Jennifer Lake's Blog

May 16, 2021

Severe Aging Response Syndrome


SARS, as in SARS-CoV2, and the invented vaccines inducing it should stand for Severe Aging Response Syndrome, in that all sequelae appear to relate to a rapid depletion of a most necessary nutrient: NAD+, a metabolic ‘redox’ driver that makes 500 or more essential enzymes. In the previous post ‘Grab Your NADS,’ I quote the ‘longevity’ researcher David A. Sinclair as saying “Without any NAD we’d be dead in thirty seconds.”


An example of vaccine-induced ”aging meltdown” in a young person:

“Whatsherface” posts the morbid adverse reaction of a 12-year-old to Morderna’s mRNA –caught by Max Igan at the Crowhouse, April 29


Covid, which I’m not suggesting is a virus disease, is an accelerator, like your gas pedal, driving the speed of your vehicle from 10mph (or your current age in mph)to over 100 and getting stuck there! –‘Gone in Thirty Seconds’, huh?!

The biological havoc causes  the regulators called sirtuins (which are ‘silent information regulators’) to rally to the damage areas, which is normally a different and temporary ‘repair’ job for sirtuins, which are designed to go back and ‘silence’ the genes they came from—if they ever make it back.

Cutting to the chase, I’ll re-post a three paragraph quote from Sinclair where he comments on the epigenomic, or gene expression, ‘information theory” of aging:

   “If the information theory is correct –that aging is caused by overworked epigenetic signalers responding to cellular insult and damage—it doesn’t so much matter where the damage occurs. What matters is that it is being damaged and that sirtuins are rushing all over the place to address that damage, leaving their typical responsibilities and sometimes returning [after repairs] to other places along the genome where they are silencing genes that aren’t supposed to be silenced…

   “It’s not hard to intentionally break DNA [to prove it]… You can do it with chemotherapy. You can do it with X-rays. (p48).” 

 [They can do it with vaccines!]

…”[In mice] we’d simply broken the mice’s DNA…and forced the cell to paste, or ‘ligate,’ them back together… Those breaks had induced a sirtuin response…[and] their absence from their normal duties and presence on other parts of the genome altered the ways in which lots of genes were being expressed at the wrong time… The digital [DNA] code…was the same as it has always been. But the analog [epigenetic] machine built to read that code was able to pick up only bits and pieces of the data. (p50).

…”Here’s the vital takeaway: we could age mice without affecting any of the most commonly assumed causes of aging. We hadn’t made their cells mutate. We hadn’t touched their telomeres. We hadn’t messed with their mitochondria…[or] exhausted their stem cells…[A]ll the symptoms of aging…were being caused…by the epigenetic changes that come as a result of DNA damage signals. We hadn’t given the mice all of those ailments. We had given them aging. And if you can give something, you can take it away.” –p52, Lifespan, by David A. Sinclair, 2019, Thorsons/HarperCollins publisher.


Here’s a paper from David Sinclair about sirtuins:

“Mammalian sirtuins are NAD+-dependent deacylases with a huge range of roles in transcription regulation, energy metabolism modulation, cell survival, DNA repair, inflammation, and circadian rhythm regulation…”

 I’m skipping all the biochemistry details in this post, but you can find just about every accelerated ailment in covid/vaccine reactions mentioned as sirtuin regulated; blood flow, pressure, immune surveillance, T-and-B cell activity, etc., etc., ETC.

Survival may be dependent on how well you grab your NADs.



Extra-terrestrial Curiosity

Around 1960 or so, the United States launched its first global spy satellite system and called it ARS for Advanced Reconnaissance System, a name changed soon after to ‘Corona’  –you can call it a (S)atellite Advanced Recon.System/Corona or “SARS-Corona” ‘fyou like and read about it in Atomic Oswald Three. Later on, in 2009, I heard about the satellite-based GEIS program, for Global Emerging Infections Surveillance which I speculate was not a space-based ‘watcher’ but a ‘driver’. These articles are listed in the Blog Index.

The ARS ‘name’ can be reckoned to Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which was the illness that came along in 2003 when they added ‘Severe’.

The significance of  “name-tracking,” I believe, is not just symbolic but may be a unifying thread no matter where-in-time the name comes. The program ‘name’ can appear even decades before the ‘event’ which connects them. For example, the new 5G ‘StarLink’ satellite has a naming forebear applied to GMO corn –the ‘StarLink’ Bt corn that was recalled some 20 years ago. Pretty weird name for corn, dontcha think?

In chronological order of underrated bio-catastrophes, the StarLink fiasco was followed by SARS.

StarLink Corn: What Happened | Center for Consumer Research › biotechnology › starlink-corn-what

“Jun 28, 2017 · The controversy began when traces of DNA from StarLink corn were found in taco shells and other corn related products. Although there are several varieties of Bt corns in the market, StarLink was illegal in human food. It was only approved for animal feed…”


On the face of it, StarLink  Bt genes in human food products, some 300 of them, were loudly ‘recalled’ in 2000, but like other transgenes, they persist by expanding their environment and jumping species. According to Wikipedia, StarLink was found in Saudi Arabia in 2013 and surely needs an update. Today, the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria (Bt) among others that carry it are known to cause sub-chronic lung infection and leaky gut syndrome: “ Bt’s aggressive mechanism harms the digestive system by effectively attacking normal gut cells thereby burning holes in the intestines.”

Bt toxins are a particular burden in foods that kids enjoy: milk, ice cream, cereal, pasta, potatoes and more. Claire Hope Cummings wrote in her 2008 book Uncertain Peril, “Worse, the National Research Council says that ‘the evolution of resistance to Bt crops is inevitable’…In itself, gene flow is not necessarily harmful. What matters is the kind of molecule that’s moving around, where it goes, and how it behaves once it gets there. When transgenes used to modify one plant move into another plant, they can become unstable and behave unpredictably. When natural genes do this, they are governed by biological rules that …developed over millennia to deal with gene flow and to keep species separate… Genetic engineering by definition overcomes these rules…[and] is the very essence of invasiveness, by design.” –pp31-34, Uncertain Peril

UnSIRTain perils, if you like my spelling, are rapid aging and disease, long known to be caused by radiation/RF/EMF. Look at the two agencies that funded SARS research: NIAID (Fauci’s fiefdom) and the National Institute of Aging.

I’m going to unwind some of this “gain-of-function” information about the spike protein mentioned by Dr. Fleming in his interview –so stand by and come back in a few days if you care to. The doctors Fleming mentions, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak, are in my ‘virus’ wheelhouse with their research ‘interests’ such as Norwalk Virus (Baric’s specialty–“the most common cause of gastroenteritis” with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea), and Daszak’s West Nile and Foot and Mouth Viruses. These are all poliovirus-like pathogens found in the gut, which instinct tells me have everything to do with enterotoxins like the Bt ‘insecticide’genes, the frequency signals coming off systems like GEIS and StarLink, and the epidemic occurrence of flu (polio).



Shocker: Why is this substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport

May 19, 2021

…” It’s called SM-102… [The] data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: ‘For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.’ …Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: ‘Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.’ “


Added May 22:

Now, this SM-102 substance is relevant in any amount placed in the context of this “water memory” video from 2014 showing Dr. Luc Montagnier following through on earlier experiments about the ability of water molecules to carry and transmit DNA signals into the surrounding environment –literally to transmit specific frequencies of unique DNA and other molecules through the fluid substrate. Montagnier was a Nobel Prize winner for ‘discovering’ HIV –and the documentation presented by Dr.Fleming is proof of the claim having HIV inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 spike. HIV/AIDS we all remember, induced wasting and ‘rapid aging’ on the sufferer. Dr. Nancy Banks discussed the ‘oxidative’ and ‘nitrosative’ stress disorder in AIDS patients as a ‘redox’ dysfunction and we witnessed in AIDS a kind of ‘aging meltdown’.

“Water Memory” transmission theory, video featuring Luc Montagnier


In this program, Montagnier recreates a 2005 HIV water ‘dilution’ experiment where the very fine-tune signals of HIV are detectable after multiple dilutions in water to the point of no DNA being present in the water samples. A second laboratory, far away in Italy, receives the digital signal ‘file’ of the samples, sent by internet, and exposes fresh water to the signal “music” of HIV in order to reconstitute the genetic structure of the HIV –they succeed to 98% accuracy. “This is a turning point in biology” says an Italian colleague. “Unbelievable” says another. At minute 46, Montagnier recaps with “Everything started with the measure of the electromagnetic signals as we found at the beginning [and] contrary to many other diseases, [there were] two types of signals coming from HIV-infected patients. We know the virus is there but now [2014] we’re conducting research on the bacteria—we’re trying to identify the origin of these [other] signals…as we could possibly get rid of the bacteria more easily than the HIV virus itself. That could be a means of stopping the epidemic [of AIDS]”…  [He] has found a bacteria that he thinks is the co-factor [in ‘red’ cells– blood]… [and if he could cure someone of AIDS, says Montagnier], “I would be in heaven, swimming with angels.”


Dr. Fleming’s expertise as a cardiologist would be the body’s fluid systems (water, blood, electrolytes, cytosol, secretions, etc) and the NAD-dependent angiotensin hormone that regulates them with the angiotensin-converting enzymes –the ACE(2)—receptor domains in this COVID-infiltration crime. His specialty as an MD is cofactoring the virus and bacteria in our fluids.

“The water [memory] theory…talks about signals” says the Montagnier video narration [min 31] and so does longevity researcher David Sinclair [“DNA damage signals”] and we are are very close to admission of treatment by signals alone. The CIA crossed this bridge around the time of ARS-Corona satellites, finding similitude of frequencies to mind-altering drugs.

I would urge you to read ‘EMF Killing Fields’ on the blog –it’s never been more applicable than now. We have the Corona satellites in place in 1964 when along came a ‘new’ virus– though everyone said it was influenza– which was given the name ‘coronavirus’ by David Tyrrell from the UK head of the “Common Cold” unit out of the University of London. Peter Daszak, zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance, hails from the same alma mater and so did the core of ‘crystallographers’ who discovered the structure of viral DNA (from tobacco mosaic virus) in the ’50s (Rosalind Franklin’s group, in Planting Viruses). EcoHealth Alliance, says Dr. Feming, “is NIH and the CIA.”

Biology practice went ‘quantum’ in the early 1960s.



The DNA-busters are all around you, transmitting the signals of damage—the ‘blueprints’ are signals. It explains the cellular mayhem which occurs on contact, like misfolding proteins and  ‘arrested development’ from sirtuin displacement, causing among other problems, senescent [‘old’] cells which stop replicating to avoid passing on mutations. This is cell ‘protection’ mode which Bruce Lipton teaches is the counterbalance to ‘growth’, the two modes that can’t occur at the same time. Chemical and radiation exposures in utero can result in babies born old (or not born at all) and, as David Sinclair might say, with the disease of aging.

Welcome to the Telecosm.

   In this one minute video transcribed here, Dr. Pierre Gilbert was filmed in 1995 making the statement that ,”In biological destruction there are organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. And [the] vaccines will make [it] possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think—you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as an hypothesis… this has been done. Think of Ruanda.”


The Last Mile

In telecom-speak, ‘the last mile’ is the hard-to-reach but ultimate goal of transmitting signal to every surface and person on the planet. Having entered our public technical phraseology sometime in the 1990s, I suggested on this blog after reading George Gilder’s 2000 book ‘Telecosm,’ that the last mile is you. Now, with COVID upon us, I think I can describe it—the ‘comment’ section will be used to further this exploratory definition. Meanwhile, some intriguing questions arise from possibilities in ‘water memory’, like using the fluid medium to create and manufacture ‘de novo’ genes and proteins by “playing the music” of digital microbes.


UPDATES to the timeline below should include the 1996 establishment of GEIS, the Global Emerging Infections Surveillance program. More updates will go in the rolling comments.

From EMF Killing Fields:

This snip out of the timeline is beginning to tell a story:


–Mad Cow disease is identified, caused by ‘prions’, farmer/scientist Mark Purdey files suit in the UK; originally called “bovine AIDS”

–Feb., US Congress passes the Telecommunications Act of 1996; prohibits local gov’ts and citizens from siting cell towers based on health and environment concerns

–May, Alzheimer’s world expert, Dr. Tsunao Saitoh, is murdered in La Jolla, California during broad daylight by ‘men in black’

–May-Oct, largest outbreak of E.coli in history; Japan; 17,877 cases, 12 deaths (peak in July)

WAR in the Congo (initiated as ‘first Congo war’), ongoing… Hostilities estimated to have killed 10 million

–July, The US Dept. of Defense issues the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directive featuring Active Denial acoustic frequency systems

–US Food and Drug Administration “revised 50-year-old regulations to allow medical researchers to enroll patients.. without their consent” [see Jay Katz obit]

–Aug., U.S. Air Force reveals techniques on “Owning the Weather”…………..

And let’s not forget:

“New York City’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was created in 1996 by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to manage the city’s response to catastrophes, including terrorist attacks (see 1996). In the years preceding 9/11, it holds regular interagency training exercises… One exercise, which takes place in May 2001, is based on terrorists attacking New York with bubonic plague (see May 11, 2001)… OEM will be preparing for a bioterrorism exercise the morning of 9/11… ( a blog about the anthrax attacks)


Part of that story is told in “Blood Coltan…the precious metal in the heart of every mobile [phone] from the Congo”

   Another part of the story has roots in the late 60s with the development of genetic recombination and the successful achievements of Paul Berg combining E.coli with the SV40 monkey virus “transgene”. SV40, an ingredient in mass-produced vaccines of the 50s and 60s along with HeLa cells, readily ‘expresses’ its genes under the influence of radiofrequency. The rapidly proliferating, gene-swapping E.coli are the most natural bacteria vector in the mammalian life-cycle.

   In 1974, the Director of the NIH was one of the top “health physicists” in the country, Dr. Robert S. Stone of UCLA. Stone participated in the secret human plutonium injection experiments for the Manhattan Project (Atomic Energy Commission). In the early 70s, as the mobile-phone/cellular rollout was underway, NIH Director Stone penned this official note to a colleague: “…a year ago [1973] our concern was limited to only a few [genetically recombined] agents of importance to man, such as the infectious adenovirus 2-SV40 hybrids. In the past year, the technology for the production of autonomously replicating DNA recombinants has burgeoned, and we will have to be concerned not only with possible pathogens of human beings, but also..agents of agricultural and industrial importance…”

*(end of snip from EMF Killing Fields)



1 Comment »

  1. Just found u on SGTREPORT!

    Comment by David Fowler — May 21, 2021 @ 3:27 am | Reply

    Thank you Dave –didn’t know the source of the uptick. I just listened and watched Sofia & Sean’s podcast. Definitely interesting contributions there! Bill Gates’s ‘sewage’ water strikes a nerve. I had just seen a video on “water memory” featuring Luc Montagnier where they present an experiment to show the transmitting/carrier capacity of water to signal DNA frequencies even when there is NO longer any DNA present –very metaphysical– adds a new dimension to the ‘practice’.
    Watch it here:

    Comment by jenniferlake — May 21, 2021 @ 1:32 pm | Reply

    Comment by jenniferlake — May 21, 2021 @ 4:21 pm | Reply

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