint is pretty much the same: “You mean I paid extra for that?!”
Pizza, what a racket. But ya know, the kids love it and it’s great party food. And this is something I love about Ed.
DEEP BACKGROUND is what all JFK assassination researchers are looking for. Virtually every angle that looks reasonably or remotely related to the assassination scheme has been presented and explained. We oughtta be just about done with this, dontcha think? JFK and his brother crossed the wrong people –LBJ, the CFR, the Rockefellers, the Mob, etc. The Kennedys made a few verbotten power grabs, their unpopularity caught up with them and they had it coming. Right? Time to put this overly ripe and mature conspiracy to bed.
   But who would think that the Kennedys did EXACTLY what was expected of them? Who would guess that JFK’s murder was planned long before his presidency? Pre-Crime is such an abhorent idea to Americans that we still treat it like science fiction even though it’s the foundation of every conspiracy. What if we looked at JFK’s election-to-execution like a lab experiment and suppose the objectives of the experiment were perfectly met? Let’s say the Limited Test Ban treaty was the most desirable outcome and work down the list of lesser outcomes. We have to account for the trajectory of an unremarkable congressman advancing to an improbable candidate and then an unpopular president to satisfy the requisite unleashing of natural forces. We have to ensure the survival of the mechanism long enough to reach the goal and provide conditions that won’t self-destruct before the end of the demonstration. And at the end of the demonstration, we have to manage the lesser outcomes in case they turn disadvantageous to the objectives, possibly in perpetuity. Nuclear material is the only stuff I can think of that needs perpetual management. The ongoing secrecy of JFK’s death must be covering the kind of proliferation I barely named –traffick, the worst kind– as the illicit and organized movement of products and services.
REFRAMING THE EVENTS to fit a nuclear scheme turns the Assassination clock back to 1952. This follows an important sequence of events during 1951 meant to guarantee American hegemony. The problems of the United States achieving nuclear superiority were, and always were, physical survivability for U.S. citizens. Polio became a front-burner issue in 1951– the fallout vaccine, which didn’t yet exist, made a first run with gamma globulin (for passive immunity) in a predictable hot zone by the Great Salt Lake during the second Nevada Test Site series (called Buster-Jangle). Kennedy made his Senate bid, H-bombs attained a breakthrough, Israel started their weapons program, and even Mary Sherman made a move in 1952.
   Qualifiers for Kennedy’s preselection, to meet the requirements of our lab experiment, unfolded over the next years as if on cue.  He was a natural force.  JFK’s ascent displayed his potential as a teachable man and Old Joe had enough irons-in-the-fire to protect his family ambitions. When it came time to face-off with the Soviets, Kennedy looked like his own authority: Rockefeller men surrounded him, and yet he had an actionable conscience that signaled the Russians of his capacity for independence. They could work with this man.
   The Israelis, on the other hand, could not. Reeves (author of President Kennedy) notes their basic status on January 19, 1961 and never mentions Israel again but they were also beneficiaries in the 1955 round of Atoms for Peace, acquiring an American-made research reactor (Soreq) in the spirit of Nelson Rockefeller’s promotion that any nation wanting one should have it.  After the earlier Lavon Affair, it had to be the point of no return. Americans, as far as I know, did not openly help the Israeli nuclear program after Soreq. The legitimacy of Israel’s development then came from the French but by 1960 the relationship was fraught with uncertainty and delays. Jeffrey Richelson writes, “In 1960, after the departure of [France’s] pro-Israeli atomic energy minister Jacques Soustelle, French foreign minister Maurice Couve de Murville made three demands, conveyed via the Israeli ambassador. Israel was to publicly acknowledge the existence of the Negev [Dimona] project, declare that the reactor was to be used for peaceful purposes, and permit international inspections. Unless Israel complied, France would refuse to supply the natural uranium needed to fuel the reactor. Accepting the French demands, particularly for international inspections, would threaten the plan to produce fissile material for atomic bombs.”[p241, Spying On The Bomb]
   The Israelis were not waiting on the French any more than they historically waited on the British. Nuclear power was already theirs, an entitlement by virtue of its creation as reverentially Jewish. In the 1920s, Einstein publicly predicted their days of national struggle when statehood would bind them to playing by the rules. It was a warning to prepare. Insurance on Israel’s “right to exist” was, and always was, predicated on their mastery of traffick.
PRESERVING OUR IGNORANCE about radiation-caused polio has been an essential ingredient in keeping a fuller account of the JFK assassination at bay. Knowing it makes a few more chapters in the story just open up, like magic.  There’s no such thing as a fallout vaccine but there must have been immense pressure to sell this idea and smooth the atomic trade. A fallout vaccine, if it existed, would have to prevent cancer. There would have to be some cancer antigen in there, if it existed, huh?  Salk and Sabin had what any aspiring world power could want: a twofer –such a deal! Let’s play thermonuclear war!!
   And this is something I love about Ed. He’s working hard for our ignorance. He could have left out the references to polio and still fascinated his audience with Oswald and Mary and Ferrie. Judyth Vary Baker too, of course, the only living member of the all-dead cast. He might have had a problem though, getting interest out to the general public. So DMM is about cancer. It’s about AIDS. It’s about stacking as many riders on his horse as the traffick will allow. He says himself, “the JFK thing is kinda incidental to the book”.
Make no mistake. The polio vaccine in Cuba before the Missile Crisis was a psy-op pitching for prohibition to the benefit of traffickers, which does not exclude the possibility that weapons-grade bomb fuel was moving in the island. Obviously, there is a lot more story here.
Articles previously posted on the subject of DMM:
 Assassination By Cancer (premise of the book ’Dr. Mary’s Monkey’)
 Particle Accelerator 101 (questioning ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’)
 Dr. Mary’s Flunky
 Why Were Monkey Viruses in Polio Vaccines?
The medical science involved in this story is (and will be) carried on in The Disease Continuum
“Abraham Feinberg (1908-1998) is best known lobbying for the state of Israel and organizing Harry S Truman’s “whistle-stop” fundraising tour that saved his 1948 presidential campaign from certain ruin.  Feinberg’s obituary hints at a role trafficking arms to Jewish fighters in Palestine.  As founder of Americans for Haganah and Foundry Associates, Inc., Feinberg was deeply involved in the Haganah arms smuggling network in the United States.  More recently, authors such as Anver Cohen and Michael Karpin document in the book “Israel and the Bomb” and “The Bomb in the Basement” Feinberg’s role in undermining US nuclear nonproliferation policy.  On October 31, 1958 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion noted in his diary a conversation “he had with Abraham Feinberg, a wealthy Jewish businessman and major Democratic fund-raiser” to raise funds for Israel’s nuclear weapons program among “benedictors” in the United States.  A few years later, President John F. Kennedy fought for biannual international inspections of Dimona and verifiable Israeli assurances that it was not a nuclear weapons production facility.  In 1960 Feinberg funded the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as it mounted US disinformation campaigns about Israel’s nuclear weapons program.  JFK’s assassination in 1963 marked the gradual end of inspections and the US nonproliferation drive toward Israel.
1952 FBI memo on Feinberg
“Feinberg has been in contact with Colonel Ephraim Ben-Arazi, former Israeli Military Attaché to the United States; Theodore H. Kollek, Israeli Minister in Washington; Reuben Shiloah [founder of Mossad], personal advisor to the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs; Nahum Bernstein, Secretary of Israel Speaks.  All of these individuals are known to have been active in the Israeli Intelligence Service… He [Feinberg] was in personal contact with Chaim Weizmann, first President of Israel, when Weizmann visited the United States in April 1949 and on other occasions.  Feinberg has been in personal contact with Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, when he visited the United States.  These contacts with Israeli officials continue up to the present time.. “
“Dewey Stone smuggled arms to the Haganah, underwrote Israel’s cutting-edge Weizmann Institute and outfitted a ship to carry Holocaust survivors to Palestine. Yet this larger-than-life hero is virtually unknown by history… For decades, before May 14, 1948 and during those early years when the fledgling nation struggled to deflect attacks from all sides, this behinds-the-scenes hero – who made his fortune in fabrics coatings — helped to arm, strengthen and educate the Jewish forces with his own funds and with the untold millions he raised… So it’s not surprising he was a key player in the drama of the doomed voyage of the Exodus 1947. The Weston Trading Company, with Stone listed as sole stockholder, was a front used to ship supplies and refugees past American inspectors…The story of Exodus 1947 was soon news around the globe, garnering sympathy for the cause of a Jewish state. 
…In 1952, Stone also emerged as an early and vocal supporter of  young Congressional candidate, John F. Kennedy, who had a handicap when it came to the Jewish community. No one could forget the pro-Hitler comments his father Joseph P. Kennedy had made as ambassador to England during the war. But Stone believed the young Kennedy when he argued he shared none of his father’s Nazi sympathies, and contributed to JFK’s campaign, introducing him to Jewish voters and remaining close until Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.”
Stone and Feinberg were both Chairmen of the Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science; Stone its founding chairman from 1949 to 1971, followed by Feinberg from 1972 to 1976. The terms of both chairmen overlapped the Weizmann presidency by (polio scientist) Albert B. Sabin, 1970-1972. Extensive work on the SV40 monkey virus went on in Israel under Sabin’s term at the Weizmann. 
                                                        jfk 2
PART TWO looks at uranium for the Manhattan Project, the dealers Sengier and Pregel, Meyer Lansky in New York and Robert Kennedy’s 1948 role as a mouthpiece for Israel:


  1. Why did JFK honor Woodrow Woody Wilson and FDR in the Nixon debates? I’m sure it was all a strategy right from the start, even before Joe went into business with those ehh usurers.

    Comment by melgibstein — November 9, 2011 @ 12:26 pm | Reply

    • mg– was hoping for a comeback from you. So, take this very belated response as a sign of contemplating your question. Politics aside (of which I have no background whatsoever) I’m finding insight from a book titled “Roosevelt and Frankfurter” (Max Freedman, Little Brown &Co, 1965)– a compilation of letters from F.F. to FDR. Too lengthy to post here, my purpose in reading it was to fill out my comprehension of Frankfurter’s role in world affairs– he was suspected, of course, of facilitating the spread of nuclear secrets. As the leading liberal of the New Deal and foremost American Zionist, Frankfurter strove to set up the conditions for the Great Society through FDR which entailed the fresh exercise of presidential power for those grand objectives. To the degree that the FDR/Frankfurter alliance succeeded, and within the memory of people living through it, JFK was evoking the spirited reforms of FDR that produced a public sense of confidence in government to do its job.
      Wilson, simply said, provided the initial architecture for global governance, but the U.S. was nowhere near a national level of self-governance at the time to have been an effective League member (not that Americans wanted it. The League of Nations was treasonous, especially in light of the prewar promise to stay out of it!) –it would take the ‘progressive’ evolution of FDR’s administration to make that possible, then followed by the threat of atomic annihilation.
      Getting to know Frankfurter, he was born in Austria and emigrated to the U.S. at age 12. As a young lawyer out of Harvard in 1906, he entered government through the side door as aide to Henry L. Stimson.”In 1914, Frankfurter left Washington [after working for the War Dept] to become a professor at the Harvard Law School but he was back in the War Department in 1917… from 1917 on, scarcely a day passed when he did not have a conference with Roosevelt or talk with him on the phone. This was the formative period of their friendship.”
      Freedman wrote in his preface, “At the Paris Peace Conference after the First World War, [Frankfurter] as the representative of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, negotiated the Zionist-Arab agreement with Lawrence of Arabia..” The brief notes then state that “Frankfurter wrote his first personal letter to Roosevelt..on January 4, 1921…”. Freedman includes that during FDR’s vice-presidential bid “on the Cox-Roosevelt ticket…[he] had never lacked the courage to praise Woodrow Wilson, then extremely unpopular, and to support the League of Nations..” (T.E.Lawrence, incidently, as the representative of King Faisal, was said to have been disgusted by the Zionist tactics at Versailles. In the midst of hard negotiations to ensure Arab sovereignty, he got a telegram that his father was dying of influenza and he left immediately for England. Spanish Flu made for a lot of chaos at Paris Peace– Pres. Wilson got sick too just as he was to press for a moderating U.S. position, which never happened apparently).
      Consider this quote from T.E.Lawrence reflecting on his experience: “We lived many lives in those swirling [Arabian] campaigns, never sparing ourselves: yet when we achieved and the new world dawned, the old men came out again and took our victory to remake in the likeness of the former world they knew.” [p272, A Prince of Our Disorder]
      Going back before WWI, Zionists were working hard to prepare for a Zionist Palestine. In 1915, Louis Brandeis wrote, “The glorious past [of the Jews] can really live only if it becomes part of the glorious future; and to this end the Jewish home in Palestine is essential. We Jews of prosperous America above all need its inspiration.” –Jan.1915, Menorah Journal.
      The key to controlling Palestine after its wresting from the Turks was WATER. The Jewish Agricultural Experiment(begun 1911), headed by Aaron Aronshohn, was collecting information on hidden water resources and spying for Jewish nationalists in a project heavily funded by monied American Zionists (i.e. Julius Rosenwald). WATER control was going to factor hugely in the scheme to nuclearize Israel. It was the primary reason given after WWII to build reactors there, called the “Oasis Plan” by Lewis Strauss and Eisenhower (circa 1954), or Atoms for Water –to “make the desert Bloom”.
      So, why indeed did Kennedy point to Wilson and Roosevelt? Your question deserves thought. They were both War presidents who were surrounded by Zionist hawks, promising peace but ultimately pushing through dictatorial measures for war, lubricated by “undue influence” (Wilson had Col. House and Roosevelt had Felix Frankfurter) against the will of most Americans.

      Comment by jenniferlake — October 7, 2012 @ 8:59 pm | Reply

  2. The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
    researched by
    Dr. Neville Thomas Jones, Ph.D.

    Comment by Bernie Brauer — November 11, 2011 @ 5:14 pm | Reply

    • from the video link:

      This research stemmed from an e-mail discussion between myself and Bernie Brauer of Canada. I am indebited to Bernie for his encouragement, opinions, support and enthusiasm.”
      Bernie, I’ve come across this theory several times –that Jacqueline shot Jack– but find the film footage unconvincing. In Jones’s frame by frame, number 254 shows both of Jackie’s gloved hands with fingers extended, wrapped over JFK’s left arm as if to stabilize him. There is nothing I see anywhere to suggest Jackie shot her husband. The angle of her right forearm as she leans in is tipping downward (elbow up, hand down toward her own lap, it appears). A person could not aim and fire at close range perpendicular to this arm position. A gun in the hand is an extension of the arm.

      Comment by jenniferlake — November 11, 2011 @ 7:45 pm | Reply

  3. Jennifer,

    It looks pretty clear on this film. Jackie gets the verbal signal from Connolly and then she shoots JFK.
    Look at the film here:


    Comment by Bernie Brauer — November 13, 2011 @ 7:46 pm | Reply

    • More Zapruder, known to be altered, only faster and smaller. I see the same thing faster and smaller.
      B– it would cost you next to nothing except time and effort to recreate the conditions you propose. Ask Jones to help you get the specs for a reenactment. If you guys can pull off the (mock) shot in real time, film it and post it.

      Watch The Great Zapruder Film Hoax

      Listen to Doug Horne with Jim Fetzer, Nov.18, 2011
      Horne makes his points about the authenticity of the Z-film

      ADDED NOTE about Kodachrome film:
      “Kodak stopped making Kodachrome in 2009, and stopped making the chemicals needed to process it, a complex process that could never be done in home darkrooms…
      ..The story of Kodachrome..began in 1917 [with] two teenagers, Leopold Godowsky Jr. and Leopold Mannes… on his way to perform [music] in Europe in 1922, Mannes happened to meet a partner in the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.. [who] sent a young associate, Lewis Strauss, to the Mannes apartment to view the progress. Strauss was convinced, and Kuhn, Loeb invested.”
      —Strauss was heavily invested personally in Kodachrome and through his interest, Kodak also made the dosimeter ‘film badges’ for radiation monitoring. More about Strauss, Kodak, and Rochester NY (site of the Hawkeye Works lab in Doug Horne’s interview) will be added to this series.
      Here, by his own hand, is Strauss’s version, excerpted from pages 96-99 of Men and Decisions:
      “As a boy, photography had been a major interest, and I had pursued it as far as the cumbersome color processes of the period. These required multiple exposures on plates sensitive to different colors or exposed through separate filters and their careful superimposition…
      “In 1922, Everett Somers, who as an army sargeant had been assigned to our office in France [either Kuhn, Loeb office or Hoover food relief office assumed], introduced two young musicians, Leopold Mannes and Leopold Godowsky. They were in their teens..when they conceived a method of making photographs in color with one exposure on a single film or plate using an ordinary camera…
      “Convinced [by a demonstration], I arranged for the necessary money to pay for patent applications and attorney fees and to rent and staff a small laboratory. The Eastman Kodak company co-operated by furnishing required sensitizers, dyes, and other material, but brushed the process aside as of no practical interest. Some years later, the results were so outstanding that I decided to go over the head of the officers with whom we had been dealing unsuccessfully and traveled to Rochester with Sir William Wiseman, one of my associates, to show..George Eastman himself. The upshot of that and subsequent meetings with Mr. Eastman and his director of research, Dr. Kenneth Mees, was an agreement which resulted in marketing the product called Kodachrome. Annually, it earns many millions for the Kodak Company and until the patents finally expired in 1952, was highly all concerned.
      “Another decision was to back a young inventor, Edwin H. Land, who was introduced to his camp counselor, Julius Silver. Land had made a radical discovery. He had found that he could incorporate certain crystals of microscopic size in a transparent plastic medium and could alter the random arrangement of the crystals so that they were all parallel. One result was that the transparent plastic would then transmit light waves in one plane only. Light so transmitted is ‘polarized’. Light vibrating in any other plane would be blocked in varying degree… familiar to first-year physics students as a Nicol prism… The worth of this idea and the true genius of Land impressed me at once, a fact of which I am proud…
      “During World War II..Land developed a device in which the gunner firing an antiaircraft gun at lifesize, three-dimensional motion pictures of planes, heard his gun, felt it vibrate, saw the stream of tracer projectiles leave its muzzle and travel on the way toward the moving targets…and no ammunition was consumed. The effect was achieved by an ingenious application of optical principles. Land has many inventions to his credit…some of them of a classified character…”
      Mannes and Godowsky didn’t just make film. They invented lenses, movie cameras and projectors.
      …”Kodachrome film was coated with three layers of ordinary black-and-white silver halide gelatin emulsion [like a ‘silver sol gel’], but with each layer made sensitive to only one-third of the spectrum…in essence. to red, green, or blue… generated in these layers as the black-and-white silver images were developed. After they had served their purpose, the silver images were chemically removed.”
      “Edwin Land of the Polaroid Corporation developed the optics for a new large format camera to be used in the U-2 mission. These new cameras were able to provide high enough resolution from 70,000 ft that you could see people on the ground.”
      Polaroid, based in Cambridge, Mass. and cooperatively participating in wartime projects at MIT’s Rad Lab, had a lucrative contract developing the DOVE heat-seeking missile: “I visited John Lothrop [in]2010…John ran the shops that made all the mechanical prototypes at Polaroid… The mechanical work on Dove was done in John’s shop, though the shop also was doing other work. This was in part of the Kaplan building, which was also a furniture store [Osborn St]… Dr. Land was directly involved, at least early in the project. Otto Wolff was chief engineer at Polaroid and led the project.”
      —the “radiation lab” (radio, radar, microwave and nuclear facility) concept is part of Oswald’s CIA profile too…

      Comment by jenniferlake — November 14, 2011 @ 12:32 am | Reply

  4. Held off making any comments on Part 1, thinking you were going to post on Nov 21….see that’s now been changed to “soon”….pity. Today, the 22nd is quite a special day…one that those of us old enough to remember, can say exactly where they were and what they were doing at the precise moment they heard of his demise…epochal event. I was hoping to be mulling it today over in the context of your latest!

    Comment by apostate — November 22, 2011 @ 11:39 am | Reply

    • Apostate, I wish I had more time to be a journalist. I was looking forward to getting it all up there too –like at once. These events are revolving doors. Every time I get in, something more spins out. The next mullable part is a proposition that New Orleans was a key point for nuclear trafficking and Oswald was there to report on it (but to whom?). The “secret cancer lab” was a layer of deception, a false-bottom package, that kept a contingent of traffickers involved in a legit-seeming clandestine operation (killing Castro) that had the blessing of the legit-seeming U.S. government. My slowness in posting is more than a time deficit. I want to write it with care.
      BTW, the time deficit is temporary.
      Joan Mellen writes “When we look at all the established evidence, Oswald and Customs officials in New Orleans; Oswald as an intimate of the chief suspect in the murder of Mary Sherman, a man who called himself Juan Valdes, and who worked at the Customs House; Oswald in Clinton and Jackson with David Ferrie and Clay Shaw; we realize that there has been to date virtually no credible official investigation of Oswald.”

      Comment by jenniferlake — November 22, 2011 @ 3:23 pm | Reply

  5. Hello Jennifer:

    You wrote: “…..a claim U.S. intelligence never could verify because aerial photography
    never clearly revealed storage bunkers.”

    In the fall of 1962, two SEALS and a CIA photographer boarded the USS SEA LION (SS-315)
    a WWII fleet submarine in Key West, FL and headed for Bahia del Mariel in Cuba.

    Roy Boehm was in charge. When the sub was near enough, at night, the three men locked out of
    the forward escape trunk with their equipment and a rubber boat. They paddled their boat and
    after landing ashore, hid their boat and found an unoccupied warehouse near the missile off-
    loading site. After observing this activity for a while, the photographer was able to get real close
    and took photos on several rolls of 35mm film. After he was finished, the three men headed
    back to their hidden boat. They left under darkness, paddled out to their rendezvous spot and
    locked back aboard the USS SEA LION. The whole operation was undetected by the Cubans.
    The photos that were taken, with their canvas covers off, identified what the missiles actually

    This recon and photo-shoot was not revealed until the publication of “FIRST SEAL” by CDR.
    Roy Boehm and Charles W. Sasser in 1997.


    Robert Marble TMCS(SS) USN (Ret)
    Mission Viejo, CA

    Comment by Robert Marble — December 19, 2011 @ 2:46 am | Reply

    • Thankyou Robert. Richard Reeves wrote the line you quoted. I hold no doubts myself that intelligence on the ground was very good, and I appreciate this information — so what were the “missiles”?
      Added note:
      Here’s a quote from The Chairman, John J. McCloy (Kai Bird, 1992):
      “For the first couple of days [of the Cuban Missile Crisis], McCloy concentrated on taking aside small groups of U.N. delegates and briefing them on the crisis. Many people, including some of Washington’s European allies, still needed to be convinced that even a naval blockade was necessary. After talking to several of his banking friends in London and Zurich, Lovett told Michael Forrestal, an aide to Mac Bundy on the National Security Council, that ‘documentary evidence is essential, since a number of countries –some of them our friends– will not take the President’s word alone.’ Consequently, two days later, Stevenson spoke to the Security Council and this time went through the exercise of displaying U-2 photos of the missile sites…”
      –possible that the photo mission was arranged to make even more credible documentation for this very purpose? What it still doesn’t prove is the presence of warheads. In fact, reason suggests that the lack of security (which could have been intentional) meant lack of warheads and what they had out there were big hollow shells. On the way out, the very same missiles were photographed on the decks of the Soviet ships from US Navy escorts on their broadsides and from helicopters flying overhead. So, there’s plenty of acceptable evidence of “missiles”.
      “All War is Deception” –Sun Tzu

      Comment by jenniferlake — December 19, 2011 @ 3:02 pm | Reply

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