Jennifer Lake's Blog

May 16, 2021

Severe Aging Response Syndrome


SARS, as in SARS-CoV2, and the invented vaccines inducing it should stand for Severe Aging Response Syndrome, in that all sequelae appear to relate to a rapid depletion of a most necessary nutrient: NAD+, a metabolic ‘redox’ driver that makes 500 or more essential enzymes. In the previous post ‘Grab Your NADS,’ I quote the ‘longevity’ researcher David A. Sinclair as saying “Without any NAD we’d be dead in thirty seconds.”


An example of vaccine-induced ”aging meltdown” in a young person:

“Whatsherface” posts the morbid adverse reaction of a 12-year-old to Morderna’s mRNA –caught by Max Igan at the Crowhouse, April 29


Covid, which I’m not suggesting is a virus disease, is an accelerator, like your gas pedal, driving the speed of your vehicle from 10mph (or your current age in mph)to over 100 and getting stuck there! –‘Gone in Thirty Seconds’, huh?!

The biological havoc causes  the regulators called sirtuins (which are ‘silent information regulators’) to rally to the damage areas, which is normally a different and temporary ‘repair’ job for sirtuins, which are designed to go back and ‘silence’ the genes they came from—if they ever make it back.

Cutting to the chase, I’ll re-post a three paragraph quote from Sinclair where he comments on the epigenomic, or gene expression, ‘information theory” of aging:

   “If the information theory is correct –that aging is caused by overworked epigenetic signalers responding to cellular insult and damage—it doesn’t so much matter where the damage occurs. What matters is that it is being damaged and that sirtuins are rushing all over the place to address that damage, leaving their typical responsibilities and sometimes returning [after repairs] to other places along the genome where they are silencing genes that aren’t supposed to be silenced…

   “It’s not hard to intentionally break DNA [to prove it]… You can do it with chemotherapy. You can do it with X-rays. (p48).” 

 [They can do it with vaccines!]

…”[In mice] we’d simply broken the mice’s DNA…and forced the cell to paste, or ‘ligate,’ them back together… Those breaks had induced a sirtuin response…[and] their absence from their normal duties and presence on other parts of the genome altered the ways in which lots of genes were being expressed at the wrong time… The digital [DNA] code…was the same as it has always been. But the analog [epigenetic] machine built to read that code was able to pick up only bits and pieces of the data. (p50).

…”Here’s the vital takeaway: we could age mice without affecting any of the most commonly assumed causes of aging. We hadn’t made their cells mutate. We hadn’t touched their telomeres. We hadn’t messed with their mitochondria…[or] exhausted their stem cells…[A]ll the symptoms of aging…were being caused…by the epigenetic changes that come as a result of DNA damage signals. We hadn’t given the mice all of those ailments. We had given them aging. And if you can give something, you can take it away.” –p52, Lifespan, by David A. Sinclair, 2019, Thorsons/HarperCollins publisher.


Here’s a paper from David Sinclair about sirtuins:

“Mammalian sirtuins are NAD+-dependent deacylases with a huge range of roles in transcription regulation, energy metabolism modulation, cell survival, DNA repair, inflammation, and circadian rhythm regulation…”

 I’m skipping all the biochemistry details in this post, but you can find just about every accelerated ailment in covid/vaccine reactions mentioned as sirtuin regulated; blood flow, pressure, immune surveillance, T-and-B cell activity, etc., etc., ETC.

Survival may be dependent on how well you grab your NADs.



Extra-terrestrial Curiosity

Around 1960 or so, the United States launched its first global spy satellite system and called it ARS for Advanced Reconnaissance System, a name changed soon after to ‘Corona’  –you can call it a (S)atellite Advanced Recon.System/Corona or “SARS-Corona” ‘fyou like and read about it in Atomic Oswald Three. Later on, in 2009, I heard about the satellite-based GEIS program, for Global Emerging Infections Surveillance which I speculate was not a space-based ‘watcher’ but a ‘driver’. These articles are listed in the Blog Index.

The ARS ‘name’ can be reckoned to Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which was the illness that came along in 2003 when they added ‘Severe’.

The significance of  “name-tracking,” I believe, is not just symbolic but may be a unifying thread no matter where-in-time the name comes. The program ‘name’ can appear even decades before the ‘event’ which connects them. For example, the new 5G ‘StarLink’ satellite has a naming forebear applied to GMO corn –the ‘StarLink’ Bt corn that was recalled some 20 years ago. Pretty weird name for corn, dontcha think?

In chronological order of underrated bio-catastrophes, the StarLink fiasco was followed by SARS.

StarLink Corn: What Happened | Center for Consumer Research › biotechnology › starlink-corn-what

“Jun 28, 2017 · The controversy began when traces of DNA from StarLink corn were found in taco shells and other corn related products. Although there are several varieties of Bt corns in the market, StarLink was illegal in human food. It was only approved for animal feed…”


On the face of it, StarLink  Bt genes in human food products, some 300 of them, were loudly ‘recalled’ in 2000, but like other transgenes, they persist by expanding their environment and jumping species. According to Wikipedia, StarLink was found in Saudi Arabia in 2013 and surely needs an update. Today, the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria (Bt) among others that carry it are known to cause sub-chronic lung infection and leaky gut syndrome: “ Bt’s aggressive mechanism harms the digestive system by effectively attacking normal gut cells thereby burning holes in the intestines.”

Bt toxins are a particular burden in foods that kids enjoy: milk, ice cream, cereal, pasta, potatoes and more. Claire Hope Cummings wrote in her 2008 book Uncertain Peril, “Worse, the National Research Council says that ‘the evolution of resistance to Bt crops is inevitable’…In itself, gene flow is not necessarily harmful. What matters is the kind of molecule that’s moving around, where it goes, and how it behaves once it gets there. When transgenes used to modify one plant move into another plant, they can become unstable and behave unpredictably. When natural genes do this, they are governed by biological rules that …developed over millennia to deal with gene flow and to keep species separate… Genetic engineering by definition overcomes these rules…[and] is the very essence of invasiveness, by design.” –pp31-34, Uncertain Peril

UnSIRTain perils, if you like my spelling, are rapid aging and disease, long known to be caused by radiation/RF/EMF. Look at the two agencies that funded SARS research: NIAID (Fauci’s fiefdom) and the National Institute of Aging.

I’m going to unwind some of this “gain-of-function” information about the spike protein mentioned by Dr. Fleming in his interview –so stand by and come back in a few days if you care to. The doctors Fleming mentions, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak, are in my ‘virus’ wheelhouse with their research ‘interests’ such as Norwalk Virus (Baric’s specialty–“the most common cause of gastroenteritis” with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea), and Daszak’s West Nile and Foot and Mouth Viruses. These are all poliovirus-like pathogens found in the gut, which instinct tells me have everything to do with enterotoxins like the Bt ‘insecticide’genes, the frequency signals coming off systems like GEIS and StarLink, and the epidemic occurrence of flu (polio).



Shocker: Why is this substance in the Moderna COVID vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport

May 19, 2021

…” It’s called SM-102… [The] data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: ‘For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.’ …Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: ‘Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.’ “


Added May 22:

Now, this SM-102 substance is relevant in any amount placed in the context of this “water memory” video from 2014 showing Dr. Luc Montagnier following through on earlier experiments about the ability of water molecules to carry and transmit DNA signals into the surrounding environment –literally to transmit specific frequencies of unique DNA and other molecules through the fluid substrate. Montagnier was a Nobel Prize winner for ‘discovering’ HIV –and the documentation presented by Dr.Fleming is proof of the claim having HIV inserted into the SARS-CoV-2 spike. HIV/AIDS we all remember, induced wasting and ‘rapid aging’ on the sufferer. Dr. Nancy Banks discussed the ‘oxidative’ and ‘nitrosative’ stress disorder in AIDS patients as a ‘redox’ dysfunction and we witnessed in AIDS a kind of ‘aging meltdown’.

“Water Memory” transmission theory, video featuring Luc Montagnier


In this program, Montagnier recreates a 2005 HIV water ‘dilution’ experiment where the very fine-tune signals of HIV are detectable after multiple dilutions in water to the point of no DNA being present in the water samples. A second laboratory, far away in Italy, receives the digital signal ‘file’ of the samples, sent by internet, and exposes fresh water to the signal “music” of HIV in order to reconstitute the genetic structure of the HIV –they succeed to 98% accuracy. “This is a turning point in biology” says an Italian colleague. “Unbelievable” says another. At minute 46, Montagnier recaps with “Everything started with the measure of the electromagnetic signals as we found at the beginning [and] contrary to many other diseases, [there were] two types of signals coming from HIV-infected patients. We know the virus is there but now [2014] we’re conducting research on the bacteria—we’re trying to identify the origin of these [other] signals…as we could possibly get rid of the bacteria more easily than the HIV virus itself. That could be a means of stopping the epidemic [of AIDS]”…  [He] has found a bacteria that he thinks is the co-factor [in ‘red’ cells– blood]… [and if he could cure someone of AIDS, says Montagnier], “I would be in heaven, swimming with angels.”


Dr. Fleming’s expertise as a cardiologist would be the body’s fluid systems (water, blood, electrolytes, cytosol, secretions, etc) and the NAD-dependent angiotensin hormone that regulates them with the angiotensin-converting enzymes –the ACE(2)—receptor domains in this COVID-infiltration crime. His specialty as an MD is cofactoring the virus and bacteria in our fluids.

“The water [memory] theory…talks about signals” says the Montagnier video narration [min 31] and so does longevity researcher David Sinclair [“DNA damage signals”] and we are are very close to admission of treatment by signals alone. The CIA crossed this bridge around the time of ARS-Corona satellites, finding similitude of frequencies to mind-altering drugs.

I would urge you to read ‘EMF Killing Fields’ on the blog –it’s never been more applicable than now. We have the Corona satellites in place in 1964 when along came a ‘new’ virus– though everyone said it was influenza– which was given the name ‘coronavirus’ by David Tyrrell from the UK head of the “Common Cold” unit out of the University of London. Peter Daszak, zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance, hails from the same alma mater and so did the core of ‘crystallographers’ who discovered the structure of viral DNA (from tobacco mosaic virus) in the ’50s (Rosalind Franklin’s group, in Planting Viruses). EcoHealth Alliance, says Dr. Feming, “is NIH and the CIA.”

Biology practice went ‘quantum’ in the early 1960s.



The DNA-busters are all around you, transmitting the signals of damage—the ‘blueprints’ are signals. It explains the cellular mayhem which occurs on contact, like misfolding proteins and  ‘arrested development’ from sirtuin displacement, causing among other problems, senescent [‘old’] cells which stop replicating to avoid passing on mutations. This is cell ‘protection’ mode which Bruce Lipton teaches is the counterbalance to ‘growth’, the two modes that can’t occur at the same time. Chemical and radiation exposures in utero can result in babies born old (or not born at all) and, as David Sinclair might say, with the disease of aging.

Welcome to the Telecosm.

   In this one minute video transcribed here, Dr. Pierre Gilbert was filmed in 1995 making the statement that ,”In biological destruction there are organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. And [the] vaccines will make [it] possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think—you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as an hypothesis… this has been done. Think of Ruanda.”


The Last Mile

In telecom-speak, ‘the last mile’ is the hard-to-reach but ultimate goal of transmitting signal to every surface and person on the planet. Having entered our public technical phraseology sometime in the 1990s, I suggested on this blog after reading George Gilder’s 2000 book ‘Telecosm,’ that the last mile is you. Now, with COVID upon us, I think I can describe it—the ‘comment’ section will be used to further this exploratory definition. Meanwhile, some intriguing questions arise from possibilities in ‘water memory’, like using the fluid medium to create and manufacture ‘de novo’ genes and proteins by “playing the music” of digital microbes.


UPDATES to the timeline below should include the 1996 establishment of GEIS, the Global Emerging Infections Surveillance program. More updates will go in the rolling comments.

From EMF Killing Fields:

This snip out of the timeline is beginning to tell a story:


–Mad Cow disease is identified, caused by ‘prions’, farmer/scientist Mark Purdey files suit in the UK; originally called “bovine AIDS”

–Feb., US Congress passes the Telecommunications Act of 1996; prohibits local gov’ts and citizens from siting cell towers based on health and environment concerns

–May, Alzheimer’s world expert, Dr. Tsunao Saitoh, is murdered in La Jolla, California during broad daylight by ‘men in black’

–May-Oct, largest outbreak of E.coli in history; Japan; 17,877 cases, 12 deaths (peak in July)

WAR in the Congo (initiated as ‘first Congo war’), ongoing… Hostilities estimated to have killed 10 million

–July, The US Dept. of Defense issues the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directive featuring Active Denial acoustic frequency systems

–US Food and Drug Administration “revised 50-year-old regulations to allow medical researchers to enroll patients.. without their consent” [see Jay Katz obit]

–Aug., U.S. Air Force reveals techniques on “Owning the Weather”…………..

And let’s not forget:

“New York City’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was created in 1996 by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to manage the city’s response to catastrophes, including terrorist attacks (see 1996). In the years preceding 9/11, it holds regular interagency training exercises… One exercise, which takes place in May 2001, is based on terrorists attacking New York with bubonic plague (see May 11, 2001)… OEM will be preparing for a bioterrorism exercise the morning of 9/11… ( a blog about the anthrax attacks)


Part of that story is told in “Blood Coltan…the precious metal in the heart of every mobile [phone] from the Congo”

   Another part of the story has roots in the late 60s with the development of genetic recombination and the successful achievements of Paul Berg combining E.coli with the SV40 monkey virus “transgene”. SV40, an ingredient in mass-produced vaccines of the 50s and 60s along with HeLa cells, readily ‘expresses’ its genes under the influence of radiofrequency. The rapidly proliferating, gene-swapping E.coli are the most natural bacteria vector in the mammalian life-cycle.

   In 1974, the Director of the NIH was one of the top “health physicists” in the country, Dr. Robert S. Stone of UCLA. Stone participated in the secret human plutonium injection experiments for the Manhattan Project (Atomic Energy Commission). In the early 70s, as the mobile-phone/cellular rollout was underway, NIH Director Stone penned this official note to a colleague: “…a year ago [1973] our concern was limited to only a few [genetically recombined] agents of importance to man, such as the infectious adenovirus 2-SV40 hybrids. In the past year, the technology for the production of autonomously replicating DNA recombinants has burgeoned, and we will have to be concerned not only with possible pathogens of human beings, but also..agents of agricultural and industrial importance…”

*(end of snip from EMF Killing Fields)



February 3, 2021

Making and Faking Viruses


*image of ‘viruses’ in seawater sample


This post is a “cut to the chase” about the War Upon You – the uncomplicated version of context—drawn forward from the Big Science coup d’etat of World War Two and our cultural entry into the Nuclear/Space Age. The Big Science of biology and genetics goes from “Tobacco Mosaic Virus to Coronavirus” in my review Planting Viruses, as an intertwining parallel to the high-energy technology that brought nuclear missiles, satellites and global communications to the planet.  Radiation, whatever its source, is a biological weapon outside of the limited compatibility range in which we evolved. Radiation co-factored with chemistry –specifically biochemistry— is the basis of Life as we know it. Radiation and chemicals together makes, unmakes, and remakes the living world. Edward Teller, “father of the hydrogen bomb”, remarked that his weapons would “change mankind’s relationship with the universe”. Despite his own chronic health problems related to his work, Teller maintained that “radiation is good for you.”

The very “fine forces” that hold us together as living beings are electro-chemical bonds (not ‘flesh and blood’ per se) under constant over-riding assault from ‘technology’, be it frequencies, gmo foods, medicines, pollutants and the rest. That said, Planting Viruses is following the trail of documentation from TMV to CoV to show how public attention has been diverted away from the real causes of modern epidemics to the pseudoscientific Germ Theory of disease by way of planting viruses from plants! It’s a big, slow story in need of a Teller, you could say, to give it impact —  but a great deal of the evidence is straightforward at the laboratory level. Scientific “maker” culture reduces all to its smallest irreducible parts and “rebuilds” –  “build back better” as we hear it said today, applied to everything that defines us.  Planting Viruses is just one more Lost Chapter in the theft of our humanity, demonstrated here by the breaking of species barriers. Among the questions raised and addressed is the proposition that ‘universal’ polio vaccines of the 1950s were loaded with plant genes and propagated on substrates bearing plant genes, like Hela cells harboring Tobacco Mosaic Virus. The poliovirus, for all the world, is a plant.


Keep this in mind:

“It’s raining viruses, but don’t panic” (published 2018)

[article excerpt]

“Viruses and the organisms they infect are extremely highly coevolved,” Suttle explains, “and as part of that process, viruses are really, really good at moving genetic information around. In fact, the field of biotechnology originated [with the discovery] that you could use a virus to move genetic information from one organism to another. The original genetic engineering, if you like, was using viruses to actually move genes around among organisms.”

A large percentage of human nucleic acids — our DNA — is actually viruses that are “still stuck in our genome,” Suttle points out. The placenta of mammals contains a protein that was donated by viruses; major components of our nervous system are the result of genetic information donated from viruses. “Viruses are masters at moving genetic information around and, as a result of that, they’ve been absolutely crucial to the evolution of all organisms,” he says. [end except]


“Synthetic viruses: a new opportunity…” (published Dec.2009)

“Rapid progress in DNA synthesis and sequencing is spearheading the deliberate, large-scale genetic alteration of organisms. These new advances in DNA manipulation have been extended to the level of whole-genome synthesis, as evident from the synthesis of poliovirus, from the resurrection of the extinct 1918 strain of influenza virus and of human endogenous retroviruses…”


Polioviruses are “Members of the family Picornaviridae (genus Enterovirus) and of the family Secoviridae (genus Comovirus) were the first characterized members of the order and infect vertebrates and plants, respectively. The order also includes viruses infecting invertebrates (families Dicistroviridae and Iflaviridae) or algae (family Marnaviridae). Large-scale environmental genomic studies suggest the presence of a large number of uncharacterized picorna-like viruses in the ocean.”

“The poliovirus is capable of producing an encephalitis, with or without symptoms, in the absence of any damage to the spinal cord. As far as the pathologist is concerned all cases of polio are encephalitic”.[p21] It’s amazing that something so small can do so much damage…But the poliovirus doesn’t attach to and damage just any cell. It is a ‘guided missile’ that does one thing: seek out, damage, and destroy the neurons that “activate” you –the ones that activate your brain and muscles. The poliovirus is the perfect human “Off switch”…

The author of those words, Richard L. Bruno in The Polio Paradox, appears to sincerely believe in the vaccine prevention of polio and writes nothing about the radiation and chemical cause of polio-like disease, a newly immanent crisis in the United States as the country emerged from World War II and catapulted into the Nuclear Age. Doctors in the 1940s attempting to ‘isolate’ poliovirus (serum) from polio patients were overwhelmingly unable to find the infectious agents.  The mandate to prevent polio with a ‘cure’ in the era of radioactive fallout seems incentive enough to “plant” a virus and use the vaccine in a new kind of “vaccine diplomacy” among nuclear-armed nations.

* Mahoney Type 1 poliovirus


The “wild” Mahoney type 1 poliovirus was collected and filtered into solution “virus” in 1941 by Dr. Thomas Francis of the Rockefeller Hospital. Personal physician to the Rockefeller family, Dr. Francis at the time had been newly set up at the University of Michigan on U.S. Army business in the capacity of  a public health laboratory. The Mahoney sample came from the pooled feces of three Cleveland area siblings who were asymptomatic –healthy!—and became the “type species” (first to be discovered) of the picornaviruses, or “prototype” as Eckard Wimmer noted in his 2002 created-from-scratch documents. The Mahoney strain procured in the lab, it turned out, was the deadliest of the recent polio filtrates. Work on another new polio vaccine, ongoing since the 1930s, however, was delayed;  Thomas Francis and his collaborator Jonas Salk were set on the task of making an influenza vaccine during the war. Clinically observed as sickness, there was no difference between polio and flu, but polio was to retain its distinctively special character as “infantile paralysis”—by then, a political definition of great value. All “influenza-like” disease, we now know, can be produced from exposure to radiation and chemicals.

Down Under in Australia’s city of Melbourne, Frank McFarlane Burnet was set on the same task of making an influenza vaccine for his government in WWII, to which he had also recommended the making of bioweapons in the form of intestinal agents. Burnet favorably selected influenza virus over the poliovirus for influenza’s quality of stability in lab experiments –having a larger genome it was less likely to mutate out of existence as poliovirus would were it not for vaccination and revaccination.

Contemporary  investigations reveal that plant viruses are normal commensals of the human gut, as they should be, able to be collected and reconstituted from newborn, exclusively breast-fed infants. In a very small but significant study, modern observers noted that 17 plant viruses were collected from newborn human feces, including tobacco mosaic virus, the “type species” of the helical rod, filamentous group. None of the parents of these newborns used or worked with tobacco, although it is known that TMV ‘infects’ many hundreds of plant species, including the most valuable food crops and flowers. Tobacco Mosaic Virus is the first virus, the prototypical “filtrate” substance obtained and ‘confirmed’ as a disease agent in 1892.  With this tobacco virus “tool”, I propose to demonstrate how TMV mutants and by-products became the “vaccine” viruses of modern allopathic practice.


Eckard Wimmer, the elderly researcher who created poliovirus from scratch: …”My favorite virus is poliovirus… and in 2002 we published a paper that we had recreated the virus from information on the internet and no virus was necessary…. This was an enormous shock…[because] the parent of this virus…was the computer.”


“Originally trained as an organic chemist, Wimmer developed a deep understanding and fascination for viruses as replicating (living) biological entities as well as (non-living) aggregates of organic compounds, or, “as chemicals with a life cycle”.[2][3] After working on the structure of tRNAs and the structure of a plant RNA virus (satellite tobacco necrosis virus), Wimmer chose to study poliovirus in 1968. Poliovirus is the cause of the horrific disease poliomyelitis, which can cause irreversible flaccid paralysis and even death. Neither the molecular biology of poliovirus proliferation nor the mechanism of its pathogenesis was understood in the nineteen sixties…  Using the nucleotide sequence of the genome deciphered in 1981, Wimmer followed up on the work published in 1991 by synthesizing chemically the genome in the form of double stranded DNA (“cDNA”), which was then transcribed enzymatically[16] into genome RNA and “booted to life” in the cell free system.[3] This work, published in 2002 by Cello, Paul and Wimmer, was the first test-tube synthesis of an organism in the absence of a natural template achieved outside living cells.[3] The poliovirus synthesis caught global attention, high praise, ridicule and fierce condemnation…”

Wimmer’s company : CODAGENICS, is shopping its corona vaccine

“Starting from only viral sequence data (no physical virus), Codagenix can routinely design, construct, and grow multiple live-attenuated vaccine candidates ready for animal safety and efficacy testing in less than one month, and faster if needed as new outbreak strains are identified… We seek to upend the current approach to making live-attenuated vaccines”…


In reality… “Except for a few cases, viruses are not surrounded by a membrane. If present, the membrane around a virus particle – as seen in electron microscopic images – stems usually from the host cell. Viruses have no energy metabolism of their own. Consequently, they cannot perform syntheses and are thus unable to replicate themselves…  With plant viruses, the term specificity (or host-specificity) has a very narrow meaning, since no plant virus as such exists….”


“All viruses are good viruses”…”they are solvents”….”[and] the only way [people] can get a swine flu or a bird flu is if [it] is injected in them” –Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD


From Stefan Lanka: Pathogenic, disease-causing “Viruses Don’t Exist”




Planting Viruses is a series-in-progress. So far, part three is currently under construction out of a probable five or six. When I finish it, I’ll be back to this spot to post a summary of each segment.

It starts here:



September 24, 2020

COVID, of course, by DARPA



Well, I’m cutting to the chase  –even though I won’t be skipping the BATS, rats and vats in this scenario–  DARPA’s M-O is the essence of speed. They kind of deny it.

“ ‘We have been thinking about and preparing for this a long time’ …said Amy Jenkins, manager of DARPA’s antibody program, which is known as the Pandemic Prevention Platform, or P3 …In that program and other [programs], DARPA has quietly been seeding the ground for…a rapid cure for a pathogen like covid-19 for years…”


This quote above, and all others following, comes from a Washington Post article published back on July 30, found at

A no-brainer, you could say, but a good condensed catch-up story on DARPA’s CoV footprint in vaccine-making.  Unfortunately, there’s not a dot in this piece about delivery tech, test methods or formulas also sponsored by DARPA, suggested by ‘other programs.’ Please do read on to ‘DARPA’s Darkest Agenda’ and the activist post found at ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and ‘DARPA’s Man in Wuhan’ below.

Nonetheless: “ ‘Being at DARPA at this time is exciting…because we get to see the research work that was funded… ten to fifteen years ago now really start to pay off,’ acting director [and current deputy dir.] Peter Highnam said…” speaking of COVID.

Remember this is fun!

Paying Off

“The first company [Moderna]… to enter clinical trials with a vaccine…was funded by DARPA. So was the second company [Inovio]. And the P3 program has already led to the world’s first study in humans of… antibody treatment… In addition to Moderna, two other pharmaceutical companies –Pfizer and CureVac—are pursuing RNA vaccines… CureVac was also funded by DARPA… …  DARPA also funded… companies [unnamed]  that manufacture vaccines…in tobacco-like plants as well as a ‘self-assembling vaccine’ platform at Massachusetts General Hospital…  ”

Something I appreciate is the article asking the natural question about treatment with antibodies:

 “Instead of forcing the body to produce antibodies using a vaccine, why not just inject the best antibody directly? The DARPA team began to pursue that aim in parallel. [Dan] Wattendorf called the rapid delivery of an antibody using RNA ‘the more aspirational dream.’ The idea was to take…the best antibody out of thousands in the bloodstream. Then, the genetic code of that antibody could be injected [into combat troops]…to give…protection…immediately. Protection could range from a few weeks to a few months –enough time for a deployment. In a pandemic, DARPA envisioned using such antibodies as a ‘firebreak’… For example, if one person in a nursing home tests positive, the antibody could be given to all the other residents…  DARPA had funded the development of rapid antibody technologies for years. Then, around 2016, DARPA director Arati Prabhakar [second woman in the chair, after Regina Dugan] wanted to weave [the programs] together into a production line… The result was the Pandemic Prevention Platform, which Prabhakar signed off on before leaving DARPA in January 2017. The goal of [P3]…was to develop an antibody for any virus within 60 days of receiving the blood sample of a survivor.”

Credit for DARPA’s Pandemic program, however, goes to “a brainy Air Force doctor named Dan Wattendorf [who] helped push rapid pandemic response further to the top of DARPA’s priority list… Wattendorf had ideas for a solution. In 2010, he took to a conference room at DARPA…to make a pitch…[and] Regina E. Dugan…greenlight[ed] his proposal. The result was a program called ADEPT, which invested $291 million from 2011 to 2019 in an array of technologies… ‘It may turn out to be the most important program from my time at the agency,’ said Dugan, who ran DARPA from 2009 to 2012. Chief among Wattendorf’s targets for the program: delivering vaccines and antibodies by implanting their genetic code… Wattendorf hoped to short-circuit [conventional methods by] cutting out the manufacturing process… By 2010, scientists had tested the idea using DNA with mixed results. Wattendorf wanted to try its single-stranded sibling RNA. If successful, RNA could be used to develop both vaccines and antibodies… It also offered a one-size-fits-all approach; in the future, scientists would need only the genetic code…   At least initially, the antibodies won’t be delivered using RNA, although Duke University plans to manufacture an RNA version of its antibody, meeting the original DARPA vision for the program.  Wattendorf…left DARPA and now works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”



DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

“DARPA-backed DNA and RNA vaccine companies, including Moderna, Inovio as well as Germany’s CureVac, have been unable to get their products licensed for human use, largely due to the fact that their vaccines have failed to provide sufficient immunity in human trials… Several workarounds for this issue have been proposed, including vaccines where the genetic material (RNA or DNA) ‘self-amplifies’ …[by] incorporation of nanotechnology…as the carriers for the genetic material”…

“[A] long-standing DARPA program, now overseen by BTO, is known as “Living Foundries.” According to DARPA’s website, Living Foundries “aims to enable adaptable, scalable, and on-demand production of [synthetic] molecules by programming the fundamental metabolic processes of biological systems to generate a vast number of complex molecules that are not otherwise accessible… The types of research this “Living Foundries” program supports involves the creation of “artificial life” including the creation of artificial genetic material, including artificial chromosomes, the creation of ‘entirely new organisms’…

“Changing human brain chemistry and functionality at the cellular level is only one of numerous DARPA initiatives aimed at changing how human beings think and perceive reality. Since 2002, DARPA has acknowledged its efforts to create a “Brain-Machine Interface (BMI).” Though first aimed at creating “a wireless brain modem for a freely moving rat,” which would allow the animal’s movements to be remotely controlled, DARPA wasn’t shy about the eventual goal of applying such brain “enhancement” to humans in order to enable soldiers to “communicate by thought alone” or remotely control human beings (on the enemy side only, so they say) for the purposes of war….

“According to one recent report on DARPA’s N3 program, one example of “minimally invasive” technologies would involve: an injection of a virus carrying light-sensitive sensors, or other chemical, biotech, or self-assembled nanobots that can reach individual neurons and control their activity independently without damaging sensitive tissue. The proposed use for these technologies isn’t yet well-specified, but as animal experiments have shown, controlling the activity of single neurons at multiple points is sufficient to program artificial memories of fear, desire, and experiences directly into the brain

“In 2011, DARPA announced its “Rapidly Adaptable Nanotherapeutics” program, which seeks to create a “platform capable of rapidly synthesizing therapeutic nanoparticles” aimed at combating “evolving and even genetically engineered bioweapons.” DARPA’s plan for these nanoparticles, which media reports described merely as “tiny, autonomous drug delivery systems,” was to combine them with “small interfering RNA (siRNA),” which are snippets of RNA that can target and shut down specific genes…

“ [The] current coronavirus crisis appears to be the perfect storm that will allow DARPA’s dystopian vision to take hold and burst forth from the darkest recesses of the Pentagon into full public view. However, DARPA’s transhumanist vision for the military and for humanity presents an unprecedented threat, not just to human freedom, but an existential threat to human existence and the building blocks of biology itself.”

Read it all, by Whitney Webb, at



Dr. Michael Callahan of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Boston

a.k.a.‘DARPA’s Man in Wuhan’ by Raul Diego

“Dr. Michael Callahan was given a leave of absence from his senior executive role at United Therapeutics (UTHR) in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China; sent there to assist colleagues handling mass infections… under his joint appointment at a Chinese sister hospital of the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, where he has maintained a faculty appointment since 2005 [as a program officer of DARPA]…

“Soon, Callahan would be…briefing U.S. officials on the location of the next likely outbreak… The doctor marveled at the “magnificent infectivity” of the disease, which sits “like a little silent smart bomb in your community”… [Callahan] has dedicated his life to studying these microscopic killers. “Triple boarded”  in internal medicine, infectious diseases and tropical medicine, Callahan, nevertheless also has a strong entrepreneurial streak, that drove him to launch no less than 11 companies and develop 8 patents.

“Callahan’s nose for business came into play early on in the pandemic. After studying data from over 6,000 patient records from Wuhan, he reportedly detected a pattern that could point to a possible treatment using a low-cost and widely available ingredient of an “over-the-counter histamine-2 receptor antagonist called Famotidine”, more commonly known as the brand name Pepcid… Simultaneously in the U.S., it is claimed, an old colleague of Callahan’s, Dr. Robert Malone, had been conducting a study… working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Per their analyses, famotidine turned out to be the “most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics”…

In the ‘90s, Callahan and Massachusetts General Hospital were in the center of the U.S. program to convert the former USSR bioweapons program, and it’s weaponeers, into a ‘peaceful use’ industry making vaccines and drugs for the global marketplace. The conversion of Soviet bioweapons was also the subject of the 2001 book ‘Germs’ by Judith Miller, Stephen Engleberg, and William Broad.

“In 2005, just as he was getting ready to decorate his new office at DARPA, Michael Callahan testified before Congress together with Ken Alibek – former deputy director of the Soviet Biopreparat, who defected to the U.S. and became the darling of the bioterror alarmists in and out of government. In his prepared statement, Callahan concluded with a chilling statement that summarizes the general sentiment shared by many in his circle: “The dark science of biological weapon design and manufacture parallels that of the health sciences and the cross mixed disciplines of modern technology. Potential advances in biological weapon lethality will in part be the byproduct of peaceful scientific progress. So, until the time when there are no more terrorists, the U.S. Government and the American people will depend on the scientific leaders of their field to identify any potential dark side aspect to every achievement…” –Michael Callahan. Callahan would receive DARPA’s highest commendation, the DARPA Achievement Award, for his success with the Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals (AMP) program. But, it would be another program of his creation that would prove prophetic. Prophecy was another program created by Callahan at DARPA. It sought to ‘transform the vaccine and drug development enterprise from observational and reactive to predictive and preemptive’ through algorithmic programming techniques. In layman’s terms, the program proposed that ‘viral mutations and outbreaks’ could be predicted in advance to more rapidly counter the unknown disease with preemptive drug and vaccine development.” …………………………

Read it all


The Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition

“According to its website, the Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition was established as “a coordinated public-interest, private-sector response to the Covid-19 pandemic, convening healthcare organizations, technology firms, nonprofits, academia, and startups.” The coalition, which was launched by the intelligence and defense contractor MITRE, also includes tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Palantir, Salesforce, and Amazon and allows its member organizations to “collaborate, collect, analyze, visualize, and share data and insights.” With access to the data from partnered health-care institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic and the Cedars-Sinai Health System, these tech companies are “helping” the coalition “unlock large-scale analytics for Covid-19.” Institutions tied to the US government, and the NSCAI in particular, such as the CIA’s In-Q-Tel, are also members of the Covid-19 Healthcare Coalition. Notably, the recent advances in US-based efforts to “predict” or “automate” Covid-19 diagnoses are all tied to this very coalition. Indeed, all of the companies and institutions mentioned thus far in this report have engaged in developing these tools, as Diagnostic Robotics, Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Mount Sinai Medical Center are all coalition members”….



Q and A

Healthcare? –DARPA

5G and the Internet of Things? –DARPA

Thought control? –DARPA

The future? –DARPA, DARPA, DARPA

Any questions?



Pentagon will coordinate the ‘free’ covid-19 vaccine deployment:

  • *



March 31, 2011

Apocalypse – Who’s Hiding the Cheese?

Filed under: genocide,Psychological War — jenniferlake @ 6:10 pm
This article is a general blog review, posted 20 days after the Fukushima quake-tsunami-radiation disaster. Newer articles have been added at the bottom.
“Professor Christopher Busby, of the European Committee on Radiation Risks, says that what we are witnessing in Japan is even worse than Chernobyl and [will] probably be an end to nuclear industry worldwide. ‘I have said right from the beginning that this was a Chernobyl-level disaster,’ he said. ‘I would hope that it means that the nuclear industry is finished… But then I thought about Chernobyl and what happened there –there was a massive international cover-up by the nuclear lobby of all the health effects of the Chernobyl accident, which is only coming out now.’ ”
   But there are health effects of the nuclear industry so successfully covered-up, and for so long, that most experts won’t mention it: knowledge that is critical to an authentic assessment of nuclear dangers that brings our entire medical establishment into its fold. Americans permanently gave up their liberty as a trade-off for nuclear weapons, and they are about to give up their biological birthright for a Transhuman experiment.  Dr. Rosalie Bertell has called nuclear power “our death crisis” :
   Some people are tossing the word “apocalypse” around, so I thought I’d check my Webster’s. The number one meaning is given as “to uncover”. Next, “one of the Jewish and Christian writings..marked by pseudocosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the righteous to life..” Another word that comes to mind is “quickening”, number one meaning: “to make alive”. If you had asked me a few years ago about welcoming an apocalypse, I’d have said “No, no!” –oops– should’ve checked the dictionary. I’ve been writing an apocalypse…for the quickening. Hope you like it.
By request, I’m cleaning house in this almost-two-year-old journal, sorting and highlighting for you what I think are its premium contents. My “apocalypse” is a look back at medical research history to a point in time where x-rays, germ theorists, Rockefellers and Rothschilds converge in the late nineteenth century along with Zionists, globalists and “future pacers” of various sorts. Mixing science, history and current events with logical speculation, I hope(d) to penetrate some of the motive and methods giving insight into present conditions, and where things might be going based on the effectiveness and dominance of force-multiplying technologies. I could be a Luddite. Then again, my cautionary bias appreciates “roads not taken” and technologies undeveloped, but those may not be choices in a crisis-driven world. In fact, they may have always been only the illusion of choice. So this blog takes the perspective that “deep planning” has been the operative conspiracy in the full term of my lifetime, and maybe my parents also, who were born before WWII. A past event I see that crystallized the power divisions between nation-states and the people ruled was the distribution of polio vaccines, created in the early 1950s to mask the effects of radiological pollution and make the Nuclear Age administratively acceptable. Vaccines, in general, have become the chief biological tool of population control. The subject of atomic weapons, including x-rays, and polio causation was big enough for its own blog: Most of the medical research here was spun-off from studying polio, which was, 99% of the time, manifested as a flu. The H1N1 pandemic which was an urgent matter of concern initiated this blog into being.
“Understanding the Spanish Flu was a challenge to learn the “hidden” history of World War One….There’s reason to think that nitrate toxicosis also played a large role in this event….Spanish Flu appears to be multiple ailments: bacterial pneumonias, nitrate toxicosis, polio and many more. Viral agents were never found!”
   Medically speaking, the American Spanish Flu set a pattern of research management under the auspices of the U.S. military in collaboration with the Rockefeller establishment. The toxic causes and biological manifestations of flu were the beginnings of what I now know are a disease Continuum, reaching a psychological apex, perhaps, as cancer and AIDS. What we should know about the 2009 round of H1N1 swine flu is that the first specimens came from U.S. Navy labs in San Diego and that American public health laboratories were systematically unfunded down to bare bones in the previous years as the threat morphed from a bird flu into a swine flu. . The military, however, was prepared and eager to engage its Global Emerging Infections System (GEIS) and develop its policy of ONE medicine –treatment of humans and animals with the same protocols as managed livestock In the course of searching for swine flu origins, I discovered a crossover experiment performed by Rockefeller’s DAP in 1937, inserting human DNA into the causative agent of hog cholera. Without an actual document of the experiment, I assume this was done by radiation-induced reassortment and bacteriophage techniques.
   The H1N1 flu was hyperbolic hocus-pocus. The Washington state outbreak that was said to have infected 2,200 students on the campus of WSU actually turned up only 7 patients with virus, far less than the H1N1 ‘naturally’ existing in military-recruit populations.
I can’t emphasize enough the work of Drs. Stefan Lanka and Nancy T. Banks in helping us understand the HIV controversy. AIDS is a key feature in the progression of the Continuum. While the artifice of HIV is currently a political weapon devastating the continent of Africa, the coming vaccine could be staging the last great theft of the human endowment –natural immunity. The history of mandatory vaccination in the U.S. goes back to the Supreme Court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts from 1905  “
Dr. Banks writes, “There is no scientific data validating the contention that what is currently referred to as HIV is, in fact, a virus! …The goal was perception management… [and] the proteins claimed to be specific for HIV are universally present in everyone.” [pp306-308]… Many of the drugs humans create to kill microbes end up killing themselves. [p263]“
   “Cells communicate by means of viral-like particles, electric currents, chemical emission, photons, and magnetic fields. There are about 100,000 reactions per second in all of our cells… Cells also make particles that travel through extra-cellular space to other cells, not to attack them, but to pass on information.”
The microbe killers love the stuff. This subject gets the most attention on the blog. I wrote three articles on CS as a warning against its use as a preventative medicament. . The deeper subject concerns nanotechnology and my speculation that inducement to drink CS (like flu fear), combined with other nanofoods (not foods!) are a recipe for microprocessors, perhaps preparing the platform for Transhuman manipulation in people who would otherwise resist.
Taking vitamins presents a number of similar issues from being a waste of money to becoming a dangerous biological threat. I wrote this to open the subject Are there nano-ingredients in there? Just wait…
Nanosized particles not only are invisible to the immune system but they have unique physical properties and are capable of penetrating every tissue.
In the face of the disease Continuum, which cycles through influenza, polio, cancer, and AIDS, I’ve postulated the opportunity in cancer as the vehicle for DNA computers and Immortality ; and the first case of truly artificial life made with a new amino acid, possibly perpetrated as the SARS outbreak of 2003: …”nature is only known to use 20 amino acids in the synthesis of the entire spectrum of genomes and the scientists admit that “the origin of the genetic code..remains an enigma”…”Nature magazine points out that Richard Chamberlin (UC Irvine) and Peter Schultz (Scripps) paved the way for synthesizing new amino acids. Both men are University of California indoctrinaires working for the US Dept. of Energy. The Human Genome Project is the DoE –mid-wife of Big Science– that started as the Manhattan Project.”…
And this is where things become very circular and related. In researching Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine, I learned that human cancer cells provided the growth medium for polioviruses –not just for the assays, as claimed, but for the vaccine ‘seed stock’ My theory that the polio vaccine was a dual-use anti-cancer vaccine (but in reality a false premise sold to the government) gained ground by exploring the background of a story called Dr. Mary’s Monkey which is another fraudulent version of polio, AIDS, and cancer in the context of the JFK assassination. and  Everyone who’s had a Salk or Sabin polio vaccine potentially has a stake in learning about SV40
…begin formally with x-ray inventions in 1895, followed closely by the discovery of radium and radioactivity. From that point, biological experimentation revolved around the scientifically fascinating effects of radiation. The potential of atomic energy had already been articulated two decades earlier, and H.G.Wells put atomic weaponry in the public imagination by the time of WWI.  It was a foregone conclusion that nuclear physics was bent for weaponization and blackmail, developed by Jewish bankers and scientists between the World Wars. Atom bombs were unstoppable technology because no one deemed to stop its decades of “peaceful” development as medically beneficial.
Constructing the cut-poison-and-burn “western paradigm” of medicine was enabled through infant nuclear technology; by the early 1930s circumstances to import a culture of practitioners committed to furthering its experimentation was rooted as a moral necessity
In the words of a scientist who was a displaced person: “During the 1930s a new biology came into being that by the late 1950s was to endow scientists with unprecendented power over life. These three decades culminated in…the cognitive foundations for genetic engineering. Scientists could now[by the ’50s] manipulate genes on the most fundamental level and attempt to control the course of biological and social evolution; they laid claim to “the secret of life”…“Gone was the rhetoric of biological improvements of the race… Gone also was..the old eugenics…
 “The Berkeley cyclotron project, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, was diverted during the war years from its putative medical applications to the production of fissionable material… However, they [the RF] would have preferred to distance themselves from the dubious honor bestowed by Ernest O. Lawrence who unwittingly boasted that “if it hadn’t been for the Rockefeller Foundation, there would have been no atomic bomb.” [p219]
Electromagnetic radiation, which is permeating the global environment with RF (in this case, radiofrequency), and very much promoted by RF (Rockefeller Foundation, and JDR Jr’s historic “radio city” consortium) is the harvest of energy and frequency effects without the radioactive substances –EMFs are perhaps the most important and least recognized of biological hazards from technology today
The biological aspect of the September 11 attack has a longer paper trail than we imagine, with two historical outbreaks coincident with radiological fallout contamination in 1957 and 1979 . During Operation Plumbob in 1957, considered the dirtiest of all U.S. atomic series tests, a small outbreak occurred in New Hampshire while the military doctors were injecting a new anthrax vaccine into textile mill workers. In ’79, five days after the accident at Three Mile Island, the Soviets claimed an accidental anthrax release from a govt. facility in Sverdlovsk –the spread of victims is thought to be in the thousands, but no one seems to know. Salk Institute investigators handled the inquiry in 1992.
   The truth movement missed out on highlighting the facts that the “official story” of the anthrax attack could not have happened. A toll of 22 victims and 22 post offices, minus Washington D.C. “trace” contamination that virtually shut down the capitol with chaos in the critical days before passing the Patriot Act, cannot be random or accidental. The mailed letters were hoaxes and the victims were individually targeted! No other scenario fits the facts. A 1997 anthrax hoax at B’nai B’rith headquarters in D.C. may be the test case that proved exploitable physical and psychological vulnerability .  The anthrax Ground Zero was the Florida tabloid publisher American Media Inc, owned by high-level financiers and friends of Israel with historic publishing connections to the CIA and mafia –smack-dab in the midst of related September 11 activity. These devils are in the details with connections to Israeli Aircraft Industries, the BioPort anthrax vaccine corporation, and a list of complicit beneficiaries.
Dragon lords, drugs and symbolism have been hastening the close of the millenium of “peace” (‘shalom’= payback) in favor of the new order age. Yeah, the Millenium of Peace –it’s over baby! Wake up and smell the chemtrails.
CLIMATE CHANGE appears to be the cause celebre for furthering a unitary global political agenda.
ARTICLE ADDITIONS posted after “Apocalypse” was first published include a breakdown of the Fukushima disaster as a devastating HOAX on the world’s public.
THREADS of conspiracies, known and unknown, with cross-over elements, merge in two important stories: the JFK assassination and a progressing articulation of the Disease Continuum.
The JFK Conspiracy Con proposes a fresh set of questions related to the assassination based on the proliferation of nuclear weapons –the link is the first in a five-part series:
The Disease Contunuum is also serial in nature, linked here as the introduction of the “four elements”; influenza, polio, cancer and AIDS:
Progress could mean this– madeover by self-assembling plastics: Morgification

January 5, 2011

Immortal Cancer

Reposted from

Atomic testing and other sources of radiation put the population at risk for cancer. It’s an open question to this researcher if the polio vaccines were also intended to be cancer vaccines but the evidence weighs in favor of the assumption.  When human cancer cells (HeLa) were harvested and distributed in 1951 for research, their express initial purpose was for “polio vaccines”. Leo Szilard, of the Manhattan Project and Salk Institute, helped William Scherer and Jerome Syverton at the University of Minnesota design a method for culturing polioviruses on Hela cells.

Besides a predictable long-term rise in cancer from radioactivity, could the polio vaccines bearing viral “cancer genes” contribute to the escalation? Like the statements made by Judyth Vary Baker (page SV40 Monkey Virus,  below**) in the quest for a cancer bioweapon, will injected “cancer genes” (if they exist) take in an immune-compromised person?

Dr. Nancy Banks writes in “AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire” on the subject of cancer, ..”new research suggests that ..[what] may be the primary cause of malignant growth..[is] the reduced efficiency of mitochondrial energy conversion as the result of oxidative/nitrosative stress… What is becoming imminently more difficult to suppress is the evidence that impaired mitochondrial metabolism, and specifically the Krebs cycle activity, may promote malignant growth… People diagnosed with AIDS are in a hypercatabolic low oxygen state where the body becomes exhausted in attempting to repair itself.” As she explains, “no virus need apply”. [p58]

                                                              HeLa [hee-lah]

“HeLa cells are a human epithelial cervical cancer, and the first human cells from which a permanent cell line* was established. On 9 February 1951, surgeon Lawrence Wharton Jr. removed the tissue from the patient Henrietta Lacks, a 31-year-old African American woman from Baltimore, in the Women’s Clinic of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The cells were from the carcinoma of the cervix…The patient died 8 months later… A portion of cells from the biopsy were sent to George Gey, the then head of the cell culture laboratory at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The cells were cultivated and propagated in cell culture so well that since they are widely used in research. The HeLa cells were used in the establishment of the first polio vaccine by Jonas Salk.”
*a cell line is a genetically identical type of cell used in research as a standard base for experimentation

History of HeLa S3 cells:


Excerpts from The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, 2010 Crown Publishers:
[The voice of Deborah Lacks, Henrietta’s daughter] “When I go to the doctor for my checkups I always say my mother was HeLa. They get all excited, tell me stuff like how her cells helped make my blood pressure medicines and antidepression pills and how all this important stuff in science happen cause of her. But they don’t never explain more than just sayin, Yeah, your mother was on the moon, she been in nuclear bombs and made that polio vaccine. I really don’t know how she did all that, but I guess I’m glad she did, cause that mean she helpin lots of people. I think she would like that.” [Prologue, p9]
“All it takes is one small mistake anywhere in the division process for cells to start growing out of control… Just one enzyme misfiring, just one wrong protein activation, and you could have cancer. Mitosis goes haywire”… [p3]
“It all started on January 17, 1912, when Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon at the Rockefeller Institute, grew his ‘immortal chicken heart’. Scientists had been trying to grow living cells since before the turn of the century, but their samples had always died. As a result, many reserchers believed it was immposible… But Carrel set out to prove them wrong… He hoped someday to grow whole organs in the laboratory, filling massive vaults with lungs, livers, kidneys, and tissues he could ship through the mail for transplantation.
…But Carrel wasn’t interested in immortality for the masses. He was a eugenicist… He dreamed of never-ending life for those he deemed worthy, and death or forced sterilization for everyone else. He’d later praise Hitler for the “eugenic measures” he took in that direction. Carrel’s eccentricities fed into the media frenzy about his work… Carrel was a mystic”… [pp 58-60]
“Not long after Henrietta’s death, planning began for a HeLa factory –a massive operation that would grow to produce trillions of HeLa cells each week. It was built for one reason: to help stop polio. By the end of 1951 the world was in the midst of the biggest polio epidemic in history.” [p93]
“ April 1952, [George] Gey and one of his colleagues from the NFIP advisory committee –William Scherer, a young postdoctoral fellow from the University of Minnesota– tried infecting Henrietta’s cells with poliovirus. Within days they found that HeLa was, in fact, more susceptible to the virus than any cultured cells had ever been… they knew they’d found exactly what the NFIP was looking for”… “On Memorial Day 1952, Gey…sent Mary to the post office…When the package arrived in Minneapolis about four days later, Scherer put the cells in an incubator and they began to grow. It was the first time live cells had ever been successfully shipped in the mail.” …”When the NFIP heard the news that HeLa was susceptible to poliovirus and could grow in large quantities for little money, it immediately contracted Scherer to oversee development of a HeLa Distribution Center at the Tuskegee Institute… [p95] …it was the first-ever cell-production factory and it started with a single vial of HeLa that Gey had sent Scherer in their first shipping experiment, not long after Henrietta’s death. [p96]
…”Black scientists and technicians, many of them women, used cells from a black woman to help save the lives of millions of Americans, most of them white. And they did so on the same campus –and at the very same time– that state officials were conducting the infamous Tuskegee syphilis studies.
…At first, the Tuskegee Center supplied Hela cells only to polio testing labs.” [p97]
“HeLa was also being used in research that would advance the new field of human genetics” [p99]
“As the Cold War escalated, some scientists exposed Henrietta’s cells to massive doses of radiation to study how nuclear bombs destroyed cells… Scientists cut HeLa cells in half to show that cells could live on after their nuclei had been removed, and used them to develop methods for injecting substances into cells without destroying them.
…At the request of the U.S., Gey took Henrietta’s cells with him to the Far East in 1953 to study hemorrhagic fever… He also injected them into rats to see if they’d cause cancer” [p102]
–they did.
“[Researchers] mastered the techniques of cell culture and simplified them to such a degree that, as one researcher put it, they’d “made it possible for even the rank amateur to grow a few cultures” [p139]
“By the 1960s, scientists joked that HeLa cells were so robust that they could probably survive in sink drains or on doorknobs. They [Hela cells] were everywhere. The general public could grow HeLa at home using instructions from a Scientific American do-it-yourself article, and both Russian and American scientists had managed to grow HeLa in space. Henrietta’s cells went up in the second satellite ever in orbit…
When the first humans went into orbit, Henrietta’s cells went with them so researchers could cancerous and noncancerous cells responded to zero gravity. What they found was disturbing; in mission after mission, noncancerous cells grew normally in orbit, but HeLa became more powerful, dividing faster with each trip. And HeLa cells weren’t the only ones behaving strangely. Since the start of the [1960s], researchers had been noticing two new things about all cultured cells. First, it seemed that all normal cells growing in culture eventually died or underwent spontaneous transformation and became cancerous. This phenomena was exciting for researchers trying to understand the mechanisms of cancer because it suggested that they might be able to study the moment a normal cell becomes malignant.
…The other unusual thing scientists had noticed about cells growing in culture was that once they transformed and became cancerous, they all behaved alike –dividing identically and producing exactly the same proteins and enzymes, even though they’d all produced different ones before becoming malignant. Lewis Coriell, a renowned cell-culturist, thought he might have an explanation. He published a paper suggesting that perhaps “transformed” cells behaved the same..because they’d been contaminated by something –most likely a virus or bacterium– that made them behave similarly. Almost as an aside, he pointed out..all transformed cells seemed to behave identically to HeLa, he wrote, which could mean that HeLa was the contaminant.” [p139]
“In September 1966, a geneticist named Stanley Gartler.. announced that he’d found ‘a technical problem’ in their field… Gartler..told [a conference] audience that, in the process of looking for new genetic markers for his research, he’d found eighteen of the most commonly used cell cultures..all contained a rare genetic marker called glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase-A (G6PD-A) which was present almost exclusively in black Americans. And even among them it was fairly rare.
…Gartler knew he’d found the source of the problem…”they are all HeLa cell contaminants.”  …It turned out Henrietta’s cells could float through the air on dust particles. They could travel from one culture to the next on unwashed hands or used pipettes; they could ride from lab to lab on researchers’ coats and shoes, or through ventilation systems. And they were strong; if just one HeLa cell landed in a culture dish, it took over, consuming all the [nutrient] media and filling all the space. Gartler’s findings did not go over well.” [p153]

“The serious problem of HeLa cell contamination in cancer and vaccine research is revealed in Michael Gold’s  ‘A  Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman’s Immortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal It Caused’.  Even Jonas Salk, who developed the legendary  Salk polio vaccine, was fooled when HeLa cells contaminated his animal cell lines. He admitted this years later in 1978 before a stunned audience of cell biologists and vaccine makers. In experiments performed in the late 1950s  on dying cancer patients,  Salk tried injecting them with a cell line of monkey heart tissue – the same cell line he used to harvest polio virus for his famous vaccine. He hoped the monkey cell injections would stimulate the immune system to fight cancer. However, when abcesses developed at the site of injections Salk began to suspect that he might be injecting HeLa cells rather than monkey cells,  and he stopped the experiment.
Mark Nelson-Rees, a HeLa cell expert and one of the 1978 conference attendees,  offered to test Salk’s line if it was still available. Salk graciously agreed and the monkey cells indeed proved to be HeLa cells which had invaded and taken over the monkey cell line. According to author Gold, Salk thought there were adequate ways to separate viruses from the tissue cell lines  they were harvested in, so that it really didn’t matter what kind of cells were used. Even  if vaccines weren’t filtered, and even if whole cancer cells were injected directly into a human,  Salk believed they would be rejected by the body and cause no harm. In those days doctors didn’t much believe in cancer-causing viruses. Nowadays, no researcher would dare try injecting cancer cells into a human being. But in the 1950s Salk had done it accidently. He had injected HeLa cells into a few dozen patients and it hadn’t bothered him a bit.”–Alan Cantwell MD ; 

Dr.  Banks treats readers to a quote from Peter Duesberg: “Even very few oncogenic retroviruses –those endowed with cancer genes– hardly play a role as carcinogens for two reasons. First, viral cancer genes accidentally acquired are never kept by retroviruses after they are generated because they are entirely useless to the virus… Second, even if a rare oncogenic retrovirus infects an immunocompetent animal, a small tumor will appear within days after the infection, only to disappear again as the animal develops antiviral immunity. Antiviral immunity kills both the virus and all virus-infected cells.” [p54, AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire]

From “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”, pp 127-130: “Chester Southam had a frightening thought: What if Henrietta’s cancer cells could infect the scientists working on them? [George] Gey and several others had already shown that some rats grew tumors when injected with live HeLa. Why not humans?..’There is the possible danger’, Southam wrote, ‘of initiating neo-plastic disease by accidental inoculation during laboratory investigation, or by injection with such cells or cell products if they should be used for production of virus vaccine.’ Southam was a well-respected cancer researcher and chief of virology at Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. He and many other scientists believed that cancer was caused by either a virus or an immune system deficiency, so Southam decided to use HeLa to test those theories… He told [cancer patients] he was testing their immune systems; he said nothing about injecting them with someone else’s malignant cells.
   “Within hours, the patients’ forearms grew red and swollen. Five to ten days later, hard nodules began growing at the injection sites. Southam removed some of the nodules to verify that they were cancerous, but he left several to see if patient’ immune systems would reject them or the cancer would spread…
   “Southam eventually removed most of the HeLa tumors, and those he didn’t remove vanished on their own in a few months. But in four patients, the nodules grew back. He removed them, but they returned again and again…
   “Since those patients all had cancer to begin with, Southam wanted to see how healthy people reacted to the injections, for comparison’s sake. So, in May 1956, he placed an ad in the Ohio State Penitentiary newsletter… Southam began injecting prisoners in June 1956 using HeLa cells that his colleague, Alice Moore, carried from New York to Ohio in a handbag… Soon tumors grew on the prisoners’ arms just as they’d grown in the cancer patients…Southam gave multiple cancer cell injections to each prisoner, and unlike the terminally ill patients, those men fought off the cancer completely. And with each new injection, their bodies responded faster, which seemed to indicate that the cells were increasing the inmates’ immunity to cancer.
   “In the coming years, Southam injected HeLa and other living cancer cells into more than six hundred people for his research, about half of them cancer patients. He also began injecting them into every gynecological surgery patient who came to Sloan-Kettering’s Memorial Hospital or its James Ewing Hospital. If he explained anything [to patients] he simply said he was testing them for cancer.”

**Part of the JFK assassination conspiracy was a plot to kill Fidel Castro by giving him cancer with injections and xrays. In the words of Judyth Vary Baker (Lee Oswald’s girlfriend), during her film segment of the documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Ms. Baker revealed her role as a 19-year-old cancer researcher:

[from the episode “The Love Affair”, segments 3 and 4]
“I convinced Dr. Ochsner and others that the real thing we needed to do was pull down Castro’s immune system by using several ploys, and then when the cancer’s introduced into his body, it would be found in his blood system and they’d put him in front of the x-ray again and again and again. Supposedly he’d be getting treatments to kill the cancer when actually his immune system was getting destroyed. That could be done, in other words, Castro could be eliminated by using x-ray and they’ll think that it’s the side effects from lung cancer. And that was my idea”
[the secret US ‘cancer’ team]..went to Jackson Mental Hospital..[with] these prisoners that were going to be injected…and at that time those prisoners received the injections that were necessary to begin that terrible round of injections and x-ray, injections and x-ray..that they hoped would actually kill these people.”


December 22, 2010

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire

Dr. Nancy T. Banks has exploded the myth of the HIV virus in her first book  AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed. Not only does she walk her readers through the medical fraud and science behind AIDS but she lays out the modus operandi of “just business” in unequivocal terms of official government policy and programming. The beauty of Dr. Banks’ work is that we have a tool to help deconstruct the other “public health” practices of the 20th century and look at the historical objectives hiding behind the so-called epidemics of the past.
Dr. Banks writes, “There is no scientific data validating the contention that what is currently referred to as HIV is, in fact, a virus! …The goal was perception management… [and] the proteins claimed to be specific for HIV are universally present in everyone.” [pp306-308]
   “The fallacy that a hypothetical retrovirus caused AIDS was used as an excuse to use carcinogenic drugs in human subjects to determine whether the loss of function of  T-helper immune cells could cause the development of tumor cells. …AZT was too toxic for most people to tolerate, had no lasting effect on HIV blood levels and left patients with fewer CD4+ cells than they started with..[p254] …AZT has been shown to be maximally toxic to the energy producing intracellular organelles called mitochondria. [p256]
   “AIDS is a free radical and oxidative [plus nitrosative] stress induced condition that appears more easily in people with malnutrition… AIDS is really not an immune deficiency but an energy deficiency..[p257] …The mitochondrian is also the major organelle that helps to control the redox potential of the cell environment measured in millivolts. In living cells, the effective proportion of reduced* substances to oxidized substances is called the redox balance.  …[O]xidative damage to mitochondrial DNA and to energy production enzymes inhibits the production of ATP… With less energy available the cell has three options: cell death, cell degeneration as occurs in disease states, or cell transformation as occurs in cancer..[p219]
   “With the prodigious help of the FDA, Burroughs Wellcome was about to make enormous profits by planned human experimentation of a drug known to cause AIDS and cancer. [p255]”
   “The mitochondrial stress effects of this drug [AZT] are analogous to the effects of nitric oxide (NO) radicals..[p262] …Microbes and humans possess the same type of eukaryotic cells. If a drug attacks the metabolism of the microbe, it also has the possibility to attack the metabolism of the human, and a range of antibiotics have been shown to do just that. However, the microbes have a distinct advantage. Because of evolutionary biology and their short life cycles, they have the ability to adapt to hostile environments faster than humans. Many of the drugs humans create to kill microbes end up killing themselves. [p263]”
   “Cells communicate by means of viral-like particles, electric currents, chemical emission, photons, and magnetic fields. There are about 100,000 reactions per second in all of our cells… Cells also make particles that travel through extra-cellular space to other cells, not to attack them, but to pass on information. The little particles have become known as retroviruses [p53]. …retroviruses do not kill the cells in which they reside as HIV/AIDS proponents claim that HIV does to T cells [p55].
“…when independent researchers were finally able to get access to [Robert] Gallo’s original research, they discovered that no virus was found in any of Gallo’s patients– only antibodies against something he was calling HIV. Antibodies are traditionally a sign that the immune system has rejected the virus. Gallo turned the function of the immune system upside down, and the medical community let him get away with that nonsense for three years before they began to speak out. He made the world believe that having immunity to a virus would lead to a disease [p56].”
“…there has been a huge increase in the number of genetic defects found in patients with mitochondrial disorders and..the true impact of mitochondrial disease is only just becoming apparent… mitochondrial diseases are far more common than was anticipated. [p265].
   “…chronic deficits in the more efficient mitochondrial oxidative metabolism are factors in the development of many chronic diseases [p57] …Otto Warburg’s work suggests that malignant growth might be caused by a decrease in mitochondrial energy metabolism paralleled by an increased glycolytic flux. The new research suggests that it is not so much the increase in glycolysis that may be the primary cause of malignant growth but the reduced efficiency of mitochondrial energy conversion as the result of oxidative/nitrosative stress. Numerous cancer specimens exhibit mitochondrial DNA deletions, reduced mitochondrial content, altered mitochondrial morphology and impaired oxidative capacity as well as an increase in glycolytic rate and lactate production. What is becoming imminently more difficult to suppress is the evidence that impaired mitochondrial metabolism, and specifically the Krebs cycle activity, may promote malignant growth… No virus need apply. [p58]”
I chose the quotes above for my own purposes in augmenting medical science articles on this blog, but as the book title anticipates, Dr. Banks has written a connect-the-dots model of the geopolitical usefulness of disease and the perception of disease. I could as well quote statements about history, finance, and power relationships from this book. Adding one more quote from the opening paragraph of Chapter 1:
“It is a great mistake to think that wars only concern armies, regulars or guerillas involved in active engagement… The real forces of evil wage another kind of warfare…[that is] principally financial. The dark princes of debt finance have gained practically unopposed leverage over every important social, economic and political institution, including and especially the healthcare delivery system.”
…point taken. Elaborating on how the medical system is “especially” integral in the military-complex is an objective here. It’s rare to find a medical expert who is able and willing to articulate such a broad context on the record and treat of so many aspects in detail. 
Thankyou Dr. Banks!
Background on GlaxoSmithKline (formerly BurroughsWellcome) is here:
A “reduced” substance has gained a stabilizing electron

November 8, 2010

Atomic Power, No Contest

An undying historical controversy is being erected around the confabulous “Race for the Bomb” between the American and Nazi powers of World War II, proving that the weavers of civilization are not done with this story and may never be, in fact, for its life-altering import. It’s not enough that we were sufficiently hoaxed at the time. The continuing aim is to support the enduring sacred cows of racial hatred and human aggression; qualities that root deeply in the circumstances of September 11. We must become true believers in our own nihilistic blindness. The future depends on it, otherwise we would not submit to be changed and made fit for a Golden Age of peace and plenty. When the teachings of the future recall the lessons of the past, they will stand on the record.
                                                                       For the record:
James B.Conant, Harvard president and Manhattan Project executive, wrote: [from the biography, James B. Conant, by James Hershberg, pp163-164]
We must consider..what the time schedule of the enemy may be. It is quite possible that the Germans are a year ahead of us, or perhaps have even eighteen months head start… To my mind, it is this fear that the Germans may be near the goal which is the prime reason for an all out effort now on this gamble
[biographer Hershberg] “Conant’s apprehensions reflected his awareness of both the prewar prowess of German physics and a steady stream of ambiguous yet alarming intelligence –circumstantial evidence, snippets of conversations with scientists in Europe who maintained contacts in Germany, worst-case analysis and extrapolation– indicating that  German atomic project might be on the verge of success. Six months earlier, in May [of 1942], he had guessed that the Germans were at most a year ahead. But then, over the summer, for example, prodded by Leo Szilard and other physicists at Chicago, Arthur Compton in great distress had passed [Vannevar] Bush and Conant allegedly “reliable” information that German physicists had successfully achieved a self-sustaining chain reaction, and warned of an imminent threat of a German atomic weapon, either a method for spreading radioactive fission products “in lethal quantities” or a bomb ready for use on Allied targets “in 1943, a year before our bombs are planned to be ready”. Compton urged Bush to step up “sabotage, air, and commando raids” to disrupt the German project, and to step up the pace of U.S. efforts. Cables shot back and forth between Washington and London, with Conant and the British atomic leaders trading rumors about the extent of German progress and showing special concern about the activities of Werner Heisenberg, the renowned physicist said to be heading nuclear efforts at the Kaiser Wilhelm institutes in Berlin-Dahlem.
But in fact, the warnings of a German lead were false, often the product of garbled second- and third-hand conversations embellished by fear: German physicists had indeed been conducting research for the Nazi regime on atomic energy, reporting their results to Albert Speer and other top civilian and military officials, but by the spring of 1942 authorities concluded that the possible military uses were too distant to suit immediate war priorities, and relegated atomic research to a backwater behind other secret weapons projects. Although the motives behind the German physicists’ assessments and ultimate failure remain disputed…by December 1942 the Nazi government had already turned away from a crash program to develop nuclear weapons and the race that so obsessed Conant was essentilly uncontested. Much later, after the war, Conant claimed that he was “never convinced that the Germans were anywhere near getting a bomb”, and spoke rather scornfully of “ghosts that were being seen by some of my scientific friends.”
But that was after-the-fact wisdom: he too, resorted to the argument that the Germans might get the bomb first in order to pressure recalcitrant contractors or scientists, and as he summarized his estimate of the situation to [Leslie] Groves, and then to Bush for transmission to Roosevelt, he certainly seemed to take the fear seriously.”
The Bomb story is usually told against the backdrop of WWII, portrayed as a flukish convergence of ripe scientific knowledge and the dire necessity of acting in a time of great moral danger ; an ingenious response to an accident of fate. But looking at its creators, the scientists who provided the “stream of ..intelligence” to the statesmen, proves a different sort of “inevitability”. We’re reminded today that “science is not the highest value in society”* but for a brief time in history it was, and spectacularly so.
    Niels Bohr, Leo Szilard, and Albert Einstein emerged from the center of this whirlwind as the proper ‘fathers’ of the Bomb who committed themselves to its production more than a decade before its ‘invention’ and use. Szilard even appears to have been willing to stage his own Manhattan Project failing the support of state-sponsorship, enlisting the fundraising acumen of Chaim Weizmann at the University of Manchester in 1936 for his “chain reaction committee”. State sponsorship, however, was a foregone conclusion. Bohr was to say that making the atom bomb would take turning a whole country into a factory. The United States was prepared, only the majority of its citizens and leaders were grossly unaware. The design of key elements of infrastructure essential to the project were tabled in the late 1920s and by 1933 the whole of the machinery began to turn for a nuclear future.
                                                          Niels Bohr
                               Fathers of the Bomb
Niels Bohr was a scion of international Jewish bankers who was recognized as the founder of modern physics. An institute was founded for him at the University of Copenhagen c. 1920 by the patronage of the Carlsberg (brewery) and Rockefeller Foundations which became a great crossroads for physical science and philosophy.  In 1922, Bohr won the Nobel Prize and began a life’s mission to forge an “open” world.
   Bohr was nearly the sole source for the infamous “race for the bomb” intelligence and  privy to special knowledge about Werner Heisenberg and most all the scientists in the field.  During the war, Bohr traveled as a self-directed diplomat for the sharing of nuclear technology with the USSR and used his stature and persuasion to plan the international regulation of atomic weapons and energy.
   Bohr traveled back to the US in 1943 to join the Manhattan Project: “The official Los Alamos history reads, ‘..He came at the right moment… the innumerable small problems which confronted the physicists had led them [away] from fundamental problems of the bomb. Study of the fission process had been neglected, obstructing reliable predictions of important phenomena… Bohr’s interest gave rise to new activities.. which cleared up many questions left unanswered before.’ ” [p237, The Deadly Element, by Lennard Bickel, 1979]
                                                             Leo Szilard
Szilard (a.k.a Spitz or Szoldos) was born into an upperclass family of Jewish freemasons living in Hungary. In 1919, he went to study in Berlin and met Albert Einstein for the first time. Szilard and Einstein met again in 1921 Prague, where the two began a long and often “unusual” working relationship. There are no specific public documents to clarify whether Szilard and Einstein achieved a nuclear chain reaction in the 1920s, but there is the appearance of careful omissions and strong probabilities.
   Szilard was drafted in 1933 to administer the international rescuers ‘placement’ of scientists through the auspices of the British Academic Assistance Committee, which enabled approx. 2,000 academics to relocate before the war. In 1938, he came to the U.S. and took an assignment with the ‘reactor’ group that began at Columbia University and moved to Chicago’s “Metallurgical Lab”. The Met Lab became a center of foment for scientific control of the Manhattan Project. Szilard was known to have authored the “Einstein letters” which urged FDR to make the Bomb.
In the post-war, Szilard turned to molecular biology and politics. During the 50s, he helped to shape the Salk Institute and joined its fellowship until his death in 1964.
                                             Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is dubiously considered the 20th century’s greatest mind. A remarkable feature of his personality was his native instinct to slavishly endow Thought as the highest value in life. In this respect, Einstein was distinctively anti-social, lacking a personal value for ‘socialization’. This required him to deal with social issues as problems of necessity; subjects which seem to have held deep fascination for him.
Embraced within the academic community of Jews and Zionists as he matured, Einstein became an official emissary for the World Zionist Organization, adopting and refining the Jewish value system as his own social outlook. In the arena of worldly politics for which he became a reluctant but high-profile spokesman, Einstein’s fidelity to Zionism remaind steadfast. He accurately discerned the pitfalls of geopolitical statehood for the Jews and maintained his famous ‘internationalism’ as a designated pacifist.
   For the record, Einstein’s contradictory role in world events has been papered over with ambiguity. He identified himself as belonging to a special class within his Jewish ‘nation’ (Zionist) but publicly opposed Israeli statehood on the grounds of the degenerative proscriptions of maintaining a recognizable country which he intuited as anathema and counter-productive to Jewish spirituality, his highest social value. In this manner, Einstein was fundamentally distanced from the Zionist objective to provide and protect a Jewish homeland.
It’s imperative for us to appreciate and define the methods of  “distancing” as evidence of pre-planning.
In his 1991 book, The Samson Option, Seymour Hersh relates a very understated event concerning a recommendation from Albert Einstein to Chaim Weizmann, made while Einstein was teaching at Princeton (A.E. was in residence at the Institute of Advanced Study as of October 1933). Weizmann was looking for a director to run the Daniel Sieff Institute near Tel Aviv which was formally founded in 1934. Einstein recommended Ernst David Bergmann, future father of the Israeli bomb. At that time, writes Hersh, “Bergmann..didn’t get the job for reasons not known.” [footnote, p25]. The text describing Bergmann, however, suggests the reasons pertained to Bergmann’s presence on the faculty at Manchester University,  doing secret defense work for the British while double-timing them making explosives for the Hagannah beginning in 1936. The Zionists, within the decade, launched an “underground war” against the British and Arabs [i.e. bombing the King David Hotel]. Bergmann could hardly have advertized his real loyalties to the Hagannah as a guest “refugee” in England, arranged by Chaim Weizmann. Hersh reports, “Bergmann left England shortly after Germany invaded Poland in the fall of 1939. Weizmann had intervened once again and found him a job with old friends who owned a chemistry laboratory in Philadelphia. It didn’t work out, and another old friend from Germany, Herman Mark, came to his rescue: “He had no space. So we invited him to come to Brooklyn.” Mark had been driven out of Europe in 1938 and ended up doing research for a Canadian paper company in Ontario. By 1940 he was running a laboratory at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; two years later he became dean of faculty and turned the institute into a haven for Jewish refugees, including Chaim Weizmann. “The whole gang came to America” said Mark, who, when interviewed for [the Samson Option] was the sole survivor of that period.
With the defeat of Hitler, there was one final migration for Bergmann: to Palestine… Bergmann was Weizmann’s first choice to become director of the institute… Without Bergmann, insisted Herman Mark, there would have been no Israeli bomb: “He was in charge of every kind of nuclear activity in Israel. He was the man who completely understood it [nuclear fission], and then explained it to other people” [said Mark, continuing]..”We were both of the same opinion –that eventually Israel has to be in full cognizance and knowledge of what happens in nuclear physics. Look, a new type of chemical reaction was discovered at Los Alamos. Whether it’s desalination, a power plant, or a bomb makes no difference –it’s still fission.”[pp23-26]
   Neither Seymour Hersh nor his source,  Herman Mark, unsettle the official version of the Bomb’s beginnings. Statements more directly to the point of early development have been uttered by the scientists themselves, such as Edward Teller’s remark from his “Memoirs” about his work with Enrico Fermi in 1932. Teller alludes to the fact that Fermi’s failure to produce chain reaction was due to Fermi’s equations: Fermi “suspected…that he had opened the door to the transuranic elements…He had the right theory but the wrong experimental information. Had he guessed the right result, the hunt for chain reactions would have started sooner.”
Teller edged closely to forbidden disclosures in his autobiography. In particular, he recounted his days as the director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where he baldly claims to have authorized secret weapons work in contramand to a nuclear moratorium under the administration of John F. Kennedy. During this same time period, Herman Mark’s son, Hans Mark , was working with Teller at LLNL.
The Samson Option provides a footnote:
[p23] “Herman Mark was ninety-five years old when interviewed in 1990 at his son’s home in Austin, Texas. Hans Mark, then chancellor of the University of Texas, was himself no stranger to the world of intelligence and nuclear weapons. As Air Force secretary, he also wore what is known in the government as a “black hat”: he was the head of the executive committee, or Ex-com, of the National Reconnaisance Office (NRO), a most-secret unit that is responsible for the development, procurement, and targeting of America’s intelligence satellites. As a nuclear physicist, Hans Mark had worked for twelve years beginning in 1955 for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California, one of America’s main nuclear weapons facilities. For four of those years he served as a division leader in experimental physics.”
Herman Mark is the “father of polymer science”, and was a longtime employee of I.G.Farben.
Before World War I, the I.G. Farben consortium was known to Americans as the “Big Six”, known for its chemical trade in coal-tar (aniline) derivatives. Howard Ambruster, author of “Treason’s Peace: German Dyes and American Dupes” insisted that Farben “is and must be recognized as a cabalistic organization which.. operates a far-flung and highly efficient espionnage machine –the ultimate purpose being world conquest– and a world super-state directed by Farben.”
   I.G. Farben and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil struck a major business deal in 1925 to share the proceeds of a new oil hydrogenation process, a deal that was formalized in 1927. Ambruster added, “The list of American corporations involved in the Farben pattern reads like a roster of big business, high finance, and bi-partisan politics in the United States.” He wrote, “ was apparent that better methods must be devised to disguise the American fronts to which titles to new patents and processes might be safely transferred.”
   Farben was consolidated in 1926 by the Warburgs, and the German chemical business which had been fractured during WWI, regained its American affiliates as a multiplex of drug, dye, and chemical entities:
When World War II began, Farben was not in such complete control of the coal-tar dye industry in the U.S. as its predecessors had been in 1914, but in 1939 Farben’s American drug and dyetstuff affiliates were much more powerful than those ‘Big Six’ agents who had so effectively prevented the establishment of our munitions industry prior to the first World War”…”Farben had crept back through side doors and cellar windows and seized a good half”…”The Oil Industry came next on Farben’s agenda.. [where]new developments..promised to be among the most important munitions of the next war..”
The Standard-Farben/Rockefeller-Warburg conglomerate created by the 1927 alliance became the most powerful industrial cartel in world history. In keeping with Rockefeller policy to establish a concensus-forming “hegemonic bloc”, the uppermost strata of policymakers were energetically aligning the combined purposes of the greater organization, succinctly described in my previous post [Molecular Vision: Rockefeller Science] as the global control of biological destiny.
   The most telling forecast of this epic merger echoes from the person of Colonel Edward Mandell House, who reputedly said to Woodrow Wilson in 1913:
Very soon, every American will be required to register [his] biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people… By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda… Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of the law merchant… They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value… and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans.” [note here that for the next two decades Eugenics was at its zenith, openly advocated until public awareness and disfavor altered the practices]
   The RockefellerWarburg merger then in effect, in 1913, brought about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. The Rockefeller Foundation received its Congressional charter in the same year. The 1913 Rockefeller charter is perhaps the strongest signal from history that ‘private sector’ fascist forces were henceforth in charge of America’s civil affairs. Significant institutional partnerships evolved with the U.S. government in the fields of medicine, public health, education and finance and all of these bore enormous “military interest” prior to WWI, the Great War. These were the ‘legal’ channels of operation, however, there were wholly illicit operations underway that depended upon the RF’s international scope of cooperation and the ‘legal’ premises of other nations.
Albert Einstein, in an interview to the Niewe Rotterdamsche Courant, July 1921 [sourced from pp3-6 of Einstein’s compilation “Ideas and Opinions”, Crown Publishers, NY]:
“My First Impressions of the USA —
..What first strikes the visitor with amazement is the superiority of this country in matters of technology and organization… Everything is designed to save human labor. Labor is expensive, because the country is sparsely populated in comparison with its natural resources. The high price of labor was the stimulus which evoked the marvelous development of technical devices and methods of work. The opposite extreme is illustrated by over-populated China or India, where the low price of labor has stood in the way of the development of machinery. Europe is halfway between the two. Once the machine is sufficiently highly developed it becomes cheaper in the end than the cheapest labor. Let the Fascists in Europe.. take heed of this. However, the anxious care with which the United States keep out foreign goods by means of prohibitive tariffs certainly contrasts oddly with the general picture… it is not absolutely certain that every question admits of  rational answer.
…The American lives even more for his goals, for the future, than the European. Life for him is always becoming, never being. In this respect he is even further removed from the Russian and the Asiatic than the European is… [albeit] he is less of an individualist than the European –that is, from the psychological, not the economic, point of view.
More emphasis is laid on the “we” than the “I”… there is much more uniformity both in outlook on life and in moral and esthetic ideas among Americans than among Europeans. This fact is chiefly responsible for America’s economic superiority over Europe. Cooperation and the division of labor develop more easily and with less friction..whether in the factory or the university or in private charity. This social sense may be partly due to the English tradition.
In apparent contradiction to this stands the fact that the activities of the State are relatively restricted as compared with those in Europe. The European is surprised to find the telegraph, the telephone, the railways, and the schools predominantly in private hands. The more social attitude of the individual, which I mentioned just now, makes this possible here. Another consequence of this attitude is that the extremely unequal distribution of property leads to no intolerable hardships. The social conscience of the well-to-do is much more highly developed… public opinion, that all-powerful force, imperiously demands it…[h]ence the most important cultural functions can be left to private enterprise and the part played by government in this country is, comparatively, a very restricted one.
The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase in crime in this country is closely connected with this.
There is also another way in which Prohibition, in my opinion, undermines the authority of the government. The public house is a place which gives people the opportunity to exchange views and ideas on public affairs. As far as I can see, such an opportunity is lacking in this country, the result being that the Press, which is mostly controlled by vested interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.”
No period in U.S. history appears as socially subversive as Prohibition –in the west, massive fortunes were newly created, ‘old’ colonial trade routes reopened, alcoholism increased dramatically and a staggering criminal counterculture was legitimized. The story of the  immigrant Canadian Bronfman family is a case-in-point, shedding light on a multitude of  “English traditions” that were serviced in those years. On the face of it, the Rockefellers were staunchly allied to the Temperance unions. The U.S. Treasury Dept. became an overtly armed faction of the government while administering, at the same time, the U.S. Public Health Service. More about Prohibition will be linked here, but it suffices to note that Prohibition engendered unprecedented policing by the State,  militarizing civilian infrastructure under deeply polarized conditions which seeded practices of corruption and noncompliance throughout the country, even in small towns and farming regions where ‘alcohol’ was needed for truck and tractor fuel.
Across the Atlantic, WWI’s ruined European economies set a course to rebuild on the new scientific technologies enabled by chemistry and physics. Many of the same pipelines and methods developed by bootleggers for intercontinental transport were exploited for the transfer of technology, making strange bedfellows and enduring relationships among ‘legitimate’ public figures and the underworld.
“The Infancy of Particle Accelerators” was a post-WWI phenomenon in Europe led by electrical engineers such as Norway’s Rolf Wideroe who left his testimony about a variety of high-energy experiments going on in the early 1920s. Wideroe remarked on “ray transformers” in Berlin and his encounters in Germany with Leo Szilard and other scientists who struggled in the climate of extreme monetary inflation; “while one U.S.-dollar had been equivalent of 192 marks in January 1922, by the end of 1923 it was about 4,200,000 marks!”
Scientists and technical students in Germany hung out the ‘for sale’ sign, desperate for sponsorship by industry and eager to accept any form of back-channel funding. Professor Max Born and his friend Einstein, for example, became the out-of-pocket beneficiaries of the American banker Henry Goldman, though this arrangement and many others were quiet assurances that their projects were well protected. The atmosphere, however, forecast that it was up to the world’s monied interests to ‘save science’, as the British founders of the 1933 rescue organization, the AAC, would later say.
   Particle accelerators, which were x-ray machines in principle, allowed experimental physics to advance quickly in the realm of high-energy research. Ernest O. Lawrence, who based his “cyclotron” invention on the previous work of Wideroe, was set up at the University of California Berkeley in 1928 with grants from the Rockefeller-controlled American Chemical Society with the express task of making radiopharmaceuticals. By design, Americans were counted upon to innovate and industrialize the processes of nuclear development. The situation demanded that avenues of exchange be opened for training young scientists and bringing nuclear technology into the United States, all the while quashing homegrown advances. Ironically, Ernest Lawrence did not receive an elite physicist’s education but instead was indoctrinated through the Bohemian Club.
   The Rockefeller Foundation established its International Education Board in 1928 to provide scholarships for the particular purpose of nuclear-chemical training. Abraham Flexner, Rockefeller’s career director of education, frankly recounted in his paper legacy that the Foundation was buying its own science and that the IEB was “not an education board”. Flexner himself personally arranged funds for “Nazi” eugenicists (Emil Aberhalden and Heinrich Poll) and physicists, such as Max Born.
   Born was a teacher of teachers in Gottingen, Einstein’s close lifelong friend, and the supervisor of  ‘atomic spy’ Klaus Fuchs in Scotland. Flexner’s role in preparing the U.S. to become a bomb factory was in the founding of Princeton’s Institute of Advanced Study and the organization of medical facilities that contributed basic experimental research to the Manhattan Project. Medical reseach was Rockefeller’s strong suit, highly organized in the decade before WWI.
   The most critical preparation for the United States to build the Bomb was the cooperative effort with government to provide the electricity to power the huge facilities like DuPont’s Hanford plutonium plant, Oak Ridge Tennessee’s gaseous diffusion operation, and the desert laboratories and testing grounds. Once these plans were secure, the destiny of America unfolded on schedule.
Canadian Niagra Power Company — principal owners Rothschild, Morgan, and Astor– supplier to Toronto Electric Light Co.was turned over for refurbishment and nationalization in 1927-28.
Hoover Dam: proposed by Herbert Hoover, as the new Sec. of Commerce,  in 1921. “Hoover Dam legislation..occupied the attention of Congress from 1922-28” [from the papers of William C. Mullendore]. The charter passed in 1928 and dam construction began in 1931.
Grand Coulee Dam: Columbia River, Washington. Grand Coulee is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world. Operated by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, construction began in 1933.
Tennessee Valley Authority: chartered in May of 1933, overseen by a board of governors. TVA governor David Lilienthal became the first chief of the Atomic Energy Commission.
“Less than three months after its creation in 1933, TVA began construction of its multipurpose dam system. High dams were built on tributary rivers… Low dams were built on the Tennessee and Clinch Rivers… In the early 1940’s a massive construction effort was undertaken to build 10 hydroelectric dams to provide electricity needed for the war effort. Electricity was needed to make aluminum for warplanes and by the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge.”
“The largest Tennessee ’eminant domain’ takeover..was the TVA Reclamation Project, which ended up acquiring more than a million acres [1.3 million]…50,000 folks were displaced…the entire TVA..Project totaled nearly 70 dams.”
“..the first dam TVA named for Senator George Norris of Nebraska, author of the legislation that created TVA.. The town of Norris..was sold to private owners in 1948 ”

TVA’s power director, Julius A. Krug, advanced during WWII to become the chairman of the War Production Board. ; and TVA’s influential Governor, David Lilienthal, became the first chief of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Herbert Hoover, London-based mining engineer and executive, represented the concerted interests of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in politics. His famed mining career began in the goldfields of western Australia (‘Sons of Gwalia’ gold mine) in 1897 where he also co-founded the Zinc Corporation (Rio-Tinto-Zinc Ltd) in 1905:
     Hoover’s career in government began during WWI with an appointment as chief of the Belgian Relief Commission, known as the “food regulator of the world”, Hoover’s role expanded to head the (later) U.S. Food Administration. His close associate on this project was the young Kuhn, Loeb & Co. banker Lewis L. Strauss who simultaneously directed a Rothschild hospital in New York (as of 1917 to 1925), later received an officer’s commission in Naval intelligence (rising to Rear Admiral by WWII, helped create the Office of Naval Research) and also became chief of the Atomic Energy Commission from 1953-58 after a stint as personal Rockefeller family financier.
Hoover was the first ‘scientist’ president of the U.S., serving 1929 to 1933.
Hoover’s official positions in the U.S. Government:
In 1931 Bertrand Russell published a statement that “civilization cannot afford to leave administrative control in the hands of those who have no firsthand knowledge of science… Scientific workers must accept responsibility for the control of the forces which have been released by their work. Without their help, efficient administration and a high degree of statesmanship are virtually impossible… In the international sphere [scientific] advisory committees of experts have since the war [WWI] exerted a remarkable influence even when devoid of all legislative authority… the scientific expert can already exert an effective influence when normal administrative effort has failed… [W]elcome recognized by scientific workers themselves.
…The society of experts which I am imagining will embrace all eminent men of science… It will possess the sole up-to-date armaments, and will be the repository of all new secrets in the art of war. There will therefore be no more war…” [The Scientific Outlook; chapter, The Society of Experts]
“The Hoover Myth, the picture of the great engineer…was built up by one of the most skillful propaganda machines in the history of American politics”…”[L]ittle of the man himself was known. Long periods of his life were utterly blank…His business career and operations were carefully guarded and elaborately obscured.” …”his course on government regulations of utilities has been..devious…concerning the need for control of public utilities..”
In the London business world “Hoover [had] the favorable attention of the Rothschilds who made him director of their firm Rio Tinto. Chairman was Lord Milner, who founded the Round Tables which later became the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and its subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations.”
   “In 1916, the promoters of WWI were dismayed when Germany insisted she could not continue in the war because of shortages of food and money”… Warburgs arranged money transfers but “food presented a more difficult problem. It was finally decided to ship it directly to Belgium as ‘relief for the starving Belgians’. The supplies could then be shipped over Rothschild railway lines into Germany. As director for this ‘relief’ operation, the Rothschilds chose Herbert Hoover. His partner in the Belgian Relief Commission was Emile Francqui, chosen by Baron Lambert, head of the Belgian Rothschild family.”
Writer Nicholas Faith, author of The Bronfmans [2006], includes a footnote on page 123:
The Bronfmans’ only encounter with a Nazi had been in the early 1930s when they met von Ribbentrop, later Hitler’s foreign minister but then selling champagne..on behalf of his father-in-law. According to Saidye [Samuel Bronfman’s wife] their host assured them that when Adolf Hitler came to power they would find that his attacks on the Jews were meant purely for show and would not be carried out in practice.”
Nicholas Faith apparently, included this significant footnote –the only mention of a Nazi anything in the relevant time period, from the 1930s-50s– based on his confidence that readers would supply an orthodox historical context. Huge by implication, however, the subject is avoided to an extent that seems phobic in light of this information. Other Jewish history sources add less overtly to a body of statements that indicate a decade or more of foreknowledge to an impending ‘genocide’:  the Jewish American Hall of Fame, for example, notes that Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah, “in 1933, at age 73,..embarked on a major new project rescuing Jewish children from the oncoming Holocaust.”[emphasis added]
There is no delicate way to say that without a Holocaust there would have been no race for the Bomb, both of which can now be seen as filled with fictions;  they were necessary counterweights to bring the Bomb into existence. The undoing of one threatens the undoing of the other. I consider it an exceptional intrigue that the  “discredited”  British historian David Irving has been poised as an authority on both subjects!
Irving’s confirmation of the race for an atomic bomb is evident on his website, praising the book “The Virus House” which was drawn primarily on personal interviews and secret papers supplied by atomic physicist Samuel Goudsmit who co-led the USA’s “ALSOS” mission to capture and quarantine Germany’s nuclear scientists at the end of WWII. Irving writes: “My publisher..was eager to publish what I had already assembled.. but I convinced him to let me follow my hunch, that the bulk of the 1943-1945 ALSOS investigation were in the archives of the Atomic Energy Commission at Oak Ridge Tennessee… [my] suppositions proved correct. I stayed for several days as Goudsmit’s guest at Brookhaven Physics Laboratory on Long Island..”. Goudsmit had supplied many of these official documents and he had changed his story a number of times over the years which goes unmentioned by Irving. Originally, Goudsmit held that the Germans were nowhere close to constructing a bomb –a claim that he later reported was made under “pressure”.
Once again, in a familiar pattern of promoting disinformation, Irving’s scholarship supporting the German atomic bomb project  appears like the preplacement of a “taint” on his work, and suggests he may be colluding to bring out “Holocaust denial” in a way that is ultimately desirable to the world’s controllers who wish to purvey the dangerous rising of Neo-nazism. Irving’s theses seem additionally like an advertisement of priorities; the Bomb Race stays intact, and the Jewish Holocaust (much too ingrained to ‘downgrade’ )  is demonstrated by Irving’s example as unlawful to “revise”. Looks like a win-win for guess who? Is David Irving a dupe or a collaborator?
 There is much more to say about the role of Samuel Goudsmit.
…”The story of the bomb begins at the turn of the century. Up through the mid-1920s, physical chemists came to know that both nuclear fusion and a nuclear-fission chain-reaction were possible. It started with chemist Dmitri Mendeleyov’s development of his Periodic Law, continued with the related discoveries of the Curies and their student, the Russian scientific genius Vladimir Vernadsky, the discoveries of Chicago’s William Draper Harkins and of Britain’s Ernest Rutherford…
   “Harkins replicated crucial evidence of stellar thermonuclear fusion in a Wilson chamber in 1915. Rutherford also assembled data (which he was later pressured to suppress) which bore on the matter of fission. During the period 1925-27, Vernadsky established the radiology laboratory in Russia and proposed a mission of developing nuclear fission as a principal source of industrial power… the feasibility of a nuclear-fission chain-reaction was well-known in relevant circles prior to 1938.
   “Nonetheless, the participants in the Solvay Conferences maintained a curious, hysterical denial…”
The Solvay conferences were founded in 1911 Belgium to foster the collaboration of physical-chemists.
Max Planck, Walther Nernst, Frederick Lindemann (Lord Cherwell) and Ernest Solvay established the first meet at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels.
In more contemporary terms, Seymour Hersh described the ‘denial’ phenomenon simply in his indictment of the US government for aiding and abetting the nuclear proliferation that gave Israel the Bomb: “It was as if the White House believed there really were two atoms, one of which was peaceful.” [p132, The Samson Option].
   This ultimate dichotomy of political expression in nuclear issues is the root of “crazymaking” which deprives us all of a sane world to live in, and we are forced to act out the neurotic schisms of those who reached ahead to claim ‘star power’ for themselves. But the desire is an ancient one, cultivated and perpetuated in the Mystery schools that accompany the destiny of Knowing. The Solvay conferences and special institutes replaced the Mysteries.
    In the western “duality” traditions, nurtured since medieval times, we can literally see the parallel of symbolism between “splitting the atom” and splitting humanity carved in full relief on the facade of Notre Dame de Paris. There in the center of the front face, in the Portal of the Last Judgement, are the two figures “Justice” and the “Devil” –blindfolded Justice holds out the scale from which the earth dangles and the Devil beside her lays his hand upon the scale, controlling the balance of the world. The two figures bisect a row of ‘humanity’; the Justice half bowed in the reading of books and the Devil’s half bound in chains held by demons. In this image, then, Justice appears to deliver her half to the control of the demon force, the force of the world. It’s as if they believed there really were two gods, one of which was peaceful. hmm…. Don’t the carvings in Notre Dame sound like the quote above by Wilson’s advisor, Col.E.M. House: “…They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of the law merchant“. ??
As Einstein said, “it is not absolutely certain that every question admits of rational answer” but it was certain that the power unleashed by atomic weapons would force the creation of world government:
…”resistence by the unscientific will be doomed to obvious failure. The society of experts will control propaganda and education. It will teach loyalty to the world government and make nationalism high treason… It is possible that it may invent ingenious ways of concealing its own power, leaving the forms of democracy intact… whatever the outward forms may be. all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.” [B. Russell, The Scientific Outlook, 1931]
Captain Archibald H.M. Ramsay wrote, in The Nameless War:
If the new-found knowledge of Hitler’s anxiety to preserve the British Empire has come as a surprise recently to many people in [Britain], it must surely have come as a real shock to them to learn that President Roosevelt, on the other hand, was its inveterate enemy; that he was not only a pro-communist of Jewish origin, but that before he brought America into the war he made it clear that he wished to break up the British Empire…
   Mr. Churchill, the self-styled ‘constant architect of the Jews’ future’ now found himself playing second fiddle to an even more trusted architect…  Karl Marx had denounced the Empire long ago, and in the year 1941, it was only foolish opponents of Judaism and Marxism, like Herr Hitler, who were anxious to stand by that Empire because they recognized it as a bulwark of Christian civilisation.
  …I was fully aware that among the agencies both here [in Britain] and abroad which had been actively engaged in promoting bad feeling between Great Britain and Germany, organised Jewry, for obvious reasons, had played a leading part. I knew the U.S.A. to be the headquarters of Jewry, and therefore the real, though not apparent, centre of their activities.
  …the question arises: whom, and which interests did President Roosevelt not betray. To this query I can only see one answer, namely, those people and their interests who planned from the start the use of United States arsenals and Forces to prosecute a war which would annihilate a Europe which had freed itself from Jewish gold and revolutionary control: people who planned to dissolve the British Empire to this end; and to enable the Soviets to ‘bestride Europe like a colossus’ in other words, International Jewry.”
British patriot and parliamentarian Ramsay, who documented the infiltration of Jewish hegemony into the English hierarchy from the time of Cromwell, was arrested and held at Brixton Prison from 1940 to 1944.
Not by chance, the synchronized ascendancy of FDR and Hitler (1933-1945) brought us into the Nuclear Age following the “Miracle Year” of 1932 in physics.  Both leaders embarked on massive “recovery” campaigns of industry and socialization, and likewise  later appear sequestered from the essential progress in physics. In 1936, FDR was assured by Albert Einstein that atomic weapons were “probably impossible” or at least, many decades distant. In three years time (1939), the urgent “letter from Einstein”, penned by Leo Szilard and delivered by Alexander Sachs, insistently pressured for making the Bomb. To this end, the British dispatched a stream of facilitators, scientists and spokesmen who represented the MAUD committee that had proven the feasibility of the weapons. Inappropriate ‘aliens’ under the British flag worked on the project from Canada. It was another chance-less move in the “saving of science” orchestrated by the British.
    The most influential of the 1933 rescue organizations, the U.K.’s  Academic Assistance Council, was founded by the two physicists, Ernest Rutherford and Leo Szilard, and a London School of Economics governor, Lord Beveridge. Szilard, who obtained his AAC position shortly after the Reichstag fire, was brought into London by Frederick Lindemann (the later Lord Cherwell who established the Claredon physics lab at Oxford) and economist Ludwig von Mises. In conjunction with well-endowed relocation organizations and innumerable exigent rescue operations, competent bomb-makers were fanned out to the receiving industrial nations. In the U.S., not merely technical experts, but a “fully articulated” Jewish culture was imported by the exodus –chemists, biologists, engineers, social and political scientists, doctors, lawyers, artists and musicians– forewarned for the arrival of a “million Jews”. The relocation of tens of thousands of academics at this time appears irrefutable, yet no cohesive accounting has been documented. True to the words of Bertrand Russell, America now had its “society of experts”.
   Not by chance, Harvard’s most influential Zionist, Felix Frankfurter, spent the 1933-34 academic year at Oxford as a visiting professor –he was able to visit Palestine and Egypt several times as well. Frankfurter kept an active ‘friendship’ going with Niels Bohr, even during the Manhattan Project years when the chiefs of the project were aware that Frankfurter was getting inside information, yet they failed to either sequester Bohr or bring Frankfurter to account (for spying, many believe), who by then was a Supreme Court Justice (appt in January 1939)
What the wartime establishment knew about the race for the bomb came almost exclusively from the word of Niels Bohr as he joined the Manhattan Project along with his son Aage in 1943. Bohr had previously spread the news in January of 1939 that chain-reaction had been accomplished, embarking on a US lecture tour that included Harvard and Columbia Universities before returning to Copenhagen. Bohr’s “closest colleague”, Werner Heisenberg, was also in the US in June/July of 1939 visiting Samuel Goudsmit at the University of Michigan who reputedly tried to influence Heisenberg to stay.
[from “Popularization and People (1911-1962)” by Niels Bohr and Finn Aaserud]
Bohr’s relationship with Heisenberg was special, both personally and scientifically. This comes to expression in particular in Bohr’s New Years greeting to his younger colleague towards the end of 1928: ‘Rarely have I felt myself in more sincere harmony with any other human being, and I still rejoice when I think back on our walks and discussions“. [p116]
   As the memoir explains, Heisenberg was Bohr’s assistant in Copenhagen in the mid-1920s after the departure of Bohr’s longtime helper Hendrik Kramers: “Heisenberg took over his positions..”. Kramers later became the Chairman of the Science Committee for the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission.
[from Edward Teller’s Memoirs, 2001]
I do not believe –and there is no evidence that suggests it– that Heisenberg actively pursued research on an atomic bomb [p230] …It is inconceivable to me that Heisenberg would ever have pursued such a purpose. He loved his country, but he hated the Nazis… In 1936, Heisenberg was even attacked in an official Nazi publication as being ‘a white Jew’ and ‘Jewish in character…
   Yet, Heisenberg, still in disfavor and therefore at great personal risk, in 1942 tried to save the parents of Samuel Goudsmit (a Dutch colleague) from deportation to the concentration camps. In 1944, Heisenberg again bravely intervened when the Nazis were about to dismantle Niels Bohr’s Institute and ship the instruments to Germany. Carl Friedrich [von Weizacker], who was very close to Heisenberg, once told me that ‘Heisenberg died without regrets’. To me, that statement makes it clear that Heisenberg never worked for the Nazis in the real sense.
   This story is a different account from the one that Niels Bohr, Heisenberg’s mentor and closest colleague, carried to Los Alamos in 1943. Bohr claimed that Heisenberg visited him in Copenhagen after Denmark had been occupied by the Nazis. Bohr said that Heisenberg had told him that he was working on the bomb for Hitler and considered that a good thing to do. Bohr never moderated or modified his statement.
   Most scientists at Los Alamos and elsewhere in the Western world accepted Bohr’s simple story without question. But I was deeply troubled by it…  I could not imagine that… why, when Heisenberg knew that he himself was under suspicion and that Bohr was in open opposition to the Nazis, did he go to confide in his old friend and mentor? [p232]
   Bohr’s influence in the postwar world did not stop with the damage to Heisenberg’s reputation. Bohr loved paradoxes… Before the end of the war, Bohr had succeeded in telling both Roosevelt and Churchill his ideas about the path the development of nuclear energy should take: ‘Nuclear energy has made war impossible. Work on nuclear energy must be conducted on an international basis and we should begin by sharing all of our knowledge with the Soviets.’ ” [p233]
A 1953 article in The New Yorker described Heisenberg as an “old friend” to Samuel Goudsmit. Linus Pauling was also a good friend, and all of these men were beneficiaries of Rockefeller funding. [see “Molecular Vision: Rockefeller Science” for more about Pauling and Caltech].
 Goudsmit’s turnabout regarding Heisenberg’s role in the German bomb race came after Heisenberg’s death. By that time, Goudsmit had attained the most prestigious positions that a physicist in the US could achieve: he was science chairman of the Brookhaven National Lab and editor-in-chief of the American Physical Society’s journal. The crux of Goudsmit’s revisions suggested that he harbored a personal resentment of Heisenberg for failing to “save” his parents from the Holocaust, but genealogical records indicate that his mother, at least, Marianne Gompers Goudsmit, died in 1939.
   Samuel Abraham Goudsmit received his doctorate in Holland at the University of Leiden in 1927 and within months took a professorship in the USA at the University of Michigan. According to one of his closest graduate students and colleagues, Robert F. Bacher, “Goudsmit had an extraordinary knowledge of what went on… he knew every physicist in the world… [P]eople who were there [at U Michigan] from 1927 to ’30 included Niels Bohr, Paul Ehrenfest, Enrico Fermi, Oppenheimer.. and many others.” Of these times in academe, Bacher said “everything was changing like mad in physics. In fact, physics in the United States, one could say, went from being sort of third [rate] through being second [rate] to being as good as anyplace over a period of about ten or fifteen years. By the mid-thirties, the physics in the United States was very good.”[oral history, page 10]
   Heisenberg “was a frequent visitor at the Ann Arbor, Michigan summer schools on theoretical physics. During the last of these [June-Aug, 1939] his colleagues in the United States [and Goudsmit in particular] attempted to convince Heisenberg to remain in the U.S. but he refused. Soon after Heisenberg returned to Germany, Hitler unleashed his forces into Poland, touching off World War II.”
The physicists who gathered in Michigan all seemed to know what was in the offing. A note about their last days together before the outbreak of war is included in the well-aired ‘debate’ between Jeremy Bernstein and Thomas Powers who have a standing argument about how much Heisenberg and his cohorts knew about atomic weaponry:
An amusing story related by Powers:
… In a letter written to me a few years back the Italian physicist Ugo Fano described a party at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, home of Samuel Goudsmit, scientific director of the Alsos mission, in late August 1939. There two Nobel Prize–winning physicists, Werner Heisenberg, soon to return to Germany, and Enrico Fermi, a refugee from Mussolini’s Italy, were both honored guests. “At that party,” Fano writes, “[Edoardo] Amaldi drew me aside to point out its humor: ‘See Fermi, see Heisenberg, sitting in that corner. Everyone in this room expects a big war and the two of them to lead fission work on opposite sides, but nobody says!'” (Letter of September 18, 1993) Within a month Heisenberg had in effect been drafted to do theoretical work on bomb physics and he soon wrote two papers which were the basis of further German research during the war.”
   Physicist Edoardo Amaldi, on Fermi’s Italian team until they split up in 1938, said “Goudsmit used to come to Rome almost every year. Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck were both great friends of Fermi”. .
   NYU physicist Benjamin Bederson wrote that “at some point during the war [Goudsmit] was placed in charge of the [M.I.T.] Radiation Laboratory document room; that turned into a very important assignment… The “RLE reports” became a primary source for the huge amount of technical information acquired during the war that proved invaluable to American physics..after the war. Towards the end of the war, his career took an unusual and dramatic turn when he was made scientific chief of Alsos… The Alsos mission was to learn of Nazi scientific accomplishments..and, most importantly, of the Nazi progress towards developing nuclear weapons.
   “In fact, Werner Heisenberg actually stayed in Goudsmit’s house on occasion and they had become good personal friends. Thus the choice of Sam for [the Alsos] assignment was a wise one, although he himself claimed not to know how or why he had been selected.”
Moe Berg and Alsos
   “By the fall of 1944..intelligence [was]..reasonably confident that Heisenberg was in Hechingen. On December 8, there was word from Bern that Heisenberg was going to give a lecture in Zurich, one in a series arranged by Paul Scherrer. As a result, Morris Berg arrived at the ETH lecture hall on December 18 carrying a gun. His assignment was to listen carefully to Heisenberg..and if he became convinced that the Germans were close to an atomic bomb, Berg was to shoot him while he was still in the auditorium. [p50]. The idea of depriving Heisenberg of his life or liberty was not new. In 1942 refugee scientists Hans Bethe and VictorWeisskopf had proposed kidnapping him, but [Leslie] Groves and [Robert] Furman did not [look] for the right man for the job until 1944… Bringing a gun into a lecture hall and shooting someone was considerably easier. And so, Berg sat..and listened as Heisenberg lectured on..S-matrix theory… Berg’s gun stayed in his pocket.Soon Berg had a second chance… But Hesienberg’s comments [at a dinner party] that the war was lost gave Berg..less of a motive to kill him, even if he had the means and a golden opportunity.” [p51, Spying on the Bomb, by Jeffrey T. Richelson]
polioforever>>> Richelson details the Alsos report from France, recieved a month prior, that Joliet-Curie told them the occupying German scientists who used his lab had no knowledge of making an atomic weapon.
   “Alsos had conclusive proof that the feared German program was actually, in Goudsmit’s words, ‘small-time stuff’. The program clearly had not moved beyond preliminary research, had not produced a chain eaction, and had not discovered an effective means of enriching uranium.” [p59]…[Ten] captured scientists were moved to an estate in the English countryside, Farm Hall, and…microphones would record the astonishment, even disbelief, of Heisenberg and others when they first learned in early August [1945] that the United States and Britain had succeeded[ing] an atomic bomb.”[p61, Spying on the Bomb]
“There is a little anecdote about Dr. Sam Goudsmit that I would like to tell. As the war was winding down in Europe, the scientists here decided that they would like to know what, if anything, was going on in Germany in th microwave area. They knew, if anything at all was going on, that Heisenberg would have to be involved. This mission, I believe, was under the aegis of the OSRD. They, plus the military, set out to find Heisenberg. They finally found him in a little laboratory tucked away somewhere out of the way. Dr. Goudsmit was to meet with him. Their friendship dated back to Sam’s early days in Germany. As Sam told the story, the military went in ahead of him. Sam thought the military was looking at him a little suspiciously, and he found out why when he got to Heisenberg. There on Heisenberg’s desk was a picture of Heisenberg and Sam with their arms linked.”
The pretentions of the scientists, however,  do not hide the activity of early preparations or camouflage the scope of their participation.  In the book “Spying On The Bomb”, author Jeffrey T. Richelson includes a footnote on page 34 taken from a memo concerning detection of the enemy’s atomic activity by monitoring industrial fluoride use. Met Lab physicist Philip Morrison wrote in his memo that “the fundamental special material in the whole process, besides the metal, is probably fluorine. Even metal production depends on fluorine at one step, and almost all separation methods known require the use of uranium hexafluoride”. Memo dated March 16, 1944.
   There is little print given to fluoride history prior to WWII. Even Christopher Bryson’s new classic on the subject,”The Fluoride Deception”, neglects the interwar years but fluorine chemistry registered national interest in the mid-1920s when fluoridation experiments began being widely carried out:
In 1895, Andrew W. Mellon founded ALCOA, and in 1913, created the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research at the University of Pittsburgh, to protect company interests from fluorine emission and other lawsuits. In 1921 he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury, with the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) under his control.”
[in 1902, the USPHS was created from the Marine Hospital Service]
…” Funded by Ethyl Corporation, General Electric and DuPont in 1930, the Kettering Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati was organized under the direction of Dr. Robert Kehoe. Kehoe’s laboratory was set up for contract research on chemical hazards in the fluoride industry and for protection against litigation and government restrictions.  …As medical director of the Ethyl Corporation, consultant to the Atomic Energy Commission and the Division of Occupational Medicine of the USPHS, Dr. Kehoe was committed to the suppression of industrial fluoride dangers. By 1931, most of Kettering Laboratory’s facilities were devoted to the study of fluorides.”
The U.S. Public Health Service, which operates only military hospitals, was greatly expanded in 1930 on a wave of new construction. Andrew Mellon fulfilled his oversight of the Treasury in 1932 (physics ‘miracle year’).  Much later, in the postwar , the Mellon-endowed University of Pittsburgh hosted another key operation in the atomic program– the production of Salk polio vaccine.
Nuel Pharr Davis (Lawrence and Oppenheimer) wrote in 1968, “By 1949 bomb development at Los Alamos had reached a stage that is still classified and perhaps in some aspects still truly secret.” The Russians tested their first nuke in August of ’49, something not predicted to happen for many years more. Davis, describing the Congressmen who received the details of the USSR’s bomb in secret meetings, added “the news if true confirmed what they had known all along: Security should have been given tighter control over scientists.” [p294]

July 20, 2010

The Big Spill

“BP, the oil company responsible for a broken deep water well that has been gushing oil unabated since April 22, has been dumping massive amounts of the [Corexit] chemical stock…[T]he U.S. [EPA] retracted its allowance and ordered BP to stop Sunday May 23. BP ignored the order.
   ..’Before May 26, BP used 25,689 gallons a day of the dispersant Corexit’ the network [CNN] reported on July 2. ‘Since then, CNN’s analysis shows, the daily average of dispersant use has dropped to 23,250 gallons a day..”
 By spraying poisonous oil dispersants, marine biologist Dr. Chris Pincetich says:
..”They’ve turned a two-dimensional problem of oil sitting on the surface to a three-dimensional problem of oil bound with COREXIT creating substances we know very little about..transforming in the environment through bacterial processes, creating other chemicals in the environment we know absolutely nothing about. It’s going to be impacting every marine organism including ourselves.
…the stuff is toxic…there are a lot of chemical effects that are not being measured by the EPA tests.
[Corexit] basically disrupts the natural ability of oil to bond with itself. Oil, bilipid layers next to each other, are the very basis of life. Each of us is made of cells –those cells are nothing more than an oil layer surrounding our DNA, surrounding our proteins..and all the other molecules ‘talking’ to each other.
You put in a chemical that..disrupts that biological are putting yourself at risk from umpteen effects…
 ..We are producing an experiment in the Gulf the likes of which no one has ever seen, and the top scientists admit that.”
Follow ongoing disaster news here:
Review the alternative web-based news summarizing the known events here:
The explosion of the Deepwater rig, property of Transocean, is noted as April 20, 2010
Dec.15, 2010 — The U.S. Government files suit: “WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Wednesday sued BP Exploration and Production Inc. and eight other companies in the Gulf oil spill disaster in an effort to recover billions of dollars from the largest offshore spill in U.S. history… The department filed the suit in federal court in New Orleans.”
“In addition to London-based , the owner of the well, defendants in the lawsuit include units of Vernier, Switzerland-based Transocean Ltd., which owned the rig, Anadarko PetroleumCorp. and MOEX Offshore 2007 LLC, part owners of the well.Anadarko is based in The Woodlands, Texas. Mitsui & co. owns 70 percent of Mitsui Oil Exploration co., which holds 10 percent of the field where the Macondo well is located through its U.S.subsidiary MOEX Offshore, according to the Mitsui Oil website.”
BP, 65% owner of the Macondo Project
Anadarko Petroleum Corp, 25% owner:
CEO –  James T. Hackett, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, director of Halliburton
Chairman Emeritus – Robert J. Allison Jr., director of Freeport-McMoRan
Luke R. Corbett – former Chair/CEO of Kerr-McGee
Feb.20, 2011 – “Scientist finds Gulf bottom still oily, dead”…”oil isn’t degrading as hoped and has decimated life on parts of the sea floor”
Oil and Katrina – “We [Louisiana] have got 4,000 rigs in the Gulf–compared to 100 rigs in the rest of the Gulf. There are 4,100 rigs approximately in the entire Gulf of Mexico; Louisiana has 4,000. We’re not getting the money from the off shore drilling…. I get very aggravated with people thinking that FEMA messed up [after Katrina]. Or that it was a mistake. It was no mistake. This was a plan, they followed it to perfection..”
Nalco, the National Aluminate Company, is the maker of the Corexit dispersants.
“Nalco Holding Company is the world leader in water treatment chemicals and services…The merger that formed National Aluminate Corporation (as Nalco was first known) came as the result of a natural synergy between Chicago Chemical Company and Aluminum Sales Corporation….By 1929 National Aluminate Corporation had founded Visco Products Company to manufacture chemicals used in drilling oil wells. This company established National Aluminate within the oil industry. National Aluminate’s sales for the year 1929 totaled more than $1 million. The following year National Aluminate acquired New York-based Paige-Jones Chemical Company, thereby gaining equipment and rights for the supply of water-treatment chemicals in a convenient-to-use ball-briquette form. In 1933 Emmett J. Culligan, then a chemist at National Aluminate, persuaded Herbert Kern to allow the company to produce a water softening, gel-type chemical zeolite….
…. in December 1999 Nalco was acquired by the French utility company Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux for $4.1 billion in cash plus the assumption of about $400 million in debt. Suez Lyonnaise had its own water-treatment unit called Aquazur and had earlier in 1999 acquired the Pittsburgh-based water-treatment company Calgon Corporation for $425 million   ….Under the Suez Lyonnaise umbrella in 2000, Nalco, Aquazur, and Calgon were integrated under the Nalco Chemical Company name. The firm remained headquartered in Naperville, Illinois….   In 2001 Suez created a global brand for all of its water-related companies, Ondeo, leading to a name change for Nalco to Ondeo Nalco. That same year, Ondeo Nalco bought out its partner in the Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals venture, which had grown into a $500-million-a-year business. This company thus became a wholly owned subsidiary of Ondeo Nalco, operating under a new name, Ondeo Nalco Energy Services, L.P. Revenues at Ondeo Nalco grew to $2.7 billion by 2002…. Suez Lyonnaise, in the meantime, had become saddled with a debilitating debt load and began shedding assets. A key component of Suez’s debt-reduction drive was the November 2003 sale of Ondeo Nalco to a consortium of three U.S. private-equity firms, Apollo Management, the Blackstone Group, and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, for $4.35 billion. Upon completion of this leveraged buyout, the company dropped “Ondeo” from its name and became simply Nalco Company. Nalco’s new owners hired William H. Joyce as the new chairman and CEO. Joyce was spirited away from Hercules, where he had served as chairman and CEO since 2001. He had previously spent more than 40 years at Union Carbide, rising ultimately to chairman and CEO.

…. in November 2004, the investor group took the company public as Nalco Holding Company… Nalco stock thus returned to trading on the New York Stock Exchange.. and thereby had recovered the original cash they had invested while still holding a 64 percent stake in Nalco….Through a series of secondary offerings culminating in February 2007, Apollo, Blackstone, and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners sold off their remaining shares in Nalco Holding. Analysts estimated that the private equity firms garnered a tidy profit of $1.68 billion on their original $992 million investment. Nalco, meantime, continued to focus on organic growth and was particularly targeting such emerging markets as Russia, China, and India…”

Nalco directors, accountability

(Nalco) – Freeport, Texas is represented in Congress by Ron Paul,_Texas The town was founded by the Freeport Sulphur Company, today’s FreeportMcMoRan Company co-founder and Chairman, James R. (Jim Bob) Moffett has been called one of “the worst environmental desperadoes of modern times” (by the Austin Chronicle) Moffett made his fortune wildcatting Gulf of Mexico oil, assuming the half-drilled abandoned wells of the industry giants. Freeport is the world’s largest producer of gold and Henry Kissinger has sat on the Board. “As of mid-2008, McMoRan Exploration’s Blackbeard well is below 32,550 feet (9,920 m), the deepest oil exploration well ever recorded.” Moffett moved Freeport’s headquarters from his native New Orleans to Phoenix Arizona.

>>incidental to this blog, Moffett was a New Orleans Publc Library Commissioner at the time some highly questionable ‘evidence’ showed up in the NOPL concerning the death of Dr. Mary Sherman, a plotter in the JFK assassination. Information regarding the book ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’ and its author Ed Haslam is at


Disraeli took a loan from Lord Rothschild to buy 44% of the Suez Company

GDF Suez Energy International: “The Belgium-based unit has operations in 100 countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America…. Suez was (and remains, through GDF Suez) one of the oldest continuously existing multinational corporations in the world”

Suez Lyonnaise: “Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux has transformed itself into one of the world’s leading multi-utility powerhouses, offering private water, gas, electricity and waste-management services in more than 120 countries….Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez renamed itself Compagnie Financière de Suez in 1958 and began a new life as one of France’s major financial powers”

The Water Barons:

“Suez Lyonnaise Chairman Gerard Mestrallet said Monday that the company is keenly eyeing other opportunities in the rapidly changing U.S. water sector. The French company also holds a 28 percent stake in United Water Resources of Harrington Park, the former Hackensack Water Co., and has joined with United Water to operate several major municipal water systems around the country. “We want to develop our presence in the United States with local partners and teams,” Mestrallet said….Even after the U.S. purchases, energy remains Suez Lyonnaise’s core business, with water second and waste services third…[As] a world leader in private infrastructure services and Nalco Chemical Company (NYSE: NLC), the world’s largest provider of water treatment services and products, announced a definitive agreement for Nalco to be acquired by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in an all-cash transaction of approximately $4.1 billion, or $53 per share.”


Apollo Management: founded 1990 by Leon Black, son of United Fruit’s largest shareholder, Eli Black (rabbi Black suicided in Feb.1975 off the PanAm building   “Apollo Management controls more than 90% of Hexion.”    “In 2004, KKR sold Borden Chemical to Apollo Management” Apollo is in the global Education industry: “The largest private university in the US, the University of Phoenix accounts for some 95% of Apollo’s sales.” Together with the Carlyle Group, Apollo Global is advancing “tactical investments” in education

Leon Black is a close friend and associate of Michael Milken, the ‘junk bond king’ of the 1980s who went to jail in 1990  Milken “emerged from prison as a legitimate entrepreneur… He co-founded a company called Education Entertainment Network, that produces business videos and CD/ROMs. In 1996, he and Larry Ellison [of Oracle] founded Knowledge Universe, a company dealing in a diverse variety of goods and services, including day care, executive education, corporate training, and toys.” Inadmissable ‘hearsay’ evidence from a 1985 trial suggests Milken conspired with KKR’s Ted Ammon –Ammon was murdered on October 20, 2001. Ted Ammon’s murder is suspiciously linked to the 2001 anthrax attack, by timing and business associations. Ammon could have been called the ‘junk mail king’. In Milken’s 1990 trial, Ammon testified against him.

Larry Ellison, Oracle founder and business partner of Apollo’s Leon Black, is interested in something called “drug personalization”. He says “If we know your DNA signature, we’ll be able to warn you in advance not to take this [or that] drug…It’s basically splicing—adding a gene. Let’s say you’re diabetic and we want to fix the diabetes. We’ll have to go in and change your genetics.” Ellison wants a ‘real ID’ in everyone’s pocket, proposed after September 11.  Oracle was built as a database for the CIA… “In order to settle an insider trading lawsuit arising from Ellison’s selling nearly $1 billion of Oracle stock, he was allowed to donate $100 million to his own charitable foundation without admitting wrongdoing.”   — Ellison’s anti-aging foundation


Goldman Sachs, of course, parses its executives out to chair the international NGO environmental organizations. Read The Debt-for-Nature Scheme.

Peter D. Sutherland, former non-executive Chairman of (UK subsidiary) Goldman Sachs Int’l ” in early 2010 finished a 13-year stint as chairman of BP, Europe’s largest oil company. At one point during his tenure, the company was valued on the stock market at £236 billion”   “What do British Petroleum, Goldman Sachs, and the Inter-Alpha Group of Banks have in common? For one thing, they are tools of the British Empire, dedicated to destroying the United States and all vestiges of national sovereignty on the planet. For another, they are all criminal enterprises, which corrupt everything they touch. And third, they are all polluters on a massive scale: BP does it with oil, while Goldman Sachs and the Inter-Alpha Group do it with derivatives and other forms of casino finance. In that regard, we repeat something that we have reported before: they all come together in the form of Sir Peter Sutherland..”  British Petroleum – Amoco – ARCO


Blackstone personnel were intimate stakeholders in the 2001 Anthrax Attack. More news about following-the-money is coming up….



Statements from the conservationists:

World Wildlife Fund’s president of policy, William M. Eichbaum [April 29, 2010] ” ‘As terrible as this situation is, the impacts would be far worse should this spill have taken place in the harsh and remote environment of the Arctic… We cannot take a similar risk with the Arctic.’ ”

Peter Seligmann of Conservation International [June 14, 2010] “The Gulf oil spill is a tragedy. It is a stark reminder that our planet’s ocean and shorelines are extremely vulnerable…Our love affair with cars and cheap gas is responsible… Our government allowed exploration at depths that were too deep, where we did not have the technical and engineering capacity to stop blow outs…  While Conservation international (CI) does not work directly in the Gulf region, we are monitoring the situation constantly and providing input and guidance..”
Mark Tercek of The Nature Conservancy [June 15, 2010] “”The U.S. must seize this moment to enact solutions that can protect the Gulf of Mexico, its communities and its natural resources – and put the U.S. on a sustainable course to a clean energy future including limits on carbon emissions. The time to act is now.”

“The International Union for Conservation of Nature — the world’s largest environmental network — has called for a global moratorium on oil and gas drilling in environmentally sensitive deepwater and polar areas.’ The technology to minimize the risks and impacts of catastrophes such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is obviously lacking at present,’ said IUCN Director General Julia MartonLefevre.” [see youtube]



Radioactive Oil, Tar and Gas

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)

Tar samples and a geiger counter (no audio)

“Thomas Gold..was a brilliant professor of astronomy at Cornell University. ..His most controversial idea was among his last, and geologists and petroleum experts around the world still rage against Gold for suggesting they were dead wrong in their understanding of how oil and gas are formed in the Earth’s crust….there is increasing evidence [in 2005] that he may have been on to something…
   Gold argued that all hydrocarbons are formed in the intense pressure and high heat near the Earth’s mantle, around 100 miles under the ground…
   Oil and gas fields are continually replenished by hydrocarbons manufactured far below the Earth, he argued. So there is no fuel crisis. As long as the Earth grinds along on its orbit around the sun, hydrocarbons will continue to be produced and we can all roll along with no fear of running out of gas.
…And the evidence so far suggests that methane, at least, can be produced independent of biological materials..thanks to a magnificent machine. A diamond anvil..[that] was used to simulate the pressures found deep within the Earth.”
For more on the abiotic nature of petroleum read
The Nuclear Renaissance : creating Demand
Next-gen reactors:
The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor
Radioresistent Biology: Transhumans and synthetic organisms

Dead Zone or Zone Shift?

Synthetic Biology (creating more demand?):  “Prof. [Ananda M.] Chakrabarty genetically engineereda new species of Pseudomonas bacteria  (“the oil-eating bacteria”) in 1971 while working for the Research & Development Center at General Electric Company in Schenectedy, New York.  At the time, four known species of oil-metabolizing bacteria were known to exist, but when introduced into an oil spill, competed with each other, limiting the amount of crude oil  that they degraded. The genes necessary to degrade oil were carried on plasmids, which could be transferred among species. By irradiating the transformed organism with UV light after plasmid transfer, Prof. Chakrabarty discovered a method for genetic cross-linking that fixed all four plasmid genes in place and produced a new, stable, bacteria species (now called pseudomonas putida) capable of consuming oil one or two orders of magnitude faster than the previous four strains of oil-eating microbes. The new microbe, which Chakrabarty called “multi-plasmid hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas,” could digest about two-thirds of the hydrocarbons that would be found in a typical oil spill….The “oil-eating bacteria” has been used to clean up many toxic oil spills, including the one caused by the Exxon Valdez disaster.”

Bioremediation  in China

Synthetic Genes Are Crossing Species Barrier :  ” We have a catastrophic biological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. This is because the cells of all species, including those of mankind, can and do adopt foreign genetic material from both dead and live cells…”

BP invested in synthetic “enhanced” oil-inhabiting  microbes designed to improve the underground flow of gas and oil


Aerosol Crimes ; aerial spraying (to be posted)

Evergreen Air, Inc.

Evergreen Oil, Inc.

Evergreen Pacific Partners Evergreen Pacific Partners is the largest shareholder of NupreconCST, billed as the second-largest demolitions company in the U.S.; in 2009 Nuprecon acquired MARCOR remediation, contractor for WTC and anthrax clean-up.


Radiation and Chemically Induced Diseases : Low-level radiation doubles the effect of nitric oxide [nitrates, such as food additives] inducing ‘nitrogen catabolism’, a  cause of AIDS. Read AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire by Dr. Nancy T. Banks. See the brief review on the blog:

______________________________  (webpage below)

Corexit 9527A and Corexit 9500
“Two dispersants have been used on the Gulf spill according to the federal spill website at  They are discussed below, with a focus on the specific chemical ingredients known to date. These products share most ingredients in common. Unfortunately, information on the breakdown and interaction byproducts of these chemicals in water and crude oil have not been disclosed.
These additional chemicals may have similar toxic properties, or may vary from the original chemicals that were applied to crude oil…[I]t is not possible to determine the degree to which it captures the range of toxic effects that may occur.
According to these sources, the Corexit 9527A ingredients are:
propylene glycol
organic sulfonic acid salts
Propylene glycol is in the general family of glycol ethers and is used…as a solvent, lubricant, veterinary medicine, antimicrobial, preservative, stabilizer, and as an emollient…
It is an alternative to ethylene glycol in some applications, including anti-freeze.
…It has been licensed for use as a pesticide. It is produced by Dow, Huntsman International, Arch Chemicals, and Lyondell Chemical in the United States and sold in multiple grades, with the largest reported use being for polyester resins…  The 8 hour..average workplace exposure limit is 50 ppm.
[toxic effects observed by study are detailed on the webpage]
Propylene glycol does not have a high apparent acute toxicity for everyone, but some people are very sensitive to it. The multiple systems where damage or disruption has been reported in animal studies and in high exposure incidents in people suggest that care must be taken with this chemical. CDC’s ‘minimal risk level’ is 9 parts per billion in air for moderate term exposures (15-364 days). This low MRL suggests that precautions against exposure are appropriate.
Systems most affected include the blood forming, reproductive, central nervous system, nd skin (in some people). A recent study showing maternal exposure caused delayed puberty and abnormal liver and thymus cells in offspring…Additional research should rapidly explore this issue.
Dispersants issue An important characteristic of propylene glycol is its ability to increase penetration of some chemicals through the skin…increas[ing] the dose of those chemicals inside the body, thereby increasing their toxic effects..
Based on scientific information available primarily from animal studies designed to predict human health effects, 2-BE may cause respiratory, blood cell, reproductive, and developmental damage. There is strong evidence that 2-BE can damge the respiratory system, including causing asthma attacks and increasing the symptoms and severity of many other respiratory diseases. Red blood cells are also a target of 2-BE’s toxic effects...
Corexit 9500 ingredients also contain unknown quantities of arsenic and chromium (unspecified) in combination with synergistic bases, equivalent to pesticides
                                                     View Image
Mosquitoborne Dengue Fever, first confirmed in Florida in September 2009, now reaching Miami “The good news is the dengue fever is virtually never fatal. But dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) caused by the same mosquito can be… According to the CDC, the mosquito that spreads dengue fever is now found throughout the central and southern US, although most cases are probably imported from outside the US.”

July 10, 2010

Why Were Monkey Viruses in Polio Vaccines?

                                                  Why were monkey viruses in polio vaccines?
The answer to that question usually comes back: because monkey kidneys were used for growing the vaccine cultures. But we should consider that the monkey viruses were more “insult” than “injury”. By 1951, the military medical researchers had fast-acting, aggressive cancer cells from a cervical tumor produced by a tobacco worker, Henrietta Lacks. It’s not insignificant that Ms. Lacks handled tobacco –a known source of ‘added’ polonium, one of the first isolated ‘daughter’ isotopes of radium, and considered deadlier than plutonium. Her cells were named for her, “HeLa”, and disitributed to priority laboratories where cultivation techniques were rapidly undertaken. Leo Szilard, Einstein’s close associate and a “Father of the Bomb”, personally assisted in devising irradiation methods for growing HeLa cells on which to grow polioviruses!
 The polio vaccines were supposed by the US government to prevent neurological radiation illness. They would have needed to also prevent cancer. Was the polio vaccine secretly ‘double-billed’ as an anti-radiation drug to combat both polio and cancer? It was designed, however, to do neither. Vaccination for the purpose of provoking “active immunity” installs the disease it purports to prevent, bypassing and subverting the regulation of the brain. The monkey viruses are a devilish “tag”, allowing subsequent researchers to follow the course of cancer and disease initiated during the era of nuclear Fallout. A ‘new normal’ on the disease Front was taking place and a population tracking method in the form of identifiable DNA would help define a statistical baseline for the new era of chronic disease. To be certain, General Stanhope Bayne-Jones of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board announced to the New York hospital association in 1949 that chronic disease was our future.
 Any foreign DNA incorporated into the human genome presents a risk for excess cancer, inducing a genetic destabilization, and radiation all by itself  “reassorts” genes and raises the risk. If we were truly healthy and not subjected to a century of disinformation about biology and nutrition, our bodies would be adapting and eliminating aberrant cells. But our poor exhausted immune systems face only the increasing onslaught of destabilizing chemicals and radiation. These are the real causes of modern diseases.
Injectible vaccines are going the way of the dinosaur. Public opinion has rallied against them. Fake pandemics are becoming exposed.
…and ‘they’ are ready for this shift. Biophysical engineering of food and commodities now deliver not only the vaccines of the future, but have us swallowing the ingredients of nano-microprocessors. The age of the soft machines is here.
“Immortal” HeLa cells
Growing HeLa at UMinnesota
…” If you could pile all HeLa cells ever grown onto a scale, they’d weigh more than 50 million metric tons—as much as a hundred Empire State Buildings. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the effects of the atom bomb; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions.”
Disturbing statements made by Judyth Vary Baker, who worked on the secret ‘cancer-weapon’ under Alton Ochsner and Mary Sherman, suggests that SV40 was intentionally recombined with human (HeLa cell?) DNA to make it lethal. Was this “hybrid” SV40 in polio vaccines? In a reversal of the proposition put forward by Ed Haslam in “Dr. Mary’s Monkey”, was monkey tissue chosen initially because it was more compatible with humans and therefore deemed noncancerous to humans?
Stanhope Bayne-Jones was a New Orleans native who began his educational career path at Tulane.
Along with J. Steven Simmons and Francis Blake, Bayne-Jones hand selected the medical scientists who created the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. Yale alum, Dr. Thomas Francis, mentor to Jonas Salk, was the committee’s first choice. Francis and Salk maintained a working partnership to produce influenza and polio vaccines, both ‘master’ diseases caused by radiation and chemicals.
   According to the biography snip in the link above, in 1964 Bayne-Jones “was chosen as one of the ten members of the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health, which issued the famous Surgeon General’s Report in 1964 that linked smoking to cancer.”   Successful negative advertising has pushed the public away from inquiring about the manipulation of tobacco, however, the issue of polonium and the specific case of Henrietta Lacks points to earlier experimentation in the “health physics” model of creating a surreptitious sub-population of human guinea pigs.
…for now, that’s another story for another day.
Related: Stanhope Bayne-Jones, who became the Dean of Yale Medical School in 1935, virtually shut-out  ‘alternative’ anti-infective bacteriophage research in the United States, explaining why bacteriophage pioneer Felix d’Herelle took his final leave of the US from a position at Yale.

July 7, 2010

‘Dr. Mary’s’ Flunky

flunky – n [of unknown origin] 1a: a liveried servant, b: one performing menial duties
2: Yes-Man
For the third time, since writing “Assassination By Cancer”, the theme of the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Ed Haslam is bubbling on my front burner, except this time I’ve progressed through the analysis stage and even had an encounter with Ed!
The subject seems to be more of a Third Rail than I could have initially thought or guessed.  A recent and very disingenousness experience with Ed and other posters at the forum, is a personally convincing argument that the same historic elements that plotted against JFK are still at it, controlling the story.
Someone, of some forum-associated agency, held this blog hostage while I engaged in a thread called “Is Ed Haslam Disinfo?”. When the thread was closed and locked-out, I finally got a password from WordPress after two days of hold-up. Now, who could do that?
…but it was not the end, of course. Behind the scenes “dire” consequences were threatened.
You’d probably never suspect it from the mild-looking discussion here:
The thread title was changed to “Ed Haslam Discussion” and reopened after I was no longer able to post (by my request, to prevent imposter posting in my name given that my assigned forum password was my name!)
So how important a story is Dr. Mary’s Monkey? It’s value to me lies in what is NOT said, and what IS said appears to be the value of lies.
Could the real story here be the Binding Tie that illuminates the money trail and significant persons of Israel’s secret nuclear and biological weapons? Will an investigation of Ed Haslam and his book BOTH turn up the key ingredients to Shadow Government operations that link POLIO vaccines, nuclear weapons, JFK’s death, DARPA-NASA technology, cancer, AIDS, September 11, Anthrax Attack, H1N1, economic meltdown, “loose nukes” and Gulf oil disasters?
Many of those answers may already be here on the blog and in the “dedicated research” websites that take up some of these points in depth.
Like a weaver with new color yarns, I’ll be laying more of these threads into the existing patterns found at
and (anthrax attack)
It was forecast for Americans almost 100 years ago, that we would be biologically owned down to our cells.  The American Century symbollically closed with September 11. Are they owning us yet, or keeping us busy til they get the job done?
Perhaps 9-11 was also the closing of the Millenium of Peace –not the ‘peace’ of lack-of-conflict, but the peace of “shalom”, in its fullest meaning of ‘restitution’: the paying back, the settling of scores.
–more on this idea is in the archives article, “The Worshipful Apothecaries”.
The Trouble With Ed
It’s either very unfortunate or cultishly cunning to ‘star’ in a book about historical and scientific research, because Ed Haslam has written himself in as the main character of Dr. Mary’s Monkey, thus ensuring his guardianship of a story that runs afoul of facts, logic, and emotional sense. But in spite of this, and because it is ultimately NOT personal, I have to thank Ed Haslam for doing his job.
As he suspected, few people (as yet) would ever bother to analyze him, let alone attempt to challenge him on his home turf. The real service of Ed’s book is learned by embracing the contrived “fusion” of a secret nuclear facility, a false vaccine Project, the contaminated polio vaccines, the “Jewish backers”, and the assassination plot of JFK and to reframe the story in its greater context to uncover the “deep vein of power in this country” (Ed’s words).
Polio, the disease ‘complex’ and the vaccine that went ’round the world, was the product of Organized Medical Crime which has begged its place in the Global Syndicate of racist Israeli domination. In our times, it wears the face of the SALK Institute for Biological Research, those “metabiologists” who wrought world-changing mutations on planetary lifeforms (us!). For the committed eugenicists applied to the division and dehabilitation of the general public, chemicals and radiation have aways been the choice weapons of mass destruction. If you didn’t know it before, learn it now and step out of the toxic pressure that is mutating your genes. The frontiers of real natural ‘science’ are unfolding truths that are written on the hearts of all God’s children…and it will not be stopped.
As you can see, the blog is up and running…my associates are taking care of business…and this ballgame is over for now… so call the boys home, Ed. You can only be the Monkey’s Pa for so long, and it will sink or swim on its own integrity.
                                                               Recommended Reading
FINAL JUDGEMENT, by Michael Collins Piper
(sorry, no reliable link to Final Judgement)
AIDS, OPIUM, DIAMONDS and EMPIRE, by Nancy Turner Banks, MD
distributed by Barnes and Noble booksellers
Dr. Mary’s Monkey analysis, to be posted at
The Trouble With The Particle Accelerator
As a distinctive type used in the making of  industrial “metamaterials” (see the photo link in  ‘Particle Accelerator 101′, June), and according to the known association of the Sterns (WDSU radio and tv) as central JFK  assassination plotters, the New Orleans facility should be regarded in a similar light to the Sterns’ investment in NUMEC, the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation in Apollo, Pennsylvania.
   Mike Piper tells us that Edith Stern was one of Clay Shaw’s closest friends.
Edith Goodkind Rosenwald (Mrs. Sulzberger, Mrs. Stern) was the daughter of Sears, Roebuck & Co. magnate, Julius Rosenwald. Julius’s best friends from his ‘apprentice’ days in New York were Henry Morganthau and Henry Goldman.
Henry Goldman personally and privately supported physicists Max Born and Albert Einstein in Germany. With his close associate, Abraham Flexner  and his brothers Simon and Bernard, Rosenwald applied his fortune to hand-selecting “displaced scholars” for presigious academic appointments in the U.S. His son, Lessing, filled his father’s shoes and maintained the close relationships with the Flexners –Simon Flexner was the chief of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and Bernard Flexner was a founding CFR member, signer of Paris Peace for the Zionist Organization of America, President of the Palestine Economic Development Corp (1922), and incorporating officer of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Jewish Scholars (1933). Abraham Flexner founded Princeton’s Institute of Advanced Study in 1930, where Einstein and other select elite scientists were given an institutional home from where they performed the avant-garde services of cutting edge weapons technology.
    Edith’s brother Lessing J. Rosenwald, was chief of the Office of Production Management for WWII. Among his accomplishments in wartime, was having building codes significantly relaxed to allow valuable materials to be conserved (and cheap ones placed in their stead!) Lessing founded the America First Committee (for US neutrality) and the American Council for Judaism  (anti-Zionist coalition) which put him in charge of his opposition!
NUMEC was founded was Zalman Shapiro in 1957 to produce commercial nuclear reactor fuel. A commited and longstanding Zionist with high-level Israeli connections, Shapiro also held a patent to purify diamonds with particle accelerators!

Aug.2002  “NUMEC used Apollo, Parks as guinea pigs” – “If you lived near the former NUMEC nuclear fuel plants in Apollo and Parks in the 1960s, you were part of studies to determine how much nuclear fallout was safe for humans. You just didn’t know it. And neither may have the workers inside the plants, who were studied to see just how much radiation the human body could absorb…But what were the results of the tests? Few seem to know…The extent of the studies will most likely stay unknown. ‘Private contractor sites like NUMEC fell off the map’ [Dan] Guttman said…results of the ongoing study [worker lifetime study] are not available.” [Guttman chaired the Pres. Committee on Human Radiation Experiments]More information about  Dr. Mary’s Monkey-related history will be added to the polioforever analysis.

The Library Evidence
 The murder mystery of Dr. Mary Sherman, which was published, says Haslam, to be the “case for an investigation” at the heart of Dr. Mary’s Monkey, is based on New Orleans Public Library documents that were turned into the library system after nearly 30 years of cover-up. These scurrilous papers are the ‘proof’ that Mary died, not in March of 1967 as was believed, but in July of 1964. At least, that’s what the providers of the documents would like us to believe.
So who was in control of the New Orleans Public Library?
In the time period that the Sherman autopsy report showed up for public perusal, one of the illustrious N.O. Library Commissioners was James R. Moffett, owner and oil wildcatter of the Freeport-McMoRan Corp. From 1988 to 1995, Henry Kissinger was on Moffett’s Board of directors.
The question of which year Dr. Sherman died may even be a false choice. Her role in the JFK assassination and the “galloping cancer” bioweapon which she supervised may have endeared her enough to her patrons to arrange a staged disappearance, perhaps to Latin or South America where her fluency in Spanish and the connections made while traveling with Dr. Alton Ochsner gave her a shoe-in. Maybe she stuck around a while and had more to do with David Ferrie’s death than is supposed.
    Readers are reminded on p.233, “Remember that Dr. Talley identified the victim by body shape and hair color”. On page p.235, the referenced autopsy report describes “burns over the entire face producing marked shrinkage of the skin, with deformity of the facial features and drying and shrinkage of the eyeballs”.  Ed Haslam goes on to ask “Is it any wonder that the first two people who tried could not identify her?”. Haslam, in facts, paints the picture of the circumstances of Mary Sherman’s death as a dual mystery, one of which he sets up, and one of which he illustrates with a theory . But really, why should we care?  Interest in Haslam’s versions of this human story appear to be trails of breadcrumbs that lead anywhere but home. Mary Sherman is not important, but the smoke-and-mirrors of the story is intriguing for its look of “content control” and opinion shaping.
The Witness: Judyth
On page 243, Ed Haslam writes, “By the summer of 1995, I had spent three years investigating the death of Mary Sherman, the history of monkey virus research, and the uncharted epidemic of soft tissue cancers. I was exhausted…Much had been done, yet much was undone. I had to make a decision about publishing….Should I publish?…Or should I continue researching..? On the one hand, one of my major goals had been accomplished. Much of the nonsense surrounding Mary Sherman’s death had been exposed. On the other, my list of unanswered questions stretched to the horizon. It was as if all my years of work were little more than clearing the brush before the real work could begin [emphasis added]. The ultimate problem was that I had no way of knowing if additional effort would produce additional answers. Or whether a major discovery lay just around the corner. For better or worse, I decided to publish, just to get the story out….Perhaps someone would come forward with more information.”
Someone did.
Judyth Vary Baker was perhaps the only living person to make a “coherent explanation” in the overall pattern that Ed was seeking. In 2000, a CBS ’60 Minutes’ contact “brought her” to Ed. Professing reluctance for Judyth’s witness, nonetheless, Ed Haslam moved (? or was already there) near Judyth’s home town of Bradenton, Florida. Sometime, in this period, Ed Haslam even “ran into Mohammed Atta at the Venice airport”! Whaddya know!?
Judyth Baker is important.
And it stands as a major curiosity to consider that Haslam’s original publication of “Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus”, under a pseudonym, circulated like a baited hook. Judyth lives outside the US now, in “exile”, and if we believe her communication on the forum (titled “Judyth’s Last Message”), she vows to never, never again post messages to public websites. That message itself, was posted by proxy.
Maybe now, the real work is done.
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