Jennifer Lake's Blog

July 10, 2010

Why Were Monkey Viruses in Polio Vaccines?

                                                  Why were monkey viruses in polio vaccines?
The answer to that question usually comes back: because monkey kidneys were used for growing the vaccine cultures. But we should consider that the monkey viruses were more “insult” than “injury”. By 1951, the military medical researchers had fast-acting, aggressive cancer cells from a cervical tumor produced by a tobacco worker, Henrietta Lacks. It’s not insignificant that Ms. Lacks handled tobacco –a known source of ‘added’ polonium, one of the first isolated ‘daughter’ isotopes of radium, and considered deadlier than plutonium. Her cells were named for her, “HeLa”, and disitributed to priority laboratories where cultivation techniques were rapidly undertaken. Leo Szilard, Einstein’s close associate and a “Father of the Bomb”, personally assisted in devising irradiation methods for growing HeLa cells on which to grow polioviruses!
 The polio vaccines were supposed by the US government to prevent neurological radiation illness. They would have needed to also prevent cancer. Was the polio vaccine secretly ‘double-billed’ as an anti-radiation drug to combat both polio and cancer? It was designed, however, to do neither. Vaccination for the purpose of provoking “active immunity” installs the disease it purports to prevent, bypassing and subverting the regulation of the brain. The monkey viruses are a devilish “tag”, allowing subsequent researchers to follow the course of cancer and disease initiated during the era of nuclear Fallout. A ‘new normal’ on the disease Front was taking place and a population tracking method in the form of identifiable DNA would help define a statistical baseline for the new era of chronic disease. To be certain, General Stanhope Bayne-Jones of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board announced to the New York hospital association in 1949 that chronic disease was our future.
 Any foreign DNA incorporated into the human genome presents a risk for excess cancer, inducing a genetic destabilization, and radiation all by itself  “reassorts” genes and raises the risk. If we were truly healthy and not subjected to a century of disinformation about biology and nutrition, our bodies would be adapting and eliminating aberrant cells. But our poor exhausted immune systems face only the increasing onslaught of destabilizing chemicals and radiation. These are the real causes of modern diseases.
Injectible vaccines are going the way of the dinosaur. Public opinion has rallied against them. Fake pandemics are becoming exposed.
…and ‘they’ are ready for this shift. Biophysical engineering of food and commodities now deliver not only the vaccines of the future, but have us swallowing the ingredients of nano-microprocessors. The age of the soft machines is here.
“Immortal” HeLa cells
Growing HeLa at UMinnesota
…” If you could pile all HeLa cells ever grown onto a scale, they’d weigh more than 50 million metric tons—as much as a hundred Empire State Buildings. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the effects of the atom bomb; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions.”
Disturbing statements made by Judyth Vary Baker, who worked on the secret ‘cancer-weapon’ under Alton Ochsner and Mary Sherman, suggests that SV40 was intentionally recombined with human (HeLa cell?) DNA to make it lethal. Was this “hybrid” SV40 in polio vaccines? In a reversal of the proposition put forward by Ed Haslam in “Dr. Mary’s Monkey”, was monkey tissue chosen initially because it was more compatible with humans and therefore deemed noncancerous to humans?
Stanhope Bayne-Jones was a New Orleans native who began his educational career path at Tulane.
Along with J. Steven Simmons and Francis Blake, Bayne-Jones hand selected the medical scientists who created the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. Yale alum, Dr. Thomas Francis, mentor to Jonas Salk, was the committee’s first choice. Francis and Salk maintained a working partnership to produce influenza and polio vaccines, both ‘master’ diseases caused by radiation and chemicals.
   According to the biography snip in the link above, in 1964 Bayne-Jones “was chosen as one of the ten members of the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health, which issued the famous Surgeon General’s Report in 1964 that linked smoking to cancer.”   Successful negative advertising has pushed the public away from inquiring about the manipulation of tobacco, however, the issue of polonium and the specific case of Henrietta Lacks points to earlier experimentation in the “health physics” model of creating a surreptitious sub-population of human guinea pigs.
…for now, that’s another story for another day.
Related: Stanhope Bayne-Jones, who became the Dean of Yale Medical School in 1935, virtually shut-out  ‘alternative’ anti-infective bacteriophage research in the United States, explaining why bacteriophage pioneer Felix d’Herelle took his final leave of the US from a position at Yale.

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