Jennifer Lake's Blog

February 3, 2012

JFK Conspiracy Con IV

If you’ve read your way here starting from the beginning to part four,  this writer wants to acknowledge a milestone in personal blogging –my first “part four”.  Subjects as large as this one have normally been shunted over to create websites all their own. Even the “polioforever” blog is overburdened by this story. And what a story! The nature of the evidence connecting JFK assassination “regulars” to nuclear history is so rich and deep that I can hardly decide what to write next.  So far, I’ve been angling for an adjustment in the quasi-conventional treatment of John Kennedy’s murder to propose that there are still Big Fish in the pool and maybe even a Man on Top– albeit long dead and floating belly-up. Spawn-after-its-kind, I suspect, are still murkily circulating nearby.
   The centerpiece of this scheme is being teased out of the crafty memoir of Admiral Lewis L. Strauss and the many omissions of his biographers including himself. Since no source that I know of has ever named him directly as a candidate for calling the hit on JFK, I surmise that the effort to “Hide L.L.” has been a raging success. By his own hand, his book is a testament to understated influence, subtle to all but the intrepid students of history. There are a few blatant exceptions in Men and Decisions demonstrating what Ed Haslam calls “the deep vein of power in this country” (ha! –Ed– he does have an Ad Man’s knack for turning a phrase) and those special points that Strauss makes are an ominous ‘correction’ to historical record. Strauss does indeed put the “con” of confidence back into the JFK conspiracy. Those corrective points evade the record still. But, it’s my belief that Strauss intended his memoir to be a message for the Kennedys about who really makes the decisions, and how, the very important how, which is a message to the rest of us.
   For as much as possible, until the seams burst, the Polio Story at  is carrying the details on L.L. Strauss. As a youthful Hoover Man and Kuhn Loeb banker, he was simultaneously the president of a polio hospital back in World War One (until 1925) –a hospital founded by Rothschilds– which established his early credentials in medicine and adds background to this rendition of the Conspiracy Con.
 Mary Lasker
Internet sources for the friendship between Strauss and the Laskers mark the beginning as an episode of matchmaking in which Lewis Strauss and Bill Donovan (OSS chief) conspired to make a new couple of Albert D. Lasker and Mary Woodward Reinhardt who married a year after they met. The Lasker family had been early benefactors to the Rockefellers American Society for the Control of Cancer (the ASCC, est.1911). Not long after their marriage, in 1945, the Laskers took over the ASCC and changed its name to the American Cancer Society, installing their own allies and scientists in top posts. Strauss was to be a Lifetime Trustee.  That year the Sloan Kettering Institute, under the auspices of Memorial Hospital in New York, was chartered with a mandate for cancer research and Strauss became a founding trustee of Sloan Kettering, too, joined by Manhattan Project chiefs like James B. Conant and Arthur Compton on its board. Predictably, Men and Decisions voids all mention of polio, cancer, or Sloan Kettering, but there is a remarkable event described in which Albert Lasker took part during 1939, around the time he met Mary. The reference is to a private diplomatic mission that Strauss performed on behalf of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Executive to petition the British Government to create a new country in Africa to be “called the United States of Africa..[where] there would be a place for tens of millions [of refugees]..anxious to get away from the over-regulated, goose-stepping civilians of Russia, Germany and Italy.” Strauss relates that he “received certain assurances from Bernard Baruch, Henry Ittleson, Albert Lasker, Mr. [Lessing or William] Rosenwald and others..of considerable means..that if the British..could be persuaded to devote a..large area..for settlement by refugees from European countries..these men were willing to tithe their capital to assist it..” [pp113-114, Men and Decisions] The Lasker capital was largely accumulated by Albert’s  ownwership of the Lord & Thomas advertising agency (of Chicago) which grew fat on its promotion of cereal and cigarettes.
   After Albert’s death in 1952, Mary kindled a fast friendship with Lyndon Baines Johnson. Author Michael Beschloss described Mary as the “New York philanthropist who had a flirtatious relationship with LBJ…before campaign finance disclosure laws [were enacted]…[helping to] quietly finance the Johnson campaign..through Walter Jenkins.., LBJ’s liason to the FBI.”  Beschloss called Mary “the lavish Johnson donor” who told the new President Johnson, “There’s nothing we can’t do now..” [p57 footnote and p132, Reaching For Glory]
   Cereal and cigarettes, sure enough, also have a role to play in this amalgamated drama. There can’t be a Boomer anywhere in America who hasn’t heard of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes made by the “cereal king” Will Keith Kellogg. In 1930, Kellogg’s new foundation sponsored the construction of the Radiation Lab at Caltech that graciously gave quarter to Lewis Strauss and the ‘refugees’ Brasch and Szilard.
   It was nearly a century ago when young Florence Sheets (Mrs.Mahoney) enrolled in the Kellogg’s Battle Creek Normal School of Physical Education. She followed her graduation there with a journey to the lawless domain of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and a job teaching dance at the local YWCA. Mahoney’s biographer, Judith Robinson, reports that she had a “girlhood study medicine, but she got side-tracked on ballet,” nevertheless joining “an organization which aimed to establish health centers across the continent.” [p10, Noble Conspirator, Florence S. Mahoney and the Rise of the National Institutes of Health] In time, Mrs. Florence Mahoney and Mrs. Mary Lasker became one of Washington’s most famous pair of friends. Together, they were the Health Lobby on Capitol Hill, a partnership that began evolving in the 1920s over a mutual interest in birth control and mental health.
   In 1942, when the newly formed Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation initiated their coup in the Cancer Society, Noble Conspirator describes how the “Lasker-Bobst cabal –who dubbed themselves ‘benevolent plotters’..were ‘united in one purpose’ revolutionize American medical education, research and health care… [The cabal] included people whose names would come to be well known: Doctor Alton Ochsner, the first physician to establish a link between cancer and smoking in 1954… and Anna Rosenberg Hoffman..[who] was an intimate friend of the Laskers.” [pp51-52, Noble Conspirator, Judith Robinson]
 Anna Lederer (Mrs.) Rosenberg, Asst. Sec.of Defense 1950-1953; “Rosenberg worked hard to bring about the effective implementation of the National Security Act… In 1962, the Rosenbergs divorced and then she married Paul G. Hoffman, the first administrator of the Marshall Plan and a top United Nations official.”

“[Nelson] Rockefeller had never forgotten the debt he owed to Anna Rosenberg…At the end of the war  [he told Bill Benton] ‘..everything I’ve amounted to here in Washington, everything I feel I’ve achieved..I owe to Anna Rosenberg.”
   Rosenberg’s specialty was the military use of Human Resources, but it was her unequaled talent to pick up the phone, call a President and get things done that endeared her to Rockefeller.   Rosenberg’s years at the Pentagon came just as nuclear expansionism instituted testing in Nevada and the DoD was required to relinquish its exclusive control over atomic technology.
 Alton Ochsner
Doctor Mary’s Monkey readers will recognize Dr. Ochsner as a leading character in Haslam’s book. In fact, the who-dun-it “case for a case” into Mary Sherman’s death that DMM purports to be is solved by Ed in audio supplements –Ochsner killed Sherman with a surgically precise stab to the heart. It was an act of mercy, he says, after Mary was flash-fried and partially vaporized in a high-voltage accident, but still alive! eek! Sherman’s unrecognizable remains were then sneaked back to her own apartment and set ablaze to coverup her involvement in the secret cancer vaccine project which was supposed to counteract the monkey virus contaminated polio shots. Okay? –now, this accident could have happened with the secret particle accelerator at the New Orleans Marine Hospital. And this is Ed’s story based on a legally “improper” autopsy report, allegedly on Mary Sherman, that turned up in the special collection files at the New Orleans Public Library around 1992. We’ll go back to Ed’s story soon because Dr. Alton Ochsner knew Lee Oswald and his girlfriend Judyth Vary (Mrs. Baker). They both worked for him, it appears, according to Judyth. Ochsner, Mary Sherman, and USNavy Commander Edward Haslam Sr. were orthopedic surgery colleagues at Tulane University, and a further bond (at least) between Ochsner and Sherman existed at the private Ochsner Clinic, a “hunting cancer center” in the mode of radium dealer Pregel and a shining enterprise in the style of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
   Medical-use particle accelerators have a well known history. The general subject of pioneering work in the field can be found in the archives of the American Radium Society, especially in a 1974 presentation by Milford D. Schulz who left a document for posterity called “The Supervoltage Story.” Schulz kept his focus on the machines that marked the milestones for radiology but is quite clear that “these tools of Radiotherapy..were the spin-off of the tools of the nuclear physicist… [and] the number of radium induced gamma ray beam devices remained few..until 1929 [when] there were only 6 such devices in existence –one in Stockholm; one in Baltimore; one in Brussels; one in New York; and two in Paris…”
   For 1929, it sounds impressive and a good match on the itinerary of the traveling uranium dealers. Ernest Lawrence was still pounding around on his little cyclotrons. But it gets even better. As I said in Part One, all the particle accelerators had the capacity to make atomic bomb fuel. Schulz notes, “these devices were widely used in industry and defense. Production for [dedicated]medical purposes began in 1946 and by 1958 [we] counted 15 one megavolt and 9 two megavolt installations in such use. [1974] standards even these are..unecessarily large and..almost obsolete.” To get to the really impressive development of particle accelerators, one has to side-step the medical uses and follow the technology. In this realm, even as early as the ’40s, high-voltage acceleration was already reaching into the billions of particle volts and the machines in medical research then were most common at one-to-ten million volts (written MeV, for “million electron volts”) and topped at about 70 million. These were the so-called “low-energy” accelerators in “million volt” ranges and the best for both medical and atomic fuel purposes. Evidently, even before the first atomic bombs were built and exploded, the physicists were well beyond the applications of bombs and medicine.
   If the megavolt numbers of the “surge generator” project that Strauss, Brasch and Szilard were setting up at Caltech sound impressive, as if this was the ultimate in high-energy work, it’s because the range of energy was compatible to uses in bombs and medicine and these men were concerned with conforming their activities to the appearance of medical research.
The Office of Naval Research
Preparation for the end of World War II witnessed a flurry of high-level motion devoted to advancing the gains in science. Lewis Strauss wrote, “These days of grace in World War II had provided the time within which the Office of Scientific Research and Development, under Dr. [Vannevar] Bush and Dr. [James] Conant, performed so significantly… It was apparent that research other than the military would not languish for support after the war.  Aeronautical research would be sustained by..the aviation industry. Electronic research would prosper due to..the communication and entertainment industries..” [p145, Men and Decisions] And, as we know, medical research would flourish by way of the Laskers. But to keep a hefty wedge on the pie-chart for the military, Strauss engaged his fellows to lobby for the Office of Naval Research. The ONR was founded to “fill the breach” and inherit the mandate of the OSRD which was decommissioning for peacetime.
   The man selected as Chief Scientist of the ONR was a Russian emigre by the name of Emanuel Piore. The American Institute of Physics collected an oral history from Piore in 1977:  Among the very interesting things that Piore says about physics development in the U.S.  is his wartime role before the creation of ONR. His interviewer asks if the Bureau of Ships was the special weapons group. “No,” said Piore, “I moved from the Bureau of the Chief of Naval Operations. We were a small group..introducing new weapons to the fleet… We arranged for Navy support for the nuclear bombs… [and] We were the group that supervised the operation that killed Joe Kennedy.  The exercise was to load a B-24..with as much explosives as [it] could carry, point it at a target, control it from another plane and let the guys bail out from the big B-24. That thing exploded in the air someplace in France and Joe Kennedy was the pilot.” The interview moves right along: [Question]”How aware was the Navy Office..of the Manhattan Project?” [Piore]”The Navy was very well aware. Since I was in a specialized group and Los Alamos needed some planes,..I told the captain,..told him what it was for. He was shocked that I knew about it. I said, ‘Well, look, all my friends have gone there.’ …All these people are my friends, very close to me… Let me try to go back a little bit. During the war there was something called the Office of Research and Inventions…Run by Admiral Fuhrer..under the Navy… That was the main contact point between the Navy and Bush’s operation…. I had my contacts in Bush’s operation and I would let the admirals know what I was going to do, but they could never stop me or say ‘This is policy’. Now, towards the end of the war you had a few guys moving in there: Admiral Bowen, Captain Robert Conrad, and you had a very intelligent Secretary of the Navy by the name of James Forrestal. He had an aide by the name of Lewis Strauss –the same Lewis Strauss who was a Reserve Rear Admiral– and they had money. Money! First of all, he didn’t need very much money. They said, ‘Why don’t we start supporting universities?’…questions and answers do not provide the real flavor of those days… and all of us knew that the war was going to terminate with the Japanese.
   “..Vannevar Bush was determined to terminate the soon as the armistice with Germany had been signed…[So] this was the real motivation behind the Navy..with ONR…   ONR and the Atomic Energy Commission permitted the reinstitutionalization of graduate instruction and the renewal of research at universities… ONR and AEC provided new accelerators with ever increasing energy and detection equipment for nuclear physics and particle physics…for microwave spectroscopy and helium liquification for superconductivity and cryogenic research… Let me name a few of the laboratories that were established postwar… Nuclear Physics and Engineering at MIT, Electrical Engineering at Stanford and Harvard, ..Electronics at MIT, the Radiation Lab at Columbia, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Scripps Oceanographic Institute received generous support… Thus..assured that the brightest, the most capable, most of the men under 40, returned… Then you’ve got to appreciate that those of us in ONR understood quite apart from physics that these large machines produce instruments that become very important to society…   [ONR] started to support radioastronomy before the country was ready…   now and then we’d get a review by some admirals who’d get nervous…[but] there was a rapport with high command of the Navy. The civilian head was appointed by the Secretary of the Navy. So you had an opportunity to go and see him anytime… I always kept the top admirals involved… I would drop in and sit down and have coffee with them. Never made an appointment… But there was a tremendous confidence. Now.. evaporated as these admirals and captains retired…  One had a lot of contacts. The whole government was small…. I had contacts with Strauss….”
   Piore technically left the ONR in 1955 when the Salk vaccine went public. He appears to have been involved with Avco Manufacturing Corp. between the ONR  and his joining with IBM in 1956 as its Director of Research, responsible for transitioning the company away from an emphasis on hardware and into state-of-the-art information systems.  He had something to say about LBJ: “When Kennedy became president, he gave the responsibility of NASA to his vice president, Johnson. Johnson offered me the job to be director of NASA. This was in the early days of Kennedy’s administration. I turned it down, and they were shocked… Rusk wanted me to go to the State Department. I said, ‘I’ll go if you give me an Assistant Secretaryship.’ He said, ‘Well, you’ll be reporting to me.’ I said, ‘That won’t help me to deal with the CIA.’ ” No further explanation was offered unless one accepts IBMs newfound “interest in the educational business” is related where Piore points out that “all the large companies were buying publishing houses. General Electric started something with Time-Life Inc…RCA bought something…  Xerox got something….” Publishing, broadcasting and general psychological warfare were the CIA’s authorized charter stock-and-trade.
*  Dr. Piore
Biographical information about Emanuel Piore can be found here;query=friedman;brand=default ; Piore’s New York Times obituary names him as “the first civilian to head the Office of Naval Research” where “he basically invented the mold of federal research in the United States by persuading the admirals of the Navy to give direct federal support to scientists..irrespective of the importance of that research to the Navy.”  Piore’s papers at the American Philosophical Society (amphilsoc) to some extent show his important contacts with Sloan Kettering, Benno C. Schmidt (of Freeport McMoRan), Tekhniyon Yisra’el, Tulane, Warren Weaver (of Rockefeller and Salk Institutes), beckoning for closer attention. Piore had no interest in catering to biologists, however he married a “health policy expert”
 As he states in his AIP oral history, the ONR “civilian head” was an appointment from the Secretary of the Navy and he remained close to the Secretaries. Near the end of his ONR years, one of Piore’s Secretaries was Robert B. Anderson of Texas (Sec. of Navy from Feb 1953-May 1954) who served Eisenhower’s cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury from 1957 to 1961, alongside L.L.Strauss as the unconfirmed Secretary of Commerce. Anderson ended his government service in disgrace, caught operating an illegal off-shore bank that “laundered large amounts of cash for drug traffickers”, says wikipedia.
Secretary Anderson and Lyndon Johnson did some business together in telecommunications that led to LBJ’s ownership of the major, and for a time only, TV and radio station in Austin –station KTBC, which launched its TV programming on November 27, 1952. The Johnsons sold off the television property in 1973 but kept the radio. The Secretary of the Navy that followed Anderson was Charles Thomas who served from May 1954 to April 1957  and strangely enough, Judyth Vary Baker declares that one of her important witnesses that can validate her relationship to Lee Oswald was an “anti-Castro Cuban with a thick German accent, who worked for Customs in Buffalo New York” and called himself Charles Thomas.
This stuff is stranger than fiction.
Judyth Vary Baker talks to Jim Fetzer, “Living in Exile II”  March 2010
Judyth was Ed Haslam’s Missing Link until CBS ’60 Minutes’ brought them together in 2000 as a result of Ed’s first version of Doctor Mary’s Monkey. Since her recording with Jim Fetzer in early 2010, Haslam and his publisher, Trine Day, have released Judyth’s story ‘Me and Lee’ about her love affair with Oswald. The book was developed by Haslam while Baker was “living in exile” overseas, afraid for her life –which is still the case. In a plot twist about Ed, occurring early sometime around 1972 as he was finishing college at Tulane, he says that he encountered an imposter ‘Judyth Vary Baker’ at a New Orleans house party –an event that set the stage for his subsequent decades of looking for her.
   In 2010, Judyth tells Fetzer that she and Oswald were involved in something other than ‘bioweapons’ which she knows to be gunrunning through the miles of New Orleans riverfront. Weapons, she says in other interviews, came packaged in crates of bananas and furniture from inbound Venezuelan ships. Traffick of all sorts is a colorful epic in the history of New Orleans but plays no actual part in Doctor Mary’s Monkey. Judyth’s memories and observations over the years, however, strongly suggest that arms traffick was the reason for Oswald’s surreptitious activity in ’63. Her own reason for being there was to work undercover for Dr. Alton Ochsner with the supervision of Dr. Mary Sherman, a project that was intended to create a cancerous biological weapon for the assassination of Fidel Castro. At one time, Baker was a brilliant biology student with an ambition to cure cancer –just the kind of young person that the Atomic Energy Commission was interested in nuturing along. She came to their attention as a Florida highschool kid with the highest-ranking IQ in the state, already a lab performer successfully able to induce cancer in mice. The SV40 cancer virus had no place in Judyth’s earlier recollections as a part of her work but it is part of the story now and right in the heart of Haslam’s DMM.
The Monkey Virus
In a previous article I speculated that the Simian Virus #40 (SV40) was used as a genetic “tag” in the Salk and Sabin vaccines to satisfy a requirement by the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) for a way to track a large population for one hundred years. Polio vaccines were not the only SV40 carriers.
The ABCC was a designated field agency of the [National] Research Council [NRC], its activities supervised by a Committee on Atomic Casualties in the Division of Medical Sciences, headed by Thomas M. Rivers, bacteriologist and Director of the Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute…   A survey of projected studies made a year later suggested a duration of the work of the ABCC on the order of one hundred years…  The Commission originally planned to determine the incidence of new diseases uniquely associated with radiation, altered incidence of known diseases, altered natural histories of particular diseases, and changes in physiological status without overt disease… [i.e.]possible acceleration in the aging process in the exposed.”  [pp490-493]
   The news about SV40 contamination in the mass polio vaccines was a breaking story in several city newpapers between 1961 and 1963. It was not surprising to learn that by 1963 there was already a “scientific opinion” about SV40 as not harmful to humans –a situation that only many years of experiments and testing with humans could provide.
   There is little documentation about SV40 experiments before 1963, mirrored by the same lack of materials about fission before Hahn and Strassman’s “discovery in Germany”. What is accessible about SV40 and the polyoma viruses to which it belongs date from the 1951 findings of Ludwig Gross, polyoma virus discoverer. Two early polyoma/SV40 researchers from Caltech, who were exalted scientists of radiobiology (Dulbecco and Vogt), took positions at the Salk Institute when it opened in 1962. Not by chance, in that year, Jonas Salk announced to the nation through the newswires that cancer could be prevented with vaccines.
But what does it all mean?
   Hopefully, I’ve written enough here to make sense of the proposition that the world in 1962 was being made “safe” for nuclear proliferation of the peaceful kind. Fallout awareness was a necessary condition to bring about arms limitations for the near term, but the will to cease testing among scientific and political circles did not exist. In order to help manifest a will and generate a popular outcry, the suppressed downside of fallout diseases would have to get some overdue publicity. But which fallout diseases to choose? To this day, it’s a virtually unknown concept that the mass polio vaccines were a response to mass fallout and that neurological polio-like illnesses are the kaleidoscopic products of combined radiation and chemical injury. Years of polio investigation have shown me there are worse things than cancer –so they chose cancer, of course. They owned it. Nuclear proliferation was already built-in. They created a vaccine to “channel” cancer and made cancer treatment worse than the progression of the disease so everyone would fear it. A near perfect scheme.
   The timing of Jonas Salk’s very public announcement in 1962, preceding the Cuban Missile Crisis, seems to me a poised “option” for the predictably volatile moments of the Nuclear Brink yet-to-come. Our president had need of considering the actual use of the weapons for which we dearly paid at a time when retaliation was the expected outcome. A cancer vaccine, and even the hope of one issued from the mouth of the greatest can-do medical hero of the age, was certainly an enabling “option” in  atomic showdown. So, there are two vaccines playing a role in the missiles of October.
   Darker propositions attend the purposes of the polio vaccines: They were not merely injecting “tags” for generational surveillance but performing genetic chemotherapy on entire populations, introducing new genetic information during radioactive immune suppression. The plot to assassinate Castro by injecting cancer cells and exposing him to multiple x-rays as a “treatment” in the chance the cancer would take, as Judyth Baker speaks of, is a recipe of the exact design. It was a well studied formula in the “upward causation” of the New Biology eugenics that came to experimental fruition in the 1950s.
Initially, researchers knew little or nothing about the health effects of the basic bomb components, uranium, plutonium, and polonium.  But, as a secret history written in 1946 stated, they knew the tale of the radium dial painters..”
   The mandate of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, as just one of the agencies developing programs in the new field of Health Physics, was spelled out in a 1947 report : …”study of casualty effects. Field study of fission clouds, possible injury to water supply, soil, and the like, human damage by population surveys”……”Feeding experiments using radioactive materials in the foods”……”effects..on blood constituents and blood forming organs as well as on the nervous system”…”Recommendations for Future Research Policy”, section B “human Testing with Special Materials”…[to include] “plutonium, polonium and ‘special oils’.”   …”following is a..list of the substances on which studies of this type are necessary:
(1) Uranium and its compounds…oxides, nitrate, chlorides, bromide, tetra and hexafluoride, sodium and ammonium diurantes…
(2) chain of heavy metals : uranium x1 and x2, radium and polonium…”
   The accompanying challenge for Health Physics was obvious in developing their programs for controlled study conditions. Not only did they need to tag their experiments, but they needed the databases to log, sort, and track them. It should be a signal to us that the ONR’s cilivian head left his post in 1955 to bring an information giant like IBM up to speed. Genetic population tracking today is one of IBM’s great cooperative ventures –cooperating with you, if you will only send them your DNA .
   In a rather humorless and direct fashion, I suppose, the identifying marker in the SV40 gene-string is the “T antigen”, shortened to “Tag”. TragiComedy.
     Dr. Judah Folkman
In 1960, Judah Folkman got drafted “having deferred his service obligation for nine years –through college, medical school, an internship, and halfway through his residency…[he was then] summoned to an interview with the Office of Naval Personnel in Washington. There he learned that it wasn’t just that his number had come up; his conscription had a purpose… the government was specifically targeting draft-age doctors who had serious biomedical research experience, a very elite group…   It was the height of the cold war and a flood of money soon began to accompany the government’s new interest in physics, chemistry, biomedicine, rocketry, electronics and atmospheric science to support America’s quickly developing military and space programs… it was also the dawning of the nuclear submarine age…” [pp45-47, Dr. Folkman’s War, by Robert Cooke, 2001 Random House] …”[He] was noodling in a navy lab in Bethesda..trying to make cells grow under artificial conditions…when he’d first noticed a strange thing about tumors: They wouldn’t grow unless they first recruited their own blood vessels…[p3]…Folkman had descended from an extended clan of rabbis..[that] sent a branch to the United the late 1800s…[p7]…When Judah was nine, [his father] the rabbi spoke about the German campaign to erase the Jews from Europe, raising an interesting question about the meaning of Albert Einstein’s arrival in America as a refugee….’My father said, ‘Maybe [God] has a plan to move us all around in order to balance power… if Einstein comes here, atomic energy is developed here, not there.’” [p11] Einstein came in 1933. This comment was made to the child about 1941.
    Judah Folkman’s career as a famous cancer doctor is a tangent in this tale but Cooke’s biography is instructive to the whole, not least for flagging the point that the Jewish community was openly sharing its insights about atomic energy before the Manhattan Project even had a name. Folkman was adopted into the Lasker Syndicate through the person of Sidney Farber, the first to use chemotherapy on childhood leukemia. “By Farber’s time..the patients who didn’t die during treatment often wished that they had… No one was very pleased with chemotherapy.” [p114, Dr. Folkman’s War]
Mahoney and Lasker..considered themselves representatives of ‘citizens committees’ and in that role they brought allies and ‘citizen’ witnesses to testify before congressional committees… Albert Lasker himself had testified before a Senate committee in 1946 in favor of federal spending on cancer research. When a senator asked, ‘But whom do you represent, Mr. Lasker?,’ he replied, ‘Forty million sufferers.’ ” [pp96-97, Noble Conspirator, Judith Robinson] ..”Albert Lasker, in a sad irony, died of colon cancer. He first complained of stomach trouble in December 1949 and was extensively examined and x-rayed, but no evidence of cancer was found…. After rallying from several major operations, he died May 30, 1952.” [p57]
   “The President’s Commission on Health Needs of the Nation.. was set up in December 1951 [just after the Provo Utah gamma globulin trials during Operation Buster-Jangle] with the backing of Truman’s health adviser and Mahoney friend, Howard Rusk… ‘The commission was to consider the whole picture of health in the United States and make recommendations,’ Mahoney said. The result was a five-volume survey of healthcare in the nation..[that] emphasized opportunities not to be missed..” [p87]  “In 1951, government medical research expenditures amounted to $180 million…” [p90]
   …”With legislation permitting open-ended expansion of the NIH, many of Mahoney’s and Lasker’s dreams were fulfilled..[and they] were obvious candidates to among the first lay people to serve on the NIH advisory panels…. [Mary] Lasker served for eighteen years on Cancer and Heart Institute councils… Laskers sister, Alice Fordyce, also served on councils…” [p104] “What came to be known as the ‘Golden Era of NIH’ was well underway by the 1950s…” [p114] “By the mid-1950s the Mahoney-Lasker team had put together a stable of ‘citizen’ or ‘outside witnesses’..whom they regularly called on to testify before Congress… [Howard] Rusk, [Sidney] Farber and [Michael] DeBakey were regulars…” [p138]
   “By 1961 federal research spending had risen dramatically… a 150-fold increase since 1945…. [It] was growing so rapidly that in 1956 New York Times science editor..William Laurence, predicted that cancer, heart disease and polio would be conquered within a decade… ‘There was no..NIH precedent, nor comparable sequel, for the growth surge that ensued upon passage of the final..1957 appropriation… Within four years the NIH budget ballooned from $98.5 million to $400 million… A worldwide epidemic of the Asian Flu in 1958 furthered the cause of [funding]… And Sidney Farber brought news that the cure rate for cancer had risen from one in four to one in three people…” [pp180-182]
   “[F]ollowing the election of John F. Kennedy, Mahoney and Lasker expected sympathy… Indeed, Kennedy’s first budget request contained the largest increase for NIH ever proposed by a president…. But increasingly [NIH] advocates would be called on to justify their figures… [A]nti-poverty and civil-rights initiatives and an expanding war in Southeast Asia, were laying claim to larger chunks of the federal budget. Expenditures for medical research would be subject to growing scrutiny…” [p184] “Kennedy’s Secretary of HEW, Abraham Ribicoff, soon dropped a bombshell that startled the Mahoney-Lasker forces, who thought they were safe from the kinds of budget cuts they had fought [against]… He impounded $60 million of the $738 million that Congress already had voted for the NIH’s fiscal 1962 budget…” [p190] “In 1963, Congress, for the first time in decades, nevertheless reduced the president’s proposed research budget… More Members of Congress now were beginning to question the high NIH budget…  Questions began to be raised…  The whole pro-NIH operation had to walk on egg shells… The next round of appropriations..saw NIH’s funding reduced again, even below the president’s request. Kennedy..requested a review of the entire federal medical-research program. His role in history was soon to be tragically cut off, however.” [p194, Noble Conspirator]
Adele Edisen met Dr. Jose Rivera in April 1963 “while attending scientific meetings in Atlantic City, NJ…She was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness [the NIH]…Rivera was an administrator in the same institute…  Rivera knew Oswald’s New Orleans phone number..before Oswald himself knew…  [Rivera] asked me to do a favor when I arrived home [to New Orleans]…call Lee Harvey Oswald…[and] ‘Tell him to kill the Chief’… We’re just playing a little joke on him.”…..
Part Five, probably the LAST with a summary (in progress)

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  1. Everything you research and write is intriguing.I enjoy it quite alot.Keep on going.Plenty of things are happening quickly now.Much truth is forth coming soon.We are all in the process of being saved.I am most grateful for that.God is working in many lives.The Christ Jesus is among us.He will show great Mercy and Grace on all whose eyes are open.

    Comment by SKINNYLEGSANDALL — February 5, 2012 @ 2:03 am | Reply

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